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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. i do believe such a cd already exsist if you go to microsoft website I think you can request to have a cd sent to your address.
  2. not bad samma good as usual, maybe have gone a different color but its you samma.@reaver
  3. well i was just reading in my local paper that yahoo is stepping the search engine war against google by copying google idea of a flash map thats right the google earth. well i have to say the one feature that google doesn't have is the live traffic report, basically it saying what road are being worked on and other pointless stuff that will make you late for work. . Also it got the multiple destation meaning ROAD TRIP!!!! . heres the website link and would you know yahoo doesn't mentioned it that i have seen in the yahoo news well heres the website in its beta form and would you know north America only sorry international communities. https://maps.yahoo.com/beta
  4. what tru said but save it as png and not gif, also use the blur tool to get any choppiness to it as well.
  5. congrads, 1st of many members here at the forums to announce it.
  6. this is my first set of renders out of 180+ for my street fighter series
  7. hmmmm name sounds familiar, but yeah that is some good stuff you have going on, and your animations are even better, ca 't wait to see more of your stuff here.
  8. tell them to fix your service and sto pscrewing you over then maybe just maybe you will take it off.nah, whats the worse they can do take your ISP away ooooh, techniqualy you cam bring them for court for bad service or false advertisement or something like that i don't know how the court system works there, but screwing people over is bad karma.also interested what they said, most likly something dumb like there service. I love bad mouthing a ISP it is so fun.
  9. i have to agree looks like a good splash page and if you vector design just a bit more it will look even better.
  10. well thats what opaque thought about on the first one to much info and thus i shortened it to xisto CorpSig-Michael nah
  11. but you forget, for TB to go into effect going to have to raise the price tag on ISP's just to support it, but still that is pretty fast, makes me wonder if it is possible to connect 2 seperate lines (broadband or higher) to achieve that same effect?
  12. i been doing sigs for about 9 months now and hae done 183 of them to date as well, you can tell the progress i have made during that time.
  13. gotta please the boss, plus the only thing i really change was the color text and got the glass effect just a bit better then the last one.
  14. i know why i don't have quick time installed on my computer yeah now i fix it watching now....
  15. yeah that one is way to dark to see i had to look to see where lecter was at. same with the text as well.
  16. all i have to say is awesome totally freakn awesome, how the heck did you find that render?10/10
  17. to bad the movie link is broken cuz i see no movie.
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png you may reconize the background from opaw v3 sig but when i looked at it again i remeber this render that i saw it work perfectly with it, i would have to say this is my best one ever. but due to the nature of the render i have to link it so not to offend those who think otherwise and the rules of the board.
  19. i thnk i got it this time for what i was looking for and did the edits opa wanted.
  20. MY GOD i missed the evil doings of OpaQue twin, but yeah any idot knows that you only need one modem, hell i could run that place better then them.but still i would have like to have seen those wonderful words that got delete just so i could have a good laugh, and people say you have no personality, i was reading a little bit it almost sounded like you work for them, but good thing i read the rest it.well lucky for me i don't have to worry about living over there and get crappy service.
  21. well yeah i was going gor the more professional look then your normal looking sigs. Maybe i should start doing some of those as well in my mix of other stuff.
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