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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. Vivitar 3705 ? It's not a famous band ever heard.I dont know it . I thought The good camer is Olympus Fuji KOdark sony
  2. SMILY face? I havn't But if I really need express some feelings crazy hate or smile I will use wordsz
  3. It's so lots of Plug in On this forum.It's not a serious forum as like that.
  4. ALl your left cpanel on the forum of post you gotta a Rank to + or To - but i havn't it why ? can you help it works for me I wanna a rank It's not spam.
  5. Trap17.com/forums just cant to access the day before .It was mine.
  6. MOD? It just like Skin? or Moderator?DOz your admin cpanel cant displayed.?
  7. Mozilla Haz gota Beta Version 1.8 but not called Firefox ,have you used it jud
  8. Doz Sygate personal firewall free?I know there is good firewall you could used free VNF firewall any one know it?
  9. 1. If the internet went down.I would be calm, but I would also be pretty, well ummm... I don't know! I wouldn't be able to talk to anybody because the AIM services are run on the internet!(well, duh!)I would probably read books until the internet came back up!!!2. If Phones and all communication went down.I would FREAK OUT!3.If all of the above happened...SUICIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or mabey not >_>May be may be maybe may be You and me ONly LOnglEY~
  10. every page on www. haz it's css Just open every beautiful page , then check the origin code . on the top of the code.you will find the <style type="text/css">something something </style>
  11. I think i need nothing else except my keyboard & display monitor.negative
  12. And in the bottom of that page you will find a link to phpAdmin. If your webhost is using Cpanel . Cpanel or PhpmyAdmin support all language just changed it to your language.& then using phpMyadmin is okay.
  13. Ha ve you ever used CuteHTML which is in CuteFTP?I'm ever gotta it it is free .& I think it's good for a man who's using to HTML
  14. guangdian


    It' s Easy so!1st,Just download a Xoops from another site.2nd,to zip your xoops files to" filename.zip "3rd,upload it to your root dir4th,Click the file , on your right you will see the file options. to Extract it.5th,you will see all Xoops on your root dir6th, to change the permission of Pulic_html dir 7777th, install the Xoops.PS: I dont like it.....
  15. Then install it again PS: I found your cpanel can't for service or can 't login to. :_)
  16. You ' d better zip all your files on your local disk then go to cpanel -- files manager -- upload files -- extract the zip file.
  17. Please do help me. I really need one. Especially when I'm creating a forum. And I need to create a logo for that. Karlo,I ve created one by Photoshop.It's Quick & OKay.
  18. If you need a free image editing software, there is one called GIMP. It supports many of the features as Photoshop, so it has all you need to create a fancy logo. Download it at: http://www.gimp.org/ Thank you casnova,I ' m being tring to get it.
  19. It doznt work for me but I thought it reallty funny coz your all laugh~
  20. PS is good but I 'm sure there 's also some expert soft to creat logo.....I think.But I'm searching for it.
  21. where I can gotta Logo Design tool ? better Free soft.~ Plz.
  22. It really Trempling Message for me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
  23. coolboy if you can understand english you can do everything then by cpanel.I give you advice : to zip all your files wanna be uploaded then upload it on "file manager" of cpanel then click the ".zip" file , on the right side ,you will see the file ,then click the " extract the zip files" . then the file gotta extract ;this will safe lots of time than useing FTP.
  24. I use some Banners & use this script to show it one by one?
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