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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. not bad but not to fond of the text though.heres a hint i use mostly j-z brushes in the brush pack that I have provided.
  2. correction save it as .png don't sae it as gif or it will get pixelated.but yeah sigs 1, 3, 4 are your best ones that I have seen from you in awhile especially like the background on the 4 one. hard to read the text on your pantera sig though.
  3. well let me start you off on the right path. work on your text alot more -work on blending in your renders -work on lighten them up most of them are to dark -work on your brushing just a bit and to help you with brushes and renders go here http://www.gamefront.com/ also i recommend these sites to read on tutorials as well gamerenders.com, chaosGFX.com, pixel2life.com.
  4. what mods have you installed? lets tart with that, but from the looks of it you must have not editing the file correctly when you install the member group color mod.
  5. http://s4.photobucket.com/user/UG_renders/library/ bumped into this site while surfing around gfx forums most old stuff that you don't have already from downloading one of my many many render packs.
  6. Well after some minor editing here and their and getting the website to work with both FF and opera I was able to get it work YEAH!!! For me Only problems I had was the logo up top in ff and opera is off to the left so had add some spacers to it. Also the ad rotator script that I am using will not work for you ff users and opera users, bummer. If anyone could give me suggestion on how to fix that it would be appriciated. IE USERS ONLY http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ FF & OPERA USERS http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Now those should be good unless you want to get techniqual and do the screen resolution and that im not going to even try its like what 5-10 different resolutions you could use. thats just to many index's I have to make and keep updating (if need be). Pretty Much all the forum stuff is connected since the V1 was just a central hub to begin with but i starting adding the hosting links to it. with that all I did was add the link to the main pages for Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto, and the traps, it shouldn't be to hard to figure out how to navigate through the sites from their. So pretty much the central site webpages need to be worked on but that will done quickly once i get the final set up done. The colors thought thats going to be the hard part. you can already see the nasty color combo i got working right now. Contimplating if I want to go ALL black and shades of grey for the whole site and then design some minor gfx's to fill in some spots to it as well. You can tell with the racing stripes that if do the right design it will look good. any suggestions you could think of that I could add to the site drop a post and I will look into it. mind you I don't want it to look like a complete mess and i coin the phrased "junk" to it. Also I added a topsites lists got my little banner and header logo all done http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So you can start putting your sites on the list and of course spread the word as well. Also I ask Plenoptic ot help out with affiliations to others sites to build up the viewership and get new people to join as well. of course anyone wants to contribute to advertisement drop a post or a pm at me and I will get with you ASAP. So to Sum up the latest updates -web design works in all 3 browsers -need to add just a bit more -finish up the main pages -have topsites list going -v2 is almost their.
  7. i got the layout figured out just have to fine tune it, btw I HATE FIREFOX it makes my life misrable .but anyways i might have to do a splash page with a link to ie and a link to ff just to make it go easier for me at least.
  8. as im working on v2 site im going to keep a list of the affliates that i have joined if you would like to become one just post here or if you some sites that i have not listed that do affiliate programs then list them here as well.
  9. well i was looking for design stuff i have found this one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ mind you im still not done editing it but right now its both xhtml and css validated WOOHOO. also those are temp colors until i find some suitable ones to use.
  10. link to the tournament http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31396-topic/?showtopic=31396 Ok the New Year is about to come So how about we start off a new tournament!!! Here are the Rules 1: you must design a sig and avatar based on the same design 2: The Winners will send their sig psds to the staff to be uploaded to our resource section and also to be edited by us as well for your sig. 3: Contest Entries are Open Till January 15th and the voting Will Begin the Very Same day. Sig Size (avatar): MIN: 64x64 MAX: 150x150 Sig Size (sig): MIN: 100x100 MAX: 400x150 Style: Freestyle Render: Any Colors: Any Color Name: Your handle subtext: Optional Prizes 1st Place (avatar): New Year's Avatar Champion Tab 1st Place (sig) : New Years Sig Champion Tab (sig) 2nd Place (avatar): New Year's Avatar Champion Tab 2nd Place (sig) : New Years Sig Champion Tab (sig) and a special prize determined but the admin themselves.
  11. Ok the New Year is about to come So how about we start off a new tournament!!! Here are the Rules 1: you must design a sig and avatar based on the same design 2: The Winners will send their sig psds to the staff to be uploaded to our resource section and also to be edited by us as well for your sig. 3: Contest Entries are Open Till January 15th and the voting Will Begin the Very Same day. Sig Size (avatar): MIN: 64x64 MAX: 150x150 Sig Size (sig): MIN: 100x100 MAX: 400x150 Style: Freestyle Render: Any Colors: Any Color Name: Your handle subtext: Optional Prizes 1st Place (avatar): New Year's Avatar Champion Tab 1st Place (sig) : New Years Sig Champion Tab (sig) 2nd Place (avatar): New Year's Avatar Champion Tab 2nd Place (sig) : New Years Sig Champion Tab (sig) and a special prize determined but the admin themselves.
  12. I want to start off by saying congrads for winning multiple times here on Xisto.com/gfxtrap.com forumsSo again our winnersSaint-MichaeltruefusionAvalonSnlildude87Mayank Notice from mayank: Updated the list, Couldnt wait to put my name in that
  13. Well after a successful 18 weeks worth of SOTW i thought i start up a multi champ banner that you could add to your sig block. so I will start off a list for 2x 3x 4x winners. This thread now includes recent SOTW winners. [August 2010] 2x SOTW Winners Mayank Razor Agentb Tramposch Deadmad7 3x SOTW Winners MIGUE2k7 4x SOTW Winners MICH 5x SOTW Winners Snlildude87 6x SOTW Winners 7x SOTW Winners Avalon (8) Truefusion (8) Saint-Michael (8) So congrats to your multi wins here on Xisto.com/gfxtrap.com
  14. welcome to Xisto and enjoy your stay here as well.
  15. please you need to use cheap lines to get a girl to pity you not acting (unless you are good at it )but yeah if don't know the game don't play it.
  16. looks good barely can tell that one image is right on top of the other of course you could havn't shorten your time with a little blending and glaussian blur.but have to say you did a nice cut of here image as well.
  17. love the effect just not fond of the brushing.
  18. you also forget that telnet are some of the oldest websites if you think about it when back in the days of playing rpgs on the old telnet servers as well.
  19. hey cmat go here it might help you out. http://us3.php.net/function.unlink and or http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.rmdir.php both give some info on doing it if you have not already gone to this site.
  20. it is a joke you can tell who he/she is referring to. but i can see it was finally moved (i think) but its lame as well.
  21. well 4 things that i see wrong with it. 1: site is down at the moment so i can't really tell. 2- i don't see the php tag needed to run the scripts that you have. 3: you need to save your file as php as well in order to run the script. 4: external your css scripts use this code <link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" href="style5.css"> and then open up notepad and put all this coding in it. <!--.style1 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-style: italic;font-size: 12px;}{a:active { color: #D59DB6; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0px; text-decoration: none; cursor:crosshair;}a:link { color: #D59DB6; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0px; text-decoration: none; cursor: crosshair;}a:visited { color: #D59DB6; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0px; text-decoration: none; cursor: crosshair;}a:hover { color: #CE749A;text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; cursor:crosshair;letter-spacing: 0px;}}--> and then save it as stylesheet.css and then load it up to your site that will clean up some of the coding on your page. try out those suggestions and see if that helps you out.
  22. to add what BrickTamland said little is know about dreams the only known facts about dreams are that they are unconcious and are sometimes hard to figure out. But their are common dreams people have one of the most famous of them is they see them selfs falling from the sky and right before they hit hte ground they wake up. some people say this dream symbolizes that the person is having a heart attack and if they don't wake up by the time they hit the ground they won't wake up ever.But here is dream that i had that was very distrubing to me at least and once you read it as well it will be disturbing to you as well.like this one dream i had it was xmas eve day 1 day before the huge earthquake/tsunami that hit last year. in my dream i was in the stone church with candles burning for light almost live a mideval church, anyways I was at the alter praying at a picture (of jesus i think). and then this huge earthquake erupted and then everyone started screaming and running while a small group of people where praying and the church began to fal apart and then the ground split open, right before i started to leave i turned around turned around I saw the man in the picture smile and disappear and was ooh **** and then i woke up scared and sweating trying to figure what the hell happen by then it was time to go the xmas service and then the news hit about the earthquake and then I was like HOLY ****.to me that was most disturbing dream i have ever had in my life.of course the oldest dream i remember is that i was maybe 4-5 living at my family farm before moving. anyways i was sleeping and in my dream i was surround by fire screaming and calling out to anyone to get me out of their and while do that was trying to figure out how to get out as well.so thats a few dreams for people to think about.
  23. not a bad tut moon, but owuld like to add a few thoughts to it though.i know they would work well with splash pages but sigs no standard sig sizes won't give it much room to work with logos maybe, possibly flash animation and maybe borders but that would be about it.only problem i see with it is that you would have to draw the lines and not use the marquee tool, due to the fact that its hard to do the lines straight with out them getting pixelated. of course my other idea would take a little longer with the use of more layers and the use of the distort and perspective tool as well.
  24. well this is a quote from the support page on scratch disks and from the specs you are giving you have plenty of space to allocate the space required to run adobe with out any problems on your computer, but I would suggest if you can afford it get a second hard drive and do it with that one so with a just in case something goes wrong you don't have to worry about losing anything.
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