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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well I found this interesting as I was browsing tech news, the article says it best "In a move that could have a big impact on online music". EMI will begin selling songs through Apple Itunes without the anti-piracy protection on the songs. Now why would this be such a big deal to make money of course and the fact businesses like MEI have been fighting to bust people for illegal downloads of the music and since they were with Apple itunes it was impossible to play them on any other devices, but now that got thrown away. Of course those song without the protection will be $1.29 a song, so you can do the math and if you download about 18-20 songs your actually buying a complete cd. So the question is, who got the better deal music pirates or the Music industry? I would say the pirates because now people just have to pay for the songs that don't have the portection and then load them up to be downloaded again. Although you can find most of those songs already, but it just made it easier and an a way could prove a bad move for Apple and EMI in the future. Source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. To give a small update, micrsoft plans to upload a patch tomorrow, because of how quickly they were able to figure it out and patch it up. From reading the updated article about this exploit it looks like if soemone had the right skills they could load up a worm and do some damage. They also comfirm that in order for this exploit to happen you would have to be on a website that is programmed to use this exploit and or open a link through a "well crafted" email. So it will be a good idea for you Windows to patch this exploit, since it is spread across 4 Windows OS's. Source Here [hr=noshade]for a minor update about this wonder exploit it looks like someone programmed a worm for it over the weekend and that 100 websites are being monitored for the actual spreading of this exploit in the windows OS. It’s funny that they don’t mention them so people will know what sites not to go to. For all we know someone could ad spoof Microsoft’s website . Whats funny Microsoft says they can’t garuntee that this patch will work, I would say that is the most stupidest thing they could have mention but of course Microsoft says a bunch of stupid stuff these days. Here is updated info about what this exploit can do and what not. These are current known patches Current Non-Microsoft Patches https://www.beyondtrust.com/?s=patch+Tuesday This patch covers Windows 98, 2000, XP, Server 2003, and Vista. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Source Here[/hr]
  3. If most of you remember I got a nasty cold with a side of bronchitis, well anyways since that wonderful week, my whole school thought process for hte most part been shot to heck I cannot seem to get back into focus for school and I got about a month left in semester which just compacts the problem so more . I even tried to take a day off from thinking really really hard, I thought it work until this morning when I was doing some school work or more importantly my research paper for English and it got me all pwoaked . Heck I can't even do simple math problems that how bad I am unfocused :(So I am back to being very unfocus for school and I go back tomorrow so I want to like smash my head against a wall and not think about it. I don't think I be sane until next semester and I havn't even delt with finals yet. (So thats my vent of the day.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!!!!
  4. Almost sounds like he deleted some files he shouldn't have, in that case he must call Micrsoft support to get the new number in order to reactivate his copy of Vista.
  5. Yeah I am with Hellfire, how the heck did cockroaches get into your computer like that, after cleaning it out and putting your computer somewhere cockroaches can't get to, also try and find the place the *BLEEP* roaches are hanging out at and kill the source from there. I am in a bit of shock thinking your computer hasn't gone kaput, I would assume that they been chewing on stuff in their and of course doing nature's duty in their as well. You could say your topic title does make some sense .
  6. Well you do all realize that it is a joke since it is April Fools today also google did up a free wifi service as well https://www.google.com/tisp/ I got the Royal flush package.
  7. Well if this were done, their would have to be a limit because people just store most of their emails and sometimes don't delete them, it would be whild that you got 2-3000 emails worth of paper sent to you . But this is where they get you though Your paper would be covered in annoying ad's .
  8. But you would think Google would design a portal page like yahoo or msn to really connect everything together. I think the would be a smart thing to do going into 2007, they got pretty much everything except for chatrooms and online games. Sometimes I find it annoying that I have to click on several pages just to get somewhere instead of the one click method. that would be a interesting contest for google to hold, to see who can design a awesome portal page for them. I been using google more effectively when I doing my research for school because it is more or less accurate when I am looking for something. That's why I have gooten very good at using their search engine.
  9. From what I have seen last 6-8 months we have a seen a large decrease in spam posts and topics here in the forums. Or more like a large descrease in obvious spam posts and topics that most everyone remembers about, I would agree we get the random copy and paste and it gets reported. BUt I would think that very old topics in the forums will start to show up so people can get the credits. Although it's not hard to get credits, getting the required credits will take some time even by the most experience poster in the forums.
  10. It's a joke, the installation of this wireless service explains it all especially the putting it through your toilet and all that good stuff and of course the packages they offer Trickle, The #2, Royal Flush . Wonder how much teh spent to design this joke.
  11. I been hearing a lot about that, they recall most of the dry food and have started recalling some wet food, whats scary is that a lot of the major brands of cat food and dog food got this. I must have gotten lucky wit hthe cat food we got for the 4 cats I have, nothing seems to be wrong with them so YEAH!! for me.
  12. Amazon has a launch date of April 20th for Dreamwever to come out, after I got a email this morning about everything thats under the CS3 name is up for pre ordering, it should be interesting what CSS improvements they did make, adobe lists all the new stuff on their site, so I can't wait for this to come out.
  13. Well I got a email fron amazon about pre ordering Adobe CS3 software so that means it is coming out a which is actually April 20th. Of course I went to adobe website and actually found it. https://creative.adobe.com/plans They actually added in some new stuff as well besides change the name, they added in ajax support and of course they added in adobe photoshop support into dreamwever as well, which is a good thing for web design who design through photoshop. and then the minor upgrades. their is alwaso a beta version of adobe dreamwever out their as well, haven't found it yet, but should be interesting to try out and see what is new.
  14. Well google is trying to become a premier software company they have announce they they added in new security stuff into their google pack a norton anti-virus software and a spyware remover called Spyware Doctor, It is availiable now http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i t works with windows XP and Vista Firefox 1.0+ and IE6+ so if your a google nut and it must be a something that you need then knock yourself out . But they do mention that having to many security programs running at hte same time do in fact slow down your computer down. I give it a run through and see if they features are worth the download and I get back to you, or if someone always has this pack let us know. Source Here
  15. If some of you have been somewhat paying attention to the news you would remeber last year that hte retailer TJ Max got hacked and customer info got compromised, well it was only in the thousands that could affect but that it's in the millions or exactly 45.7 million credit or debit cards. So if you are a customer on a regular basis or been to one, it would be smart to see if your number has been caught, since that is a very large number for credit cards to be stolen. Source Here
  16. Well it looks another challange has been completed, tech wizards around the country have bee able to hack and mod a apple TV, they were able to upgrade fro mthe 40gb hard drive and also have SSH enabled as well. But from one user who was able to modified his apple TV, he mentioned that couldn't get their SSH enabled after the fact, this is due to either Apple fighting back or a internal script error, either way you would want to disconnect the internet from your Apple TV. One person mentioned the fact that he found it easy to install the SSH on to the apple TV. Of course others have test other applications and mention that Firefox works on it and even some games like World of Warcraft. Source Here
  17. Well the news keeps on coming in tech world last few days. Dell is currently working on setting up their computers with a Linux kernal and open source drivers that support linux. They haven't mention who they are going with, but one would guess that it would be Red Hat since they are one of the top linux distributors in the world. Also they do have programs worked out for SUSE and red hat for Dells servers. It was mentioned in the survey that Linux survey In this survey you can decide which system you like dell to have the linux system working on. Although they did mention that full dell support would be somewhat limited to just hardware support due to the fact that the actual linux support can be found practically anywhere. But that could change if they can't find or develope a universal driver for linux, if not they would have to develpe something on the hardware side. It is mention they do have some computers will linux pre-installed, however, they have a low rate of being sold. Source link
  18. Yesterday it was reported that their a new virus masking as a IE7 download using a very creative looking email message with a link instead of a attachment. Name of the virus is called Virus.Win32.Grum.A,, they mention that their hasn't been much damage cause by this however, since they mention that instead of the download being attach they are providing a link. So once a person clicks that link the virus will kick in. Their hasn't been any reports about what the virus payload is, they do mention that it usually carries a keylogger program. Funny enough this virus will only attack windows running computers and that most big vendor security firms havn't picked this virus up yet. So make sure to not download a beta version of windows from a email, even though the full version of IE 7 is already out. Sources Here Here
  19. I was able to browse around this and found it interesting since this vunerability is found in 4 Microsoft Operating Sytems, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2003 Server. From the article Microsoft stated that their is a hole in the .ani files, which happen to be related tothe mouse cursor, when the mouse icon changes depending on what you do. They only mention that with this flaw it always hackers to break into someone computer and do their thing. But in another article relating to this attack it was mention that in order for this to happen a user has to go to a specific website or open a email that will trigger this. They are currently working on the patch, however, they don't have a time table of when it will be released. But another company called eEye Digital has put out a temporary patch for this vunerability until the more secure patch is provided. Also Microsoft has added to their live one care program to look for software that targets this security hole. Original Source Here Here
  20. I think your referring to this match head over to gamefaqs.com and check out the message board for this game or check up on the guides.
  21. I would say it's a interesting concept to do this for the trap members. However, the credit cost would drive most people away, yeah you will see a huge increase in posting just to get those credits. But then the posting will stop once they get the domain name. Yeah people will jump to getting a free domain, but if your hosting would you rather have a domain or 250 days of free hosting at least on trap?Now looking at the post it mentions that the website will be hosted by xisto, do you mean the website has to be already hosted by a Xisto, Xisto, qupis, Xisto - Web Hosting account before you get the domain or your current site will be transfered to a xisto account?
  22. Although I change the font because blood fonts do not go well with sigs, and since you didn't give a size to how big your wanted your sig I went with the stand 350x150 size. All that text just ruin the overall design. With text Without all that
  23. simple answer as to why the entertainment forum is a no post count is because that most of the sub forums would basically produce to much spam and copying and pasting especially the jokes and hte music lyric sections. While it is true gaming is a form of entertainment, it help put in a little organization since the gaming forums has many sub forums attached to it.
  24. Welcome to the site ravin and enjoy your stay, however long that maybe (years and years of course). By the looks of it you know the layout of the forums since you got a good amount of post going so keep it up and enjoy your hosting.
  25. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay here at trap, plenty of topics to post on and many credits to earn at this place for some good ole hosting.
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