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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well i know what you where going for but meh all that black space could have used a liitle more detail like they look like stones or something, but knowing your style i can somewhat accept it.good job
  2. thats right no BS 3000 of the best renders the net has to offer we have anime, games, women, vehicles, comics, c4 renders and more for an easy 30 credits a download you will have some of the best downloads ever trust me 2200+ downloads and still going strong http://www.gamefront.com/ you sigs makers will have nothing but thousands of sigs to make.
  3. well i just like to show my name in my sigs cuz im just so full of myself :obut anyways read up on some tutorials and you will get better i promise.
  4. welcome to our club hopefully you have some graphic skillz to show off have fun post talk about stuff and make the mods work for the money i will never give them.
  5. dude do what everyone else drink behind your parents back just eat breath mints and other stuff to held the smell it always works against the parents but not the cops . use your ninja skills we have taught you and you will be in heaven trust me she will never know. ***im the devil on your left shoulder MUHAHAHAHAHA****
  6. yeah 900 is a good price for a ring yeah the diamond will be small but its better then spending 10-20k and then get dumped by here too.yeah so go with it (well lets see a pic of it and we will let you know if your good).
  7. well i tried out that yahoopop and it sucks it doesn't even work for outloox express just modzilla .don't waste your time downloading it.
  8. thats a interesting hacking tool and it is no matter how you word it, going to try it out see how it all works out with me.but yeah your program would have to have network access to the yahoo mail or hotmail account to work unless im wrong about that, so look around and see what you find who knows someone might have already done it already.
  9. well you kids fail to realize that education is important, warped that it maybe in some countries, you all have to go through it.yeah i had where some teachers where cool as all hell, and others i be like "MAH GAWD when will it end."but you kids also fail to realize the world is the teacher, you can learn many thingsthe cultures of other people the ancient world, if i had the money i would be traveling the world and learn so many things, but since i don't on rely on the info of the internet and read up on the many resources and then filter out the stuff that is false and untrue to the facts.i wish i paid more attention in school, and learned more, don't get me wrong i was a very smart student, i got my A's and B's and that C ( I HATE MATH WITH A PASSION )but after i got out of school life is my teacher, and paper isn't going to tell me im a college grad, but since i need to be in the real world and work i plan to go back to school and do what i love and thats computers. I plan to do a triple triad degree in networking computer management and design, thats just the associates degree, that if i focus my mind i will have three degrees in 3-4 years without breaking a sweat.so listen good and listen well children pay attention no matter how boring the teacher maybe learn all you can cuz once school is over your on your own.but with the support of family and friends you can be the next bill gates, donald trump or a leader of your country.so heed my advice and don't get lazy.
  10. the draft im talking about is forcing people to join the military draft, read up on your history.well we are going to be there for another 4 years so it will be even longer.to comment on what horus was saying we wouldn't be meddling if people stop killing each other off and holding hostages and blowing up buildings up.believe me either way you slice everyone is responsible for their actions, we maybe the youngest nation but we are solving the older nations problems for the good or the bad because they don't know how to govern people correctly or know how to run things threw a peaceful way. instead of beheading and murdering innocent people.
  11. i would have to agree no matter how you slice it using frames won't give the search optimization your looking for. but to answer your question use the target=main in your url and that will open it in the same page without opening a new window. but yeah its better to do it in window and not in frames, yeah it will be messy but if you use external php files you won't be dealing with all the coding in one editor.
  12. well after my stint with the sega game gear i stopped with the handheld devices, of course the psp is not producing the games that was promised to everyone. its been mostly movies which i find disappointing for something sony is backing.
  13. i would go digital cable its more reliable, due to the fact that you needa signal in order to get that satellite feed on it, which is not as reliable but i would have to with direct, disk network is losing its flavor.
  14. yeah i made the background a little to big should have shrunk it down before i finished editing it.
  15. yeah i agree put the screen effect behind the render so the render can pop out of it., im not digging the text to much its to fuzzy for me, the background looks good too, good try for your first shot.
  16. i havn't heard of anything but boys at bioware/atari going to bring back baldurs gate for the pc that was a sweet series both pc and console, but i prefered the pc due to what you were able to do with your characters.
  17. spots?, well the border i kind of screwed up a bit, try to recover but alas, it did not happen .
  18. ummm yeah thanks, well they are not really a big thing just old skool sigging, i just know how to do them well, (most of the time).
  19. well thats kind of old news, but i ball park that in about 1000-2000 years then the world will be unliveable.
  20. lets see im down with football, basketball, biking, running, volleyball, and im pretty good at all of them to
  21. roookie as if , but im coming off a 1 month hiatus, i should have gone gothic font but meh.
  22. well that just stupidity, when people who know nothing about graphics and doing them so that understandable.i see where you where going with the learning up against wall, but you notice that it looks like she cut off, thats why i referring to that, if the should was completed then it would be fine, believe me people will rip something like that apart and then every post will make that the primary focus, just some stuff to be aware of.
  23. well i was going to leave the stroke around the sig alone, due to it being a simple procede of just adding it in, the thing that most people should work on when starting out is brushing and color after that start mastering the art of text and once you get that all done, adding a border is just finishing it off.
  24. i new it you ripping me j/k, so your calling me crazy then huh.***starts speaking gibberish***crazy like a fox.
  25. lordofpain.net, one of the best known wrestling sites that i been going to for the last 8 years.i also to these websites as wellsquaregamer.comffonline.comffxposed.netand whatever peals my interestalso gamerenders.com to get my rendersdeviantart.com, to get my brushesdafont.com to get my fonts.
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