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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. old topic solved long ago this topic is closed to keep the spam form being posted.
  2. trap17 credit script would be impossible to match due to the fact like vujsa theirs alot put into it. I know their are several mods at invisionize that do have point systems. But they don't count down unless you changing the coding for it to happen like that.@vujsa I think anyone who know how the credit system works that have not seen the code for it could max out credits for it. @aggie I already posted a not so tsunami make sure to read it as well.
  3. Since I was the first to vote the games you pick are not put togethers should have listed rpq type games, something with actual storylines or something.
  4. just found out that NY Yankees player Cory Lidle was in the plane that crashed, this was reported a few minutes ago.
  5. Like mama_soap said search before posting. Also reading the Xisto read file which is located about the shoutbox in this link: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18 Topic solved
  6. I can't believe I just thought of after so long of being here. this is a simple code it terms of the idea but implentmenting it could be a challange but of course that would depend what need to be involoved. To help people get good posts we should implent a credit counter somewhere in the post saying how much the post is worth. This way people can either edit their post to add on to it if they can (of course it has to be legit and all that). Also it will help learn that that better quality post is the best way to go any thoughts? Counter Mod Plan -Counter reads from the character length as based on the actual credit count. -it would be displayed on the line next to date or next to the post number ie. Post #1 is worth <display counter "=post length" > credits -it the counter would change depending on the edits made. -(optional)pop up showing how many credits you have earn upon submitting a post
  7. as with macromedia and adobe all we know at this time is that the merge has happen any changes to websites or softeware is not known at this time. To keep some update use this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ with firefox last i know it patch at version FF2 is still being debug of course those who have downloaded the beta version havn't such much at least on here. Windows XP who knows Microsoft $$$ with the vista system coming out next year. Microsoft Office 2007 is coming out shortly and who knows what else. video editing software use this link http://www.pcmag.com/category2/0,2806,4835,00.asp. With PHP editing you can turn oyur computer into a sever using xampp to test out your scripts and what not. Their is a few other turn your own computer into servers software is out there as well. Word has it that PHP 5 is out in beta stage as to help clean it up a bit and osme other sutff check out php.com I would recommend getting Photoshop CS2 since it is the current verison. I recommend checking out these sites to learn on how to design. pixel2life.com, gamerenders.com, chaosgfx.com This whould help you out karlo.
  8. to help resolve the problem why don't you pm the mod you think you annoyed and solved it from there.Topic Close.
  9. This has just been reported a few minutes ago right now all they know is that small aircraft hit the building no reports on any causulties and what not. Speculation is already mounting that it was either accident or a terrorist attack will kep you updated. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/15223650/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ UPDATE 1. two people have been killed so far. UPDATE 2. Sources say it was accident. UPDATE 3. Fighter jets are in the air as we speak. UPDATE 4. Stock market lost only 70 points but since nearly recovered it. UPDATE 5. NY Yankees player Cory Lidle was in the plane that crashed
  10. Instead of doing all that although the google one is interesting you set up the redirect through cpanel. Notice from saint-michael: Atthis time cpanel is down is I will get the rest of the info that is needed.
  11. Well since Xisto is up at this time, this topic can be closed and when the problem is solved we will let you know. But of course that answer will most likly be on Xisto and not here.
  12. aaah in other words to prevent any deletion of any kind even though 2 ways to do it is admin level and cough..bored...cough person.
  13. That has to be a first in like forever. Most likly a very huge file got placed in there somewhere and that help clean out a big chunk of webspace. But of course if that is the case wouldn't we be seeing some websites going down as well? Why would only the cpanel be affected by this? I'm assuming here that because since cpanel is the sole proivder for whats being offered and the security thats goes with it, shutting it down would prevent any hacking, sql injections from being done. correct?
  14. this is getting rather annoying, I believe we need to update the software thats being provided in the fantastico software. Or start making alert posts on the software that need to be patched and updated as well. It won't be to long til they get bored and hit us.
  15. it looks awesome, for some reason the glass effect seems wrong to me some how.Also see what 2px 0px 2px drop shadow looks like on the bell.
  16. But now that google has taken over youtube, expect alot of video's to be deleted especially anything game,sex, violent related. Although the article clamed about some copyright deals being made before the purchase google will compromise and delete anything of what i just mentioned. It's smart business because then everyone will try to sue for copyright infringment.
  17. @buff didn't even think about the cache, good idea. The cache date is at set at October 2nd so if you lost it after that date you should be fine. But I did not find a cached link to that poll though.But if you lost your poll after that date and you backed up before that date then you can retrieve the poll data.@kubi the version that is running is 2.1.7 so it was a just a matter of bad clicking and not paying attention that deleted the poll by accident.
  18. no staff is running a wap site and it could be done in the future but I highly doubt it.
  19. did some research for you and here is what you need to do one. .mswmm is the name of hte project file need to go to File>save to computer and in your file type pick the video type your want. Need any more help put this in your address bar https://www.google.de/webhp?gfe_rd=cr&ei=Cw00VIzkC6iH8QfO1YHABQ&gws_rd=ssl
  20. Interesting question, although it would bring in good advertisement for this site and others every post that has been posted is correctly. I myself could create a few hundred accounts without anyone knowing it was me.The idea might have worked before the credit system when it was posts but not today.
  21. congrads wait til you get to 2000, 3000, 4000. right now Im at 4077 on trap, Im just a helpful guy .
  22. Actual the Duel Core 2 is the top processor right now, it just came out like a few weeks ago. If you haven't seen the commericals yet just head to intel.com.
  23. Thats the thing with dreams, it's mix of memory and other stuff. They could be great or they could be horrible. For me I can some how continue a previous dream don't ask me how I just do. Most of my dreams are like movie they get very specific by then they won't stop till it end.Their was another post about dreams from awhile back in which i mention the weirdest dream I have ever had.It happen on x-mas eve 2 days before the Big tsunami in 2004, I was in this in this mideval church made out of stone It was dark only lit by cnadles. I was praying in front of an alter with this huge picture of Jesus there. Then all of suddenly a huge earthquake begins and the church is falling apart people are screaming trying to get out and the ground is opening up, with fire spreading across all parts of the church. While trying to get out I happen to by chance I looked up at the picture I saw him smiling and then he was gone all I saw was a blank picture and I was like what the (put the word in here). Then I woke up like 20-30 minutes before we went to xmas church service completely scared out of my mind, not knowing what to think about that dream.Then the tsunami happen and I was like WHOA!!!!doctors and Scientists say theirs always a meaning to these dreams how ever subtle it maybe.
  24. One question oyu have to ask yourself do you plan to get your site index in search engines like google or yahoo?If you do then get away from frames as search engines don't bother with frame sites due ot the fact you have links with in links or something like that.
  25. no you would have to do a restore to get the post back. Or do this create dummy forum and then use the back up db and put all the info on there and then grab hte results from there.If you do that you won't have to worry about losing anything from the current board and when you grab the results and such take a print screen and then post it on the current topic then delete the dummy forum.
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