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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well since astronomy was my gift back in my day, I been paying attention, actually there are about 20+ new planets in the universe that have been discovered in the last 10-15 years some bigger then Jupiter some smaller then mercury, all planet x was Pluto before it was discovered in 1932 and then its moon charon which was discovered in 1972. During that time asteroids comets and meteorites were still unknown at the time little information was gathered about them. also all these objects have next to nothing in gravity so it is impossible to have any effects unless they hit the planet., the only celestial objects that can effect earth is giant solar flares that the sun emits, and the core destabilizing (the movie core) back in 1994 when the world watch in awe, horror and amazement that comet shoemaker-levy 9 slammed in to Jupiter in 26 parts and messed the atmosphere up pretty good with all the holes it made, over time they have been fix. Why cuz it was the first known comet ever recorded to slam into a planet. and in 1996 one of the biggest scares the world has ever seen was when an asteroid, about 3-4 miles long and just as wide barely missed the earth at about few hundred thousands miles, it was dubbed a global killer, due to its size... Thus this would be pointless to do when everyone can see it coming There is this website that students in Arizona did about asteroid collision here is a simulation of a asteroid hitting earth Now thatÂs a nasty looking asteroid, but I put info on an asteroid that would never happen unless a planet breaks apart with that info I put in If you want to try out your own asteroid go to this website Asteroid Simulation and post your results of asteroid that you have made. I tell you its all false information concerning the object in question, it mostly like a meteorite or comet that had pass earth during that time, cuz back in the ancient time of all cultures, asteroids, comets, meteorite showers, meteors, where signs of bad omens, no one new the truth until the times of Galileo during the 1600's.. There is some truth to planets moving besides rotating, but that information is illogical in the sense the planets once the have an orbit they maintain it, only few objects in the universe can change that, which are asteroids, black holes, comets maybe but they would have to 5x-10x larger then an asteriod and have the density of a planet to do that, but since they consist of frozen water and other elements, it won't happen like that. this asteroids belt is called the Oort cloud, the origin of asteroids, meteors, and comets at least in this solar system. so to finish up.... I can tell you this, this story is completely and utter bs, I wouldnÂt be surprised if you got this article from a tabloid paper, because this reporter knows next to nothing about whatÂs going on in the universe and the information being told it sounds like he took bits and pieces and put them together to make a shocking story.
  2. well its does give you an idea what the inner workings of early dos and windows programming.
  3. well the brushing that i did went fairly well, especially the wings, was going trying out a 2 colors for each side but it wasn't coming out as smoothly as it should have.
  4. if its like most html progrmas its not that hard i think the go live is the fact you can ftp it directly like dremaweaver, but like posted above read tutorials, try pixel2life.com they have almost every adobe product listed try you luck their.
  5. this one i had the hard time with i went through about 5 different loks and about 100 different renders, only thing good about it is the blending on it. but i could be wrong.....
  6. crono cross had the sweetest song track, the intro along ruled, final fantasy 7-8-9-10 had sound tracks worthy of listening to as well.
  7. thats low snlil >, just cuz it wasn't a vampire render used in it snlil is still talking about it, its time to move on snlil ***roflmao***, just move on it will be ok.
  8. aah my days of using the infamous cjb account i did that for awhile but after the computer program that the site was base off of went down i stopped using it.but leiaah is right about setting up the cjb, now using the server as part of the redirection, thats the first i heard of that, i don't think you have to go that far unless i missing the point of the question, its sounds like you want the cjb account cloaking your trap account but by using the cpanel as a way to do it, hmm that is interesting might have to ponder that in the future.and to respond about what the internet would be like false websites urls like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is leading into naughty websites.
  9. i was thinking that but was giving the benefit of the doubt that it was all brush and alot of difference clouds filters as welli think the the only good sig i pulled off use filters was the orange that i did.
  10. well the way i design my sigs you would think oh wait thats right eccentric sig making , im not all to worried about someone trying to copy cuz if you think about trying to work a jpg image thats flat or detailed enough were added some corny effect on it would just lose quality, and the fact i keep the original designs save too.
  11. not bad for your first i would say work on the font a bit (its the biggest issue we have us sig makers) the brushing looks ok for starting out, get away from the repeat, but it almost like you make a copy of the layer the rotated it to do a mirror image,7/10for starting out.
  12. johnny you sly dog you, how can it be silly a 1px black border would go well with it,how about a long island teaa snlil ***glug glug glug***
  13. hmmm those would be good for the group of people i cannot mention due to legal reasons, even thought they are beyond those tricks.
  14. thats why i planned to water mark them MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  15. the perfect girl would have to strong, determined and know what she is doing, and knows what hse wants in life. looks come secondwell actually i do have that with my current girlfriend ***gasp***
  16. going try out a some new series of sigs cathc phrases that go with the render that i pic
  17. nope you don't need javascript for best thing to do is make the table all one size then fit those two tables with in it and then it match up with the content with in it. also put somehting their to take up space like banner adds and all that other stuff.
  18. HAHAHA I GOT THE BEST ONEMichaelWho is like God?why do yo uthink i put saint next to it, so bow down to me MORTALS AND FEAR ME MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  19. im sticking with yahoo cuz i have been a loyal customer from the beginningdid you ICQ a long time ago, but that since lost its coolness.
  20. hey johnny i think i know which dragon that is but i might be wrong so i won't bother but i know you got it from mebtw im giving jonny the compitition if any
  21. and also sine it is the biible , i think they are referring to SATAN the devil lucifer whatever,hmm if that where dinosaur bones must have been one of the flying ones
  22. they are kids they no better first change i would get spill some juice throw some mud and other cruel stuff,but you can prove a point just throw all the trash where they do there thing nd make sure all nasty and smell and when they ask why it hasn't been picked up just say its not my job
  23. in your cpanel click on a link called subdomains and thats where you can set up a subdomain for it, need help pm or contact me at yahoo or msn.
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