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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Dreamwever doesn't have a direct iframer builder so you would have to hand code it. However, their is a application to build iframes for dreamweaver but you have to pay for this application. This is the website for it if you want to take a look Here But here is a simple dreamweaver tutorial on building iframes in dreamwaver Here. I did look at your code and tested out hte links and it looks like you got it so yo ucan use this for a reference. However I would make one recommendation drop the gradient from the template and then then create a simple image for the gradient and then add the gradient into the background.
  2. Let see I have a desk top (thats bout to go the way of the dodo) My Dell XPS laptop for everyday use and a Dell Desktop that my family uses. I also Have a broke down compaq laptop that I don't use any more, I should fix it and sell that thing. Of course By this summer I would have a customize ocmputer that I will be buliding myself, but I havn't figured out how much money I will sink into that bad boy .Like the majortiy of hte people, laptops have become more powerful in recent years to their cousins the Desktops, because of the fact they are more portable then desk tops. Of course PDA's have got some good power to them as well, but for someone like me I don't have a use for them and I disklike tiny screens and small key pads. My XPS can connect 5 different ways to access the net, but since I got WIFI the other 4 are pretty much useless, especially the 56k modem .I don't mind a desktop but when have been able to lay down in bed and surf the net with your desktop? unless you have a wireless keyboard and like a huge Monitor.Both are practical, but laptops or more convient for people due due to the protable factor that comes with it. Especially for those who do a lot of traveling, you can't be lugging around a desktop in your suit case, it would be unnecessary and it could break by the baggage handlers .
  3. I would say it's a nicely designed flash site, I would change the grey to one of the greens you have on your set to flow a bit better. With the pop ups you have display when someone moves over a link instead of having it on the image pop the pop in one of thsoe empty area's on left and of course change the color of text.Also you might need to do soem image cropping as well, the Computer Society of India seal stick out by like a copy of pixels just need to move it or cut that piece off just a bit.Now this is just me bt I would put the footer you have in the actual center, it looks off by being placed on the left.But other then those things its a nice clean layout in flash.
  4. I happen to find this by accident when trying to fix my computer, but anyways In this tutorial I will show you how to change the LED colors on your Dell XPS system may it be either laptop or Desktop, you will be able to get rid of that red color and change it to 16 other colors. This is a simple process and you don't hae to worry about messing anything up, but what is also neat is that (at least on the laptop) you can have 4 different colors going on at once. Step 1: If you have your computer running then go ahead and restart it. Step 2: during the load up screen to your computer press the F12 key Step 3: In that menu go to your BIOS and then press enter. Step 4: next press you the down arrow to On Board Devices Their you will see a menu consisting of these options SYSTEM FAN LEDS (On the latop they colors are on the side) SYSTEM SPEAKER LEDS (On the latop they colors are in the front) SYSTEM PANEL LEDS (On the laptop they are found on top part of the computer) SYSTEM TOUCH PAD LED (On the latop the color is on mouspad) SYSTEM LIGHT BRIGHTNESS (This determines how bright the LEDS will be ) Now in order to be able to go to each option you must press the down or up arrow and the press enter and then in the menu you would press the down or up arrow again to select the options and then press enter for the choice you want to have and people able to exit out of that menu to go to another one. Step 5: Chose your Color These are the colors the Dell XPS supports at least on the M1710 Laptop on each of the LED options except for the mouse pad. I will best describe these colors, although some of them don't fit the color that they originally went with, go figure. Also as your selecting the color you get to see it change as your tryinig out the colors to see which ones look good to use. None (Lights turned off) Ruby (Red) Citrine (Orange) Amber (Lime Green) Peridot (Greenish White) Emerald (Green) Jade (Sea Green) Topaz (Light Blue) Tazanite (Blue) Aquamarine (light blue) Sapphire (Blue) Iolite (light purple) Amethyst (Purple) Kunzite (Light Purple) Rhodolite (Rose or maroonish color) Coral (Pink) Diamond (white) Now with the System touch pad LED color only has On and Off for options don't know why they just do so you will deal with the Color Ruby on that one. System LED Brightness is basicaally that, this changes the level of how bright your colors get from 1-8 (8 being the Brightest) Step 6: press esc key two times then save your settings and your done, See how it easy that was and now your Dell XPS has different colors instead of the default Ruby Color on the mouse pad. Thats it for this tutorial enjoy your computers colors and what. Now concerning the Dell XPS Desktop the bio set up maybe the same by the LED display maybe different, just to throw out that little caution.
  5. Other issues that have come up people public_html folder spits out an error saying the folder doesn't exsist thus a 404 error is displayed. Me and a couple other member assume since it the HDD has signs of Disk failure that some accounts could be corrupted and files lost for those who have problems with their public_html folder. So hopefully everyone has a back up of some sorts. If this is an unlikely scenario about corrupted accounts the files most likely have been saved somewher and so once all the problems are figured out about these updates then everyone's sites should reappear again.Some other problems that have come up is that some people don't FTP access either.On the Fantastico thing, due to the fact it was recently Upgrade, OpaqQue most likely has to test everything out in Fantastico ot make sure no protential security problems can come out using fantastico scripts.
  6. I happen to find this by accident when trying to fix my computer; anyway, in this tutorial I will show you how to change the LED colors on either your Dell XPS laptop or XPS desktop. You will be able to get rid of that red color and change it to 16 other colors. Setting this up is pretty simple as there are two ways to do this; the first way is to download the XPS LightFX SDK through the Dell website. The other way is through your computer BIOS and that is what I will talk about in this tutorial. One of the neat things about changing the colors on your computer is that you can have up to 4 different colors on your computer, and if you’re playing music it also pulses too. As for the process of getting into your BIOS it is a simple 6 step process: Step 1: If you have your computer running then go ahead and restart it. Step 2: during the load up screen to your computer press the F12 key Step 3: In that menu go to your BIOS and then press enter. Step 4: next press you the down arrow to On Board Devices Their you will see a menu consisting of these options SYSTEM FAN LEDS (On the laptop they colors are on the side) SYSTEM SPEAKER LEDS (On the laptop they colors are in the front) SYSTEM PANEL LEDS (On the laptop they are found on top part of the computer) SYSTEM TOUCH PAD LED (On the laptop the color is on mouse pad) SYSTEM LIGHT BRIGHTNESS (This determines how bright the LEDS will be ) Now in order to be able to go to each option you must press the down or up arrow and the press enter and then in the menu you would press the down or up arrow again to select the options and then press enter for the choice you want to have and people able to exit out of that menu to go to another one. Step 5: Chose your Color These are the colors the Dell XPS supports at least on the M1710 Laptop on each of the LED options except for the mouse pad. I will best describe these colors, although some of them don't fit the color that they originally went with, go figure. Also as your selecting the color you get to see it change as your trying out the colors to see which ones look good to use. Now with the System touch pad LED color only has On and Off for options don't know why they just do so you will deal with the Color Ruby on that one. System LED Brightness is basically that, this changes the level of how bright your colors get from 1-8 (8 being the Brightest) Step 6: press esc key two times then save your settings and your done, See how it easy that was and now your Dell XPS has different colors instead of the default Ruby Color. That’s it for this tutorial; enjoy your computer’s new colors and what not. Now concerning the Dell XPS Desktop the BIOS set up maybe the same but the LED display maybe different, just to throw out that little caution.
  7. Heck with all the problems with this .ani exploit in the last couple of weeks, I would wait on vista until Microsoft finally finds a way to securly patch this. From new sites I have seen people are beginning to question Vista security altogether due to the fact that this exploit has been found in Windows 98 through vista. Now that covers a lot of Operating Systems that Microsoft has produce over the years. Hopefully in a couple of months before I start my hardware class their will be a better patch for Vista. So I don't have to deal with the complicatiions of this.
  8. Well from what Watermonkey and I thought about earlier when a couple of people were having same problems others are having is that their could be a possibility that accounts could have been corrupted from the HDD exchange because 1 person had problems accessing their public_html folder and getting an error saying the folder is not there. From other accounts people are having problems accessing phpmyadmin, 404 errors and what not. Because of the mention of Disk failure from OpaQue's post this could be a possibility.Now assuming that is the case their could be a slight chance that websites could be deleted. But most likely everything has been save and not lost because of this HDD exchange.
  9. Yeah I find it amusing, like what, a couple of years ago that when people were coding their myspace layouts that they were expert designers or something like that. Half the time the myspace layout they do design are just plain ugly to begin with. I don't know, even when I first started designing back in the day I just didn't like w3cschool website for some reason, I guess it was more or less the fact it was just basic stuff (HTML) mostly. Even after all this time I don't even use it, I go to the site just out of curiosity but thats about it.
  10. With the flood of news coming about the .ani exploits it seems the tech world is recieve more news about new hacks, viruses and other bad stuff these days. Today Kaspersky Lab created a virus that is able to affect the Ipod, however, it is only affecting Ipod's that have linux installed and not the standard OS that comes with Ipod. The virus goes by the name of Podloso, although they say it doesn't show a current threat this virus does show the possiblity to install malware into devices such as the Ipod. They also mention that the virus does not copy it self and thus hte user must install it ifrom another Ipod n order for the virus to go into effect. Also the virus will not go from Ipod to Pc either (well not yet) They do mention that their are several hundred known phone viruses that are out their in the tech world. HERE
  11. Something I came up with for a sig battle, I do like what I did for the cloning though
  12. Its been a long time since I did a sig battle so here is my entry
  13. By the looks of it everythign is fixed because I was able to access my cpanel and log in to my ftp. and it's now 6 pm my time.
  14. wordpress comes with instructions on how to update the software through updates, I would recommend that you go to wordpress website and find information on how to install the updates without losing your info.
  15. What do you expect most of Quentin Tarrintino and Robert Rodrigez movies are loaded with violence, the trailers to grindhouse have shown that this to be two very viloent movies. However, I disagree wtih your view about Robert Rodrigez directing skills. I would assume you seen the Mariachi Trilogy? I would say those are the three best movies Robert Rodrigez has done since he first started out with Dust till Dawn (I think).You can't escape the fact these two directors movies are completely based on violence, Kill Bill, Reservior Dogs, Dusk Til dawn Trilogy to name a few.What you said is true that this is a pardox for you but if you can't get past the violence then maybe you shouldn't go see the movie then.
  16. Lets see I first learned CSS through looking at source code and then copying and pasting from CSS examples. I Have read a few tutorials, but for the more advance stuff and of course from other people over the years as well. Of course a lot of trial and error for hte last couple of years to perfect positioning and design.
  17. I was kind of like the old version due to it being more spread out, also did oyu notice that php has been updated to version 5 and by the looks of it, we have had it for quite awhile as well . Well lucky for most of us fantastico does come with Cpanel X. Which most likely due ot the hard drive update it might take some time to review the software before turning it on.But I do like the virus scan program, hopefully it contains pretty much everything for it to be picked up.
  18. Well like the browser wars that current going with MS, FF, Opera the search engines wars have been going on longer since the days of AOL. But I would say hte reason it takes google longer to index is that they are looking for content and links through use of keywords, while MSN just uses keywords. But I assuming since I don't know the inner workings of hte search engines ad most likely those are closely guarded secrets as to how it's actually done.
  19. agreed, byy the looks of it, it might be the mysql tables might have been corrupted or damage in some way. So I would uninstall your forum and reinstall it again and see what happen.
  20. I have been keeping regulars updates on trap about this and I thought the members of Xisto should know about this as well. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46756-topic/?findpost=316934 It is recommend that you read al lthe post I made about this topic since the new articles theses posts are comign from seem to be getting worse about this security risk. This flaw has been found from Windows 98 up to vista.
  21. I mention this from the other topicinteresting their quite a few that I didn't mention in post about the firefox tools for web developers, might have to find that post and do some updating .One correction the following don't work with the current version of FF2Add N Edit Cookies (Bad download file, Invalid Flash hash)Checky 2.5 (is not compatible with FF2)CSS Sync (is not compatible with FF2)CSSMate ((Bad download file, Invalid Flash hash)cuneAform (is not compatible with FF2)DevBoi (is not compatible with FF2)Fangs Screen Reader Emulator (Not compatible with FF2)Search Status (is not compatible with FF2)SpellBound 0.7.3 (don't really see the need for this since it most likely will override the current spellcheck that comes with FF) MetaTags Sidebar (website does not exsist)After installing most of these my FF crashes so if not some of them are gltiched. So I will check to see which ones does it. It seems that the XML developer and SEOpen are conflicting with the rest of the addons
  22. For a new wonderful update it looks like the paych microsoft handed out has a flaw it and spammers have adjusted to this flaw. Now M$ has give a patch for the patch to correct this https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/935448, this patch has to deal with the fact that the Also they made mention of the Iffy-A Trojan is being used by some sites as well. Also the number of websites has increased to 700 that used this exploit and security advisors do mention that this will get worse regardless of the patches micrsoft has sent out. Also rootkits are coming out that give hackers the chance to develope their own versions and what not. So for you porn nuts out their don't open naked britney spears emails or risk compromising your computer and junk. SOURCE HERE
  23. It's amazing how things in the security world just seem to get better everyday . From the article it looks like security researcher at Juniper Networks mention that their is a new way a person could crack devices such as mobie phones and routers. He goes on to say that he discovered a vunerability in the ARM and XScale microprocessors and have interesting quirks in them as well. so with these vunerabilities a person could easily launch an attack with "unathorized software" in which they could "redirect traffic, steal sensitive information and other bad stuff." It said he was able take advantage of JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) which is used by everyone to debug their software on embedded devices, but Peter Glaskowsky mentions the security risk that this vunerability has. Most likely in the coming months after this demostration expect to see a lot of patches for these devices or straight up replacements for them. SOURCE HERE
  24. I thought this was a bit interesting since this could affect prices for all hosting plans. The owners of the .com and .net domain plan to increase the price tag for those domains to $6.42, for .com and $3.85 for .net domains. they do mention that this will only affect those getting a new domain and renewal. However, people can still use the old price tag till Oct 14 and then on from Oct 15 on they will pay the new prices. The reason for the increase of course is to cover the cost of hacker attacks and the number of queries they recieve. It is aso mention that they could increase the prices in the coming years as well. Interesting side though their are currently 62 million websites with the .com domain and 9.1 websites with the .net domain. at least we know for hte most part how man TLD's their are. Also the same company holds all domains that are currently being used. Like .biz and .info (Their are 266 suffixs for websites). Source Here
  25. interesting their quite a few that I didn't mention in post about the firefox tools for web developers, might have to find that post and do some updating .One correction the following don't work with the current version of FF2Add N Edit Cookies (Bad download file, Invalid Flash hash)Checky 2.5 (is not compatible with FF2)CSS Sync (is not compatible with FF2)CSSMate ((Bad download file, Invalid Flash hash)cuneAform (is not compatible with FF2)DevBoi (is not compatible with FF2)Fangs Screen Reader Emulator (Not compatible with FF2)Search Status (is not compatible with FF2)SpellBound 0.7.3 (don't really see the need for this since it most likely will override the current spellcheck that comes with FF) MetaTags Sidebar (website does not exsist)EDIT: After installing most of these my FF crashes so if not some of them are gltiched. So I will check to see which ones does it.EDIT 2: it seems that the XML developer and SEOpen are conflicting with the rest of the addons
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