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Posts posted by ritu

  1. As the summer is approaching,it becomes very important to lend special care to what we eat,for India, especially Mumbai,has Tropical climate. In the months of December, January and February, we have some very tasteful vegetables like cauliflower and cabbage ,these are basically easy to cook,delicious,and in winters it becomes easy to digest them, though that is not the case always.The situation gets quite different in summer when perspiration dehydrates your body and so the food that is taken should have some hydrating agent,which is found in vegetables like bottle gourd,white gourd, bitter gourd(for maintaining the internal system),radish, lotus stem, beetroot,tomatoes etc. Much of fruits can be had like juicy apples,sweet limes and any citrus fruit for that case, as the juice of such fruits are beneficial to beat the heat, watermelon deserves a special mention in this respect, it has a healing effect on the sun damaged body and skin(can be used externally or internally).Lentils, prepared in a diluted form , are advisable, even better if cooked with leafy vegetables.Junk or heavily fried food should be avoided as it reacts adversely to the rising temperature.Having a glass of citrus juice before going out in the sun, can protect you from getting a sun stroke. A few dairy products like curd, buttermilk and ice-cream churned out of milk also provide relief in scorching heat. It so happens in most cases that people don't feel like eating anything in summer, mainly because their energy is drained out and the body is likely to get dehydrated . But skipping meals would make us even more prone to sun damage.Hence, food should be consumed regularly, but of course it has to be in the milder form. Stay healthy this summer!

  2. There have been so many discussions on whether ghosts exist, it is still debatable. I have no idea how a particular group supports their existence, I mean that if they can support their opinion with some evidence, the same kind of people are also found standing in opposition, they don't believe in ghosts. Practically speaking, even I don't believe in ghosts. In the locality where we lived, there were a lot of people who would go for morning walk and may be a little bit of exercising, a small lake was there with a garden on its banks, it had tall trees and a huge playground at the back.Chirping and singing of birds kept the place lively, with the colourful and sweet smelling flowers.I was very young still remember that my father and his friends had discussions about what had happened the previous night on the sides of the lake. I do remember that it was strictly forbidden for anyone to go by the lake after dark, also many people had seen a lady dressed in white stopping cars and heavy vehicles. Every year in the spring season at least 2-3 kids would drown in that river and for any frustrated soul, it was the place to commit suicide.So,its easy to guess, the place was infamous and haunted. Now, if asked whether that was the truth, I would be in a state of confusion, though I would never say I believed in ghosts, had seen none with my eyes.It really grabbed everyone's attention when a well- known bureaucrat was allegedly attacked by an unknown force when he was passing by the lake late at night. There was an air of extra cautiousness after this. One thing was for sure, the incidents certainly made me think as if there was something from the paranormal world beside the lake. :unsure:

  3. Good Morning friends! Yes, as the morning arrives we all get charged up and starts the outflow of energy to get to our destinations of work ourselves or to make our family get to the same, we hardly are able to dedicate time for keeping ourselves fit. But do you really think getting ready on time,which makes us reach office comfortably would keep fatigue away? Actually we don't even realise how our body, due to excessive mental and physical stress, succumbs to premature aging and with that several problems come in. Even if you are in your early twenties, you can't escape, I can say this because I had myself fallen prey to stressed environment,resulting in nervous disorders.Once seated, I couldn't stand up erect, my body would shiver as someone had pushed me into a refrigerator, Or it felt as if I received jolts of electricity,how painful it was!We consulted neuro-experts ,but all in vain, the fits kept repeating, it had become unbearable for me, then my mother advised me to opt for "Pranayam',she had watched a program on the T.V. and people were thanking the "Yog- Guru"for his useful guidance. At first I didn't pay much importance to what my mother was saying, so she pulled me to watch the same program and also made me promise that I would start practising Yoga from the next day.I had no other option but to listen to her.After I started with the regime, the very first development was an upset stomach and terrible bodyache, in addition, I also started to feel nauseous. This time I was stern that it was the best idea to discontinue from the next day, but my mother strictly instructed me not to dare to do so. Now after continuing for a month, I could feel the change, my nerves were stronger, no jolts and no pain,they didn't even turn stiff. The upset stomach was the part of cleaning my internal system, and as a consequence,I had a better appetite.I can say that I benefited from Pranayam, for now after I have to manage the whole house, it gets difficult to maintain the regime, that might be the reason for the eruption of nervous issues once again.What I would like to suggest is that, everyone should spare some time to take care of their health, and "Yogasana"s are truly helpful in this regard.One thing to keep in notice is to take professional advice before opting for any medicinal therapy.

  4. There were only four of us in our house, my father, my mother,me and my sister, in them I was a bit hyper-thoughtful, and often ended up dreaming about whatever I would think too much. This was the reason my mother put forward as once I had a nightmare after watching a horror flick. Hence I started to believe that you dream of whatever you think, probably that is true to certain extent . I remember the first time I had the worst dream, I dreamt of my own father being killed, couldn't bear the thought and started screaming in my sleep. My parents woke me up and I hated myself for going to sleep. I didn't share my dream with anyone, but to my dismay, I had the same dream again, and then again, I was convinced that my mother was wrong , I could never think of something like that. My father was a brave person but was stricken with Diabetes, which was eroding his vital functioning, whenever we prayed, it was for his well being, gradually we noticed that he was becoming doubtful whether he would live for long. I kept on worrying for him, and can't tell you how!



    It was the evening of 26th Jan, 2004, that was also the day for "Saraswati Puja", there were some guests in our house that day, my father looked good enjoying every moment with the child of the family. Just after they left, dad complained about some restlessness, as these things had become a regular feature, mom advised him to lie down and stood up to call the doctor, suddenly he started gasping for breath, my mother, out of shock, started yelling for help, our neighbours came rushing and I called up my cousin to come down with the doctor, as the doctor arrived, he examined and said in a grave manner to take him to the nearest hospital, trying to imply something else. While rushing to the hospital I couldn't help cursing me for having the dream, but none of my dreams had come true so far then why this? Even God turned his back, and I realised, he was lying on my lap that he was no more, yes the fact still remains incredible for me , that he is not there with me........... on the earth , he is there in my soul guiding our family through any turmoil....... and this no dream can take away. The only thing I can wish is that my worst dream didn't come true.

  5. In a tradition borne Bengali family,( I am a part of one) ,marriages are real fun, the decoration, the mood of the people. the shopping and much more. Though a lot of efforts are put in all the departments, the things people notice the most are how the newly-weds look like and the food. Yes! the food..... these days different cuisines are included in the buffet, but that is severely criticised by the conservative lot and they have a reason . The traditional Bengali meal has a special place in their heart, the meal starts with a "Shukto", a curry with a tempering of mustard seeds, mildly spiced and a lot of vegetables, bitter gourd being the main one, as it makes your taste buds active, so that you enjoy the rest of the meal, next comes some leafy vegetable known as a "Saag" which is cooked in the form of a paste,there is an assorted platter of deep fried vegetables dipped in a batter to make it crispy or it can be a piece of fish which is deep fried, it has to be eaten with lentils , any of the kind , then comes the vegetarian main course, traditionally not much vegetarian is included for a wedding, but nowadays this much of modification is tolerated ,it can be cottage cheese curry(the home-made one), or fried balls made out of lentils cooked in a thick gravy or a rich jackfruit curry or banana stems and green banana curry. The most awaited part now comes in which various kinds of fish are cooked in the most suitable way. Meat also occupies an important position in the "Kasha" form. The desserts are awesome with "Roshogolla" an "Mishti Doi", the former being a cheese ball soaked in sugar syrup and the latter being sweetened yoghurt. The meal is completed with a "Paan" or a betel leaf which acts as a mouth freshener. So, next time you happen to attend a Bengali wedding, check the food out.

  6. Back at my previous place, (previous as now I stay away from them with my husband) it is a small town and the locality we live in is a closely knit one. In instances of any trouble, they are found supporting one another , especially referring to the co-residents of our building. To share a space within this environment came a mid-aged lady with her son. They were the new tenants in my cousin's apartment and our next door neighbours. My mother, like a good neighbour, welcomed them by offering them help to settle down and later some tea . The lady was overwhelmed and was full of praise for my mother, there was a fact that grabbed my attention, their own kins were also the residents of the building, were pretty social with the other families, but didn't even drop to see whether their relatives had had anything since morning.In the very next lane, another family who were also in relation wasn't present as well. Why were they left alone by the rest of the kin? However she had a considerably warm relationship with my mother. After a few months, during some occasion, we happened to meet those families who appeared to be irresponsible for not helping their aunt and her son. I would also mention that the lady had two daughters older to her son and married, about them the lady would go on and on, describing her daughters as women with unmatchable qualities. So, we met the indifferent relatives and guess what they almost warned my mother to stay away from the lady for she allegedly practised necromancy.........all hell broke loose for my mother. They even narrated a few instances which justified their point. One of them said that the lady who earlier lived in a different state, once had come to her house, being their aunt she was offered to stay with them, by midnight some peculiar and scary noise started coming from her room, when the younger relative rose up to see what it was, she found her aunt chanting something in an unknown language, sitting beside dirty objects, couldn't see more as foul smell was coming out. Shivering with fear she quietly slipped into her bed without uttering a single word. Her husband was prospering in his job and this became unbearable for her aunt, like no one could be better off than her own sons -in-law, the very next day he faced an accident, which was nearly fatal. If this could be dismissed as superstition, the other family now started, their aunt had thrown a dirty piece of metal into their house and their child had seen this, after which great misfortune followed. The lady's daughter's in-laws also had similar complaints, so my mother decided to avoid talking to the lady(she was more concerned about me and my sister). Soon after the lady realised this, she also stepped back, but what we considered superstition was actually challenging our faith, there were fights in our house often, we started falling sick and everything was going wrong. We wondered how this was happening. There was our faith in God which got intensified and within a few days everything was sorted out . Thank God! was what we could say. Within a few months, the news of the lady's "Black Art" spread in the locality, as a matter of fact it is said that such art loses its effect if it is exposed, for it is a secret art and secrecy is its strength. As a step of caution, people started avoiding her, she also had the habit of landing into quarrels with people for nothing. After being avoided, she would go to people's house almost forcibly and try to talk to them, another peculiar feature was that she tried to touch whoever she met, so more and more people started to put her down. It had taken the turn of a fact than a superstition and the lady was left alone only with her snobbish daughters and an equally avoided son. She continues to be a part of our locality, but totally out of our society

  7. Through the course of our life , we come across many events which helps in gathering informal education i.e. lessons learnt from experiences and relationships play a vital role in this kind of education. Most people complain that they have been unlucky in relationships, probably they are right and their number is high . The question that comes to our mind is that is it really luck or we can help ourselves, if yes how? Is training going to help ? How can that be possible? I think we need to analyse not in a bookish manner, considering the realistic bent of life. What we usually do is carrying the rosy idea of love that we might have studied in some book or watched a film about undying eternal love. When reality strikes, it is all shattered. Love can,t be rationalised, so how to handle it? We can at least try by realising what is more important...... poetic concept of love or love as a part of real life. I know most of you will go for the latter one. If you are wooing somebody, then it is important the desired also shows interest, or there is a sound chance of heartbreak, anyways. Already in a relationship, then try to understand your partner's ideas, when you do so for a long time, the other, however insensitive he/she is will start to show interest in your set of ideas as you will successfully sow the seed of faith in them. Now comes the infidel lot, even if you try changing them, its useless, and there is a lot more to do than trusting the disloyal partner again, because they don't deserve this, and can repeat the traits. The way I cite things might sound like an unromantic,cynical and cruel, but that would yield strong relationships because reality can be kept aside, can't be done away with. It is entirely genuine that emotions can't be based on estimations, but emotions also shouldn't take over and make us flow with their course blindly, also nothing can be termed as certain in relationships, still as an effort to strengthen our relationships, a sensible if not logical approach can be maintained.

  8. With a very tropical kind of climate in Mumbai, it is very easy to witness the problem of tanning, this becomes a matter of worry for many, when they have to go out and protect their skin at the same time. Recently I had to go visiting a few places here, and it is usual to keep waiting and standing in the sun, due to which my skin got tanned, After returning,I was gravely thinking of how to de-tan myself, ended up trying every possible thing that was present in my house and that looked suitable, my skin is on the drier side, I started with tomatoes, it did turn relieving but as I dried my face, rashes began to appear. Next I switched to fuller's earth but that made my skin even drier, now you can well imagine what I felt like, I was convinced that I had to spend the weekend with the tan and now the added rashes, as I was arranging a few things, my eyes slipped towards a piece of sandalwood, we usually have it in our house for our "Puja". I rubbed it on a stone plate and applied it, besides I drank some coconut water, which cooled my body from within.The sandalwood worked like magic, the rashes were gone, the tan was lightened and my skin felt refreshed, it was so relaxing that I almost fell asleep, I was successful in getting my tan removed. Here I would accommodate a special mention that the effect of sandalwood might not be the same for all skin types, before trying anything on the skin directly, it is advisable to try it on the area above the wrists, or the area behind your ears, after an observation of twenty four hours act accordingly.So, I was talking about how sandalwood worked wonders on my skin, and I was more than happy to have the most suitable de-tanning agent and it takes a couple of minutes to apply it . Now can I say I have the secret disclosed and it is such a simple one but only for a special skin type.

  9. Of course, I would never like to lose my brain, but one thing that I have learnt so far is that living with this paradox and discovering my husband throughout my life is so much fun :lol: Finding something novel in someone I already have is worth handling the paradox.

  10. Do you wake up every morning and pray? If you do then what is the reason behind it, it can be your faith in God and the fact that he will take care of our day, it can be acquired behaviour, the source might be your family or environment, or it can merely be a habit ,the reasons for the start of which can be forgotten by you, in my case, when I was a child I dreamt about something scary and mom advised me to pray while getting in and out of bed, therefore the habit . As I have grown up and close to my faith in God, I realised that this habit had an inner meaning, the prayer in the beginning of the morning, gave me strength, mental and physical to face the struggle that is a part of my day to day life. The prayer actually, in course of time had reawakened my inner-self,which is a part of God, Himself. Now I understand the meaning of spirituality, it is realising God within ourselves, He is there in us, waiting to be recognised , the day that happens our prayers get answered as they represent the voice of our Creator.

  11. According to me, we can claim that God exists only when we believe in Him, believing ,here, means that God would protect us from all evil, indirectly, we end up believing in evil, this believing means , we are projecting something in opposition to God, till this its fine, but if you really have faith in Him, why do you think he will leave you alone to face the evil, trust me, He is there with you and would not allow evil to even approach if you have the faith. Regarding para-psychology, I would say it is a stream of research and continuous developments go on, the matter in question, possession by a spirit, is probably an outcome of a research, it wouldn't possess you unless you cause a harm to its peace. Keep your belief sound in God and you will be well over such thoughts.

  12. The people visiting this part of the forum must be movie lovers, whichever part of world you are from, it is seen that movies not only provide with entertainment but also give us a platform to put our opinions forth and also work as a source of inspiration. Now talking about inspiration, what kind of movies inspires you the most, well in that case, I would say that it should be anything in films that can inspire, the story, the technical strength, the cast, the message included in the film etc. The various genres are the factors which raise or drop the interest shown in the film. If I am asked, I would say a mysterious plot or an insightful one always catches my interest, very recently, I have watched a few films that can make you have goose bumps . Its the narrative that holds to your place, it is mystery unfolding every two minutes, can't even let you blink, it is the inspiring story of a woman who decides to avenge her husband's killers and how she saves the country in this process. The screenplay deserves an applause and though no one wishes misfortune to turn on them, the spirit to combat terrorism and corruption is definitely inspiring. Being a woman, it is absolutely insightful to see a woman rise above the state of weakness, making each woman realise how weakness can be converted into strength. The genre of the movie is hard to be specify but you won't even remember to do so, the movie is that intriguing. So,do you remember what was the last movie that inspired you and in what respect?

  13. If you are talking about "Chicken Tikka Masala",the original recipe goes quite differently, it has to be cooked in the "Tandoor" i.e a clay oven that mainly runs on wood or charcoal, the roasted meat is then added to the curry, that can vary according to the taste buds, but roasting marinated chicken is a must, else it would end up becoming a plain chicken curry. The thorough Indian version you see, try it if you get a chance, I am sure you would relish it. :P

  14. We have a rich culture to boast about in India, the different colours exhibited in the society can turn you on, but there are a few issues that are bugging the nation and destroying its reputation. One of such issues is female infanticide, which has been declared illegal, yet some parts of the Indian society practise it fearlessly. The cases are not reported to the police because the whole tribe is involved in the crime and they consider it to be a part of their tradition. It all starts from the belief that a girl when given in marriage should be accompanied by a handsome dowry, even after producing the dowry, the girl is tortured upon by the groom's family demanding more to be brought from her father, gets worse when someone has more than one daughter, sometimes four or five( they keep hoping for a son, but have a daughter born to them), the father of the bride,is close to getting bankrupt, not just that, he becomes buried under debt, catering to the demands of his daughter's in laws. The girl child who is actually known as the incarnation of Goddess "Lakshmi", one who brings in wealth and prosperity, turns into the demon who destroys the fortune of her family, and the worst part is.... her own family thinks this way! Probably these people find it difficult to disown their daughters once they have grown up, so they choose another path and their get daughters killed just after they are born, wishing that they are reborn as boys. There exist villages in India which are devoid of women. They don't find anyone to have their sons married, such lies the condition in India specially in the rural parts of Northern and Northwestern India. This might also be existing in other parts of the world, but I am not quite aware of those cases. Its a matter of shame for us and blaming the law and order machinery won't help, we as the citizens should take the initiative to stop this heinous practice, can't believe how someone can have his own child killed, moreover it is turning into a custom which is absolutely shocking.Any child born is a blessing, the people who are childless can testify that, so the sooner it is realised, the healthier it is for the society.

  15. These days people are aware of what challenges their child might have to face in the society,so schools across the world have come up with various ways of how to equip the child with the capacity of handling these troubles. The school is often known as the child's second home and it takes whatever is taught in the school very seriously,this makes the task easier. However, it has to be kept in mind that methods that are effective in imparting situational study, are not commonly used. They are talked about but not used in the same proportion. The reason might be that the usual system of study is essential and we think that our child would face challenges anyways if he doesn't get settled with education in some well known field. Nowadays the problems of terrorism are a common phenomenon, so equipping the child with training for self defence would be a good idea. It would bring physical fitness and the zeal to maintain it, training for patriotism would develop an attitude of serving the mother land in the child, vocational training is also highly helpful as the interests of the child become clear and the child discovers a path that is best suited for him, training for basic level medical assistance helps the child specially in times of disaster.There are a lot more but these are some of the best known methods of arming the child to protect himself and lets say others too, these actually are not extra curricular but are very necessary considering the change in the society.

  16. To be a part of a family is a great thing, yes you can depend on them whenever you want to. You feel more and more connected to them as you grow up, you are mostly part of common problems which are solved collectively.Can you imagine a life without them? no one to look after you when you are sick, to bear your tantrums, to provide you with attention when you don't have anyone near you. It would be so difficult, at least it is so in my case. Staying with one's family is a boon, and should be cherised this could be specially learnt from people who arte not fortunate enough to have a family. Hope most of you would agree and would love to listen to warm stories about you and your family.

  17. Everyone especially women, have a fascination to look good. What not they do to keep themselves shining. Within us we have a dream look for ourselves , the way we would imagine we look best. I do have one too. It would be a hardcore Indian look, exactly the way I looked in my marriage. The eyes would be defined with a dark outline, the lips would have a reddish touch, on the brighter side, the blush on would of be a tone close to my complexion, and the hair do would be a bun which would make my face look oval.At times smudgy eyes also prouce a magical effect. The outfit worn would be simple and elegant. The shoes would be comfortable and stylish. That would complete my look and can't tell you how satisfying it is. So, what is your dream look like?

  18. Asked about places, I have my own favourite, it is a place in the Northeastern part of India, Shillong. The view here is amazing and is often regarded as "The Scotland of the East".There is a lot that this place offers. The roads are well planned and always kept clean. The weather here is pleasant in summer and a bit harsh in winter. The picturesque landscape is the primary attraction, also there are a lot of well- built churches , which are a viewers' delight. A lot of western influence can be found everywhere, in music ,the way they dress,the education imparted, and their choice for any general thing. The native tribe is known as "KHASI" and they are a strongly cultured lot. Besides all these, tons of stylish stuff can be explored over in the market.The food though unusual can be tried, could go on and on but that would kill the curiosity.So, pack your bags and land here to create a memorable experience.

  19. Talking about relationships, we can cite about how we all are looking for eternal love, but in reality, do we believe in such kind of definition of love, the answer is as true as possible. So, what matters the most? When we first meet a person we are attracted or feel repulsed , that is due to his/her looks. So, we depend on our eyes, forgetting the element of eternity.Even while dreaming, we think of our future partner to have mesmerising looks, their hearts can be considered but that comes second, though the change in perspective of the people can't be ignored, yet the majority is ready to decide on the basis of looks. Often people with not so impressive looks are often found to suffer within their minds. The eternity part that I was talking about,comes alive with passing time.Being in a younger stage of life, we look for comfort in our partners, but that is not easy to bring someone so close when there is a question of average looks. I will be happy to know if you can differ and come up with a somewhat different story.

  20. In the kind of life we are leading, the easiest way to satisfy our hunger and our taste buds is to have something that is easily available,in some countries it is a hot dog or a club sandwich or probably a ham burger, but in India, it would be some spicy, fast preparation like can say"Paani Puri", which has different names across the country ,in Delhi it is "Gol Gappa", in Kolkata it is "Puchka".It is commonly known as street food, considered to be unhygienic, yet you will always find people flocking into the stalls serving it. It is actually a fried wafer look alike which is made out of a dough of refined flour and semolina. A round shape is given to it , then deep fried,comes out crispy, the variations mentioned above are results of the local modifications in the stuffing that is put inside and the liquid that it is dipped into, whatever the variation,it tastes awesome, and you cant help but have it in stomach filling quantities. If you are in India, you will agree with me, and if you are not, then don't miss the opportunity next time you are here. :rolleyes:

  21. Now, with so many people as movie buffs, it is appropiate to put the question forward of how you want your movie hero to be? Like in some movies, the hero is an absolute action star, he makes the baddies fly with his fists........, protects the poor from being tortured, the victimized female lot can always depend on him for rescuing themselves, in totality,they look like the incarnations that have been sent to "Deliver Us From Evil" , the second type is the one who is born to romance the most beautiful ladies on earth, he is the charmer and girls find him irresistable.The next one would be the intellectual with an invincible capacity of mind, for him any intellectual turmoil would be solved as easily as he would bite into a cake, he is the mastermind of masterpieces, its then turn for the one who is a comic genius,an entertainer in the true sense of the term.Any qualities mentioned, they have it all. Oops! :o How could I forget? the super heroes...... their name itself signifies their superhuman qualities. The recent developments in cinema though have showcased heroism in an unprecedented manner which is appreciated as well..Nevertheless, the fact that they are the heroes raises their importance , irrespective of whatever type they belong to.

  22. Yesterday,how many of you had a blast? I am sure a lot of you would be agreeing that it was a day of brotherhood and merriment, it was "Holi". Everyone had a great time, there was a rain of colours all over. We had our bit and were roaming and having fun all day. Any of the faces could hardly be recognised, for they were veiled with colours. In this celebration, I would just like to mention about a concern, the quality of the colours used is questionable, with unsuitable chemicals mixed in them.They can cause skin eruptions such as acne and red patches,in this regard ,the children should be taken special care of . They should be monitored by their parents while they play with colours. By being a little careful, we can enjoy in this festival to the fullest. So, here's wishing everyone a bright "Holi".

  23. Infidelity is a matter of concern in relationships, they say its a recent phenomenon but do you believe that? It was there from the time of the birth of relationships, as relationships bring people together, a scope for disloyalty always remains. Nearly for last fifty years, the factor seemed to get a raise as a regular feature , might be part of the trend, in the same way like trends cannot be justified, even infidelity can't be supported with a logical ground. What makes someone infidel, is it easy to find an answer, no as the matter is subjective. . would you have any reason enough to justify your disloyalty. Some people think and answer that they don't find their partner attractive anymore, or someone else more attractive or it is not working with them being together.If we analyse these reasons then :1) one who feels attraction fades with time must not forget that the same rules of nature apply for him, and should be able to accept it when his partner cheats on him for the same reason2)the fact that you are in love with someone makes that person attractive for you, if you find someone who is more attractive then that chance will be ever-occurring in life, so that means you will always be cheating and yes should be prepared that your partner meets a better alternative before you do so, as I talked about the chance, you can also opt to wait for the best (whatever time that may require) to avoid comparisons.3)none of us are machines and to work out is mostly exercising, so if following love is not to follow a regime, then there is only one meaning that working out can refer to i.e. you are incompatible, so fall apart and give yourselves time, cheating won't help.Another common reason is lack of attention from the partner which makes the other partner feel like finding someone else, or simply any "extra" (which can be done without) relation may be a result of impulse. Whatever strong reason you present, you can't support infidelity not even as fun, as it will be difficult for you to accept it as well. .

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