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Posts posted by ritu

  1. The very concept of afterlife seems to be very vague, what we have been made to believe through years is that some people turned into horrifying ghosts as they could die a natural death, I mean were tortured to death or faced some sort of an accident which caused death, they would have had a lot of wishes unfulfilled or could not do away with the attachment they had with their loved ones,hence couldn't rest in peace. If you say someone goes to Heaven or Hell, I would say I believe both these concepts are on the earth. You need to pay back for your deeds right here before you face the end of your life. Moreover, if we really believe in the Divinity, then what makes us feel that some evil can manage to hide on the earth?The point that I actually try to make is that it is difficult for me to find anything that doesn't have concrete evidence, credible. According to me, we should believe in life, as it is worth enjoying, so, afterlife, for being so uncertain ,is no life at all.

  2. Nitin, you are probably right in saying that the pattern of the material should be revised and transformed into a realistic and constructive one, but the difference that we as Indians are actually looking for can only occur when the teachers are not just trained or awarded a certificate of being trained,but should take pride in understanding the child's interests and capability of grasping whatever is being taught.This is what you can say is actually lacking in India. Even if the pattern of the study is altered, that would be generalised, I mean even if I as a kid is not interested in spiritual or civic studies I would have to go for it. Practically it isn't feasible to groom the courses according to individual requirements, so what I was talking about is the collaborated effort of the parents and the teachers to make the existing system helpful to the child. The parents are closest to the child and know him the best, If they don't have it in them, they need to learn themselves first and then equip the child with homeschooling. The teachers ,as they handle a comparatively larger lot, can dedicate their time qualitatively to enrich what is already instilled in the child. Though the topic sounds like there would be a comparison between the two forms,it is actually a joint venture that has to take place.

  3. post-126576-0-34349800-1334310253_thumb.jpg

    Hello friends, what turned out to be the most spectacular part of the show the Geneva Motor show? It is Bugatti coming out with its latest roadster Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse. The very look of it took many people's breath away last month.
    The car is the enhanced version of the Veyron Super Sport series. It is drop-dead fast,just takes 2.6 seconds to pick up a speed of 62mph(100km/h), to reach the massive speed of 124mph(200 km/h),the time required is 7.1 seconds. The highest of the range of speed that it can stretch is 255mph(410km/h). An immensely powerful engine of 1,200 hp car has the peak torque of 1,500 Nm. It is an open top car is termed as the open topped brother of the Veyron Super Sport by die-hard roadster lovers.

    After McLaren F1 maintained its top slot for some years with 243mph(391.57km/h), Koenisegg CCR managed to pick up 241.01mph(387.87km/h) in less time with all factors of calculating time and speed taken into account. The so called brother of Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse, Veyron Super Sport had also been in the race.Yet with the stylish sleek looks and features enough to nail down any competition, Grand Sport Vitesse is ready to rule the roads,though Shelby Tuatora and Koenisegg seem to be still in the battle with continuous efforts to devise something even better on their part.

    If car fanatics crave for more information, just check this

  4. On the 11th of April,2012, an earthquake of high magnitude struck the western province of Aceh,which is located at the northern part of Sumatra. Initially the intensity was thought to be 8.9 on the Richter Scale,later it was calculated to 8.6 on the Richter Scale. It occurred due to a strike-slip fault,no huge sea waves were generated towards the stretch of land on the coast though.The time is reportedly around 2:38 local time.


    As an aftershock, the region got tremulous once again,with another earthquake with the magnitude of 8.2 on the Richter Scale and that happened after two hours of the first tremor. Soon after the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a Tsunami warning mainly on the eastern coast, by the evening the warning was lifted, as the water from the sea was found to rush sideways and not vertically,so the threat seemed to reduce.


    Several other nations felt the earthquake, among them are Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore,Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. In India also a Tsunami warning was issued as some cities were witnesses to the tremors. Kolkata, Chennai, Patna, parts of Assam, Bhubaneshwar, Bangalore are some these cities. In one of the eastern coastal areas of India, Andaman and Nicobar islands was also issued Tsunami warning.


    As a matter of fact, no case of casualties or serious injuries have been reported, but there was a lot of confusion among the people when the alert went off. The residents of Indonesia, particularly of Sumatra, were rushing across to get to a safer place which in turn blocked the traffic. No matter the disaster is a result of nature's fury or human error, the common people suffer invariably.


    But for the mammoth disaster of tsunami was averted and people didn't lose lives, let us be thankful to God or Nature( I consider them the same but if you believe in any one, then take the effort of thanking)

  5. On Sunday,8th of April,2012, a path-finder in the field of computer technology, left us for heavenly abode. What he has left behind is the remarkable magnitude of contribution in computer industry.


    Jack Tramiel, originally named Idel Tramieliski,was born in 1928, in Lodz,Poland. He was from a Jewish family and was a victim of the atrocities carried out by the Nazis, after they occupied Poland. He lost his father in this traumatic stage. After been transferred to various concentration camps,he was finally shown light by the U.S.Army.


    Having moved to the U.S.,he became part of the army and was entitled to take care of the typewriters there.


    After a few years, he shifted to being a taxi-driver. It was then when he ventured into mainstream business and bought a shop which would repair typewriters and had the name Commodore Portable Typewriter.The business started to grow with some deals signed and spread to Canada under the name of Commodore Business Machines.As he was closely associated with the army, the name Commodore was maintained.Apparently,Tramiel was sent to Japan,where he gathered the idea and the utility of digital calculators.


    Returning to the U.S., with the help of Texas Instruments, Commodore launched digital calculators in the U.S. markets,though they faced stiff competition from former supplier of chips Texas Instruments which made digital calculators and sold in an unparalleled price. Canadian businessman Irving Gould aided Commodore with rock solid monetary assistance and it could acquire MOS Technology Inc. Tramiel's advisers suggested it was computers and not calculators that would reserve place in the field of technology in future. He gave them the task to exemplify their suggestion.


    The lead designer Charles Ingerham Peddle, developed Commodore PET, the basis being MOS Technology 6502 processor. The procedure was exhibited in Chicago Consumer Electronics Show in 1977 and hence the market began to overload with demand for this device.


    Now, Commodore PET was facing cut throat competition from machines which had upgraded technology and the market showed altered inclination. This time Commodore came up withVIC-20 and later with Commodore 64. Thus the goal of manufacturing "the best selling computer of all time".


    In 1984, Tramiel took some time off from the computer industry, after resigning from Commodore and started another venture under the name of Tramel Technology. In th next few months , Tramiel purchased the Consumer Division of Atari Inc. from Time Warner Communications. Tramel Technology was renamed as Atari Corporation.


    In1996, Tramiel sold Atari to Jugi Tandon Storage as it wasn't flourishing to the fullest and was renamed as JTS Corporation and Tramiel joined the board.


    Among his other contributions, was being the co-founder of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    He is survived by his wife and three sons.

    Let us all pray for him and his family and may his soul rest in peace.


    Sources: 1 and 2

  6. What I understand from your position is that you want to get converted into a Muslim and still consider some parts of all religion with matters of disbelief. In that event, I would say every religion is associated with belief or faith. Religion is also a prime factor in shaping the society, the civilized society has derived a lot from religion, many think that any religion mostly supernatural or at times incredible stuff is put as examples, but even those have a purpose, they are exemplary in how one should conduct his/her life and what things should one stay away from. When you decide to accept something, you should be able to accept the flaws as well, though I wouldn't rate them as flaws as they have to carry some innate message in them. I would suggest, my friend,stay calm, study the principles of whichever religion you want to convert into and try to find out the element of truth in it, as your distaste in atheism is mainly due to lack of truth. The truth won't be easily found I know and it might appear to be really a task, but it is faith in any religion that will keep you have an insightful view and ultimately you will be successful in achieving the truth.

  7. I happen to spend some time with my husband on Sundays, we need that badly. We had to wind up with some shopping, all the household stuff you see :rolleyes: After hunting every aisle in the supermarket, trying to convince my husband about the utility of each product and then stand in a long queue to have your bill processed, you are very likely to be left hungry. We were likely to go to some pre-decided place, but ended up spotting a small outlet serving Indian version of Chinese food. Yes, you heard it right! It has the optimum amount of spices suited for the Indian taste buds. Now, you may be curious to know the name of the outlet, in that case, the name of the place is Chinese Spice. It is a small part of a huge food court in one of the shopping malls. The food served there is accurately spiced unlike many of the branded chain of restaurants that claim to serve the best. Not that I am ruling the fact out that they take care of the quality in the best way. Even after having a lot of food, we didn't feel overstuffed, what we usually face as a trouble. It was a pleasure indeed to have Triple Schezwan rice, Caramalised Drumsticks and Manchow soup, actually felt like complimenting them . On their part, everything was prompt and hygienic. So, if you like experimenting with fusion cuisine,yet don't want to end dissatisfied, give Chinese Cuisine a try.

  8. Hello friends!

    Today I wish to share with everyone, how the residents of Navi- Mumbai(the part of Mumbai that developed later), have suffered for I am not sure what to call it.

    It was an issue between the RTO personnel and the union for auto-rickshaw drivers. There was some news flashing both on t.v. and in the newspapers about the disagreement regarding the minimum fare. As most of the news stuff is mostly repetitive and gets unnecessarily dragged over, not many people paid attention to that matter, moreover, anything wasn't stated clearly.


    As far as I remember, it was a Friday, and probably the 16thof March, when I came out my house to go for work. Though my place of work isn't quite far away from the place i live in, it is advisable to take an auto-rickshaw because the sun starts scorching by 8:30 in the morning. So, I went ahead to ask a driver of an auto to drop me off to my workplace, and he shocked me with the news of a strike, also showed me a newspaper, the name of which I had never heard. There were a few other females who were about to faint as they had to walk all the way to the railway station, even I need to take a walk for about 20-25 minutes. As a matter of relief, the autos resumed to ply on the roads when I came out of the office that day.


    Now, came the real trauma, in the morning of the 20th of March, the residents again had to deal with the same issue. We had to expose to the unbearable heat and already got tired by the time I reached my office, for I need to work right as I wake up in the morning. It was really useless asking the few drivers that were standing on the road, spending their time gossiping and playing cards. The people suffered for five long days( the days were literally long), before the auto drivers came to the decision of restarting their business.


    This intensity of trouble was piled on us along with several other issues for no fault of ours. Neither the auto drivers nor the RTO officials had the time to spare thinking about the commoners.So, there was no other option left with us than to suffer. But why should we? I hear that these people are planning to stage another protest by the second week of this month, the only way to protest is to go on a strike. How is going on a strike justified enough to solve any issue, specially when elderly people and children are the worst hit lot? They wish their ends to be met by making us suffer.

  9. I have often come across parents look worried about their child's future, as to what kind of education would be suitable for the child, even when the child is very young. So, I would say the planning has to start from a very early age, what kind of school the child should got to.


    In recent years two of the most popular choices that we get to choose from are homeschooling and public school. In another article on this forum I had gone through the various advantages and disadvantages of the various types of schooling, but I guess the interests or inclination of the child and the requirements of the family have not been paid much attention to, it looks more like a generalized opinion. Now, let us study the same concept with homeschooling and public schools in a different light.


    The curriculum:

    It is considered that in homeschooling the curriculum is flexible while in public schools it is pre-set. What actually has to be taken care of while determining the curriculum is firstly the interest of the child which is possible with homeschooling and secondly what prospective it has in the future, so that the child derives benefit from the study, that may be found in public schools.


    Social interaction:

    Whether the child goes for homeschooling or in public school, we always want his social group to be of a manner which would help the child grow into a decent human being. Allowing the child to mix with children with favourable traits and restricting the child in case it goes the wrong way is the responsibility of the authority concerned,both in home or public schools. Also letting the child learn from unpleasant instances may be a good idea.


    Quality of teachers:

    Mostly the public schools hire teachers that are professionally qualified to impart education, yet we often hear cases of disturbance in schools. Actually what makes the difference is the approach of the teacher and not the qualification, of course if you are professionally qualified, it adds to your service. In homeschooling. the lack of professional expertise limits the growth of the teacher.


    So, what we see from the above presentation, is not homeschooling vs public school, but homeschooling at the very early stage monitored by parents +public school at a later stage monitored by teachers.Do put in you opinions and even if you have something to add.

  10. Hello friends,How do you feel about the fast moving pace of the city life? I mean if you are part of any city, it becomes like a routine to handle the din and bustle that we come across everyday. Mostly we feel that the noise pollution should be done away with, but there is another side to it.What I am talking about exactly is the fact that probably certain unpleasant things get buried under the high intensity noise. It is very likely to come under the package of hardcore urban life. One of such issues which marks a heavy growth is depression. It is the state of mind which basically makes a person feel low on regards of energy and communication, he/she is seen to remain sad most of the time, though there are a lot of other symptoms also.Now because it isn't advisable to remain depressed for a long time, so that needs to be handled. To handle it, one needs to know quite about it. One thing to wonder about is what can be the possible causes of depression. From what I have seen, it mostly arises due to dissatisfaction in a relationship, have seen my aunt-in-law, a friend's wife and another friend all going through the same problem. By dissatisfacton here I do not intend to point out to any particular aspect, it is subjective for success in a relationship means differently to different people, some simply long for companionship, somewhwere it is a battle of ideals within the partners and at times it is a dormant frustration that gets surfaced. Of course, the list for the causes can be as stretched as possible.Having discussed some of the common causes, we should strive to bring the graph down by trying to work on resolving some of the matters. We had dicussed relationships, the partners involved should be able to evaluate what they expect from each other and make an effort to act upon that as far as possible, as merely taking anti-depression medicines won't help. It isn't compromising but giving in yourself for the one you love. Parents who face this issue with their children and vice-versa should trust one another with their problems and mental blocks and discuss them calmly. People who go to suicidal extents need medical help, yet the after treatment should be rendered by the close ones.There is a rising trend in the cases of depression which is not limited to urban areas, it is spreading alarmingly across the globe, only the humankind can be of help for their fellow-beings. Moreover, spending quality time, watching funny stuff and going out for some fresh air can possibly help.

  11. Ok that is an interesting topic, I would say it has to be Amitabh Bachchan, though my favourite actor is someone else, I can count on Amit ji with whatever he is offered. The conviction that is involved in his performance, keeps you clinging to your seat,you just can't help applauding on the style of his delivery.So, irrespective of age and competition, Mr.Bachchan continues to rule the Indian film industry.

  12. I have been brought up like someone who has been fed on movies, to my utmost pleasure, the person I am married to is from the same species, so there is no reason that I shouldn't be happy. Oh yes! there is one, we fail to manage time to go for a movie.


    However, we do go beyond our capacities, to catch a few flicks at least twice a month and with good films lined up, we exceed that quota. Though we enjoy watching any movie, weren't satisfied with most of the movies produced lately. We do watch movies from all over the world, but are more into Indian movies(Bollywood mainly).


    In the beginning of March, a movie called "Kahani" was released. To be honest I wasn't too keen to spend my Sunday for it, but my husband insisted and I had to agree. The movie was placed with its background in Kolkata(Calcutta), probably being from the Bengali community, that was a point of weakness. It is directed by a sensible guy named Sujoy Ghosh and had a lot of seasoned Bengali actors. The protagonist of the film is played by Vidya Balan, a powerhouse of talent.


    The plot revolves around a pregnant woman,Vidya, who travels all the way from London to Calcutta in search of her husband who had gone missing. She puts up at a cheap hotel and with the help of cop(who ultimately develops a soft corner for her),begins the mission. As a matter of surprise for her, wherever she lands up to know about her husband, no one has ever known or heard about him. All the references she carried, most of them told to her by her husband when they were together, don't seem to verify anything positive. Being in such a mess, the only option she's left with is to believe that her husband was an imposter or didn't exist at all.Moreover, the first search leads to another and brings into limelight a national issue as severe as terrorism, with the hunt for an upholder of the evil, who incredibly resembles Vidya's husband.


    A lot of "collateral damage" as termed in the movie takes place,with a lot of people being shot at and killed. In the second half a dark mystery starts to unfold and in the last half an hour it is another "Kahani" altogether. The end makes you sit upright once again as if you are going to watch a new movie.


    The background set is modified, I mean the City of Joy turns into mystery's den and is convincingly made to look that way.The direction is worth rewarding. All other technical departments are equally fabulous. There is a bit of experimentation with the music with Amitabh Bachchan rendering his voice to a well known Rabindra Sangeet piece.


    Now, if you talk about the factor which makes it a must see is Vidya Balan. She is the real star of the film and her peformance deserves a thundering applause. So, for the people who admire her and for the admirers of good movies, it is indeed a must watch---to have an experience which doesn't let you blink :rolleyes:

  13. Hello friends,Its a long time that I haven't been in touch with I love most, teaching.I had been in this profession for the last five years, from a somewhat getting mature kind of age of 20, of late I have lost that spirit I admit. Today I realise that some focus should be diverted to one of the most important factors of education, teachers.I have come across a few topics on this forum which show people hating their teachers, for that I would clearly blame the teacher who failed to instill within his/her students the respect factor.Having blamed someone for failure, it now becomes obligatory for me to explain how the teacher-student relationship should work, be it any part of the world. The students are there to learn from the teacher, not just the subject taught but also the basic traits of a civilized society, there should be something inspiring in the teacher. The children in the earliest stages of education, often take their teachers as second mothers,they depend and learn equally from her.So, it is inevitable for the teacher to build a very desirable model of herself to display, her importance lies in helping the child shape his habits, get the right kind of approach towards the society and family.As a growing student, the child and in a later stage an adolescent needs a unique kind of support besides lessons from their teacher. The teacher should act as a friend and as an administrator when required.This way it is easier to get love and respect from the students.The teachers role is very important here, as idealising occupies a very remarkable part in the so-called stage of "storm and stress". At least they should try to avoid hatred from the students.Even in professional and vocational courses, it is very important to frame the aspirant's mind in a positive and fruitful manner.If the upcoming generations are the foundation of the future then, the teachers are the strength of that foundation. In addition to professional qualification, every teacher should strive to achieve the end of being useful to the society, for education is more of a service to the world than just following a profession,to emphasise the importance of teachers in any civilized society.

  14. Your recipe sound to be fantastic, I am just waiting to try its taste. BTW, is the dish an Indian one? I think it originated in Birmingham, but it isn't British, the influences were Pakistani cuisine and from India, Kashmiri Cuisine. A lot of the traditional cooking methods of these areas can be found in the recipe that you put forward. Just a tiny piece of suggestion, as the very name of the dish carries the word "Balti", it was actually so because the dish was served in a typical "Balti-Dish" which is a round -bottomed one.It might not be that important as to how the dish is served, but I guess this simple addition will add more to the essence of the dish. :P

  15. What I could understand from the posts above is that Burka is a a very sensitive issue to discuss on. Thankfully, it is a place where everyone is free to express their opinion. The reason of opting for Burka in desert regions might be because the women there have enviable skin and complexion, it might just be ruined if exposed to the scorching weather, but I guess its not the way in France, being on the mediterranean or at places continental climatic side, it doesn't call for one to wear the Burka. The religious issues will always be there, but it should be tolerance on both sides that need to work. Residing in a foreign land, you feel like clinging to your native culture more,just the way when you know you are a minority community, so often misunderstand requirements for modifications as an assault on your culture as a whole.I am not that well versed with the political functioning, but just in general, when the world is becoming a global village rapidly, it is advisable to respect the fundamentals of any religion. If an urgent need to change anything arises, it worked upon through proper procedures. Passing a verdict randomly may hurt the sentiments of some religious group.Peace is undoubtedly desirable and the whole world is striving to achieve it, so why not follow the safest possible way to bring a change in something as sensitive as wearing a Burka?

  16. You have glorified Nazis to a great extent, what has come out to the world is the approach of Nazis towards the people of different cultural, religious and political backgrounds. The only trait that show influence in them is intolerance. Can't say what lifestyle they could have given to their favoured lot that they can boast about, but the inhuman atrocities meted out the victims of their rage,specially the Jews, cannot be kept aside by any means.


    Nazi Germany was the center of barbarism, it had grown that way under Adolf Hitler, right from the enactment of laws like the Nuremberg Laws show how he was turning the nation into Devil's Paradise. You can refer to Holocaust if you want to know about how Nazis earned laurels in genocide. Even the women and the children were not spared.The Final Solution has its advocates saying that it was unburdening the earth from people who were not worthy enough to live. Now, how were they not worthy and what are the parameters of worth?The Nazis considered themselves heroic enough to decide on that.


    I really can't understand what makes you feel Germany has fallen asleep without Hitler, because they are not undertaking mass slaughter?It is a peaceful European nation that is doing pretty well, though you can always talk about constructive development.

  17. After getting married, we shifted to a new house, everything had to be set up there. As people were aware of the fact, most of them gifted us with household items, those could be used to run the daily activities of the house.One of those, was a water purifier from a very trusted name in the same field, Eureka Forbes. The model was under the name of "Aquasure". The mechanism of the purifier looked simple, there was a candle which would do the work, also there was a sieve kind of thing on the top which ensured double filtration. The guy who came for the demo seemed to be a new one and pretty nervous at explaining the features, but we weren't bothered as the functioning looked simple.Now comes the twist, the tap which seemed to be fine in the beginning, wasn't able to let the water flow freely, it poured almost in drops. The candle got stuck every week, when contacted , their support told them it was due to the dirt that got accumulated and we had to use the the plastic carbon sucker. We tried following their instructions, but all in vain. I tried calling them repeatedly,asking for technical help, to my surprise or you can say shock that they asked me to replace the purifier with an expensive model called "Aquaguard", that would also require paid servicing every three months.So, what is there policy like? they sell a model assuring satisfactory service, and then after a couple of months pressurize you to replace it with another model of their own company. No, transparency, lot of ambiguity in their policies , we were absolutely clueless for we couldn't receive any help from Eureka Forbes. One of my cousins who worked for the same company, was equally clueless about the policies of their own company! How ridiculous is that?We zeroed down on selling the useless device and replacing it with a simple steel filter and it is working fine. The point that I am trying to make is that such an old company like this doesn't have any one to handle customer relations, or to make their policies a little more user friendly? I think that is somewhere these people really need to work on.

  18. Hello Pedro or should I call you Peter, welcome to Xisto, you are in the right place to discuss your interests of varied ranges.Everyone here is helpful and you can always rely on the quality of discussion.Talking about your interests,what you put forward about the concept of life is probably a question in every mature mind, hopefully someone would come up with some novel ideas in this regard.When you say that our lives lack time for our family and more important stuff, the only person I can remember is me. I well understand how that takes so much away from ultimate happiness.Our common fields of interest are music and movies. Jim Carrey is one of my favourite actors as well and I like more of humour in movies. In music it could be anything, from fast beats to soulful melodies, I can live on it.I really look forward to hear more from you, and hope you enjoy your stay here on this forum

  19. Interesting topic that is, well sticking to the topic, I would say spending your time doing nothing is really tough! in fact, I often long for a situation like this.If ever I would get a chance to do nothing, I would sit down tight with my legs folded( my signature pose) :P, close my eyes and let thoughts flow in naturally, I mean not think about anything i intend to do. Probably, I would fall asleep that way, but I will end up doing something, so I will sit and wonder about what to do,yes, very apt that is.Anyways, the best way to spend my time after a long tiring day would be to do nothing, but I can hardly manage to do so, need to plan for the next day.Lucky people who can really spend their time doing nothing

  20. Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. My name is Ritu and I am from India. I love interacting with people and know their interests, many of you may have interest in areas different from mine, but I am always delighted to go through a learning experience. My interests include art, literature, food,social and cultural issues and entertainment, Different lifestyles also attract my interest.Hope i will find my journey of establishing myself with the forum worth remembering and look forward to hear from others in the forum.

  21. The question that I am going to ask probably is one which many people might be thinking about, irrespective of the fact that they have experienced it themselves or not. I had been in such a relationship with a guy who is now my husband.Before you start to think it was a fairy tale like love story, let me tell you that it was a case of arranged marriage, like the way many of them take place in India. Though it is considered to be taking away someone's rights, yet in my case I wouldn't complain, as I had no time to look for a partner myself. Coming back to the topic, the candidature(lol) :blush: of my husband was placed by one of our neighbours, the families hardly knew each other, so was the case with both the individuals in question. He is a resident of Mumbai and we were put up at Guwahati in Assam. He covered a a long distance just to have a glance of mine, don't you think that makes me special?After it was all decided, now the families decided that we needed to know each other better. In came the tough part, he would call me up after we could wind up all our work everyday, and we would chat for hours, that was the initial part, now things started getting deeper, I mean the intensity of emotions and how we would shape our future. Slowly, I started to realise that talking over the phone couldn't set up things easily for you, often I would find his phone unreachable, or busy which would increase the level of, not really insecurity but tension due to unavailability.He experiences sort of mood fluctuations at times, but those turned out to be absolutely unbearable as I had to depend on a mere device to communicate what I meant to. Sometimes, the only option that I could find was to cry with my face covered. Another point to be mentioned in this regard is that I would miss his company, which couldn't be rendered over phone, especially when I would see my friends with their partners, its about being together in a relationship, our souls are one kind of things hardly yield practically.Most of my friends and acquaintances would wonder about the fact that how could I get married to someone I had seen only once. But I don't really think that any extra level of adjustment was required on my part than those people had to give in the same effort even after dating their partners in person for as long as five years. So, though I suffered being in a long distance relationship, for some petty reasons, I do have something that can be termed normal, as in a relationship.Moreover, who doesn't face complications in a relationship, it actually tests your dedication and the bond strengthens. So, in my opinion a long distance relationship can be an actual relationship. What do you think?

  22. According to a surveying site, there are a few must picks for the photoholics. Some of them are:


    1)Canon Sx40



    It has got the improved image processing with Canon Digic 5, Striking 12.1 Mp high resolution censor for the ultimate desirable image outcome, 35x Optical Zoom, can you imagine what extent of range you can cover? For a lot more scenes to be allowed it has an amazing ly wider angle of 24mm.ISO is high which enables you to take pictures in poor light , though you can watch for blurred images(take test photographs). The movie format provided is a bit unsatisfactory, though 1080p Full High Definition makes up for it.



    2)Sony Cybershot HX9V



    This one allows you to shoot movies in HD, later can be recorded to a blue ray disc.The much sought after three dimensional photography seems to come alive with this camera, along with the concept of Sweep Panorama. It actually modifies the look of a captured image with the in-built system of Soft Skin mode( ladies will be happier). To make the subject of photography completely distinct,there is the feature of Background Defocus. Another unique feature is that it enables to compare the more natural image by first capturing an image without flash and then the same image with flash, the better one can be restored.




    3)Nikon D3X Digital Masterpiece



    This one comes equipped with all the latest technological features anyone can ask for.The veterans or the professionals would certainly vote for it. Though a little expensive, the materials used are long lasting and the battery once charged, can take upto 4400 photos! There are ways to control the color settings and also look for the preset settings. It also has a large pixel to support detailed photography.



    4)Kodak Easy Share Max



    As the name suggests,the device supports easy sharing of the images captured on wherever you like. The zooming can be increased to upto 30 times of its original magnification, the shutter speed is also impressive. CMOS sensor helps clicking images even in faintly lit areas.Panoramic views are enabled as well, artsy effects, smart capture( you can analyse the image and choose what is apt for it) are some additional attractive features. Being a photo sharing device, primarily, it gives you the options of photo booth and pre-tagging of twenty people.


    So, photoholics, give a consideration to these options and choose wisely for yourself and your passion.


    Source: squidoo

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