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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well most brushes that i have seen are PS7 and up, but i think the one cs2 has is that hte images are more crisp as well.
  2. well it displayed fine in IE7 so but yeah, IE6 might have some issues with that still, but everything look good from what i saw.
  3. well with the character thing your missing one line in doc type <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; and this <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> that will solve your character problems. Now i went and check your css for validation it is acceptable but had these warnings in them. well the error has to do with your background image and table border for fire fox, what i suggest you do is quote your image sources and see if that works. Or if need to do one part of the css at a time and trial and error it that way on firefox.
  4. yeah i had the pleasure of cooked cat and dog being describe to me and that was nasty as well, i just can't see myself eating them, but it makes me wonder if the pork fried rice I get at chinese resturaunts is pig and not a dog they found on the road last night. eeech.but a pregnant spider oh my god **** runs to a toilet bleeeech***.
  5. this topic has be posted several times, please use the search function next time.--TOPIC CLOSED--
  6. I will move the request over to the sig/banner request sub forum, maybe i will take a crack at it later tonight just give me the info you want on your stuff and i post it after I'm done with it.
  7. Well of course you can purchase SOCOM III its pretty good im about halfway through it On Commander, so its worth a purchase, let me know about conflitc terrorism, conflict desert Storm I and II were ok but nothing like Ghost Recon and SOCOM series.
  8. yeah i remember that but hot dogs are made out of processed meat, unless you they are turkey dogs or actual beef dogs. of course i missed that about the my question is how? cause the looks sure don't help it at all, i bet they have to put alot of season just to get rid of the smell. BLECH!!!!
  9. to get your account unsuspended you need to make post to get out of the suspension and then request for it to be reactivated again.
  10. Ahahaha, i just went to template monster you have to be kidding me who would pay $2500 for a website template. of course in my quest to look for the perfect design, any literally free templates are usually the ugliest ones as well in design and coding, I will admit though some designs are professional but really how can you make a profit like that when you can find the template other ways and just edit it just right and thus make it completely different and null the copyright statement.Anyone in the world can go ahead and say I want to patent HTML coding in every aspect thus screw the internet world royally, by closing them down and sueing people for copyright infringements on a patent with your name on it.
  11. of course thats when xmas shopping is at its cheapest, each day more closer to xmas less stuff and more expensive it gets, of course i havn't hear to much about the new toy of the year we all remember the tickle me elmo year, the beany baby year, i think furby's had a year to, but really how can people drive up a price for toy that is made out of 1 worth of materials anyways?
  12. yeah thats a funny thing alot of spiders are edible (non poison ones and maybe some poisonous), talk about living in the wild, some people consider it a apitizer, but I wouldn't eat a hiary nast thing like a spider ugg how about having that crawl all over you and start nibbling at you as well.
  13. thats a type of dragon fly a daddy long legs body is small, super misquitoes no such thing that i have known about and plus when have you notice a spider have wings like that?Thus is the wisdom of Saint-Michael thus is true.
  14. yeah i had the pleasure i seeing a friend of mine ate one of those in front of me , and i think she said it was still alive or something like that, i have to say that it look a human soup after decompostion in a duffel bag. I had to leave for a bit until she was finished.hmmm could that be the ource of the bird flu?? someone should look into it.
  15. Just to update on the current event 56 have bee killed so far. But what shocks me now the people are now chanting "Death to al-Zarqawi", now its that kind of pride the muslim world needs to do in order to stop this war on terrorism.
  16. Saint_Michael


    WElcome to Xisto. its the place to be and ever growing as well and expaning even more. We have thousands of topics thousands of people to talk and more, so check it all out and enjoy your free hosting account as well.
  17. well i just comb the area that you said you saw it but i didn't notice anything, how far in where you zoom into the map.
  18. What about the software designer, especially when you have to create new software just for a game or animation, that would get paid serious money as well.Of course Head of Mananger that over see everyone gets paid more as well.
  19. Request denied topic will be deleted in 12 hours.
  20. of course the military monitors it , so when they find the people they want to recruit they get them, how about that for a conspiracy theory. But AA has nothing on tom clancy or the conflict series either.
  21. Sig Request DeniedQuality of Posts not suffecient---TOPIC CLOSED---
  22. I decided to Update the Rules & Regulations to Sig Requests so lets start them off... Rule #1: Must be active in the forum Minimum 10 Quality Posts. By "quality," we mean nothing short, no one-liners. All posts will be invisible until a admin/mod/ or gfx crew (privleges TBD) makes it visible following a review. If your posts are good, your request will be put visible and kept open for anyone to fill the sig or banner request. Rule #2: This is the format for requesting a sig or banner to be made: Post Topic Title: Sig/Banner Request *(other names will be edited)* Post Topic Description: by your forum name [tab][/tab]Then copy this section to body of your post [b]Size: [/b]400x100 350x150 [b]Theme: [/b]Grunge, Abstract, etc.[b]Render: [/b]Yes, no?[b]Render Theme: [/b]Comic, games, etc.[b]Color: [/b]Red, Green, Blue, etc.[b]Text: [/b]Yes? No? What do you want it to say?[b]Other effects: [/b]Explosion, scanlines, etc. those are examples to help you decided what kind of request you want. Rule #3: When you display your sig or banner please give credit were credit is due. People who do your sig/banner request took the time to volunteer to design them for you and that would be appriciated. Rule #4: Absolutely no ripping of sig designs or claiming them as your own. If caught you will have 3 days to remove the sig from your sig block. If not mods/admin will take care of the situation. Also as added Safety measure we will watermark the sigs just enough not to ruin the sig but can be seen. (It is easier that you comply with our Rules and Regulations) Rule #5: Fail to abide by the 4 rules posted about your sig request will be denied and deleted in 12 hours after post. Thank you for Reading These Rules and Regulations for Sig/Banner Request. From, the Admin the Moderators and the KS GFX Crew Notice from saint-michael: Rule#2 Updated. Rule #4 Updated Rule#5 Updated. Notice from KuBi: Sig guideline came from my post. Added quotes. Notice from jlhaslip: Inserted some Blue highlighting Notice from deadmad7: Edited some parts and styled some others.
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