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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. it was ok but it just didn't have it like FF7 and FF8 9 and 10 and 10-x just seem put together, mind you the battle system were different can't wait till real time battle begins.FFXI is junk there I said it
  2. well just ot do some reasearch this should help ( i feel like an idiot though) Basically that say you choose how you want to earn your money but of course you have to be careful about how you do, get caugh cheating and your account and money are gone and go to google.}}
  3. I have to admit been using ff alot more now don't know why but Im using it more. CSS3 is old news CSSXTREME is the new thing (j/k it doesn't exsist)Ok the only reason im using ff more is that it as a add on for my yahoo mail which i like so I don't have to click on the link just click on the arrow.
  4. well besides 5, 8 their ok most likly your just starting out, you have some area to work in text and brushing, render blending and the coloring is ok.
  5. dude put that up at deviantart.com you will get mad views and comments for that one, ug i just don't see how you can use a mouse to design something like that I just don't.
  6. i guess but actually you need 13 entries to make this the best one.I agree alot of new names are in this one, hopefully they will enter more often as well.
  7. were there is more to that then just translating, programming it, music, sounds, storyline scripting, graphics, gettign people to voice characters making enough copies to be sold and what not.Patience is a virtue, I been waiting for FFXII since FFVII came out and that was in 1997.
  8. impressions are clicks not views if it was views all people would have to do is refresh their browser every 5 seconds.
  9. its a basic tutorial but I have seen better, this could help out those who want to learn how to make brushes.
  10. also what about security features as well. I don't think to many people are going to download or even try it out if its not protected from viruses and other bad stuff.But yeah I work on fixing the bugs out, posting screenshots wold be a good thing.
  11. Me being a mythbusters fan their was this episode where they tried out the human bottle rocket myth from a video fro ma japanese show out of know where I found that video. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ its a hoot.
  12. MaRocker Albus Dumbledore Avalon Euro Ganhos ?$ Kubi Se?or Maniac psychiccyberfreak itsmyard Saint-Michael ashmaster savge17
  13. why is it my sotw's get crap for entries and when someone elese does it they get mad loads of entries I'm Hurt???I better start making hte voting thread to keep tabs on those who entrered so far.
  14. that cloud/sephiroth image you saw wasn't the right one I had to reload it after findinf out my partner im crime did a override of it.also I edit so you can see the logo on its background color.havn't gotten that fancy with logos havn't used that tool properly.
  15. somehting I made rather quicker i made the color stand out more hten the brushing.
  16. a little to dark the colors are ok should be brought out more though.
  17. wow alot of entries into this one good job avalon. I post up my entry soon. heres my entry
  18. I know its killer so when you going to get back into the game snlil?
  19. well ot answer your question on the glow if I make the outer glow darker then it wouldn't glow lit it would you need to have it a light color to make the text glow.well i never really worked on this style due to the fact is more banner related that actual sig related.I use adobe photoshop.
  20. best bet is to search up on how to embed psd I found a few sites which surprised me that you can embed psd into dreamweaver and it functioning correctly.Also you do not need to use imageready to slice you can use photoshop for that as well. ( I prefer that over image ready one less program to have running)Best thing to do is when your slicing to get exact cuts zoom in about 200-300% and then line your slicing like that. it helps fill in the gaps and the spacing as well. It makes it easier to code that
  21. But of course if you all heard the latest news about the patch M$ came out it pretty much makes sure you have a legal version of windows on it. click here on the topic that was made about that patch. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/36078-topic/ but the general feeling Im hereing not to many people are going to move to this system any time soon.
  22. Interesting that they would run it the roughly the same price tag for the 500GB HD, some of them where what 4-$500 depending who you bought it from?But with this big of hard drive I only see major corporations using this especially big name webhosting sites. *cough*
  23. pretty much what M^E said but to help you a bit more and to clean it up a bit use this <?PHPecho date("D M d, Y H:i:s");?>also if you want you date and time to look more dynamic check this site out http://phptutorial.info/learn/datetime.php
  24. Here's a new way to pixel stretch using motion blur that I just found, going to teach you how to use it. 1. Open up a new document im using 350x150 2. Now fill the layer with black then grab a render and apply the following settings to it. note=you can change the color to it but this is the color im using for this tutorial 3. make copy of your render then go to filter>sketch>halftone pattern> then use the following settings. with the following colors: background=#515e49 foreground=#796a44. note=you can change the color to it but this is the color im using for this tutorial 4. go to filter>blur> gaussian blur and set it to 4 then set to overlay to give it a darker tone 5. Make a copy of it then go to filter>blur>motion blur set it at 92 angle at 0 and then bring that layer to the left just enough that it covers the area around the border. 6. since this requires alot of layers best thing to do is make a 5 copies of it to set up the blur and then just duplicate the layers and adjust them accordingly. then make a new layer then go to image apply image and then you can delete all those layers to clean it up a bit. 7. Move your original render up top and this is what you should have this. Thats about it, it is pretty simple and it doesn't require the use of ctrl+t and the single column marquee tool. But its up to you on how you want to brush it but this is what i came up with rather quickly after doing that 6 step process.
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