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Posts posted by ritu

  1. What I feel about applying make up is that it should be resorted to when you either want to conceal some thing that you don't want to be shown on your face or you wish to flaunt highlighting some feature on your face. There is no harm in opting for make up when you think that a certain feature on your face, if looks prominent than it really is will add to your overall personality.As a corporate trainer,I had to wear make up occasionally, day make up mostly, and trust me I did receive a lot of compliments, not on how I looked, but for the way I could make out the type of my skin and go for the most suitable kind of make up....yes, that does make a difference,it is advisable to be careful while choosing your make up, the skin type, the occasion,the time of the day and even the time of the year---all have to be taken into account. Going overboard,without doubt can ruin your efforts,so the best way to go is to dress in a sober manner.

  2. The 65th Cannes Film Festival had its curtains down in quite a moist manner.....as the final day witnessed a heavy downpour.However, there wasn't any pause to the glories that could be recorded.On Sunday,Michael Haneke,the Austrian showman received the highest prize for the movie "Amour".


    The movie is reportedly,capable of shaking emotions and making a deep impact on the audience, more likely leaving them the question whether they have it in their relationship.The plot of the drama basically revolves around a couple who are in their 80's,and have led a substantial part of life together.Two established French actors,Jean Louis Trintingnant playing Georges and Emmanuelle Riva playing Anne have done a remarkable job. They play music teachers,with their daughter settled abroad with her family, they now have nobody but each other to depend on.Anne gets hit by a stroke and her body is partially paralyzed.It is then that the real bond of love comes to life and has to pass through the tests of time.


    Haneke's inspiration for the film has been a real life experience and also the deep felt urge to be with his wife throughout has been a strong driving force.Haneke has won the Palme earlier for "The White Ribbon".

    Source 1 & 2

  3. Qzina Speciality Foods have found out on extraordinary way to celebrate their 30th anniversary. Its a mammoth chocolate pyramid which is not just unique, but they have nailed it this time by setting a new Guinness World Record with the structure weighing a staggering 18,239 pounds.


    The theme chosen was inspired by Mayan civilization who were supposedly the pioneers in the cultivation of cocoa, placed it to a level where it could be called the "Food for the Gods". The pyramid is reportedly

    a replica of the Kukalan pyramid in Chichen Itza,an archaeologoical site in Yucatan

    The height of the piece of art is 6 feet and the base on which it rests has the magnitude of 3000 pounds,10feet*10feet.

    For having an exclusive look at the awesome structure,one has to visit the Qzina Institute of Chocolate and Pastry in Irvine, California. The display will be starting from June 4,2012.


    As a matter of fact, keeping in accord with the date when the Mayan calender meets it end, Qzine has plans to demolish the pyramid on December 21,2012.

    Sources 1 and 2


  4. On Friday, a category 2 storm Hurricane Bud made its way towards Mexico's west Pacific Coast. Authorities issued a hurricane warning from Manzanillo northwest to Cabo Corrientes. It was roaring at 130 miles southwest of Manzanillo.It is the second named storm of the East Pacific hurricane season.

    According to a news website the hurricane is likely to go beyond 39 mph within a span of 36 hours, upto 74mph gradually.At the earlier stage,Bud was a categorty3 storm which loweed to a category2 storm today.

    Schools didn't hold their classes in 11 communities in Jalisco state,which are expected to receive 6-10 inches of rain, which could bring along destruction in form of floods and mudslides.

    There have been preparations in Jalisco, like emergency shelters, heavy vehicles to get rid of the debris, banning of swimming as a precaution on the beaches etc.
    Source 1 and 2

  5. Having gone through this article, on a news website, just thought of sharing the piece of information with people on this forum.

    Lovers of tobacco will have to face a tough combat from the government of New Zealand. The coming years will witness the introduction of a significant hike of 40%,certainly that makes it worse for the smokers as the existing average prices of a pack are already the highest.

    A load of taxes would lead to drive the citizens to totally abandon clinging to tobacco. The authorities concerned with the development of health are considering of catapulting the price of a pack of cigarettes to 100 New Zealand dollars. An easier alternative for this idea was to direct dealers to avoid putting packs of cigarettes on display. Statistics for over a period of 25 years throw light on the effect of steep rise in the price of cigarettes. The percentage of the fall also continues to grow pleasantly higher.

    Time for reaction...... there was an obvious response from the loyal smokers' end.Their loyalty to tobacco has given rise to repercussions which not only include expressing dissatisfaction over government policies,but also resort to illegal means of acquiring it.

    The Cancer societies and health organizations are full of praise for these measures and supposedly authorities in New Zealand have been fortunate enough to face very few instances of tobacco sales through the medium of black marketing.

    With a varied set of statistics, a study conducted by the World Health Organizations, in 2011, reveals that there isn't much difference between the percentage of adult smokers in New Zealand and other developed nations.

    The percentage of tax charged on cigarettes is though different in fact it is as high as 70%.

  6. I cannot totally agree with you on a few grounds, many a times the circumstances become inevitably negative, as a consequence we end up thinking negatively, practically I find that hardly feasible, stating that might be easy, but bringing it into practice is tough, diverting your mind from something serious, even if that is negative is neither easy nor advisable as what appears to be negative at first can be of major importance which need your attention, shifting your thoughts from there can prove to be negative in the real sense of the term.Moreover, "not" is always not that bad, for eg; if someone you love has a bottle of some chemical that is harmful if drunk as a medicine ,but useful otherwise say for some experiment, is scarce as well,you can't ask him to throw it away, so won't you say do "not" drink that??Another point to be made, some people have a better sense of opining you than you do about yourself, there are many people who are either overconfident about themselves or have an issue with their self esteem, they absolutely need help from others in form of opinion,that will actually bring in real "POWER".

  7. Printing money... that is an idea that should be left for trusted authorities, there is another aspect that might be discussed about, if everyone starts to print money then nobody would be interested to do any other work, so even if you get rich yourself , what would you buy as there would be shortage of services and products, lack of interest in all other fields than printing money. The increase in the amount of resources unnaturally would ultimately result in the slow decline of the end itself.

  8. With some sections deviating from mainstream Hinduism, the leaders of those sections claim that they want to shape religion for that purpose- for the betterment of the society, but I fail to see where their action stick to the words, like many such sections wanted the supremacy of the Brahmins to be done away with, but that particular section's leader ended up thinking about his own benefits, so the claim didn't hold meaning for the people who made it.Everyone has his own interpretation of friendship, I won't say that it is wrong if you render more importance to truth than your friendship, probably being truthful is being a true friend to you,but I would admit that would really be tough for me, something within me would stop me, I can't imagine losing my friend earlier by revealing the truth.

  9. That article fills me up with the utmost pleasure, I am a die hard egg fan, HAIL EGGS!!!! An egg-etarian like me would be rejoicing all day when there is a possibility that eggs can be had even when you need to have vegetarian food. Actually, eggs are easy to prepare and are quite filling, moreover they taste fabulous and even kids have it with little effort put as has to be done while feeding them.

  10. The fact is that in Assam we receive a heavy amount of rainfall throughout the year,especially during the summer season followed by the monsoon, and as I mentioned about the river Bramhaputra, it is more than filled up and the main source of energy in Assam is hydro electricity, so there shouldn't be shortage of power supply. I agree with you when you talk about politics, there is a lot here, that is why they have been granting permission to the construction of property that requires a lot of water in the process of building them and when sold out, the requirement also multiplies. This can be avoided but the officials seem to be more interested in accumulating their shares of profit from the builders, so any necessary restrictions are not imposed, also these constructions actually overload the electricity board with huge demand for power consumption, the consequence the commoners suffer. The authorities should take adequate measures to solve this issue and probably optimum distribution of resources would help.In West Bengal also the situation can be coped up if a little more effort is made, else why is the power division maintained by the government? In Mumbai when the corporate giants have ventured into generating power, what is stopping them from extending their support to the newly developed adjoining areas of the city?

  11. While discussing world's biggest problems, I have found among my acquaintances that they restrict themselves to discussing about the problems that we usually face in India......there are a lot, :wacko:. Once when I asked a friend why do they specifically talk about India and not the world as a whole, he answered that India was a part of the world and the lack of love for one's motherland( he probably referred to me) was one of such problems. He was a true patriot indeed ;) (pun intended), simply cribbing about everything and himself being the reason of the mess. Like when it came to his sister's status in her in-laws place, he was as wise as possible, at the same time when it was about his wife, his policies turned upside down. We often blame the politicians for not discharging their duties, but as citizens, that may be of any country, how many of us actually make an effort ourselves to take care of our responsibilities, else there wouldn't be so many crimes across the world, though some might be consequences of circumstances or environment, there are many which are not. Also as some one else states that lack of contentment and not realising our responsibilities are tough challenges that the world faces.

  12. Being a practising Hindu, I have come across some of the religious sects which are opposed to idol worship for they feel it introduces a sense of difference between people worshiping different Gods, also the so called upper sections of the Hindu society would mislead people to fulfill their own interests, but how has that helped ? The main purpose of any religion,according to me should be the betterment of people, but it is absolutely shocking to know that some of the chosen leaders who were entitled to carry forward this task of upliftment of society, are making the worst use of their powers.


    There had been an instance when I had happened to attend a religious gathering which was organized by a member of my family, we all, or lets say most of us were carrying the hope of getting our stress reduced in the path of spiritual enlightenment. A whole group of, I don't know what to call them, but they were "Vaishnav"s had turned up and our family follows the Vaishnavite teachings. One of them started to speak, he started by saying that we as humans should not be attached to our earthly lives, no dependence on the family and no place for emotions which was completely useless according to them. I am a believer in God but that no way makes me believe that our earthly life holds no importance,can't even imagine life without family and emotions are indispensable, I guess for every human being. What I would say I concluded from the speech is that let alone doing super good to the society, they were far from realising the basic traits of humanity.


    I have put a lot of efforts to understand Hinduism and at times have found peace simply thinking about the fact that there is someone up there to take care of everything,yet it very often comes up with a new challenge that shakes my faith altogether. I hope one day I manage to truly understand what Hinduism is.

  13. The fact that other countries have recorded acts of brutality for themselves, doesn't make the acts of the Nazis any less brutal. The victims of the Holocaust, are they not to be considered as humans? So, when you can count all the torturous deeds of other countries, you place the Nazis as the best people, what account can you provide for that?

  14. I do not know how to put it but I would say that it is probably just too good a luck to make things happen that are not supposed to take place in the normal or the assumed manner. Yes, I do believe that way because if any supernatural or divine power could be hold responsible for the occurrence of miracles, then what makes the recipient deserve the miracle in the eyes of the DIvine power or is it a randomly chosen one? So, the person has to be fortunate or to possess invincible luck. So, by that logic miracles are exceptions that happen only for the lucky chosen ones.

  15. With the summer progressing to reach its zenith, a few things which direct us to attaining some relief is the air that is released mechanically by a device like the fan or the air conditioner. Trust me you can claim to have cooled down after having a glass of chilled,fresh juice or water which you can carry in case the options available are questionable, nothing can beat the effect that an electronic device can exert. The joy of coming home after being grilled by the sun outside is doubled when the cool air from any of such devices makes your senses come to life once again :P !!!!!! lol !!!!.Now the point that I want to make is the slightest amount of the mentioned joy is taken away from us as power cuts are like part of summer's bloom. Let me start with the example of Assam, it is a state in the northeastern part of India, in the month of May, the heat really gets unbearable and the electricity board officials stand useless in controlling the incidents of power cuts, I think it wouldn't be longer than two and a half hours in the entire day when we don't have power cuts. The discomfort and inconvenience encountered can be well imagined. Several complaints and applications for the consideration of the improvement of the condition lie within unnoticed and abandoned piles which ultimately serve as residences for cockroaches............. that is damn disgusting!!!!!!! -_-. Moreover, the river Brahmaputra, one of the longest rivers flows through the state, the amount of hydro electricity generated should be more than enough to support the requirements of the state, if not then while permitting the construction of lavish commercial and residential premises, why do they not hold back?Same was the condition when I had been to my maternal uncle's place in West Bengal, the term "Load Shedding" is used for power cuts of long hours, when the people are not allowed to consume electricity because of power cuts, then where does the load come from to be shed????Also Bengal does not have to depend on hydro electricity, they have got thermal projects as well and still they fail.Talking about my current city, Mumbai has made commendable progress in that regard, with the least possible incidents of power cuts, Lucky me! :rolleyes: . This is the condition in Mumbai proper, but in parts of Navi Mumbai which are newly developed, there are power cuts for as long as six to eight hours, same is the condition in the adjoining areas of the city.The electricity board whenever confronted, has little to provide as answer, but when is the condition going to change. Is this factor not to be given importance, when being a developed nation is being discussed . According to me that is undoubtedly of massive importance for electricity is a major driving force in the process of development. What do you have to say??

  16. What I was referring to is actually

    Japan’s National Police Agency recognises that violence to children at their parent’s hand is “one of the biggest social problems in recent years” with child abuse reports increasing 40 fold in the last 20 years. In 1990, over 1000 cases were reported compared to over 44,000 in 2009*.


    In comparison to countries like the US, these figures are low


    Japan is generally a safe country with a very low crime rate, thanks to its harsh conviction rate of 99.7 per cent. But, as cases like these two reveal, child abuse is something that, like many of Japan’s social issues, is still swept under the rug.

    In case of the PDF, go to pg 22 and you will find . Even I repeat suggest a way to educate the children

  17. I completely agree with that, though I am not a follower of Christianity, even in my own religion, I have found preachings which act as a rule script for many of my religion mates. Mostly I have found glorification of people who have renounced their earthly lives,which included their wife or new born kid. Even in the grand epic Ramayana, Laxman's wife Urmilla hardly finds a mention about her pain that she had to undergo while being separated from her husband. Does she not deserve to be glorified, the fanatic supporters often say that was for exemplary precedent, but she often lies in the space allotted to the supporting cast. Moreover, as Gautam Buddha left his wife and son to search for enlightenment, the society might have benefited but what about his own family, they were no more than commoners, and were they not part of the society that had to be served?


    When you say that actions and thoughts are equal when it comes to evaluating the the amount of sin committed, I think that I would be hold responsible of committing hundreds of crimes everyday,for we are all bound to come across people and situations who make us wanting to blow them off..... where do I hide now :wacko:

  18. Of course, as a teacher, I did try to accomplish what I could do the most, educate the children and possibly keeping a check on the some of the morons who tried to sort of enjoy victimizing the kids.Why I say the trend has got an upward trend, I repeatedly have been stating that it wasn't that insecure for my mom to play out in some acquaintances place or talk to her father's friends, but now that scenario has transformed as my sister who is much younger has faced threats from people who do get violent and it seems there is little that can be done to prevent this other than educating the children. So, what I actually asked for is ways of equipping children with some knowledge that they can identify inappropriate behaviour and at least report it to their parents. I agree the adverse situation has not changed with time, I mean there were cases earlier too, but some odd family views caused restriction, the same oddness still does exist, yet people find it hard to digest as the approach has been far more violent and the cases of occurrence have gone up, I,here rely on what I have witnessed and no logic as I mentioned earlier. Being a teacher, the problems that I found out while explaining the concept to the children was quite a challenge and so emphasise on effective ways of educating them about the matter in question.

  19. That isn't bad logic at all, and anyways logic has hardly anything to do with it, you almost curse the media for being news hungry, but what about the cases that we have found to occur in the society that we are a part of, I even put the example of the structure of my own family, the fact that these incidents have risen alarmingly can be found in many schools and I was a teacher myself who had seen how kids suffer, the earlier structure of the family was not that bad, but nowadays I have come across my friends complaining about such issues but fail to take legal action probably because there are people who I see here are not sensible in accepting the severity of this issue. You seem to be indeed living a "sheltered life" as you yourself mention and therefore too rigid to accept the truth.

  20. If you are the one that has made the girl sad then just say sorry :P.On a serious note, the reason of being sad must be found out, some people have the tendency of becoming sad due to inner conflicts, I mean they keep on thinking about something so deeply that they start to construct unpleasant situations on that matter by themselves and get sad within and so many people nowadays have this issue. If it is something petty then try to divert her thoughts by doing what she likes the most, like if she's fond of ice-creams,then get her one. If it is out of something grave then do what a true friend would always do, talk to her or I would say start talking and then listen to her as she opens up.Not to forget that every human being has his/her own way of handling things, if the girl in question is of the type who wants to be left alone, then respect her choice and allow her to spend time with no one but herself.

  21. Sheepdog is right, you should learn to evaluate your own feelings, sometimes you can't seem to get over Nick and then again,even when Nick is around you feel something special for someone whom you gave a second preference earlier. Probably your age has a lot to do with that, people mostly tend to remain confused when it comes to relationships,that can be of any age group. Now what I want to ask you is that whether you really want be with the guy you met later.Also give a thought about Nick and still if you feel connected,then don't wait to take an attempt in contacting him. Hope you make up your mind before its too late :blink:

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