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Posts posted by ritu

  1. The Canon Powershot SX110 and the Sony Cybershot DSCH10 were both launched in the year 2008. They have remarkable features for themselves,yet mostly end up getting compared to each other.


    As we talk about comparison, there are a few features which are common to both these models.


    Both have an optical zoom of 10x,the screen size for both these models is 3”, the screen resolution shows 230k dots for both of them, the movie format provided is 480p@30fps.So, what do you think are the features that make them strikingly unique. Of course, a lot of discussion has already been done on the battery used----AA and Lithium ion respectively, along with the difference of megapixel, Canon has 9 megapixel and Sony has 8.1 megapixel. Now, according to a little more research that I accomplished , I found out a few more points that would help you decide which one to go for.


    Whenever you go for a camera we look for something that helps you capture more of details and scenes, in this regard Canon takes a leap ahead with a wider angle of 36mm than that of 38mm of Sony. Sony on the other hand has a smaller aperture of f/3.5 which enables you to focus on a wider range of subject(in terms of distance). Talking about the light sensitivity, Sony has a high ISO or the way you measure light sensitivity which is like 3200 and Canon has 1600 ISO, with such increased ISO,that Sony has, it is difficult to maintain good quality of the image,also the size may be reduced, however that may be useful to take pictures in less lit areas. Coming to the shutter speed, Sony has it as 1/2000s and Canon has it as 1/2500 (both maximum), the first one is better for rendering the feel of motion or speed in an image, the latter would be for capturing still pictures that would have an effect of their effect, moreover slow shutter speed can blur your images.


    These may be helpful determinants to declare one better over the other. Some more of the options if you are looking for their competition:

    Nikon Coolpix L120

    Canon PowershotSX150IS

    Canon EOS

    Sony Cybershot H70

    Canon Powershot SX40

    The prices of these cameras are almost the same in India---Rs.15,995 (for Canon) and Rs.15,990(for Sony), by the present dollar rate, close to 312 USD.


    Source: digital photography school .

  2. I am not a doctor nor a medical genius, but a question which was probably lying dormant somewhere has sprung up after a recent series of incidents.It all had started eight years ago, when my father was struggling with Diabetes, it was not of the usual kind. I see a lot of people leading normal lives with diabetes but that wasn't the case with my father. We had to get his tests for Diabetes, Blood Pressure and various other things, half of which were so complicated I don't even remember. Obviously they were all what the endocrinologist wanted to have us done. Just a few days before my father passed away, we had all the tests done and as a matter of relief, everything was close to normal. Then where did it all went wrong, he had a severe cardiac arrest and he left us all. The report of the doctor said it was due to rise in blood pressure, though he was pretty happy as it was the day of a festival, also there was an increase in the level of blood sugar. Now, after having al those tests done, can anyone tell me why none of the tests showed any signs of such a collapse. I still wonder about who to blame exactly.Now, the recent case, my aunt (maternal uncle's wife) has been in the hospital for the last ten days. She had some problem standing or walking erect, so was taken to the doctor who advised her to undergo a surgery as early as possible. They took the advice and got her admitted. It took them eleven odd tests to decide when the surgery could be done and finally zeroed down to a date three days later. Surprisingly, on the scheduled date they opted for the same tests which came out with some changes and the surgery was postponed for another couple of days. If they had to repeat the tests on the day of surgery and then decide then why did they get it done earlier. After the surgery, her condition deteriorated,she couldn't have even liquids, was almost starving as her spinal chord was operated upon through her neck and it pained a lot after that. Two days back, she lost her eyesight, one of our relatives,who is a doctor himself said that it might be due to lack of Potassium, the doctor who was in charge then realised that he had missed out something, prescribed for Potassium and Calcium tests. Surprisingly, again, the tests were all normal, ( they told us she had excellent levels of both the elements), also her Haemoglobin level was as good as it could never be. On the other hand, my aunt was starting to lose even her memory, she couldn't see speak, eat or drink,recognise people and what was worse that developed some respiratory disorders also.So, you can well imagine the authenticity of the tests.This way even I could try to cure her without involving the effort and money required for those tests which hardly yield any real help. She is still there fighting for her life and proving once more how futile these tests are. I am sure that many of you must have gone through similar situations. Do share your story by posting.

  3. Are you serious? Michael jackson, an alien? I agree that his style was unprecedented, but that is what made him deity-like, haven't we seen brilliant performers having extraordinary lives with extraordinary troubles?Why would someone have to be an alien for that? Moreover what aliens are exactly like, is not certain, the fact that they exist is still under question. So, we can easily let MJ get attributed to himself what he has earned after entertaining us for years. It is unfair to regard him as an alien also based on the fact that he could not have children with Lisa Marie Presley. Do you know what percentage of people in the world are worried by infertility? What would you categorise them as?MJ will continue to be the pop icon and rule our hearts and as others have posted, he should be allowed to rest in peace.

  4. Thanks a lot for the enlightenment! what I wish to actually convey is the process should involve the consent of the, lets call it the sufferer, for the very design of the activity should be used to be of at least some help to the mankind, good that it is banned in most of the nations for cases which fail to get the person's will or agreement

  5. That is what even I wanted to put forward. Also I would say that being in a marriage certainly doesn't mean we are supposed to gulp everything,something as unforgivable as disloyalty, it pains like hell! When your husband/wife is preferring someone else over you then how difficult it would be to continue with your marriage. It has to be either making your partner realise your importance, or walking out of the marriage. Now the main issue that arises is the child the couple has, by any means providing a normal upbringing to the child would not be possible, even if you choose to suffer with your disloyal partner.With all my heart I wish nobody faces a trauma of this magnitude, where you are in a dilemma, neither can commit nor can vomit.

  6. Can't really say whether family can be a curse but undoubtedly, in some cases families and their impositions have made people think that way. Nevertheless, it still serves as one of the most important institutions that prepare you for the society, taking the fact into consideration that a family should support , inculcate and also control wherever required.

  7. Yes, the process of Euthanasia, if declared legal,should be carried out after sufficient evidence is found that the individual in question wants and probably requires it. Nobody should be a victim to conspiracy just because Euthanasia gets the sanction of law. For anything that is forced in this regard, strict provisions for punishment should be included.

  8. You are right, when the only option available with the commoners is resorting to the police, but they fail to deliver, the ultimate instrument left is to take the initiative ourselves, at least that way the criminals who are no longer scared of the police will think twice before committing an offense, as they would be doubtful about the policies of our self defence. In fact the people have already opted in reality to combat crime this way. Criminals...... be careful :angry:

  9. Here I would mention that as education is spreading consciousness in the society with lightning speed, the atrocities have taken a downward trend. The suffering of the widows is now mainly about the loss of their soul-mate, the advocates of social injustice have shaken their hands away out of fear of facing mass resentment. Even my own mother, who unfortunately turned into one, a few years back, was dictated by her in- laws to live a healthy, normal life for her children's well being and more for her own sake. All I can say is that I am proud of my family.

  10. To be the Chief Executive of an influential and powerful nation like The United States is quite a task, as they maintain the Presidential Form Of Government,they have as their real head and not a nominal one. They have to be careful while electing the president and check to the utmost level possible, about how genuine he and every piece of information about him is.With the rising popularity of the internet,people have started to misuse this medium just to gather attention and visits to what he has posted,even with an issue as sensitive as the origin of the American President.


    Not much ago, there was a controversy regarding the birth origin of the present President of the U.S.,Barack Obama, according to some, the U.S. President should be naturally American by birth,Obama's father being from Kenya, he was not a natural American.A few were of the idea,that Obama was born in Kenya.To put a stop on these allegations, Barack Obama's birth certificate was posted.This birth certificate was shown to the public and it was well attested by the Department of Health,Hawaii. Now it was claimed that the documents were fake and this claim had reasons for its support.The claimants said that the certificate was a fabricated one and the original document was manipulated.Further there are some chronological details in the "long form" which were challenged,like the racial details of the father,the name of the hospital,even the nation his father hailed from.Moreover, if the document was opened in Adobe Illustrator as a PDF file, it would show several layers of the document, which proved that their was some changes made in the birth certificate to make it apt.


    As an attempt of reputation, some facts were put forward by Snopes,which bring out a different dimension to this whole episode. With a lot of research, they turned the claim down stating it as false. The top officials of the Health Department, Hawaii certified the authenticity of the certificate, which became the first ground of rejecting the claim, also the chronological turmoils were put in order accordingly,the calculation mainly related to the the date of birth of President Obama i.e. 4th of August,1961. Noted software experts also removed the doubts that clouded the Adobe Illustrator part.

    The controversy seems to lie down in peace,for now, but is it possible that any fact that is important has gone unnoticed? What do you have to say about this?

  11. God! summer is here. It is the time when we don't feel like having anything to eat,not even our favourite food. Actually the rising temperature drains out all the nutrients and energy from our body which makes fatigue strike and we only want to sleep, not to eat. As we need to carry out our daily life, it becomes difficult to work efficiently without having proper dose of food.


    How about drinking something ( in place of eating), that is nutritious and soothing at the same time. I am no expert to produce exquisite drinks, just want to share what I usually make at home. I take 3 tablespoonful of curd( better if its home-made), and beat it up with a pinch of salt and 3 teaspoons of sugar, then on a pan I roast some cumin seeds, coriander seeds, black peppercorns and chopped red chillies. After they are roasted well, I grind them coarsely and then add the ground mixture to the curd and stir it until it gets mixed uniformly. It tastes great and is equally refreshing and you can call it whatever you wish to, we call it "Masala Thanda".You can also add some "Chat Masala" if you like . Try it to have some moments of relief in the scorching heat as the curd gives you the nutrition and the spices help avoiding indigestion.


    Note:Avoid having this drink when you normally have fruit juices or your stomach is empty, you can enjoy it after having some solid food.

  12. In a language,when taken for study, can there be some important divisions. A question that rises up in the mind is that whether it is really helpful to go through all the divisions, the answer is yes. You have to be thorough with your research if you really wish to know the language well. One of such important parts is Criticism. In English Literature also, criticism plays a significant role.Now, for people who are not quite into the technicalities of literature, I would mention that here, criticising doesn't mean it has to rip the credits off from any creation, but to be more on the analytical side. You can find works of renowned poets, novelists and playwrights like William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, John Milton and many more, come under the scanner. Their work is studied closely, not like it is done by a reader, but the nature of the study should be rigorous.The task of criticism,involves dedicated efforts as a mistaken outcome can affect the reputation of a creative piece. The person who is into criticism must be aware of the history part because the form or style of writing of any literary genius is to some extent influenced by the prevalent conditions of the society in which he lives, even the trend setters do derive from the society. The litterateur whose work undergoes criticism, is an important link so, his personal life should also be taken into account. The style of research basically depends on the kind of criticism usually done in that particular age. After a lot of points been elaborately discussed the product comes out as another piece of genius, not a creative one but an analytical one.Criticism as a part of study, might give a tough time to many but in essence it provides with information and detailing of the literary devices used, the trend of writing in those days , the pouring out of the writer's mind by referring to his background and how the work should be read or accepted. So, the next time you hear about a piece of literary criticism, give it a look, you might find it insightful.

  13. As I have been associated with the process of education for a long time, I have been lucky enough to witness varied experiences. The system of education that exists in the northeastern part of India, is a pretty good one. The schools which are run by the missionaries, have a lot of discipline and values in them. There, the profession of teaching is considered one of the well-paid profession.While working as a teacher myself, I found out that the course material prescribed, was quite different from what we had studied. It was now a part of the regular curriculum to have subjects like physical education or arts and crafts and many more which were actually training the child for receiving future benefit . They have to appear for tests,so take it seriously, also the inherent interest of the child could be judged in this process.Though the upcoming generations have much to support their material life, they probably need to be taught in respect of ethics and culture, can't really blame them as we,ourselves remain too busy to teach them these parts. My father-in-law has been running a school himself for many years. Not very long ago, a teacher joined the school as a mathematics teacher, he was in another city associated with a school set up by a large corporate group. The students there come from handsomely rich backgrounds.So, this teacher once caught a student indulging in some wrong activity, when reported to the authorities,they said that they treated students as their clients and could not offend them, but it was easier for them to find another equally good teacher,he got their point and as a matter of prestige, forwarded his resignation. What values would be inculcated in the students of such schools is crystal clear, though in my father-in-law's school, this factor is well taken care of. However not letting the children know about these basic aspects, would endanger the future of the whole country.Strong efforts should be made to create a balance in what the child should be taught keeping in mind the requirement of the day and the healthy progression of the society making the children grow as good human beings, only will the purpose of education be solved.

  14. Light is a significant element that has been much studied about, from the earliest of ages. Light is defined as "electromagnetic radiation" and causes us to see things on earth. Very small portions of light given out and received is usually known as "photons" have been found to travel as either "waves or particles".


    These are the facts we have been well acquainted with, also we do know about the various uses of light, the basic one... to see, for advancement in the medical arena, if you talk about the field of art and entertainment, there is so much light has contributed to, be it LED TV's to the advanced lighting display specially used in films and on the stage, still I guess it has more to offer. It is immensely praiseworthy that something as transparent as light can be modified to a level where it can dare to cure issues which had been quite like challenges like correcting an eye ,tooth , some nervous block or even for the beautification of the skin.



    Now a question that often springs up into my mind is that when one form of energy can be used to obtain another form of energy, then is it feasible to do the same with light and sound? Can there be any chance where light can be used to create sound and that too of a considerably impressive quality? The speed of their travel is vastly different, their properties too lie different, however there must be some idea devised by technology to successfully develop sound from light.



    The power of laser technology is also been demonstrated when it has been used to cut diamonds which is as hard as possible. Some noteworthy efforts have been made so far to create sound from light, yet more of revolutionary steps are sought after. With laser rays being so intensified, it might be fruitful to make the rays pass from different directions and intersect at some point to produce sound at any level , even at the most micro level. It would be specially helpful to create sound in areas of limited access , especially where it is a task to install a device to produce sound. The emission of the rays can be monitored to accurately control the entire process. There is another advantage that can be mentioned about, light can travel even through vacuum , sound , if in its already created form, cannot do so, if light can be made to travel into such a space and then converted into sound, after reaching there, the limitation of sound waves gets void. The level of sound demands proportionate change in the release of laser rays. If it possibly turns into a reality, there can be a lot that can be done to make the basic idea go many steps further. One revolution would pave way for another .

  15. Today I intend to share my feelings about some customs that are followed in India. I can't really make out if they really hold some logic. I am talking about the custom of making widows suffer, like they are the ones who are responsible for their husband's death, even if so is the case,then is it not right to hand it over to the police? For no significant reason, they are treated like inferior beings. In earlier times, as when my grandmother lived, the widows were a cursed lot. They were not allowed to have non-vegetarian food, betel leaves and nuts, even red lentils or anything that would taste good, for only the fortunate women with husbands alive could have them. They had to sleep on a mat and not on the bed, couldn't wear sandals, had to walk bare footed , had to shave their hair off and turn bald, couldn't attend any occasion as they were considered unfortunate, not even their own son's and daughter's wedding! Moreover, they were allowed to have meal only once a day. The "Widow Remarriage Act" came into being in the nineteenth century, it was revolutionary but it is always difficult to impose something related to tradition on the masses.There were cases when the widow of the deceased was set on fire with her husband's dead body, she had to prove herself a "Sati". What made the society so cruel that they turn the lives of the widows into hell? Probably, they feared that if had long hair or had food full of protein, or had beautiful feet or wore various colorful costumes( they wear only plain white clothes), they would attract attention of other men, so whose fault is this? How is a widow suffering for her husband's death considered justified? The society should stand by her in support rather than increasing her grief, she has lost one of the most important persons in her life, after all. Nowadays the situation has got better if not changed totally. They are allowed to lead a normal life, also remarry at times, though some people still maintain the conservative bent of mind, being a member of the educated society, they keep their mouth shut. This is a very desirable change in the society and be continuing with an ever increasing pace.

  16. Do you believe in rebirth? It is vividly discussed in Buddhism, the whole circle of life, the path to one's liberation are all thorough eye- openers. Rebirth or reincarnation is actually the transfer of a soul into another body, which is again the proportionate outcome of your actions in the present life. It is indeed a spiritual awakening to have knowledge about these concepts, but with the fast moving pace of the modern world, for anything to be believed,like rebirth a lot of research has to be done, for which nobody has the time. Are there any concrete examples which signify the concept of rebirth? We live our lives as if there is only one for us ,probably that is responsible for our loss of morals and negligence to what actions we are accomplishing, for we ignore the possibility of rebirth. Some even go to the extent of saying that the ancient philosophies do not hold value today, they think this way for probably they haven't faced any instance or rather not felt about it, when there could be a awakening about the concept. Even in my case, though can't say that I have witnessed rebirth, I have been brought up with values with a spiritual tinge, which make you decisive of good or bad , at least at the basic level. So, can I hope that whatever I have lost in my life would be restored in the next one, if I choose to be practically fair in my actions, I guess I can as there is divine power in hope and this could be a key factor in the occurrence of a significant rebirth.

  17. Indian cinema, it is a grand concept, you will also find the term "Gods of Indian Cinema", can you guess why someone could be given that title? One reason could be their influence over the industry, or their contribution towards the reputation of cinema or it can be their superhuman qualities usually shown in the movies. Talking about superhuman qualities,there is a name that requires special mention is that of Rajnikant. He is an industry in himself considering the number of fans he has. His original name is Shivaji Rao Gaikwad. He worked as a bus conductor and struggled a lot in the beginning, but eventually rose to become one of the most successful and highest paid actors in the country. His highlight as an entertainer is his own peculiar style of exhibiting mannerisms. The way he swirls his glasses, scenes where a whole country's army fails to face him and he blows them like dried leaves, throwing his cigarette in air and lighting it up with a gun, and the best one being :o when a bullet is fired to him, he cuts it into pieces and diverts it to the villain's side, are more than awesome. I don't think anyone else could carry those unrealistic actions out with the same conviction. People in the southern part of India almost place him on the stature of worship. He understands the audience's mind and acts accordingly. How fanatically he is followed can be seen in Tamil Nadu, for them he is not just a super star, he is a mega star. Some time back when he was hospitalised, fans lost their sleep and began to pray for him like they would never do for even themselves. Now do you have an idea of what the above mentioned term actually refers to???? :P

  18. Being loyal is a tough task whereas being on the other other side is quite easy. Imagine, whether men or women, you are madly in love with a person. That person cheats on you, you are devastated when you find out . Now what do you do???/ :huh: See you are left with some options cry and cry and cry.......or you can beg for reconciliation, you can also fight and shout at the top of your voice to make your point, or if you are driven by ego, then suffer within yourself without uttering a word. It is difficult to say what the best way would be to face infidelity, but there is definitely something you can do, brush that person off your mind and behave as if nothing happened at all, and its just the same as the previous day. You are likely to ask, how is that going to help? It is. If you are young, you can make the betrayer feel that he/she doesn't matter to you at all, this makes your partner think over and over how close you were in the relationship and ultimately realise that it was a blunder committed. If the partner in question is a mature person, then anyways he/she hopefully might have taken the step under two circumstances, he/she was under the influence of some intoxicant or he/she might have thought over deeply before choosing disloyalty, the difficulty faced in the latter is that they might have a dependent family which would suffer invariably. Still you can risk to ignore your partner as being a responsible person, your partner should have chosen the ongoing relationship,so remembering or trying again is hardly going to yield anything. You might have different opinions but it is just what I feel to be helpful in times of such distress, not ruling the fact that how tough it can be not thinking of the person you have spent a long time with.

  19. Everyone remembers the joys of childhood , the stage when you don't have to worry about your future because a long time would be left to decide upon it. There is another reason why childhood is the best stage, for the people who come across with tender love. One such person was our neighbour , an elderly lady who treated my father as her younger brother , so I referred to her as Aarti aunty. She was very caring by nature, my mother still misses the affection she showed. I , being the first child of my parents, enjoyed the status of being well attended, and aunty would pamper me the most.As my parents were strict with me as well, whenever they were in a mood to punish me, aunty would come to my rescue. She was what my grandmother would be like, taking the charge of evolving an undying relationship. She was good at her work, managing the house and socialising.It was just one thing that turned out to be a mess, her children. They were equally caring about me but not towards their mother , what could be the reason? Probably, she was too soft spoken to administer them and they didn't realise her worth. After suffering for a major portion of her life, she breathed her last in a pitiable condition, her son was so much under debt that he couldn't even bear the cost of his mother's treatment. There was a void in our lives after she passed away, but we could feel her presence. All of us in the family, my parent, me and my sister who had spent a few years with her, would dream about her. She often visited my dreams expressing concern for her son and daughter, also did she tell how much she wanted to be with us, I could feel her touch even my dreams. She continued this way and was part of every event that would take place in our family. While she was alive, she herself would have a lot of dreams, mostly spiritual, and had some kind of unique connection with ......I don't know what to term it as. The dreams were so life-like that they would shake me with fright and wonder, but having lost so many people in my life, I now feel linked to those dreams myself.

  20. Domestic violence against women is prevalent across the world, there are a large number of cases reported these days, not that it never took place in the past but now women have grown conscious about their rights and can stand up against their violation. The most terrible part is that any form of pain is inflicted upon a female by members of her own family. Varied types of abuses such as physical, mental and what not. There are so many provisions in law to safeguard their rights, but why do the offenders not hesitate to indulge into such activities? Possible reasons for this may be that the victims feel reluctant to report to the police, or they might not even be aware of the legal policies, if the people involved are her in-laws then her own parents stand as an obstacle in taking the case to the police or it might be the pressure from the society, whatever the reason, the point that has to be reviewed is how to make a law useful to the people, making a law pass is not enough to solve a problem, like the women are not aware of what provisions are for their help, it is important to educate the womenfolk and instill the fearlessness that is required to face problems like this . The law machinery should make the procedures so simple and transparent to the common lot that no expertise is needed to interpret them. Only if the women are well acquainted with the laws against domestic violence, they would be able to teach the offenders a lesson.

  21. India is often regarded as a country exhibiting "Unity in Diversity". This basically is supported by the structure of the Constitution which embodies the principles of "Secularism" and "Social Justice" .So, as Indians, we are to uphold these principles,and restrict their breach.But the real fact lies that it is mainly among most of the citizens that these principals do not hold any importance, else why would there be so many reports of communal violence, and casteism in the nation.What is the root of these national challenges cannot be specified or stated for certain as different theories have been put forward. "Secularism" means that there would be no official religion,i.e., if while practising any religion, a problem is faced then the victim can approach the courts of law as one the fundamental rights is considered to be violated. One thing that I don't understand is why do people have to interfere in someone's religious activities when they can be busy with their own, every citizen is part of a religious community. Some of them complain that it was some other religion which interfered first, so is reverting violently going to help? Absolutely negligible issues are sometimes given the shape of a big religious controversy, actually making the secular structure an instrument to prove their own superiority Same thing happens while dealing with the matter of social justice, the caste system takes everything away from the Constitutional provision. Till today, the people of many regions follow this regressive trend, resulting in conversion of the people from the lower castes of the Hindu society into practice of Islam or Christianity, or some of them do turn into criminals------- gangsters or dacoits with a feeling of vengeance against the higher castes. They end up robbing these people of their wealth and security. The provisions included in the Preamble of the Constitution of India were designed keeping in mind the regional or communal bents of the people's mind , yet doesn't come out successful because the citizens fail to recognize them. This kind of difference should be filled up by the people by their own initiative as the country suffers the lack of unity and threat of external attack under such circumstances.

  22. Let me share with you a few experiences I have witnessed after staying in Mumbai for a long time. See it is a huge city, there are so many opportunities for people here, so there is an inward flow of population. But the infrastructural development hasn't taken place proportionately, so the city has grown overpopulated. Among many other problems, lies the one of heavy traffic. Anyways it takes so much of time to travel from one part of the city to another, and on top of that if you need to face traffic, it gets so worse. You can find people in various conditions when stuck in traffic, once when I was in a bus and a young guy felt like puking, the bus couldn't be opened for him as it was blocked on both sides, the poor fellow had to bear the pain of waiting for almost half an hour till the bus's door opened, then there was a Diabetic who had to urinate urgently but couldn't and almost fainted due to that, in my own case, while on a visit to Lokhandwala locality in Andheri , we had to remain stuck in the traffic for about Three hours!!!! can you imagine our plight?:( It was summer, sweat had drained everything out of us and inside the car we felt suffocating, nearly choked, it was time we decided to walk out of the car that the queue of cars began to move. It was awful. Very often the children become worst sufferers in traffic, especially babies, I can well understand traffic, celebrities and social activists are often found complaining about the same. The possible solution that the government can opt for is construction of more roads and fly-over bridges, a better planned traffic regulation system can bring effective changes also specially on the western side of the city, as it takes more than hour to go from Jogeshwari to Goregaon,at peak hours. Hopefully the authorities would take a stern step to solve this issue.

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