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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. yeah this would have been the slowest one since my render choice SOTW. But VICTORY!!!!!
  2. Answer 1-the maid did it, their are no corners in a sphere :PAnswer 2-The butler did it and I will tell you why their is no mail on sunday. :PAnswer 3 1) aides -1 syllable 2) aside -2 syllables 3) ideas -3 syllables Answer 4- no ideaAnswer 5- no ideaAnswer 6-He asked the princess to touch his hand.Answer 7- he had the hiccupsAnswer 8- no idea
  3. just cause it's different then the normal name meanings I will post it Amras Ancalim?. <---now what is that that is one funky name sounds just a bit *happy*, but hey I'm no expert in the elvish langauge. WARNING anyone caught spamming this topic will be warned and topic will be closed
  4. and why are we talking about how to download music and where to get illegal programs to download them. Let alone this is in the wrong forum to be posting that any way.I notice alot of old members who know the rules about these kind of posts and topics and from the looks of it this topic was never reported so I'm going closed this topic and warn the members in this topic referring to anything to find get or download music or p2p programs.
  5. yeah like Im going to give my bank account info even if I create it online to some junk website. HAHAHAHA no that won't happen.
  6. here is the definition given for what hte bird flu is Here is more info on what the bird flu is as well. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/ that should help you out and give you a better understanding what hte bird flu is.
  7. also to add on the space travel due to the time differance if you call it that, it was said that if you where traveling for 50 years 25 from earth 25 back to earth everyone except you will be 50 years older, mind you I don't think this was ever tested but only in theory.
  8. the bird flu is air born virus meaning once it got into his house he would get infected with it so, he is leaving his house so not to catch thats why he won't be on the internet.
  9. i change the background on the first one to a solid color maybe lighter or darker then rest of it. Also i would put a drop shadow on them as well to give it some depth.if you go to pixel2life.com you have a ton of resources on how to do website templates in photoshop.
  10. Even though they are good suggestions I will tell why they are not implace.Chatroom is a giveme really, most people send info to each other to contact them on msn, aol, yahoo messenger and then work out hte problems thier, irc chat was available, but last i knew it was taken down due to no one going there.On the arcade though it was soaking up extreme amounts of bandwidth so it was move to ipbgaming.com.Some people do hold contests several have been done, but for that you would need a extreme amount of credits to do that. Xisto.com does not give away free hosting credits due to the fact that its not their responsiblity to keep your account loaded with credits, it is the user responsibility to do it.But if the Admin think that have a contest thats it would be beneficial to give away credits then it might come up.on the hosting plans last year their where 4 plans which basically was crunch down to 2 plans which make up the general census of how much space is given. if you want to you can purchase more bandwidth or space just have to contact the admin on that.the 800 would be a waste of time really since we have thousands of members from different partsof the world meaning that several people would need a phone line connected to that number and thats impossible at 10,000 miles away from each other. Plus the Xisto forum is one big support forum as well, also if you go to Xisto.com you may also get alot of support their as well.though good ideas long discussed before but to benefit the site more some will not be enforced.
  11. after you get any hosting plan you have 2 credits left which means you have to build your credits up 10 credits is usually a good healthy number to build up but you can build up more credits if you wish . 1 credit = 1 day
  12. and i am closing this topic since it is against the rules and TOS to discuss or tell how to change coding on software or purchased script. person and or person posting in this topic will be warned.--TOPIC CLOSED--
  13. well its looks centered to me and i looked at the coding you did it right, just a quick question what browser are you using? so just in case it just your browser.
  14. Saint_Michael


    well not to sound outdated as in the how many hello's and welcome to Xisto.com post. But Hello and welcome to Xisto.com . like BuffaloHELP said we have lots of topics here to choose from and many people to help out if you need. so enjoy your stay and have fun.
  15. closing topic since this is consider spam and one lining about what songs you are listening to. make a topic in the music forum about what songs your listening to since no credits and posts are awarded.
  16. actually i think putting a image in it would ruin pretty hard to find a good image to put that in without putting a grunge brush layer in it. but still its pretty good.
  17. pretty much truefusion said also work on your anti-aliasing as well just click on your text button and look for a drop down menu that says none and then click on that and then select the setting that best smooths out the text and then go with that setting. Also put your border over your render as well.but on top of that that is one of your better looking sigs that you have shown us last couple of weeks keep it up.
  18. not bad im digging the background with its nice depth, digging the text as well, render looks good too.
  19. but you must remember gravity is part of that equation as well, and its impossible to catch up with light even at a molecular level, even if you could slow it down still won't be able to catch up with it, it's just one of those unsolved mysteries that won't get solved, unless a supreme being or aliens stop by and tell someone.
  20. no offense taken, but yeah i seen those where websites got 10 different colors for a group of people. when you only need like 4-5 tops.
  21. hmmm with the gif avatar do a shine through like the color red for the admins and the color blue for the mods and heck even the color maroon for the hosted members as well. Also for the animation spin the globe around too.but the one thing that i don't like is the chain like background, it takes away from it. Plus you have a little room to make the text a little bigger as well, go 2 sizes higher and test the anti alias setting to make it look smooth as best you can.hmm I'm out of ideas now for this project.
  22. Well their could be a million reasons why but most of them are gone due to the fact their not a reason posted on the website why it's down. So most likly a legal issue or they ran out of money. But other then that couldn't Tell you.
  23. you have to much focus on the scanlines, text could be better, along with the brushing, its a little flat from what I can see.My suggestion would be to do sigs with just brushing first and then work on blending in the render and then work on work on the text and then finally work on color as well.BTW this is post number 3000.
  24. actually google earth can also be bought as well for like $400 you get a complete package of everything that you really don't need, but yeah took one look at the google earth messed with and said ***yawn*** and then deleted it.
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