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Everything posted by ritu

  1. With the Presidential elections approaching, every US citizen would have been busy evaluating the factors that would help them decide the right candidate to be the president of The United States. The reigning President,Obama obviously has a strong hold in this regard as he has been associated with the people's affairs of the country and by now he must have got an idea of the what the taste of the citizens is like. But there is another name that has proven to be a a matter of concern for Obama, he is a candidate contesting for the post of the President of US and his name is Mitt Romney. There might have been cases where the actions of both the competitors have been criticized, but there are certain approaches maintained by them that might prove to decisive factors. Lets take a look on some of them First of all, it is to be notified about the basic factors that Obama is from the Democratic Party and Romney is a Republican party candidate. The former is 50 years old and the latter is 64. Obama is a Protestant who has a background in politics, law and academia, whereas Romney is a Mormon with a background in business and politics as he was the former Governor of Massachusetts. They have got different takes on some issues that occupy important in the country's politics........ one of such issue is unemployment where Obama mainly focuses on eradicating rural unemployment with searching for jobs and training people for that, but Romney's take emphasises on the globalisation of the American market with an inclination to fair means. Obama believes that even at times of recession the essential benefits of the individuals are not compromised with whereas Romney stresses on the creation of private accounts by individuals. For taxation, Obama maintains that the taxes should be lowered for the working and middle classes and Romney mainly wants the tax cut for more people to get their health insurance done. For economic security, Obama plans to take on the corporates so that the commoners are not misled, Romney plans to reduce the cost incurred on the federal structure. About the social issues which have a tinge of religion in them as well, Obama has shown belief in the ​Patient ​Protection ​and ​Affordable ​Care ​Act, whereas Romney clearly goes against it, Obama is pro choice about abortion and Romney is pro life, the former approves of same sex marriages but the latter is against the same, Obama reserves his take on death penalty but Romney fully supports it, Obama has belief in climate change, but Romney doesn't, Obama is in favor of legalising medical marijuana and stem cell research but Romney is again against both. As far as the handling of oil resources is concerned, Obama has a stricter approach while Romney goes for expansion of the business, being in favor of the removal of many restrictions. Their take on relations is however is the other way round, Obama here has a mindset of cooperation while Romney plans to impose strict regulations. There are also differences in them regarding the functioning and structuring of the Defense forces and the environmental standards. A few similarities on the stands in both of them has been marked, regarding the bringing back of troops from Afghanistan, also both of them are evolutionists despite of differences in their religious beliefs. Hope this makes it easier for the US citizens to take their stands in choosing the leader, however if you feel that there is someone else who is more deserving to win the race,or any thing else that you wish to share about the mentioned dignitaries , please do post. You can find more details here
  2. Being on Facebook has become the a part of life for the teenagers and even adults, people make sure that even if they have super busy schedules, they have enough time to log into the site at least once a day and all this has come to be known as "Normal". In one of the newspapers the question was asked that if you haven't joined Facebook, can that be considered as a mark of you being a psychopath........ isn't the question itself shocking ? There has been some observations made in Germany that mass murderers like the Aurora shooter James Holmes or the havoc creator in Norway, Anders Breivik,didn't maintain a Facebook account. Like mentioned above, the use of Facebook is so normal that not using it may put someone in the league of the abnormal or at times threatening for the society. I do not have any idea what made the observers feel that way but that is a bit too much to consider a person dangerous or to be even judgmental,a psychopath.However there have been certain points that have put forward in favor of the people who are not the part of the Facebook community. The first reason could be a preference for privacy, we all know that how vulnerable our information is on Facebook, so some people prefer to stay away from it. The second reason could be the recently emphasized fact that too much clinging onto Facebook can actually hamper real socializing and these people are not comfortable in communicating with others in flesh and blood. The third reason was the fear of getting addicted to the social networking site and too much of technology overdose. To avoid making it a habit , they choose to stay away from Facebook. The last reason is something that most of us wouldn't find acceptable, that there are a lot of options available for social networking, but with any of the options all of the mentioned issues would follow. What's your take on the matter? Get posting with your views. Source
  3. The Mexican coast was hit by a hurricane named Ernesto on Tuesday causing many people to look for safe shelters, It actually hit the Yucatan peninsula and cause high speed winds and heavy showers on the roads of Chetumal. As it hit the Mexican coast, it had the strength of winds which were 85 miles/hour (140 kms/hour), and it was 40 miles away from the US National Hurricane Center in Miami. The exact point of the strike was near Chetumal, a town which is near the coast and named Mahahual. The officials concerned with the protection of the civilians said that close to 2,300 people were moved from their residences right the coast in Chetumal to the one in Tulum.the hurricane, however is a category one hurricane.In the north in Cancun heavy downpour was witnessed though there weren't any significant news from the houses and hotels. At Chetumal in Quintana Roo, the authorities provided for 35 shelters for local residents and tourists.Many of the areas in Chetumal, especially the ones that are the areas of residents for the working class,like Lazaro Cardenas were flooded with water, yet the residents opted to stay in their homes made up of cinder blocks and wood. The forecast for the hurricane is that by Wednesday it is likely to surface on the southern Gulf coast of Mexico where one of the renowned oil companies, Pemex has its port and and offshore operational base. The company has reportedly cancelled a few of its scheduled activities but the regular work is being carried out as usual. There were hurricane warnings generated in many areas of Atlantic coasts including Honduras and Nicaragua, and the beaches have been kept out of activity and the cruise ships have been diverted. There is one sign of relief as no severe damage of life and property has been reported so far as the authorities have opted for prompt precautionary measures. Source
  4. As I already said, any reply means to me because I get to know what others think like and in my case many of the times my own thoughts have been given direction.Zuckerberg. the man in question had earlier shown to the world that socializing over the internet can be such fun and people started clinging to what he offered, I really hope that he emerges back to the position and also devises better offerings to the people.
  5. "Technology" the word which has the capacity to transform the very face of the world and it has well proven its capacity. The starting of technology or to be precise, the first development in technology is a debatable topic but from the time that there have been activities that developments in technology, the mankind has received a lot. There were even times when a discovery leading to an invention was considered a sin and anyone who dared to challenge the set facts was sent to rot in the prison. the The scenario has changed now, there are large corporate houses that support the advancement of technology and there are also dedicated researchers who spend much of their life to enhance a technological feature. In today's life, there can be hardly a field found that is not influenced by technology, be it household appliances, lifestyle, social interaction, space research, information technology, transport and communication and the list goes on. Arguments regarding the adverse effects of technology has also become a regular feature now, but there is one thing that has remained constant from the time the word technology came into being, it is the evolution. Imagine the evolution of the technology in our own houses, the kind of technology that our parents were into has undergone so much of transformation to suit the needs of our own generation and with every new day there is some new development in the field of technology, in this case we can consider the pace of feature updation in the mobile industry, sometimes features of the same model of a cellphone is updated. We also achieved a lot in the field of space research and the achievement gets highlighted with the landing of Curiosity form NASA. Now that most of the fields have been influenced and transformed a lot with the help of technology, is there a chance that there will be stage when the scope of progress in technology would be saturated? Or there might come a stage where technology takes over mankind say in form of robots or mutants or any such invention that surfaces in the future, ,or simply we are so bored of technology that we choose to retire to the lifestyle of the Paleolithic Age, then will there be anything known as evolution of technology? Possibly all of us feel somewhere within ourselves that we have had enough of it or probably there is nothing more to follow, then is it so easy to do away with the advancement in technology? Share your opinions in this regard and let others know how you feel.
  6. Undoubtedly, it should be one of the primary concerns for a money making giant to offer better ideas and deals for his customers, but how does being on the list of richest men be rated as an objective? I don't think it was his objective to get there, if he reached that position, at least he hasn't charged from the people registering onto his website. Moreover, this piece of information was considered to be hot news because he was one of the richest and has now lost his position to someone else.It is entirely dependent on individual opinion whether a site is preferred, I respect your idea of not approving Facebook.
  7. Indeed, many of us also criticize that the internet has taken over or made us forget the traditional ways of socialising, yet there are so many of us that can't even imagine that we won't be able to connect to Facebook, like the internet has become an important part of our lives, being a part of the community over the internet has attained almost equal importance.
  8. Google has been expanding its reach like forest fire and touched almost all possible sub fields of technology. The giant has ensured that, success follows its policies and has been researching really hard to cater to the changing tastes of the people.After setting up search engine Google , social networking site Google +,web browser Google Chrome and one of the most used mailing services of the world Gmail, it has now decided to enter into the world of sleek tablets. Google has partnered with ASUS to develop the first Nexus Tablet and they have nailed it by offering the device for just $ 200.[/font] The look of Nexus 7 is satisfactorily stylish. The back is covered with black rubber, rubber which is designed to look in a manner that makes it feel like leather. The Nexus logo stands visible at the top and the ASUS logo at the bottom. The camera is 1.2 megapixel and can be seen at the front.[/font] Nexus 7 has a single speaker which is found just above the bottom at the back of the device.In addition, a micro USB connector can be at the back as well and on the right of the back, there is a 3.5 mm headphone jack. However, on the left of the back, nothing so significantly visible is found, except a ring like thing in silver that covers almost the whole device.The thickness of the device is 10.45 mm (0.41 inches) and its weight is a mere 340 g(12 ounces). The portability factor is enhanced because of its slim and light-weighing features.[/font] Nexus 7 is powered by NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-processor at 1.2 GHz, yet it can be upgraded to 1.3 GHz when required. It has inbuilt 1GB RAM and a flash storage of 8GB which is expandable to 16GB with an extra payment of $ 50. However, there is no provision for the expansion of micro SD, which means involving another extra payment. The data connectivity can be done only by WiFi ( 802.11b/g/n). The features of NFC,GPS, Bluetooth, accelerometer, digital compass and gyroscope are however present.[/font] The 7” screen resolution is 1280x800 which is high enough to even make 720p videos look good on it and everything else viewed with sound brightness and suitable contrast.[/font] The audio, could have been better though there isn’t much to complain . The sound output is pretty decent and acceptable.[/font] Nexus 7 requires the user to be patient while booting as it takes 35 seconds for it, but the same patience can be done away with because once you start with it, it is as smooth as possible with the “Butter” coating. Loading pages( even the ones heavily loaded with apps) and swiping through seems quite convenient.[/font] There have been several tests performed on the device to check its efficiency compared to the higher priced tablets and it performs stunningly.[/font] The usual issue with tablets is that they turn “hot” when they are used for longer hours, especially when extensive gaming is taking place on the device, but Nexus 7 sweeps here too as it has been found that it gets just “toasty”.[/font] The battery works fine for more than 9.5 hours without being charged.[/font] Probably, the point that Nexus 7 is one of the most anticipated devices, because it runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.[/font] In Nexus 7, the browsing using Chrome is quite smooth and open tabs on a desktop can be imported conveniently,Chrome to Phone Plugin can be uninstalled as well.[/font] There are some downsides to this device like you cannot have a dedicated HDMI output which makes it lag behind when it comes to videos.There might be occasional disturbances while some heavy app has to be loaded, but that can be ignored as most of the tablets come with similar problems, but that doesn’t even let Nexus7 get superior, the next aspect that could be worked upon is the quality of the audio which doesn’t stand upright when compared to some features. Moreover,in case of e-reading, most of the magazines are priced higher than that in Amazon and same is the case with many MP3 files. The capacity of internal storage is also limited.[/font] Source[/font] Post your opinions about Google's initiative
  9. Hackers have once again created a havoc as the iCloud account of a renowned journalist from Wired, Mat Honan was hacked, mainly with the help of the security holes that were spotted by them in the Amazon and Apple security systems. The hackers then took over Honan's Gmail account and then wiping off all the data remotely from all the devices that he used.The next step was the taking over of the Twitter account of the same person, in addition they also hacked into the Twitter account of the previous employer of Honan,Gizmodo.This incident which has precisely caused damage to the data of a single individual, has made the alarm ring for many others who store their valuable data in the same way. This was also a piece of warning that Honan himself issued on an article on Wired. The hackers started with obtaining the email address of Honan which was available online after some tempering done with Amazon, they acquired the last four digits of Honan's credit card number. They then made a call to Apple's customer support and under the disguise of Honan, managed to verify his identity and this landed them with the access to Honan's iCloud account and .Me account which also served as the back up account for Honan's Gmail account and as they could get into the gmail account they tried their hands on changing the settings of all the key accounts that used details of his Gmail account. One of the hackers even interacted with Honan saying that there was no personal grudge or any serious reason that made them act this way. Apple expressed its concern and felt that their own security structure to make the data of the customers as secure as possible. Amazon has not commented on the matter yet. Source Do you feel that your data is secure with even the renowned names in the tech industry? Post your opinions.
  10. The list talked about is the one with the top 10 richest persons in the tech world and it is not that one has to sell computers to be in the world of technology, facebook does relate to the tech world because it is a site and it runs on technology. Moreover, when such a list is prepared, it is not just the individual worth is taken into account but a comparative analysis is done, and according to that Zuckerberg has lost his position. However that does not take away from the fact that his site Facebook has been doing excellent. As far as which reply would be better, I would say that any usual reply is a step ahead in understanding the concept better.
  11. There has been much development in the field of medicine, yet in certain fields, despite of the much efforts made and some of them even going successful, the researchers have not met the expected rate of success. A team of scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle have found out that the process of Chemotherapy can have the healthy cells in the body affected with Cancer. It was found that after being exposed to chemotherapy, a protein called WNT 16B was produced in the healthy cells, which would help the Cancer cells to not just survive but also to grow. This also led the scientists to believe that this might be the reason why some of the Cancer stricken people are reported to get the disease back or turn resistant to chemotherapy after receiving it earlier. However, the scientists said that relief from such effects could be derived by taking some medicines. With a huge number of people affected with Cancer across the world, chemotherapy seemed to be a savior but with the revelation of the mentioned effect, it is going to dishearten them big time. Nevertheless, a lot of research is constantly taking place for providing relief to the victims of cancer and I really hope that very soon cancer would not be able to cause the same intensity of worry. Source
  12. I feel death penalty shouldn't be done away with totally, there are stories of crime that can give nerve wrecks, and the people who commit such crimes, do they have any basis to bag the list of human rights? It is very easy for us to say that death penalty is not acceptable, but the people who have been victimized, they have lost things or persons that matter in their lives and one thing that I have noticed in the convicts is that they somehow do not have the fear of facing the consequences, if death penalty is awarded to them, it would be possibly the best way to punish the individuals showing no signs of regret.
  13. I hope I am not asking for much but, what made you choose that particular house to drop your cat there. You seem to be quite attached to your pet, so there must be a strong reason for your preference that you thought your cat would be taken care of, as far as the cop driving on the same street is concerned, it might be some other house or even if the residents of that house called the cop, they might actually provide some better place to stay for your cat.I don't think that you should be feeling guilty because you had the intention of saving the cat from the rough life that you expect to follow for yourself, you should feel comforted that your cat would have by now reached a nice place to live in.
  14. 30,000 deaths! that number is shocking, as I had posted another topic where I wondered about the psychological force that drives these killers and I am still wondering, and they are so normally part of the crowd that none can actually make out that they are planning something so disastrous. Also do I wonder about the mental state of the people in the Us when two such incidents have occurred within a span of one month. Hope less of such incidents occur and people are allowed to live peacefully.
  15. Yes, even today there are people that I know who simply pay charges for an internet connection simply to go through their mails, I know that from an uncle of mine who probably maintains that internet and a mailing service is identical, funny isn't it. Moreover, he doesn't seem to have any sort of interest in any other thing that the internet offers and hardly tries to listen to me when I try explaining to him. This makes me realise how important the mailing service would have been back in those days.
  16. There has been a big piece of news to look out for, which took place in the early hours of this day.A rover worth $2.6 million form NASA, named Curiosity successfully landed over the planet Mars after covering tons of miles and proving to be a significant step in the much researched upon study of Mars. The size of the rover is said to be of the magnitude of a SUV and the landing it made has popularly came to be known as The landing process was made possible by a sky crane and the world's largest supersonic parachute and as the landing took place, the team at NASA went quite emotional, and when the first of the images were captured by the rover many of the team members were in tears. The journey of the spacecraft carrying Curiosity was started on the 26th of November and it covered a distance of 352 million miles (567 million kilometers) to reach its destination.the control of the vehicle would be in the hands of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and it is equipped with 17 cameras, to study the composition of the rocks present on the planet while maintaining a distance, a laser has been provided along various other instruments that can give an idea of the soil on Mars. The main function of Curiosity is bringing about a ground for the study of the various sedimentary layers that are found on the planet. Throughout its journey it will be moving to various destinations over the planet and helping to analyze more. The scientists are looking forward to find the organic molecules on the planet and are into thorough research about the existence or the possibility of so on Mars. The launching of Curiosity would be remarkable in regards to this find. For more details look into Curiosity
  17. On Sunday, there was another tragedy of mass shooting within not even a month of the Aurora event. The incident occurred in a Sikh temple or "Gurdwara" at Oak Creek in Winconsin. The police found out about the episode as it started to receive a number of calls from the place late in the morning.The official death toll is 7, and that includes the suspected culprit. He was killed there itself after firing at a senior police official and then a second police officer fired at him. The suspect is reportedly a person in his early forties , he was tall and noticed to have a 9/11 tattoo. The police took an effort to search the place and recovered some weapons, though details have not been disclosed nor has the details of the identity of the victims have been made public.However, one of the victims was the president of the temple Satwant Kaleka and this was confirmed by his nephew Gurpreet Kaleka. There were close to 500 hundred people in the temple when the gunman had started to fire, leaving the people in utter chaos and trying to find a place to hide. The police had a suspicion of more than one shooters to be present and also considered the possibility of the people inside to be taken as hostages, which later came out to be untrue. The incident has raised the concern of President Barack Obama, Republican Party nominee Mitt Romney and the Indian Embassy in the US, The Governor of Wisconsin, is also looking into the matter with the local authorities and the police. After the September 11 attacks in 2001, many of the Sikhs were targeted out of vengeance as theirs is quite similar to the look of the Afghans. In this case the possibilities of the same vengeance seem to be faint, yet none can be affirmative about that. May God give strength to the families of the victims. Source
  18. Actually the name has been bestowed on him by a priest, I think when he says that the new name makes him feel young, he wants to indicate towards the fact that he is now considered to be not only a veteran, but also somehow old, and in the industry that he is in has a lot when it comes to the image of a person. It is often seen that whenever someone young comes up with a presentation, people show inclination towards it. That might be the reason which has driven him insecure and made him opt for a new name.
  19. Well, I was born in a town in the northeastern part of India, Guwahati, I got my education completed and started to pursue my career at the same place. Now I am miles away from my place and staying in a city called Mumbai, which has a considerably different way of living, nevertheless I am busy working here too.The position that one's hometown occupies in life is special. In my case, I often dream of the incidents that took place in my childhood like playing with all my cousins, going for swings in the park, listening to the chirping of the birds while waiting for the school bus to pick me up or simply spending time with my family. I really miss being there since it has been quite some time that I have been there, however I hope to visit my hometown soon and relive all the memories.
  20. I live in India and one European language that is widely used is English. Though now with globalisation of the economy, many of the aspirants are turning to the linguistic trainings provided by the various universities. Given a chance, I would love to go for learning French and add to my interest of learning languages.
  21. Technology has been quite often accused of harming the environment. But an ecological progress has made its appearance hand in hand with technology and it is known as Green IT.Green IT basically works in a way where a lot of recyclable products are used in order to cut down on the pollution that technology at times results into.As nowadays, we use technology possibly as much as we can. Green IT takes the charge of maintaining everything used in the process of transmitting and receiving information through technology.Increased use of solar power is a recommended feature here.Now, the question arises as to how the project is actually going to make the difference. Certain changes it lays emphasis are like opting for batteries that are self charged,system software that is optimized , choosing virtual computers and terminal servers, to lower the intensity of transport , switching to telecommuting, introducing events of auditing to data centers to identify and deal with the software applications that are unused, when not in use devices to be put into the sleep mode, seeking of different energy efficiency certificates by the companies, bringing in the use of duplex and dump mode to cut on events of unnecessary printing,deploying ways like peak shift control functionality of notebook PC's and smart power outlets to conserve electricity.Hope this project marks as a beginning to reduce global warming and pollution.
  22. The business world has been revolutionized because of the incorporation of the latest trends in technology.The internet , like in every other field,has managed to establish itself in the area of business also.The progress in the field of internet has directly benefited the information and communication field directly and the business transactions indirectly.People who are dedicated towards ecommerce, consider that marketing their company and their services on social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter,Youtube etc. thus creating sub divisions in ecommerce itself like social commerce,which is a way of promoting a business via social media and social shopping where the consumers and sellers are brought into contact.Moreover, the analysis and sharing experiences of shopping events online, takes place over social media and both buyers and sellers can establish contact with each other on these sites.Besides that, social networking sites also help create awareness in certain cases create reliability for particular products.Do you agree about the effect that social media casts on ecommerce altogether? Or you have a different view to share?
  23. Yes! my friend that is both funny and true, regarding the sources, you can go to any top news website and search for Snoop Dogg's name, just see what follows?
  24. I stressed on the change in the PR and marketing policies that Google needs to bring about to really give facebook a tough fight, even though the users of facebook are mostly not busy doing something constructive, still they help in keeping the site active and moreover if people feel like sharing something over social media, the first thought is about people, the main reason behind that is the factor of wide reach among the people. Google needs to work out big time on its strategies now.
  25. The reason for the whole effort to come up with a new design altogether is to regain the lost users and to reinstall the faith in the users, they were after all the pioneers in mailing service. I think there is no harm in trying the new service as even Gmail was new sometime and though the registration wasn't that simple, everyone gave it a try. So, with such a renowned name like Microsoft creating a new design with integration of social media, the service deserves a shot, at least that is what I think.
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