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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. i do a retro display of my first sig to my latest one to show how much i have improved in 5 months.
  2. yeah im god gift to siggers everywhere. and the only real unique member thats crazy enough as well.
  3. nah that i can deal with that only temp compared to the stuff that i just posted.
  4. well knowing the members here they have several email accounts a good suggestion would be use a email that you really don't use to get your hosting account.but with the ip though the ip number is used to track the user account and not email addresses, so when they decide to do something wrong the admin cuz block their ip number entering the site.
  5. i think you keyboard might be under something or stuck on a key that does it cuz that hasn't happen to me.
  6. it seem reasonable but the only problem is that no one would be able to request accounts since you have to lock it to mods and admins only maybe request in your account to have your email account removed from the request after your hosting has been approved.
  7. well i think what opaque would think when installing a mod, the question would be would it help out or will it just be abused, and will it work with the current forum as well. we had the reputation system awhile back but since the update to forum the original creator hasn't done a update to my knowledge.
  8. nice job buff you get 10 cool points this shoul really help out the people that want accounts here.
  9. nice job except for the face it looks like thier is a horses head on the girls body, you have to look at it closely to see what im talking about. but still good though.
  10. im so $@#^@ angry right with what going on right i don't think i will be able to attend school now, cuz their will be no way to pay for it, even though i have like 60K to use i don't i will be getting any of it if i do apply for what i need, cuz most likly i will be spending all that money on @%@#%@#^@ gas and food and stash of weapon when #@@$^%@ hits the fan.#$^@#^@^ i been looking forward to going to college so i can get my life back on track since getting out of the military, but with how things are going i might have to go back on active service just so my family can keep on going $#%^@#^ bush @$%@$ the us government, i have no faith in the country no more, and what really funny its the only place were i can live without have to worry about gettting blown up, shot, head chopped off and what ever else people do.i thought the great depression was bad but whats been going on right now tops everything all for what %@#$%@# oil bush #%#$ up and #@@$@ up bad and who has to pay for it the us citizens, i tell if a draft goes in effect well they can #$#$# off cuz i be damn to help these people out.well i feel better now well for the time being. Notice from KuBi: Oh---My---God-- Dude, you should know the rules. Look at all those symbols! No swearing man! Whether it's written out or not. Warned.
  11. the doors are one of my favorite bands buff, the song is on the top of my list for classical rock.plus it went well with my theme and the fact i have knowledge of that render as well.plus they got to know what they look like sooner or later :)
  12. well lets just say niether of us could afford a down payment or the insurance just to keep that thing running .well to recieve a gift from me you have to do several things, but since i won't mention them cuz then you do them . besides your still a fresh face in the gfx department, lwt see some more work of yours so people can see what your have in you.
  13. was going for the depth thing, OMG!!! trying to mooch on other people, get behind thee satan. :)
  14. i know (makes kissing sounds), now i believe that is your shortest post here that i have seen.
  15. well wif you look past the scanlines look at the effect it is giving, one its give some sweet lighting effects for the render and its giving the depth to the eye cuts that i didsnlil you got both version 1 and 2 of your gift sigs.comments+criticismwell i mooch off of one of johnny sigs.
  16. well with the scanlines the lighting effect that it gives to the render rocks. also with the scanlines in it, it gives the eye cuts that i did more depth as well., should have lowered the opacity just a bit on this one.it takes me anywhere from 5-20 minutes to make a sig this one i say it took me about 15 minutes due to the editing i had to do with the eyes
  17. not bad at all, you be posting at gamerenders.com? the only problem i see is the second one in which thier is a shadow of a brush that you used that overlapped the sig. yeah the blast is a little overpowering but still good. nice use of the shattered sig look.
  18. hey epox go to the invisionize.com i think and look up mods see if it exsist, but i do think that it was taken into consideration awhile back don't know what happen though.
  19. this is the best set up i could have ever imaged everything went so well (except for the text) that i made a gift sig out of it as well, and used it for my other alias. enjoy and drool on your computers. the eyes are from 3 different renders of the same character too SKILLZ SON SKILLZ.
  20. enjoy your second gift sig hulunes everyone else c+c.
  21. heres your gift second to the kube power, others post questions or comments.
  22. gift sigs version 1 and version 2 are up for your collection frozen everyone else enjoy. Notice from cmatcmextra: Edited as requested
  23. here are you gift sigs avalon version 1 and version 2 enjoy and if your not avalon post your comments here.
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