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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. hey kubi does this program also reduce file size but still keep the same size and all that junk?
  2. http://www.gamefront.com/downloads basically its all the renders I just posted today and a few days back and then some not seen here before as well,
  3. enjoy this unique look of chun-li
  4. well first get a hold of the people that make the phones and see if its a problem, for all you know you locked yourself out of that phone. but I would replace it though.
  5. i have to say not bad but i think i seen that picture before fbi top 10 maybe. .the text bars look pretty good coloring looks good and the background goes with it to.9.5/10would have been a perfect 10 if not for the text in the middle wrong size to use that font in.
  6. I think the text is all wrong for it well at least the font color, scanlines don't do much for it either, but the brushing is ok.btw can I get that render I have had the hardest time looking for it I did have a copy of it once but I deleted the stupid thing and havn't found it yet.
  7. I think it looks good mind you just have to fix the text just a bit also need to resize the render to be equal on all sides so it gets rid of the pixelatation. Was the car cut like that if not what i suggest is move to car over a complete view and not cut off like that. and then get a smaller font and then put the text in the black background for some filler in it as well, I would say if you did just the right amount of smudge work it would be a little better.savge17 not all sigs need to be brush you have vector sigs and smudge sigs that don't reall yrequire grunge or abstract brushing.
  8. this should help you out just a bit but what it is referring to is that a script is running to many queries i think and when it maxes out it shuts down and thus you get that error, but also sometimes a script doesn't get closed properly in php as well gets that as well. I might be missing something in that but from what i search thats the technical definition and i think I cover a simpler explination of it. 2 Hopefully someone can clarify the statement I made about it. but if im correct in the definition you must change the value of the connection in order to prevent that error.
  9. well the problem with tech borders, one of the reasons i stay away from them is that you need to put alot of detail in them to make them look good. Then of course you have to make the right background with it as well but heres a lst of tutorials on how to work on tech borders. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://darkfusion.fr.yuku.com/topic/488 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ like I said very detailed and time consuming to do a tech border, but their is somewhat easier way to do a tech border sig without all the messy all you do is just turn it into a popout sig but deleting the border shape in all the layers. but what i suggest is start with the basics in this order brushing, render blending, coloring, text, borders (except for tech), filters once you have a good a mastering of all those then you want to start finding new/old ways to make the most out of your sig. By reading hundreds of tutorials and trying out many things and then combining them all together to make sweet combos in your sig design.
  10. ok i took the smudge out so here is the updated version of it.
  11. I know of photobucket doing that with the bw used up imageshack< i havn't really seen any downtime except maintenance but they keep the images going still.But on top of what OpaQue said don't use photobucket as your primary imagehosting unless you have their premium account, cuz they limit the bw usage. I went through 1 account in bw in 3 days cause of all the images that I had hosted on several forums. either host them yourself, Xisto or imageshack.
  12. well I dub myself sig guru well at least on this forum, on other sites you could say Im a noob compared to others. and yes I use photoshop CS2. hey ndpd you might want to see if your ff is updated it should be if not get it updated and also check your settings, my ff works fine, but again all you have to do is just right click on and copy your url and see them well i know several words to fit that but yeah I get the jist, plus im a sick and twisted individual you should see my collection I have .
  13. well after giving some thought about it and what not. besides the fact that you forgot to put in your topic description render warning due to the pg-13 rating on that render. But anways I have to agree it need something, of course their are several ways to pull this one off.more grunge and lose the second rendervector design.thats just a couple that you could do, but what im referring to you need to know what i know about brushing and all that junk but stil la good effort.7/10I have to agree with razor that the brushing is awesome even though im not much of the fire brushing. But only this I disagree with is the font choice and the way the render looks.but this is the best one you done so far8/10
  14. well hopefully if I gave you this I won't have to here about HP renders and other HP related stuff.
  15. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png <---look at your own risk plus my smudging look like its getting better as well. just look at my HP sig. the car sig i think was a disater after I had to change the render to something else, plus i tried out a new font with this as well. my chun-li sig is a little sub par but ok. this is somewhat a updated look to the sig.
  16. i know of a killer car psd that I could use but this is straight from my heart though.
  17. ahahaha well after getting on a roll for designing sigs I thought about this and BAM!!! I changed it up so their are no brushes in this sig what so ever.
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Content Warning http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.pngContent Warning http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.pngContent Warning http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.pngContent Warning http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.pngContent Warning
  19. well just to refresh everyone those are called scanlines YEAH!! btw PSP wahahahaha .but yeah avalon poste those basic pattens also make sure to get the pattens in white as well.
  20. do this then just right click the image and then copy and paste the url into a new window it should work then.
  21. I'm surprise no one posted why schools do this, 1 school computers are used for education not looking up cheats for a game and checking your email or looking at porn. 2 it prevents people from trying to hack websites from a school computer and get away with it cleanly. you have your computers at home to do that junk.
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