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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Yeah I am with dre on that one although dre you may be on to somthing on the EMP. If you think about it, all a EMP wave does is knock out the power permantely; However, if you can find a way to control how long that electricity is out you could have a way to make your dark bulb, per say.
  2. Well we all remember that Mac operating system was just Linux games where non-existent and slowly game producers are designing cross platform games. Although linux is a different story in the sense that the programming is a bit more complex in the sense that the designers would have to create a program inside the program in order for it to run, I think. Like dre said its all about the drivers and until someone designs a flavor of linux for gaming you won't see much support for it. As compared to the Windows operating systems on this topic its XP hands down just because every designer has been building around that operating system in terms of graphic support, sound support, and some other stuff.
  3. Adsense is per click if it was per impression all of us would never have to work again . Of course that is the reason plus on top of that since google has got the most sophisticated click system that everyone knows us that trying to do your own clicks will get your account suspend and any more you have taken away from you as well.
  4. I have to agree it is a solid board and has a sweet set up too. As for Dream computer you would have to use a 64x OS in order to get half of the RAM slots working since 64x is the only version that can use at least 4 gigs. Other then that somone would have a hard time trying to crack that piece of hardware and anything connected to it, and the price is worth it .
  5. Well nothing comes to mind except for reinstalling the operating system if this has been happening from the beginning. However, I found a few sites that might offer some solutions on fixing the problem. Solution #1 Solution #2 Solution #3 Solution #4 Of course if anyone else comes across this problem and now the solution then by all means post away.
  6. Well I don't think I need to explain my activities here on trap since everyone knows me by now , but sometimes if stuff comes up I don't post for days even weeks, I may show up and look around but I am off again. Anwii is correct there are two topics that come to mind "Too many posts" and "and I can't find anything to post about". Usually what I do when I get is open up three main tabs in firefox, first tab is to main forum, second tab is to view new posts and the third is to my profile in which I check the topics I made and see if anyone responded. Then depending on whats on the forum I usually open up 6-10+ tabs and respond to them if I am able to; however, I been getting into producing more topics then actual posts because that way I am able to add more content to the post then I would to if a topics has been beaten to death. Sonesay you are correct the number of credits you get dwindles just a bit when you become hosted and dwindles down even more as you get into the higher post count. Again sonesay you are correct you usually want at least a months worth of credits that way if something comes up you are set, but some members just post enough just to stay in the positive, which is fine of course but if your gone past the number credits you have then its up to you to hurry on up and get back on to post. Although activity has been good since may when we hit 300,000 topics, less spam for those who want posting, and the maverick posters keep on posting longer and longer posts.
  7. awww misleading title there haslip but still a cool animation along with the cause.
  8. Even better and before I forget to do this I added it to my sig block...and done thanks Mich again.
  9. Its ok I have been running it a few times since trap keeps loading slow for me (its me), of course it is a lot faster since I got only 4 plug-ins that are currently running on it. Although the memory has improved somewhat the memory trick still works as well. For those who don't know about hte minimize trick or need a refresher on its down do the following; The only things I have notice that are new without looking at the features list is they added tags to the bookmarks, when you click on the favicon you get more info about the site such has how many times have you visited the site, cookie info, and even RSS feed lists. Other then that without being one of the programmers to firefox there could be more things as well that I haven't notice. BTW how the heck did you use 290MB of RAM or do you mean 290KB(29MB) (there is a difference)? Since I cam across something that mention that depending on the computer the less memoey a computer has the less firefox uses, and of course the more you have the more firefox uses up.
  10. Now don't get me wrong on that I just wanted to mention the fact their were some other good brands out there. Of course I picked neither for my computer and my computer works efficiently as it was build for; however, on the power supply thing I have to defend my reasoning especially on the fact the power supply I paid for was $40. To back up my reasons I recommend reading this article on power supplies, especially about the power supply supply efficiency, of course I know everyone knows where I am going with this. Also it all depends on a set up I think it would be impractical to spend $300 on a power supply and it doesn't last the month, remember the more expensive it is doesn't always mean it will better. Of course if you plan to over clock your computer I would suspect that your not going to drop that kind of money on a power supply and it blowing up the moment you turn the computer on. Don't get me wrong Plug you been doing this far longer then I have so I know that you know what your talking about, and if you look at hte $100-$200 power supplies you can see some are not as efficient as the $75-100 ones. Of course it how depends on how much you want to spend and yeah if I had the money I think I would sink in bucket loads of it to have the ultimate build, but I had a budget and stuck to it the best I could.
  11. Sorry Watermonkey those health foods are nasty, of course I have literally cut down on fast food to begin with. McDonald's fries are horrible its like eating a wet dirty sock as they either to salty and cold or warm and no salt at all. Of course its like eating fake food because of the fake food taste. Of course Wendy's got rid of my Big Macon Classic so I barely eat there anymore , so I am left with a King Size #1 at Burger King, Pizza, and oh yeah Chinese food (not even going to go in that direction). Of course lets not forget its all about preservatives we are practically addicted to preserving our food especially when its frozen for 6 months and not have to think about who touch it and dropped a finger or a band-aid in your soup or your burger.
  12. Its not the server recently the credit system got updated and quite a few people who had suspended account got hit but this bug in which the reactivation script wouldn't kick in. This topic covers that situation, and thus thats the situation your in. So drop a ticket to https://support.xisto.com/ saying that your account got affected by the credit script upgrade and it needs to be manually reactivated, and also use the report button to let the admin know about it as well and that way you will get your account quickly reactivated.
  13. A Collage is putting a bunch of pictures or photos together thats based on a theme of some sort, and mermaid I have an idea for you. I did something similar for my graphics design class: I would say and idea set up would be for a quality collage poster in a graphics software would have to be with the following settings Resolution 300 Size: instead of pixels you would have to use inches that way, of course in order to print this bad boy out you would need to go to a specialty print shop who can print large posters in one shot instead of printing sheets of paper. Thats if you want to print it, but if your going to display it on the computer then make sure your connected to a projection system or something. The poster I design was 22"x16" so yeah it will be pretty big. Picture Specs: The way I design the photos or rather the layer properties is this. size: 22"x16" Drop Shadow 30px 0 21px Stroke: White size 9px Now here comes the fun part depending o the number of pictures you are using can also determine the thickness of the border it self, meaning that you could make the border even bigger to really give some separation and photo like quality. Of with any collage the photos don't need to be in a straight line and thus use the transformation tool or whatever it is called in PSP to rotate or shrink images and what not. Although in this size you would need a lot of pictures that way you can take up a lot of the back color since you want to barely see it in a collage. So this should give you an idea what to look at in designing this.
  14. I am surprise you didn't set up a poll for this, although I both, and haven't had them in years, I have to go with the worms. To use a phrase from the forum quality over quantity or in this size does matter. Of course based on the picture it would see that the bear would beat the worm just because the bear could do more damage with its gummy claws and its gummy teether .
  15. We are forgetting the heat factor to this answer the nuke will not even reach the sun as I would say it blow up somewhere between the sun and Mercury. Even if it did reach the sun it would melt in mere milliseconds because of the liquidi layer of the sun so I doubt it will even explode. Of course if you factor everything that I just said, no one has no idea how big of a warhead it has to be to supernova that bad boy; the current stock of nuclear weapons across the world wouldn't have enough energy to pop it. So if anyone plans to hold the world hostage by pointing a nuke at the sun we might as well point and luagh and call the person a moron.
  16. Its not the matter of understanding WYSIWYG editor its the matter of what those WYSIWYG editors produce in terms of junk coding and what you need compared to stuff they put just because it looks cool. Granted back in the early 90's we didn't know people and people were producing very badly code producing html editors that included even worse javascript. Slowly people are producing some good html ediors of course you don't hear much about them since Big name editors such as dreamweaver, front pagem Golive have dominated the market in terms of standards compliant. Heck people still use note pad after all these years because they know there coding and so it don't take a huge program, like the ones I mention, to create a website.
  17. Aah that would explain the reason for the post and after reading buff's post and rereading everyone's else you could say we were somewhat thinking the same thing and that was why the heck would we want 17MB of hosting. Of course buff you missed a third point how much in terms of gigs on how many accounts you can produce as well, because you would need a good helping of hosting account so that at least anyone trying for one would get one. I made a calculation that you would need at least 2.0GB of space per 1000 or to break it down at least 1.7GB for the actual host and .3GB for software installation to get the accounts function.Now on that note although clever as it maybe to use the number as the space for your hosting account many hosting sites fail on that just because of the fact that you would want to sucker someone into getting the bigger plan that you would pay money for. Of course it would only be a matter of time before these free hosts that have 100MB hosting plans will close down because its not even space anymore and we require MORE!!! MOOOORE!!!
  18. Yeah I am a bit curious as to where this topic is going, and how would 17MB of hosting be useful because its not all that much. The only thing I can think of from this topics is that pop is just following the number 17 in the domain name, but I sense a bit of disgruntled member as well since I don't pop posting all that much in the forums. So hopefully an explanation about what this is about and enlighten us then we might make sense of this.
  19. Well since your already hosted I would assume you checked out the Xisto read me as it tell you everything you need to know about being a good member and a good poster as well. Like others have mention you have a wide variety of interests and what so enjoy your time here however long that maybe.
  20. Welcome to trap aussie and like bhavesh mention make sure to check out the Xisto read me which you can find here, as it will tell you everything you need to know about how to post, what to post, and then as a added bonus get some good hosting as well. So hopefully you will be able to add to the thousands of topics we already have and the thousands of topics yet to come.
  21. First off welcome to trap the best place for some hosting and posting and I would like to point you a great pleace to learn everything you need to know about trap over here. The Xisto Read Me will answer any question you have about how to earn credits through posting, applying for hosting, and even how to become a good member well so don't forget to check that out in your spare time. We are always looking for some new topics for people to discuss and so if you haven't seen a topic thats worth mentioning then by all means post it or if can add something to a current topic then knock yourself out there as well .
  22. Welcome to Xisto and like Mich mention this forum has strict guidelines on how to post and what to post, and you can either read the Xisto read me at either the top of the shoutbox or by clicking this link here. As the Xisto Read Me tells you everything you need to know how how to post, how to get some hosting and overall having a good time without getting into trouble. We do have an extensive gaming forum you might enjoy, although hopefully you bring in fresh posts or topics then our regular runescape/ wow spam we get, and other then that enjoy your stay.
  23. Welcome to Xisto and like haslip mention check out the Xisto read me, which you can find at the top of the shoutbox or clicking this link to read everything you need to know about getting soem good free hosting and how to post as well. So welcome to the site, enjoy your stay and in due time your hosting as well.
  24. Well welcome to the site anyways, and as for the no reference links thing thats only for the shoutbox you can post any link thats connected to the forum or most other sites. If you messed up your account in someway such as deleting important folders or you have a glitch in your account you don't have to rebuild your credits up, and I would assume that you were in contact with the admin at the time of your account trouble then you should have gotten the same number of credits back when you had to terminate your account. From the looks of the topic it seem like what I just describe was going to happen of course most likely whatever was said in the pm's might have negated that affect. Live and learn I guess, but don't worry other people have deleted those files as well.
  25. AHAHAHA nice I was about to awww so sweet until I look to my left and saw the head, that what spammers get if they cross me BWHAHAHAHA. Thanks Mich I put it in my uber collection of gift sigs .
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