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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. It is not really about the browser, heck you could run Mosaic the first browser ever made, just as long as you know what websites are bad and properly secure your computer then you will be fine. Of course, to beat the dead horse on this topic, like everyone else any current, stable browser will give you the protection you need with the exception of IE 8 and sadly Chrome due to their beta status.
  2. Well odds are the reason they are closing stores is because Circuit city took a huge hit in the stock market and because of that the value of its stock is so low that it could be kicked off the exchange. I wouldn't be surprise if Circuit City files for bankruptcy in the near future among other companies such as Kmart, Macy's and other big name stores. As for the jobless nothing will be done by the government or the rich and so most people will either look for new jobs or file for unemployment and get the $200 or something like that to survive while trying to look for people who are hiring and not firing.As to why it happen, the rich and powerful did this and they could careless as long as they make their money, maybe a depression is what this world needs in order to figure out what is more important besides money.
  3. If I were a parent, IF, my kids would hate me as I would lock down pretty much everything have them only be able to access the Microsoft website to learn from until they turn 18 . Unless of course they needed to do research then I would let them access to a search engine to get their search on and what not, but odds are I have tracking software and a key logger to keep tabs on what they are doing on their. Of course, it is not about be evil and letting him or her have no life but their are sick people out there who have nothing else better to do then target children from bullying to convincing them that they need to blow up a school or some junk like that.So it isn't really about being anti-computer its the fact most parents have no idea what their kids are doing on there or how to protect them properly and so they keep them off that computer as much as possible unless it is school related and what not. Of course, if it is the only computer in the house then you do not need them to mess it up and download a virus or anything .
  4. Another Xisto convert and hey Vyoma, they are pretty the same thing but that forum is related to the gfxtrap website and of course to post in any forum on trap you need to register. Either way if you got stuff to post in there I think people wouldn't mind seeing some faces in the gfx forum.
  5. If you don't have one then you must be living under a rock, I have one to keep all my Photoshop work nice and safe, my school work from all my classes, various e-books and pictures and some music. I had this one for a couple of years now, I think, and it is a measly 80GB's but it does what I need it to do and that is safe my important files and what not. As for price tag you can find a couple for less then 50 and up to about $500 if your going to get one of the 1 TB external hard drives and even then you would need to have a lot of stuff to make a serious dent in that drive. If your considering an external hard drive head over to newegg and take a look at what they have and see which one takes to your needs.
  6. Heck send me a CD I wouldn't mind getting Microsoft Office Ultimate for free , This topic isn't about what is better or what is free this topic is about letting people know that if they wanted to get Office Suite a lot cheaper that this is what this website and the offer is about.
  7. Hmmm it is a toughy, especially if your using MySQL databases then you have to start from scratch and if you have a lot of content that is going to hurt you a lot. However, I suggest that you get a TLD and then park it to your account and that way you can keep the files on your current subdomain but you can use the new TLD to run everything.Of course, I can be way off on the MySQL because I am not quite sure what happens when you upload MySQL databases under a new name and so someone could shed some light on that one. Either way your options are keep the sub domain, keep the sub-domain and get a Top Level Domain, or if confirmed Move any MySQL into the new sub domain.
  8. I nearly went and fainted at the same time but alas reality came in for what needs you to qualify for this awesome steal. First requirement is that you need to be a currently enrolled student (I am), and you need a email address that ends in .edu (which I don't have) and it would seem that if your alumni you can use your alumni email address to get this awesome steal. So if your a student in a major university and you have a .edu email address you are golden and so just click here to get your $60 Office software.
  9. Actually your the 1,000,000th person to ask j/k :lol, but no one has an idea when the old system will go and the new system will be in place permanently. Odd's are though that maybe the beginning of next year that the v3 will be 100% and the hosting credits will be an after thought.
  10. Head over to invisionize.com and click on the mods link and then click search put in points and you should get the results that you need to set up a point system with a invision board. Also for a quicker search, just click on the link and it should go there and if not just follow my quick step process on getting there.
  11. Well here is the thing if your using the transfer to add money to your account for myCent's then you might as well just buy hosting through computer hosting. Although I never said anything in house about people buying hosting credits and now myCent's but if you can afford to drop cash for something you can easily get for free you might as well pay for the hosting and now that the $25 is minimum $10 more dollars could get you one of the freedom packages for the year, can't remember which though. Don't get me wrong, I know why it was set up but if your dropping a lot of money because you can't post then your wasting money, especially if your dropping $1000. Now a interesting thing about that rvalkass made a interesting calculation and told me that if maxed out the logic plan would cost $920 a year so yeah only then would need to transfer $1000 in your account to pay that off .
  12. Well I would take donations and when we did it last time I covered some of cost with my stash of hosting credits and so once the awards were over I would transfer the hosting credits to the winners. As for the $320 that is how much it would have cost to cover $10 first place winner, $5 second place winner, and $1 3rd place winner and so if you look at the way I set this up first and second place winners could pay off their accounts with that money, but of course if your multiple winner then you would have earned a lot more. However, in order to make that money people have would have to post almost daily for 2 months to help cover the costs but since not everyone has a ton of money it wouldn't have been beneficial for anyone to donate money they might not see and what not.
  13. Yes you chose paypal as your payment option and then it will deduct it from your account. It is not a real payment with real money but with the credits you have in Account Credit Balance so try not to confuse the members with real payments compared to Xisto payments.
  14. Well for a bit of an update I have confirm that their will be no myCent award this year for several reasons one of them the transfer system and the other is I don't have the $320 needed to to pay off 1st 2nd and 3rd place winners and if the transfer system was up I, I highly doubt we would generate the funds from donations from the members in order to match that. Hopefully next year when everyone has a bit more cash and of course a transfer system is up that we be able to do myCent awards, but don't fret you still get the awesome banner though .
  15. After 15 years of being in a World Series the Philadelphia Phillies have one their second World Series Champion in their history. They are also the first time with 10,000+ losses to do this as well so they have set some interesting milestones along with with hectic weather that has plague this World Series as well. So a shout out of congratulations to the Philadelphia Phillies for winning the World Series and so let the streets of the city of Brotherly Love celebrate.
  16. I am not aware of any negatives with using ID protection but I would think there are a bunch of positive reasons to use it though, such as protecting your personal information, harvesting your email from whois searches and spamming you
  17. There is a delay in earning myCen'ts from your posts and that reason for that is to not keep the server bogged down with you have a lot of people posting and earning myCen'ts at the same time, you will know that they been transferred by the email you get and of course you notice the 100 cent deduction in your account.
  18. Well when I used this one polling system I forgot to select IP per vote or something like that and so we had a few people mass voting for the heck of it and so it took a while to find out who the IP belong to and of course deleting the multiple votes and so hopefully when I select another polling system I will remember to make sure I have that working so it won't happen again.
  19. Like it was mentioned in the posts above me once you sign up to the new billing system and transfer your hosting account the any hosting hosting credits, positive or negative will not matter. Since the new systems counts your posts and the contact in your posts it will give you a new amount to work with in setting up your hosting account on the new system. I am not even aware myCents will get deducted from you account if your posted was edited or move to spam, I would think so but I am not sure how myCents deducts happen within the forum since it hasn't been discussed outside the staff forum all that much. Just like I mentioned above myCents could be decreased if your posts was edited or it got sent to the spam forum, but you are correct that members don't lose one credit a day under the old system. Correct. Well if you signed up to the new system you do get a kick back of some sorts but it sure isn't a post count or everyone would have gotten short changed when they transferred to the new system. Odd's are that it was a combination of both since people like me I would have like $69 to my name, but I know I have more then that in my account.
  20. You must have just joined Xisto or you realize how difficult that would be to get those people together and especially even more difficult since this is happening during the myCent transition. That is why people are allowed to vote for themselves because it is the number of nominations that will get them to the voting polls in December.
  21. Well as your most EVIL member of Xisto I promise more spam, bans for everyone and robbing you blind as you cast your votes in December and so you better vote for me or else I will report you BWHAHAHAHA!! Also how can a member promise more posts, just six months ago he signed a law that give priority to him receiving. all hosting credits regardless who had hosting credits he would get 95% off the top **boo...hissss** I know I know and so I promise this less taxes on your myCent's and more taxes on those big wigs at capital hill **everyone cheers**
  22. I would say that it is normal to have mix feelings since it is your first born, but what counts is that they are happy and that your happy for them. Of course, I wouldn't doubt you be a nervous wreck the week of the wedding and the day of as well, but either way just give it some time and those mixed feelings will go away and be filled with joy and happiness.
  23. Well, not really last years was late do to complications from the last person who manage the Xisto awards, but of course its funny how everyone reads what is important and then posts . Spamming already, tisk tisk.
  24. Welcome to the site HappyHippie and just like the rest of us you will enjoy the hosting that Xisto provides here and so I say welcome to Xisto and enjoy your stay here.
  25. Well it is always good to help out friends, but now your friend should realize that we are under a new credit system so it will become a lot easier for your friend and even you to get hosting now under the new system. So check out the topics and posts related to the V3 credit system and then you should be ready for some good hosting.
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