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Everything posted by galexcd

  1. Im really into designing 3d models, im using cinema 4d. With this program i can produce .c4d files, and .3ds files. What is the best lanuage to use so i can make these things do stuff. Example, make a 3d game?
  2. um because this will work with almsot every browser!
  3. galexcd

    Font need help

    There is a great solution, which does not take any dowloading, is smaller than a whole bunch of images, and easily changed. But, it requires flash. You can make an empty document with a white background (or whatever color the background of your site is), and make a dynamic text box. If this font is installed in your system, select the text box and then choose the font you want it to be. Click on the "character" button. Click on specify ranges and select uppercase, lowercase, numerals, and punctuation. This way flash includes all of those characters of the font. Next give the dynamic text box a variable (example text). Now upload the swf, and call it the name of your font. Then whenever you want this text on your site, place the swf there, and add the variable text to the url. Example: http://ww38.yoursite.com/nameoffont.swf?text=put whatever text you want to show up here!!! You can use the same swf for all the text on your site. This saves space, and the swf will be small because the only thing in it is the font information. To change or update the text just change the varialble in your source!!!! If you have any questions just post it here, i will be happy to answer them.
  4. galexcd

    Pop Up

    Yes, a div layer popup, would look the best... (javascript alerts really get annoying, epsecially if the user is scrolling down, and happens to roll over your link. Then they have to move thier mouse all the way to the "ok" button to contine... like i said: very annoying
  5. qwertyiscoool - Hey man, did you know if you type you pword into aim it blocks it out! Watch: ????? macaddict9000 - Really? macaddict9000 - Design macaddict9000 - it didnt work... qwertyiscoool - yeah it did, its just that you can't see it on your computer.... i saw ??????! macaddict9000 - Really!? wow thats cool. qwertyiscoool - yep, when you type in design, i see ?????? macaddict9000 - Cool! Hey wait a minute, how did you know my password? qwertyiscoool - oh, er qwertyiscoool - i just coppied the asterics, and since its back on your computer, it unblocks it!
  6. Yes, when you directly link to a flash file via html, anyone can just view the sorce, and find out the url that flash file is in. They can then download it, or even get the original .fla by decompiling it. To prevent this, you link hml to sorta the "empty shell" of the flash. You can have flash import functions from other swf files, and that does not show up in the decompiled fla, so they cant go hunting for that swf. You also should put all movie clips in separate swf's and then improt them. All the code, and all the graphics should be in separate flash files, or just 1 file. Depending on what your style is. I can't remember the coad right now on how to import external data like that, but i have a big book on flash, and ill look it up for you later.
  7. If you can format your flash so it is not the stadard size, make it look like its the entire html page, but dont make it too flashy, just make it normal looking. What your user can't know wont hurt them.... What I did on my site was make parts of it in flash. I made one swf file (this is where it gets cool), i made the text on it a variable, and i made the url it goes to another variable. Cheak it out here. Try changing the variables in the url. If you take them out, the text automatically says "ATP" hehe, then i can proove that i created it if anyone tryies to steal them. And, if you want them to work in search engines, you re-wright the keywords (in whatever color the background is) after the flash file. Wrighting the keywords is a good idea to have on any site, just write what your site is about, and hide it, who cares if someone comes along and highlights it and reads it...
  8. i HATE the sites that dissable right click it does not help at all and it is extreamly annoying if i want to do some stuff with images... There is a way, though, that you can protect your hard work from others tho, but, it will not involve html... if you make your site in flash, the only way people can get your coad is by using a flash decompiler, and to get the people who do, just have the flash load from an external flash file, that way nobody can steal your code... Too lazy to redo your enite site in flash? well, sorry, then you will have to deal with the theives....
  9. i use fetch... its simple, and i dont seem to need anything too much bigger than that
  10. geekyest of all geek jokes:So theres this guy, and he goes into his java compiler and he types in: var fox=wire;...Later when he's surfing the web his computer says: "when do you think i was made 1394?!? use safari!"
  11. you can do it a more complicaated way by using javascript. You can get the width of the window in javascript, and do a document.wright and an if statement Example: <script language="javascript">var widthOfScreen = document.body.clientWidth;var tableWidthif(widthOfScreen>34){ tableWidth="34";}else{ tableWidth="100%";}document.write("<table width="+tablewidth+">");</script> Almost all browsers support javascript!oh... one problem, document.body.clientWidth does NOT work with netscape... sorry Any questions?
  12. thank you very much for all your help, my book does not talk about the encrypting cookies tho, i cheaked before i posted it here. After i start my project, ill post here if i have any problames Thanks again!
  13. just rememeberd another good one:"If I had a dollar every time someone in high school made fun of me, I'd-oh wait... I do"--Bill Gates
  14. There are 10 kinds of people in the world the ones who understand binary,and the ones who dont!
  15. I havent tried this yet, but i know that different iPods have different versions of the OS on them. I also read that it is very easy to make your own iPod game, its a code very close to HTML. I read it in a mac addict once. When your done making your iPod game just move it onto your iPod drive that shows up.
  16. Thank you so much for all your help, but i still have one more question, If I have people loging in, i need to set a cookie so it dosnt log them out when they change pages, how do i encrypt the cookie, so i cant store the people's user ID and pass in the cookie securly?One of my friends told me that i need to use a hash... What is this and how do i get it? Thanks so much!
  17. Weee Just got a new TV:50" Samsung DLP What kind of TV's do you have?
  18. how do i force google to update my cached? I submited my site to google a while ago, the only problem is they dont update all their caches. My site still has and old title, and old information written below the link. Now my site sells games, not technical support. My search keywords still are "technical support computer help" instead of "games"
  19. yeah, its just that its hard to find free/cheep web hosting. But i still need help with mySQL. Im going to sign up for web hosting on this site, and buy the hosting on their partner site (Xisto - Web Hosting). Should I get the site first before asking about mySQL, or can someone help me now? Basically i need to set up a database with mySQL, so that i can have PHP store information onto it. I bought a big book on PHP and mySQL, and how to integrade between them, but do i have to set up the mySQL before i can use it? If so, how? If not, how can i set what variables are stored onto the dataase? Any help will be great!
  20. weeeeeeeeeeee... my G5 is LIQUID COOLED... First the liquid goes thorugh the prosessor, then it goes through a gill that passes thorugh the fans... It is sooo cool
  21. I am addicted to unreal tournament... i think i have to stop playing or it will take over my life.... I use to only be into editing and programing stuff, but ive stoped most of that for unreal tournament.... Someone help...!
  22. If you really want to get to a banned site you can use a web proxy, which loads the site on the proxy's IP and returns it to you, but it really gets annoying sometimes, because alot of scripts dont work on proxies.
  23. On a mac only way it does that is if your holding down the Option key on the first symbol example: Option+` and then press e=č
  24. Hi, im having some problems,First, Im using a mac, OS 10.3.9, and i need a a way to download PHP on it, so i can preview some of the PHP files on my mac, and have it compile them. If anyone has a link to a site where i can download it, that would be great.Second, I need help setting up PHP and mySQL so that i can have people register, and login to a database... Thanks so much!
  25. Your little saying there is quite wrong mac is now on a UNIX opperating system, so it CANT CRASH, very rarely an app might quit, but only if they were programmed poorly... Windows on the other hand crashes quite often...
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