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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. There is really no effective way to hide source code. Disabling right click is a very old method of an attempt to hide source code or protect images and alot of people now know to get around that these days. On apple computers this is completely useless because they have no right click button.
  2. Well I don't base my opinion of a site based on pagerank as pagerank can be manipulated. If anything I go by what other people say about sites It's a nightmare to find a host through a search engine like google because the results you get are usually manipulated.
  3. I also say smartFTP, it's free (for personal use) and it's way better than all the other alternatives out there including the paid ones, in my opinion. That program should have all the features you will probably need for whatever you want to do and more.
  4. If you are planning to purchase paintshop pro, throw in a little more for photoshop. I got photoshop under a student discount and it was well worth the price. Paintshop pro isn't bad either, but I think that photoshop is easier to use and is more powerful. If you aren't looking to spend any money at all then gimp is the way to go.
  5. I don't think that going to space before we run out of fossil fuels will be much of an issue as there will probably be other chemicals we can use to burn or find methods to create fossil fuels. I think that going back to space will be a great move in terms of science. It would be awesome if sometime in a centry from now people would be given the option to live on the moon.
  6. Well here are some of my tips: drive for a few minutes before you take the exam, make sure you are checking the mirror every once in a while and make it somewhat obvious so that they know you are checking them and don't panic if you do something wrong, you are allowed a few minor mistakes but when you panic it is easier to make more mistakes.
  7. I think that trillian is a great piece of software. Although I rather have the official client software individually becaues trillian doesn't have all the features that I want to use. The only significant use I can see for trillian is to save memory, but alot of people have way more memory on their computers than they need.
  8. Yes, ATI is slow at getting their products out to the public but I like their products better than nvidia which is why I stay with them.
  9. I think that as a device the PSP is better than the DS because it can do alot more and has better specs. I'm a nintendo fan however I think the second screen is kinda redundant, not one of their better ideas. In terms of games I would say the DS is better, I like the games that are released for nintendo systems over sony.
  10. I'm guessing this will be the foundation of our books, paper, computer monitors and televisions in the future. There are so many possibilities for this product and I'm quite suprised at how cheap this is.
  11. My TV has HDTV and it is just amazing how crisp and fresh the images are. It the next best thing to actually being there. It's just amazing how much detail there is and alot of the time it looks real enough to touch. Unfortunately alot of channels on the television don't take advantage of HDTV.
  12. The name of the car is kinda misleading, when I first read the title I thought it would be a car only requires air as a fuel source I then find out it requires electricity to run which doesn't make it very impressive as we already have cars that run off of electricity. I'm guessing this car would be quite loud seeing how it uses a high pressure compression device. Also this wouldn't be the cleanest car because it can also burn fossil fuels so saying that it is the worlds cleanest car is misleading too.
  13. Yikes, maybe if we're lucky they will have created a vacine or treatment for this flu before it becomes a global pandemic. What is it with all the bad news these days? It seems as if the world is on a streak of bad luck.
  14. The domains that you listed are only two letters long which could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to purchase and the domains extensions that you listed would be very difficult to register if you are able to do so at all. If you are planning to offer hosting it isn't a very good idea to use a free host to do it, instead you should purchase a dedicated server or a reseller hosting plan from a hosting company.
  15. You still wouldn't be allowed to do that because you do not have the rights to redistribue the music. At just $1 a song that you can purchase from itunes or a similar music store just buy the music instead of illegally downloading it, doing so could save you alot of trouble in the future.
  16. I remember my teacher giving my class that question in elementary (I think it was grade 3) and told us to use tables and some of the class was able to get it correct. It's a very easy question if you use a table properly, in elementary I had to do alot of guess work to answer that question but now I can do it without guessing if I think it through first, although I still need to write stuff down. I don't think just getting the answer is impressive, it would be impressive if someone could answer this problem in their head alone.
  17. Yea, if you have dreamweaver don't bother with microsoft frontpage. It writes the code really messy. I have dreamweaver and in my opinion it was worth every penny. It may take a while to learn to use that program but be patient with yourself.
  18. I've been on habbo a few time and it's not bad as a chat system to meet new people but in terms of a game it's quite expensive to purchase credits and then spend it on virutual funiture.
  19. I think the video ipod is pretty neat because you will be able to watch music videos on it that can be purchased from the new itunes store.
  20. When you are in cPanel you can find all the scripts in fantastico. The link is under the preinstalled scripts category. Fantastico contains many scripts and lets you install them onto your website alot easier than if you were to do it yourself. All you have to do is fill out the requested information and click a button. As for the server languages supported and the version, it is displayed in the cPanel main page on the left labeled general server information.
  21. People should learn to tell when an email is fake or not. Thousands if not millions of these phising mails are sent each day that take advantage of people who can't tell.
  22. I used tot be a winzip user but as I found myself encoutering more and more .rar files I decided to swich to winrar which i find does the job just as well. Also, it unarchives more file types.
  23. It appears as if newpapers are becomming a thing of the past and is slowly being replaced by the new forms of media like the ones you had listed however I think that newpapers will be around for alot longer. There is really no replacement for the morning paper, it's a great way to start they day and keep up to date.
  24. I already registered for it but for some reason it didn't work. It was just showing blanks when I added some feeds. But once this is completed I think I will find this very useful because instead of checking multiple sites which I visit every day I can save myself a few minutes by just logging into google and seeing what is new. I hope they finish it soon. It's great what google comes up with.
  25. Actually, gmail gives more than 2GB now and I wouldn't say that gmail is a "secret" because it is well heard of now and has a huge amount of users. Also gmail inviations are relatively easy to get because many gmail users have more invitations than they need to give away to friends. There are also many gmail invitation spoolers available on the net.
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