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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I would have to say this is my best tech i have done to date.
  2. fnally got a deviant account, thought about but anyways that an odd way to put them up.some good stuff as usual frozen, don't forget to stop by when you get the chance.
  3. um yes instead of thisWordOneWordTwoWordThreeWordFourhe wanted this WordOne WordTwo WordThree WordFour
  4. yeah thats where i host my images at photobucket and if it was a quick thing imageshack, but sadly though in order for me to do my sig rotator i have to have my images on my account and then some.
  5. well yeah its bad but you have to see the other point of view the adults are thinking that since anyone can read them, thus giving info about that person and where they go to school, they think it wil reducing the chances that someone will get kidnapped.it makes sense, but they should have donr it another way.
  6. haslip here you go this is what you want in your coding <div width="500" height="500"><h1>WordOne WordTwo WordThree WordFour</h1></div> mind you you can adjust the height and width to fit the website as needed.
  7. i put it like ths dude don't join the military is screwed up from recruiting until you decided to get out. my military career was hell, i thank god for this back injury of mine, don't have to worry about going back to iraq. now to shouw your credits click here look for HOSTING CREDITS you cannot miss it its right below the shoutbox.
  8. well thats 0-3 true/reaver.good job guys i knew it was a destroyed battle from the beginning.
  9. what was wrong with the text on the rest of my stuff??? :P
  10. hmm interesting, but god that is alot of lines worth of coding, to bad they can't due to copyright reasons if its based on phpbb. hmm it might just rival IPB. (hahaha no).good find crag or haveyou been watvhing the progress that long?
  11. this is a splash page i just did came out pretty good. not fit to scale 500x500 is better optimize. and here it is with text for a website I'm at.
  12. not bad wassie the only and i mean only problem i have with it is the video the background color should have been different to at least match part of the sig.but yeah like mentioned above its good.
  13. whos that wassie rouge or shadow cat?hey wheres psylocke she is pretty good herself and dead in the comic book world as well.
  14. yep everything is all wrong with it the background would have been good if you use a grunge brush and brushed in some areas of the background, but yeah 1 year that is some rust.
  15. wassie thats was cruel man but yeah exhale you need some credits to get that site back upagain. thus we can give a better review.
  16. well to add a little more to what becca said most of the 6000+ images i have or had made where not ask by the the original author, but thats another debate and topic right there.but rval pretty much answered your questions about renders.com
  17. nice job like the colors the go with but yah banner is too big.
  18. i think i saw a sword named after that could be wrong about it though.
  19. moon your still here im shocked , but now that Xisto.net is up people going to get a bunch of sites just to link them togetherm i doubt that will happen though. but yeah most answers you find here you can find at asta but with more detail, but its fine to hang out here, i get most of my info from the net anyways so trying to post in 2 different forums on the same subject is just tedious to me. but of course i have another mission in mind when im over there as well. but thats a secret.
  20. yeah but if you have crappy text once it is mention the rest of the sig won't matter all they be talking about is text this text that.
  21. and to add on to it your allow to set up 99 dbs but if your good enough with mysql dbing then you do do it in less, but lucky for me i havn't really maxed out in space or db's show you how much of a website i got going.
  22. yeah but image getting hit by one of those with a potato in them, that would do some serious damage as well, just hurts thinking about it.
  23. well i was going to say something even though it has been edited, but I will anyways.they sound like good ideas but not to many people use due to the fact that it doesn't do anything for the members of the forum.
  24. but exhale thats all in theory. kissing has so many didfferent meanings that trying to put them in the right category would take forever."lol: but about having your eyes opening its kind of funny you got the cyclops thing going and you know someone will have a good chuckle out of it.
  25. well this is really spam but HAHAHAHAHA dodger that what some good stuff you posted hahahaha. I did my one post and that was it thank you, plus i havea bad yime combining japanese words together so doing chinese won't try it.
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