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Posts posted by ritu

  1. In India and I am sure around the globe, there have been a lot of cases that have been registered to which you would refer to as data, but there is a good number where the molester would be a family member, as close as the first cousin, or an uncle or the worst of all the father himself, that would be in the cases of the females, now as sheepdog mentioned women also can traumatize their fellow beings, for males as well there have been a lot of situations when they have fallen prey to evil intentions, even some of the residential educational institutions and religious camps have also come under suspicion. The reason why any rise in the cases can't be seen is because adequate reporting is not done, the child is too young to actually identify the wrong done to it or the molester is either a close relative or so powerful that he/she has the power to shatter the structure of the household as a whole.


    Talking about how things have deteriorated these days, I would mention that my mother was brought up in a joint family and she is proud enough to have so many people taking care of her security, when I was growing up in my joint family, I could not be equally proud as there had been unpleasant incidents with my older cousins and they were the ones to tell me that a particular member of the family had to be stayed away from. They were there to educate me, but nobody could they find for themselves for their mothers were convinced that no one in the family would ever cause them any harm. I have read about and also heard acquaintances talking about how their children reacted unlike usual when they a saw a person who would try to be over friendly and expressive to the child. If you are looking for data just google the topic and you will find what amount of rise it has actually witnessed.


    A very recent case that I came across was at my in-laws place, this girl who educated with help from my father-in-law,was familiar with almost all the teachers in his (father-in-law's) school, they had seen her growing up and knew well the story of her mother's struggle. The girl,lets call her T,visited mom-in-law quite often, she also got friendly to me and one fine day I saw her full of sweat and tears, I took her to my room and tried to talk to her, she disclosed that one of the most respected teachers had tried to, I don't know how to put it but I will, molest her. I then talked to her mother who instantly refused to report the incident to dad-in-law. Now, the mother seemed to digest this just like hundreds of other families do. I stress and ask for methods of education because I know how detrimental that can get for a child's health an when most families maintain a hush-hush reaction to this

  2. The scientists have nailed it again,they have recently discovered that there is another planet that is capable of nourishing life on it.The planet is found to be like 22 light years away from the earth. Like the earth revolves around the Sun in the Solar System,this planet moves in an orbit around a red dwarf star, the stars which are quite like the Sun, mostly of a gaseous constituency, devoid of rocky composition.
    The new planet named Gliese 667Cc is estimated to be four and a half times the mass of Earth And is a solid one. One fact that really makes it different from the suitable environment on the earth is that the light received by Gliese 667Cc from the dwarf planet is ten percent less than the amount received by the Earth from the Sun. A few more observations like the light in the infra red area contributes to the formation of the belief that water could be in the liquid form there and the temperature of the surface would be somewhat suitable for life. The main basis of the emphasis that life can be supported in this planet is that it is located in the habitable zone i.e. the distance from the sun is such that neither it is too hot nor too dry and freezing

    Further leads to this discovery can give a brighter dimension to the science of astronomy. If you are looking for more information,check this out.

  3. When in social gatherings,the ones that you need to attend with your family,I have often found that there would be someone who would prefer to go out of the way and dress in a manner that by no means conforms to the purpose of the occasion. I mean like if it is a religious gathering,wearing a dress that refuses to extend below the thighs would undoubtedly raise quite a few eyebrows and there are some who wouldn't hesitate to conclude that the person can never possess a desirable character. At least I have seen this happen in the Indian society that way, but that doesn't mean I believe in doing so and have disagreed with people of such thought process.The reason one's character is linked to his/her dressing style might be that the tastes of that person are exhibited which supposedly hold some relevance to the person's personality. Now I need to state why I disagree, because two people who dress alike do not bear the same attributes. Moreover, people who have been found to dress according to the occasion, are simply displaying a social image, for eg.everyone at a funeral dresses like the family of the deceased does, yet they don't feel the loss of the person with the same intensity, so how do thoughts related to the character get influenced by the way of their dressing? It may be important while pursuing career,also I wouldn't totally rule out that any social activity does maintain a dress code and abiding by that makes it easier for everyone to be comfortable, but directly assuming about someone's character simply based on the way of dressing doesn't convince me....... <_< What's your opinion?

  4. That is a very interesting question,aliens might exist but if the humans are supposed to answer the question, they should have encountered them at least once, but have there been any such cases? Most of the people who have reported to come across some alien like creature, realise later that it was some prank played by a friend or some kind of misinterpretation or simply an illusion,if anything has been proven in this regard, please enlighten me.One more thing, if the aliens are really out there somewhere, then they might be thinking us as aliens and we do certainly exist, so probably, for they are aliens to us might exist as well.

  5. I just wanted to know whether that would take care of all kinds of tooth problems. There are many people who are addicted to smoking or chewing tobacco,their teeth have severe problems like permanent stains on their teeth, pain in the gums and bleeding, There is also a lot of decaying, if something of that sort comes to be possible, would it be helpful in those cases as even after using the toothpaste,these people will continue with their habits .

  6. One of the most beautiful gifts that the world which has more or less turned ugly, has are children. The childless homes or families can well assert that. As grown up and mature beings on the earth what have we exactly done to treasure this form of blessing,most will answer---- a lot , we have taught them values which make them proper human beings,education(basically formal), to groom them up for the future,loads of love, simply because who wouldn't love a child and of course provide for their material well being.None of us is unaware that the world is full of abusers that can go to the extent of making innocent children their victims. The term is usually known as child molestation and it has become a usual phenomenon indeed. The cases which involve a well known name are brought into focus by the media, but the actual number of such abuse is alarmingly higher. It seems you can't trust anybody with your children. In fact most of the molesters are either acquaintances or close relatives. This kind of evil is present in almost the whole of the world, irrespective of the development rate of the country.However,the matter of worry here is that sometimes the child is too young to understand that it has been molested. There should be some way to equip our children with education about what kind of behaviour molestation exactly is.What I put forward as a topic of discussion is what should be the correct age and manner that children are introduced to education dealing with such a sensitive issue? We can't even afford to wait till the child attains the stage of adolescence for by that time it might already have fallen prey to inhuman intentions nor can it be begun so early that the child fails to grasp the very essence of whatever is being told to it, or worse for everyone the child might have faced the trauma and not willing to speak because of the fear of that monstrous person. Whatever the case the importance of educating the child about molestation does not reduce and has to be delivered to save it from encroaching hands that ruin their childhood.Please share your views regarding this issue and back it up with sound reasons.

  7. Horoscope may have shaky credibility but they are undoubtedly interesting.The construction of a horoscope can have different influences in different places. In the south Asian countries, it is more determined on the basis of the time and place of birth, yet the interpretations are varied and unique in accordance with that respective community. What our community considers as base for a horoscope is somewhat unreasonable for me, they take earth as the center of the universe and assume that all the other celestial bodies revolve around it, exerting influence over the pattern of life that human beings are supposed to have. This fact makes it doubtful to me that a horoscope can be relied upon.

  8. Magic! interesting one that is, I haven't gone through all the posts but according to what the initiator of the topic has posted, magic has the term "belief" as a tag with it. I mean whether its belief or disbelief, magic as a concept might be a vast one, and I do not have adequate knowledge about it. When the word magic comes to my mind, I mostly think of the shows that were either performed on stage or were aired on the television, a lot were there when we were young. As I grew up, with other shows on television revealing the secrets of shows of this sort and with my own reasoning developing, I could understand that there wasn't anything that was magical in the true sense of the term, it was the skills of the performer, cause what they presented was a form of art, it still is. I can't really say that I believe in magic, yet the craftsmanship of the so called magicians is worth appreciation according to me.

  9. The Constitution of India has the feature of Secularism contained in it, i.e.there is no official religion of the state. To be more precise, if any individual decides to follow a particular religion, he/she should be allowed to do so and no force can stop them. The reality is quite on the contrary, there have been communal riots of massive magnitude in the country where innumerable people lost their lives irrespective of the era anyone lives in. We as Indians, are supposed to follow the religion that our ancestors followed or at least what our parents follow. I can bet on the fact that so many of us are not aware of the significance of the religious customs that they are made to follow. Besides our own religion, if we manage to acquire knowledge on any other religion, and thereby express our interest in it, then it amounts to blasphemy. So, it can be concluded that knowledge or consciousness is not a requisite for religion to be followed , it is just the fact that our family wants us to follow a certain religion and we are expected to agree. Can any one of you find even a tinge of religious tolerance in these cases? Even when secularism is supposed to be infused within all the citizens of the country. All the religious communities express their disbelief in the other religions and the younger lot grow up watching these intolerance.With the spread of education and progressive thinking,the upcoming generations are trying the evil of intolerance, viewing this as a step of a new age of consciousness and communal harmony, I really hope that the factor of religious tolerance gets instilled in the hearts of all the Indians and we successfully implement the cause of secularism in the country.

  10. I have been enlightened a bit more about what stuff is actually served to us in name of fast food. According to one of the ex-managers of KFC in the United States, the chicken that is brought in as mostly fresh has some "kill date" mentioned on it. The main reason for this mention is that the chicken is supposed to be consumed within 12 days of the "kill date". Like if the chicken has the "kill date" of the 1st of April,2012, then it has to be used or consumed by the 13th of the same month.


    Now,what KFC has been accused of is that they dared to serve chicken which had gone beyond the stage of healthy consumption,the employees were forced to serve chicken which had started to rot. As a result,the typical unbearable kind of small started to develop, the chicken changed its color to green and the blood thickening process had started.The manager in question, who refused to indulge in this immoral and unprofessional kind of activity was fired and most of the others were forced to serve the rotten chicken.


    The manager has now resorted to take legal help for the whole episode.

    For all the KFC devotees, the question is would you still continue to contribute to their loyal clientele or would be reasonable enough to strike KFC off from the list of your favourites?


  11. I would rather view this from a practical point of view, as I don't find a very strong connection between religion and abortion. The problems that a woman can face due to abortion can be severe. It can even lead to inability to conceive in the future. Keeping all that in mind, we can't rule out the circumstances that make the parents or the mother only go for an abortion. It is not sufficient to bear a child but the parents should be well capable of bringing the child up with in a decent manner, else who is going to suffer? If the parents realise this fact before the child has arrived on the earth, or lets put it this way-- you realise that your child isn't going to receive the best you intend to deliver because of financial or social reasons, then would you still decide to bring the child on earth? Don't you think abortion would rather save the child from a life which by no means can even be considered average?Having said that, abortion can never be justified when the parents think that they need to gain more maturity or spend more time time with each other or simply are not interested in having kids. These people are hopeless when it comes to handling responsibility and the reason is immaturity and not helplessness. Talking about precautionary measures, it is difficult to find one that cuts down the risk totally, there is always a chance for something unexpected.The point that I wish to make here is a child's life is precious, it is indeed a gift from God,so, nobody has the right to cause harm to it neither before birth nor after it.

  12. While I happened to go through your post, I discovered that very little was mentioned about the Parliamentary form of government. In this type of government, the president is rarely has active participation in the functioning of the government. I live in India and here the President is mostly regarded as the nominal head. He has some special powers but as the name suggests those can be only used under special circumstances, the legislature or the Parliament as it is known in our country takes care of the accountability of the government.Moreover, I find people including myself often complaining about democracy but what do we have as an opyion and something which is better. There have been several forms of government but none could manage to survive as successfully as Democracy has done. What we should do on our part is make the existing form better by staying vigilant and know our rights and responsibilities well. Also performing all our duties would help serving the purpose.

  13. As you know the movie industry of the United States is known as Hollywood,the same way in India, with its diverse linguistic features, has regions within producing films in the pre dominant language of that region. Some of such popular industries are.Bollywood-- for being based in Mumbai,which was previously known as Bombay in western India, it has the widest reach throughout the nation.Tollywood-- Both the regional film industries of Bengal in the east and Andhra Pradesh in the south are known by the same name.Kollywood-- The industry producing Tamil films in southern India, the letter "K" here stands for the first letter of the name of the district where most of the production headquarters are located.The much wondered about Sandalwood is actually the movie industry of Karnataka in southern India, I am not sure but probably because there are a lot of forests in Karnataka which have a lot of sandalwood trees.Hope that information would of some help.

  14. Wait a minute! what makes that "a salad for real men", the fact that a man has to prepare it or only men can eat it or the ingredients? If the ingredients have become the reason,could you please explain why are they for "real men"? Another question, what according to you is " "womeny" stuff"?However I am a woman and would love to have something of that sort as that sounds to be pretty tempting,tabasco sauce is one of my favourites and also I am quite fond of Jalapeno peppers.

  15. The Indian culture has its own glory, the colourful attributes of it really make me feel proud of it.But it is not fair to be blind as I am well aware of the evils that exist in the Indian society and the worst part is that many Indians tend to believe those to be extensions of culture.

    Lets start with casteism, even after attaining prestigious degrees in academics,a considerable lot of Indians believe that certain castes or sub-divisions of the community are inferior or outright untouchable, that kind of negativity mainly arises due to factor of heredity, meaning no matter how decent or educated a person is,or what contribution he makes to the society, it is the title of his family that decides whether he should go to the superior or the inferior social stratum.This clearly implies that one has to remain inferior just because his ancestors were entitled to do not so respectable kind of jobs.However ,untouchability was abolished by passing an act on the 29th of April,1947. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution stands for it. In spite of all efforts made by the government, it still manages to prevail in parts of the nation.

    Note : Untouchables were out or below the caste system.

    Evils against women are also burning issues that the nation has to face. Child marriage,female infanticide,demands for dowry resulting to violence against women and depriving the girl child from receiving education are the some of challenges that the Indian society faces even today. The main that I would state is the attitude of the society towards the girl child and the parents of the girl child themselves are to be hold equally responsible,for if they cannot stand up for their own child, is it right to blame the social structure?


    Torturing the widows was also a threat to the progression of the society as mentioned in an earlier post, but has been dealt with to a good extent.

    Merely discussing the problems won't help, we need to stand united as an educated nation and and fight those evils by not unfollowing them, as an added support we have the legal machinery of our country.

    There could be several more evils, on which any of you can throw light, please do it.

  16. Hello friends,

    Very often these days I happen to come across people with websites which speak about their business and that could be anything, right from selling fast food to getting people married. This makes me wonder about why do they need to deviate from the conventional methods of business to create a website. After a bit of study and observation, I could come to the conclusion that a website is indeed a must have in this century.


    Here are a few facts that I derived as the causes which give rise to the requirement of a website.

    Firstly, probably with a website it becomes easier to handle the information delivery. As there are no fixed hours of working, information regarding the business can be earned whenever anyone manages the time to do so.

    Secondly, a website can serve to do the best of marketing at a comparatively reasonable price, comparison with roadside hoardings and banners, using the media-electronic or print.

    Thirdly, a website extends the reach of the enterprise covering the entire globe, that is undoubtedly profitable as more number of visitors flow in from all corners of the world.

    Fourthly,the work done via websites is cheaper and proficient and can spare one from labour issues.

    Fifthly and most importantly, in the 21st century when nobody has the time to search for trustworthy business associates, and when they are more or less clung to the computer, a website can render a notion that the person concerned is a thorough professional.


    There might be a lot other causes and any contribution would be more than appreciated.


  17. At the midnight of 17.4.2012, a fire broke out at the signalling cabins between Kurla and Vidyavihar which ultimately hit the smooth running of trains and the trains were as late as 40 minutes of the scheduled time. It has also been reported that only 70% of the trains would be operating.

    As a result of the fire, the signalling gears suffered huge damage, also some of the long distance trains operating between Mumbai and Pune have been cancelled. The Central line was the worst affected,leaving million of commuters without a clue for the indicators had gone off as well.The buses were overcrowded with office-goers since they couldn't find any other suitable alternative.

    The fire that broke out at midnight was brought under control after a tedious struggle of fire-brigade service.The engineers are working hard to find a solution and it would take around 3-4 days to get the issue fixed.

    The commuters opting for the Harbour line faced difficulty as well, as Kurla works as a connecting station to various other lines and the Harbour line.

    The stations of Kalyan, Dombivali and Thane were severely affected a the trains couldn't run between these stations and Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus(CST).

    As the restoration is in full progress, we hope that the troubleshooting takes place as early as possible and the commuters can have a breath of relief.

  18. @Utkarsha

    One point that comes to my mind after reading your post is that religion is a concept which would be difficult to be backed by evidences.You are right in saying that religion should be organised enough to be imparting teachings to its followers. But being an indispensable part of civilization, religion has to undergo the process of adaptation,else it won't be of use to the people of changing ages.

    Moreover, the assumptions themselves are results of human thoughts and so that the thoughts which get outdated,the religion via human efforts again, tries to upgrade itself.

    Another thing that I would like to talk about is that one of your tags read

    Religious Intolerance

    I couldn't really get the point. As far as my experience goes every religion has its own fanatic followers, in fact in case of Hinduism the number is considerably low.


    Well, having said all that, I will not take away from your opinion, religion's support pillar is after all is faith and that is completely individualistic.

  19. In the first case, my favourite would be chocolate,better if there is a good amount of chocolate chips too.

    I think I'll go for red, the color of love

    Coke, gives you the feel of aerated drink much more than Pepsi does

    Dark chocolate anytime, in fact in icecreams also I prefer this variation

    Selena Gomez without doubt.


    Found this survey really interesting and hope to see more of the same sort.

  20. It is not that the success of democracy depends entirely on the efficiency or the functioning of the rulers. There are nations in this world which have taken direct democracy as their form of government. The secret of success with any form of government lies with the co-functioning of the government and the citizens. In countries which have democracy as a successful form of government, the citizens there are not only conscious about their rights,but also have note of their responsibilities towards the nation and its development.Undoubtedly,the beneficial format of democracy has been turned corrupt by a number of politicians and influential goons. Yet, the very form doesn't lose its importance.As dutiful citizens we are supposed to discharge our duties,keeping aside the malpractices on the government's part. Democracy will ultimately emerge as not only a logical,but also a true and effective form of government when the citizens and the government work hand in hand.

  21. I can well understand what you mean by gifts of that sort. To enjoy the gifts of nature, I hardly can manage time and I do long for the moment when I can sit or stand doing nothing and enjoy the precious gifts of nature. It has an immensely calming effect on our super-stressed minds.


    When you said that you really like it when children come and smile at you,I remember how I enjoy being with cuddly babies. Wherever I get to see one of them, anywhere around I take the chance of playing with them and the happiness I derive is something too hard to explain verbally.


    I hope that everyone understands the importance of paying time and attention to simple facts which leaves a pacifying effect on our minds.

  22. Death is something I have seen ruining the happiness of my family. My father had a massive cardiac arrest and I helplessly saw him die in my arms. Taking him to the hospital couldn't be of any help.So, what death can result in is a new view towards life.After losing dad I actually came forward to share the responsibilities of the house,being the eldest child and didn't have a brother.It was indeed a tough task to convert myself from a carefree teenager to a matured lady as my age hadn't progressed as much as my behaviour had. Death is powerful-- yes, part of life--yes, has negative effects--yes, anything positive-- it does teach you to handle even the biggest misfortune.Absolutely agreeing with web designer, faith will keep us going and bear the pain of losing someone very close to us.

  23. According to me, both Heaven and hell are reflections of mental stages. It has got to do about how we feel about our lives.Being satisfied with your life hardly makes you crave for Heaven,whereas if you are totally fed up facing turmoils you often kind relate your experience to that of being in hell.As none of us have in reality encountered the concepts of Heaven and hell,it has sprung from the human mind and the belief has been passed through generations.So, if you feel that your earthly life is good enough to cherish,then yes you are in Heaven.

  24. Hello friends,The experience that I am going to share with you today is something that happened with my mother.My mother opted for a postpaid connection from Reliance Communications, she never asked for any additional services like getting Wifi enabled or other things of that sort. Suddenly, on a fine day, she received an sms stating that now you can enjoy GPRS on your mobile. It was ignored for she was hardly interested, but she had to start worrying when she received the bill for the following month. They had included charges for GPRS activation. My mother being extremely confused, asked me to intervene. In the beginning I thought that probably it was something activated by mom herself unknowingly,so went to their customer relations store, where I submitted an application to get the GPRS de-activated,after consulting one of their executives. They assured me that it would be ripped off. As we received the next bill, the same charges seemed to be recurring.Now, even I got infuriated and landed up at the same office, what I saw there was a number of people coming in with their complaints of addition of services without their knowledge and consent. It was then when I actually realised there was something thoroughly wrong with the system. After applying for three months, the GPRS still seemed to exist at least in the bills. We were fed up trying to be patient and ultimately decided to switch over to a pre-paid connection. Now , started troubles with this one as well, the allotted talktime was never actually there, it took such a toll on us that we ultimately decided to quit their service.The point that I wish to make is that how can a reputed organization like this not pay heed to what trouble their subscribers face regarding the services. We would have been happy to remain associated with the company but had to surrender because of the indifference of the support team. I really hope they start working out on issues like this to satisfy their clientele before its too late.

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