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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well recently a few major cities across the U.S would going to implement a WIFI network, however, after realizing how much money it will cost most of them decided against it. Although WIFI isn't really new its still working out the kinks especially the 54k kink most of the wifi routers have and trying to make the signal bigger. On the issue at hand there are two levels to think about if you using a open wifi port and just checking your email thats fine, but if your using a open port to do some hacking and cracking then you would be breaking the law.
  2. OFF TOPIC AHAHAHA I am sorry to go off topic but the pizza hut thing is just hilarious to this current discussion . ON TOPIC Here is a top view of where we are in the Milk Way and from what I read we at 30,000 light years from the center, and also I would agree that our solar system is moving away while our galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy are getting getting closer. Since we will not be around unless we can slow down the aging process, or put our mind and souls in to AI machines. As for the genes I find that a bit interesting although its simple math of cutting the genes in half as this diagram will show Grand Parent (100%) 1st Generation Parent (50%) 2nd Generation Me (25%) - 3rd Generation My Kid (12.5%) 4th Generation My Kid's Kid (.0625) - 5th Generation 20th generation (0.00019073486328125) Now I may be missing something with this math but it would seem that the grandparents genes will still be there regardless who your parents are. It would just be a fraction of what it used to be 19 generations ago. Either way a part of you will be there when the apocalypse happens, hopefully in 2012 like the Mayans mention . Of course I only can imagine what the world would be like in 2011 when everyone starts that mental countdown waiting to see what happens.
  3. I would say maybe 2 years into the war thats when people started comparing Iraq with Vietname, and whats sad that they are almost compatible, except for the number of solders killed and POW/MIA's. Heck the draft has been talk about so many times they might as well reinstate it and send millions of American's over to conquer that stupid desert. I did my thing over and I got out alive, although messed up mentally, and it is obvious that nothing has changed either from the Iraqi government or the Iraqi people. Of course what it all comes down to is power, money and oil; compare that to Vietnam and it was all about beating the communist Russia. Which sadly they won that war thanks to the big disadvantage we had in the jungles of Vietnam and the fact we couldn't save most of the troops who died their because of the lack of medical technology and other stuff. Of course the biggest difference between these two wars was support and ever you read your history book you will know why we got more support or the some support for this war then Vietnam war.
  4. Like haslip mention as long as you have one page or if you want, a English version of your site that you can host here. Usually the index page has to be in English and after that everything else can be in your language, just as long as you follow the rules on legal and illegal content that can be hosting through this domain.
  5. interestingly enough I was watching a progam on the history channel awhile back about the very thing, the scientists that were talking about this were saying that when this happen that it will be one heck of a light show among other stuff. Stars exploding, planets exploding, and other great stuff. However, I doubt humans will ever leave this planet as we rather spend money on killing people and blowing stuff up. Well if the predictions are true that the universe is 13.7 billion years old then the exact center would be 6.85 Billion light years, and yes I know the problem is we have no idea where it begins or where it ends so it could be anywhere. We have so much to explore and yet little time to explore it.
  6. I see they struck again, I wonder if its the the same people that have been causing all these problems lately.
  7. You been Spammed by the masked spammer BWHAHAHAHA

  8. I was coming home from Pizza Hut tonight, and don't ask me why but while thinking about the earth's orbit a interesting question came to mind, how long does It take for our solar system to make a complete orbit around our galaxy? So while driving back ot my house I trying to make calculations, sadly they were way off, but after hopping on my computer did some some searching and right now the two most common answers I have found are two hundred million years, and no one knows. Of course the next question that comes to mind would have to how long does It take for our universe to make a complete orbit? Sadly I have come up dead on that answer , and most likely I don't think no one could answer that question. I would fathom a guess that orbit would have to be in the billions of years to make, which would mean that the universe has at least completed 2-3 times since its existence. One of the websites I stopped by at mentioned the Sun as completed 23 orbits in our galaxy alone which is 200 million years an orbit, and if you got your calculators handy you can see that how long earth has been around.
  9. Tricky tricky,First off I am not bug expert so spotting the female fly just like would be impossible to do, so I go with the cooking oil to drown them all and then analyze them one by one. That is due to the fact even though they are dead they still carry the signs in their cells of the dengue virus. Now that being said I would get some of the best signal jamming equipment in the world and coat the area in a 20-25 square area that way the "terrorist" cannot send the signal regardless where he is at. You also have to remember though that most detonators have to be near the explosives so for some extra caution, activate a e-bomb (electronic bomb) to disable not only the electric circuits in the bomb he has but also the detonator itself. Thus drowning the fly in oil and then analyze.or I could be like bush and just drop a bomb and get it over with
  10. That might be account related as each hosting account should have only 99 and not unlimited, you will have to send in a support ticket, however, the end results might be the same and that is you would have to terminate your hosting and re-register for a new one. I could be wrong about that though, but either way just send in a support ticket about your email account being set to unlimited.
  11. Well longer posts mean quality posts, and more credits so make them as long as you want as it won't bother the rest of the members. Unless they are short and consist of one to two words then we might get angry and do unspeakable, horrible, EVIL things, not really but if you break the rules that are set in place then yeah you might have a problem. How about this for a twist, the atom came before either the chicken and the egg .
  12. Welcome to Xisto.com, don't worry about making to many mistakes, heck us English speakers make them all the time, or rather some of us. Just take the time you need to type out your posts and stuff, and don't forget to check out the Xisto Read Me, as it is loaded with helpful information and other juicy stuff. So enjoy your posting and hosting and see you in the forums.
  13. I just saw this article today and I find it very interesting and also wondering whats going on as well. ITs been awhile since I first heard about Internet Explorer 8 is coming out, can't find that post, but from what this blog is saying IE should already have a beta version of this explorer out, but so far nothing has come out for that nor bug reporting for internet explorer 7 as well. However, I see one thing about this though and that is everyone knows internet explorer is the most hacked browser in the world, and from my line of thinking is that they are either redesigning the source code and they have some stuff they don't want anyone else to know about. Fro mthis the article this part of the blog would make the most sense. "Wilson said to expect Microsoft to be investing across layout, object model and Ajax development fronts in IE 8.0. Specifically, Wilson said Microsoft is investing in making IE 8.0 more compliant with CSS 2.1 layout standards." Of course that is only a guess as there could be internal problems and other wacky things going on that are preventing internet explorer 8 from being were it should be, and that of course is in beta RC mode.
  14. Well I tried out the new live the search and the one thing I do like is how the image search has change, as you can do a lot more with it then google image search does. As you can resize the results meaning you can add more photo to the result page or only have a few up. So I can tell that microsoft did some great ajax work to it search engine. They do have some great stuff to bad they try doing this early and maybe they would have an edge on google's search engine.
  15. I remember during the early days of trap and the credit system as most new members would be posting code and news articles to score large sums of credits with little to no effort. Of course now most members won't do it and it is usually the the new ones who tried to do when getting a hosting account. Of course I use to find it annoying when some members beat a topic to death when you have 20 people posting the same thing. Still see it on some forums that are still going strong to this day.
  16. Thats what I was thinking just redesign the skin to fit with the theme and then have it expand as forums get added to the forum instead of having it frame. That way search engines will be able to index the posts and topics and what not and build a good SEO for a website. Although when you look at the website with the forum loaded on IE you don't see the scroll bar at all.If you going for the CMS look you would want to have forum stats, lates posts and topics somewhere on the site as well to make it more integrated.
  17. In your cpanel you have an option called back up it is listed in the Site Management Tool, five rows down 2 columns in, you can' miss it, it would be better to do a full site back up because that will back up everything including your MySQL. For safety measures though you can download individual backs ups of your MySQL DB's for extra protection. As for your wordpress, once you start writing articles and blogs that folder will get bigger and biggest, themese are hardly ever that big unless the person who codes them doesn't clean them up and make hte image file sizes small. I think everyone who has been affected by this hacker should look for that folder 9xYenBai.Com and delete it of course. Question I have is did you have to do any digging for that folder or was it on the main directory of your file manager account?
  18. Why go through all that when you have the ultimate hack for this game: Step 1: load Pinball game Step 2: Type hidden test (all in lower case) and now you have complete control of that ball, and so you don't need some program to do it for you. Also I like to make a comment on your tutorial and I am quoting this from your post; You are right and wrong at the same time, true that you didn't write the program, however, since you wrote the tutorial you have some responsibility since you need to explain everything including the stuff that could go wrong if someone tries this tutorial out. So I think it would be appropriate that you should list problems that could come up if someone did try this out.
  19. Well the password problems all stem from the fact that people used simple passwords that got brute force from someone in Vietnam, however, the ip number you gave is from Canada the Vietname one starts at 222. Just read the topic posted by buff about the situation and if your password is not working assume the worse and pm the information that is needed to set up your password.
  20. I would say the biggest PRO about PHP is how dynamic and interactive you can make websites with some not so simple coding. Forums would be the biggest example of how effective PHP can be, but on that not the biggest CON is security and I know everyone has gotten tag by script kiddies or professional hackers and crackers because there files and php coding are secured and clean. I wouldn't mind seeing posts about how keep PHP secure beyond noob level, so as to get a few idea's and work with them.
  21. shadowx is correct you need 4 credits or more to get your account reactivated, and once you get the credits you have to wait at least an hour for it to come back online.
  22. After reading the article it is obvious what the update was for besides adding in new services and updates, however, it took all of what, two weeks to hack the IPhone? So I doubt it will that long to figure out what apple change to disable the hack phones. I found this particular quote amusing, "...company officials insisted they were "not proactively" trying to make hacked iPhones useless." Heck I would if I knew I would be losing millions of dollars a month on a phone that that was hacked and used by another phone provider, but like I said earlier it won't take long for people to update the unlocking programs to include this update. SOURCE Site
  23. I just saw this today and I thought I post it and everyone can enjoy the laugh on how this was missed or how this happen. I find it interesting that they updated the source code from 2003 to 2007, yeah it has to do with vista and the layout to the Microsoft 2007 suite. Yeah I even tried it on excell 2003 to see if it showed up, and no it didn't. Its interesting how this number is being affected by this bug and not other number. Well I am glad I don't have the 2007 office suite then .
  24. You have to remember though, that it there is a thing called a language, and it takes time to find the right actors, converting one language to several others, finding a distributor and other stuff. Heck look at the U.S. sometimes it takes years for new stuff to come out by us, of course that was back in the day anime was just starting to pick up. It takes time to get all that work down to convert an anime, especially if its a full blown movie as well, so take your time and do what everyone else does (to bad I can't mention it).
  25. Well to be honest desktops are a lot better for video and gaming rendering since you can sink in more juice to make videos and gaming crystal clear. As for the laptop on hand I would say its better then the previous one; although, ASUS isn't known for their computers, well I say that because I am a Dell person and won't be changing anytime soon. However, here is a review about the computer your thinking about, and from what I scimmed through it seems descent enough. So read the review and see what they say about it.
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