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Everything posted by iAssistant

  1. Wow! Your poem is nice!It is like a song
  2. I think we really should check the items carefully and when in doubt, ask the representative because there many cheaters everywhere. It is our responsibility for ourselves and the community because when we keep quiet about that and let it go, they will multiply, it is as if we are tolerating them.
  3. Do you still like him? For me, you are still very young and don't go out with that guy who dump you before and willing to dump another girl. Once is enough and two is too much.
  4. What you feel is pretty normal, it is not easy to get of the relationship fast but I hope you get over by now. You know, you just can't accept that it ended that way, that's why you can't get out and you must realize that kind of man is weak and can't resist temptation. You will always get hurt if you stay with him.
  5. You know I have a friend who also suffer that kind of sickness. I know you really want comfort and somebody who can assure you that everything will be alright and that he will take care of you but it's hard to rely on other person, whether a relative or not. What you should do is to help yourself. Calm yourself and trust in God, pray every night to have a good night sleep and pray to God to take care of the people you love when all of you are sleeping and after praying, trust Him that He will listen, so take away all your worries and sleep peacefully.
  6. You know, it is pretty normal to get confuse when you are at that age. When I was young, I am boyish and they taught that I am bi but I believe I am not, though I sometimes got a crush on girls but maybe it is an admiration for I also have a crush on boys. I just believe that I am a woman and I am really a woman. Do not pressure yourself on thinking about your gender and do not test yourself by kissing girls or boys. Just live your life accordingly and you will soon find the answer.
  7. I agree, most of the people just believe on what they read without reasoning out. It is easier that way than to bother themselves. One of the examples are my professors in college who are just relying in books, teaching according to what is written in the books. I prefer a teacher who share knowledge base on experience, experimentation and what the knowledge is updated for there are many obsolete lessons in the book today.
  8. No, don't let them die, just like that. Let them suffer and regret that they have done it, let them hate themselves. Killing is not enough to get even, the thing he used to rape should be taken away from him and I know, he will wish to die instead.
  9. That means she didn't like you LOL. Well, my worst heartbreak was from my first love, way back to many years ago. It's hard to tell a short story but all I can say is that we are always laughing together, we are so happy but we have to end our relationship because it's forbidden I get over it now
  10. iAssistant


    The solution for that is budgeting. You should know, how much money you have and you should budget it to your needs and wants. If you have limited budget, you can look for discounts. It is a matter of being resourceful and if you want something that is very expensive, you have to think first on how to raise money to afford it and don't just get a loan and get yourself in trouble.
  11. I think the solution to these problems is to make ourselves better and let's do our part by not throwing garbage anywhere and by cleaning our place. Just being a responsible citizen is a big help to the society and the whole world. If all of us are responsible in our every action. I think we have no problem anymore.
  12. Yes, Egypt..I would love to see the pyramids but for now. I want to travel, all the beautiful places in our country (Philippines) because there are a lot before I go out of the country.
  13. For me, your English is just fine but you have to improve the way you write. You should use capital letter in the beginning of your sentence.
  14. Nice recipe! I should read this earlier, we are cooking spaghetti right now because it is my birthday tomorrow but I will celebrate today!
  15. I like fried rice with lots of garlic combine with tuyo (dried fish) and egg plus coffee. I eat with just my hands.
  16. I live in the Philippines and when it comes to beauty of the nature. I can rate it 9.5/10
  17. Hi Kitty, if the guy likes one of your friend, you should respect that because she is your friend. You better keep your feelings to yourself. That is unless otherwise, this guy notice you and fall in love with you.
  18. Maybe she gets bored, aside from that, you are too young to get serious. Better be friends today and get serious when you are both adults.
  19. When a relationship is already gets that long, it get boring and both become complacent. They do not make any effort anymore to please one another and to add element of surprise and excitement in their relationship because they are already confident that their partner loves them very much and wouldn't leave him/her. The most important thing is not to lose the spark in your relationship and love each other more every year.
  20. Hi! Sex is an important part of the relationship but it is not something you can force. Sex is much valuable when you both do it with love, without any pressure and both is willing. If what you are saying is true that you love her, you will wait until she is ready.
  21. You must learn to accept your differences, if you are not open to this idea, try to have a cool off and try to analyze your feelings. If you are enjoying your independence and do not miss him too much, maybe you don't love him anymore. If you learn that you still love him and he said that he really love you, you must talk on how to make your relationship work. Try to give and take, don't give up and adjusting to one another attitude is a process.
  22. I don't think that you should base the fate of the person base on the eye color. You are pretty or handsome on the way you carry yourself and the way you choose make up that will compliment your eyes. Surgery is a big no-no and it is really scary. You are beautiful, no matter what the color of your eyes.
  23. I agree to all these. I really think that communication is a must in every relationship. Don't expect that your partner will do everything that pleases you without even telling him/her. Be open about anything, your thoughts and ideas and decide base on what you have talk about, don't bypass one another and respect each other.
  24. I think they are just afraid because you are too young. Explain to them that you will not get married soon and you will nourish your career first but you will not leave her and you will continue on your relationship with her. Tell them that your decision is final and there is nothing they can do about it. If they see that you are really decided, they will respect you but if they see that you are hesitating, they will pressure you more.
  25. Well for me it is. I am not expert so maybe it depends on the body of the person. I am acidic so when I drink coke, it triggers it so I am not drinking that to save me from pain. I think you shouldn't wait for something to happen to you before you believe. You can start living a much healthier lifestyle.
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