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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well i can tell you if you go to computerhosting.com, it the parent site for Xisto.com you can get domain hosting from there.
  2. that would be borderline for the TOS again since your offering services to do it and making it public.put it like this you can't offer any links, tutorials, downloads purchasing or selling of products or offering services to do it for people. At least when affiliting with this site.
  3. maybe put a drop shadow on certain parts of it to get it the popping out of the internet feel to it, also if you put it on a white background the thick border will disappear as well.
  4. its ok but right now most everyone has the current software CS2 not much different but it's updated. but knowing what you can do with it can take the longest.
  5. topic is already been posted, please use the search feature before posting the same topic and to prevent any spam posting will close topic.---TOPIC CLOSED---
  6. you have some ok stuff have many area's to work in, text being the big issue that you have, brushing look fairly good can always be better, also stick with one sig size 400x150 350x150 350x100 are good sizes to work with.
  7. i would work on the text a little bit as well make it smaller as well try 400x130 or 350x100.
  8. i found the game to easy took me less then a month to beat it and unlock everything, hopefully Mosted is a little harder to play. comes otu in a couple of weeks YES!!!!
  9. Saint_Michael


    go here to get the mod and the game to install on your forum. http://ww1.ibproarcade.com/
  10. i agree with brandice don't stir the pot with the teacher finish school first then go hit on the teacher, but like most poeople are saying don't tempt a good thing and also ruin a teachers career, that shes dating a student and then other stuff happens with that as well.So basically look but don't touch.
  11. yes you can upgrade when you have the right amount of credits but be warned any credits over 10 or 30 will be reduce down to 2 when you get these packages so a friendly suggestion would be get he required credits and then get he package and the start posting again.
  12. problem solved and being worked on.--TOPIC CLOSED--
  13. interesting indeed, but it could have its problems, due to the speed that is producing that communication, it might burn it out, unless they have a way to keep it cool and not burn out and thus set them back a little bit. But that is some interesting speed that it can produce, at a small scale.
  14. not bad at all, i think to give it some 3d feel to it that you have to use the sphere filter to give it a rounded look thus adding depth to it also. Of course use color management to get the right colors to give it a little reflection as well.
  15. well i got a general idea what i want it to look like, but trying to figure out what next to put in it. any suggestions http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. well I gave it some thought and put it like this since their are conflicting opinions on or how legal are mod chips, and that Xisto servers last i know are in the US. it would be considered illegal since you are hacking basically a small version of a computer, in the sense that your altering hardware/soft that is not your own then it is illegal according to the laws of US government and most computer laws as well since the xbox/ps2 have online capabilities.so to play it safe and not cause any problems current or future for Xisto.com I wouldn't do it.
  17. thats a tough one to call, because some mods are legal and some are not, I think as long as your not providing downloads to burn games/movies then its fine, i know i read several gaming magainzes about mods to ps2 and the xbox, its regional thing, like playing japanese games on a american ps2 something like that. i would say show what you have your site and will let you know what to get rid of.
  18. AHAHAHAHAHA that has to be the funniest thing i seen in awhile, even though hypnosis is real, you need to be an expert to pull it off, it has a good reality tv thing going duping people to play the game and then scare the bejesus out of them.but yeah i would have to say its a game stunt.
  19. that i can get by but problem is though alot of people abuse these rights thus government cracks down on those who abuse them. But im just saying that anyone has a big opportunity to do some real damage and instead of the 3 people dead already thousands can be killed and with whats been going on and how easy it is to get into europe and then disappear until someone conducts a terrorist act thus making more things difficult for progress to be made.Of course you know how news is being reported they only tell you whats being told. Been reading it from yahoo so that how I'm getting my information.
  20. well with whats going on in the world today and big muslim population france has, a few people might have an opportunity to blow up a bus or a building, just to make everything worse to whats going on right now. Best thing for france to is to stop the fire before it spreads outside the european borders. Cause parts of germany are rioting along with belgium as well.
  21. well the reason that i know of is that 2 boys of middle eastern descent were electricuted cause they thought the cops were after them or something like that, the other reason is that pretty much everyone in that riot was angry after this was mentioned the third reason is pretty much all this so that tells you something somone is got something brewing.
  22. Well i been keeping tabs with the riots going on in france, over 300 cities and towns rioting, 1 man has been killed from injuries sustained from being attacked, many people injured or wounded including police. Schools and churches being burned down, vehicles being destroyed. it's insane because the youth are being corrupted by people who want nothing but destruction and instill fear among the people. I have a feeling though someone will top it off if a form of terrorism hopefully that won't happen buts its been 11 days now so if force is needed do it.
  23. well even though im a guy (straight) i go either 1 or 4 I was going ot add 5, but when it comes to cleaning it a little harder IMO.
  24. well besides the gimm after effect that thiis has the photo minipulation is awesome like the third arm looks pretty good. but i don't see any mistakes that i could find in it.
  25. i cannot believe i actually won my second phew!!! thanks for choosing my design for SOTW #12.
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