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Everything posted by iwuvcookies

  1. I like using Wordpress they have lots of hacks and plugins for the blog software. Yes your cpanel should have some like b2, wordpress, cutenews, etc...they're all like php based with mysql and you can customize them if you know some php or even html. A slow person like me could do it. you can too.
  2. Mines is not as extravagant as everyones. its cheap kind. has an LCD screen though. I think its from Piximia or something like that.
  3. Ok i went to a site to listen to music and instead of giving me some file with a mp3 extention they have .php with an id #. Like this.... www.music.mcgill.ca/~ich/classes/mumt614/similarity/MariahCareyThankGod.mp3 i was wondering how would a person do this and what's the purpose of it? is it like for safety reasons?
  4. maybe its an airballoon lol. but the chances of that aren't likely. maybe like debree from space went infront of it and caused that tiny hole maybe a piece of metal space junk. iono. i'm just giving ideas. it could be real. where did you find this article or story at?
  5. in the beginnings my parents had used the ugly nokia phones that are fat and large. but now as technology advances there has been better models. I tend to like teh Samsung more. Sprint phones look cool but their service is crap. Since like Samsung is an asian company i guess they invest in more technology because like the asians are more advance. they already have like tv phones. like we really need that.
  6. it was on Friday that i put in quaters to buy me a coke with lime in it but it woudln't accept the "new" quarters i had. either that or they were fake. lol. i doubt that. then i got a paper dollar and inserted it and i press the button. i got two coke bottles instead of one. how cool is taht!!!! sometimes it eats your money. but it hasn't happened to me. maybe at like a game machine who has a sign in some place where you can't see it and then you realize it doens't work.
  7. the movie was ok. i like the girl though. i like her powers. I woud really kill for those powers. boy i could beat my enemies and do tricks on them. i need to stop wishing. i don't know what the moves are called because i'm not a lover of the film enough to know everything. and I've only watched it 2-3 times. i wish they translated it to vietnamese. lol. i hate reading subtititles.
  8. there was some article talking about a guy who died of like starvation like posting on hundreds of forums and not moving from his desk. apparenlty he was crazy. i woudln't die for not posting like every minute. for the authenticity of that article i take it as something that may have happened but not seriously. I only trust sites that are for reference like encyclopedias or stuff like that. People i can trust is who are credible with companies well known. Of course i woudln't trust a single person online truly. maybe with your deep inner secrets but not account information and all that.I do'nt think the internet makes you stupid. Maybe lazy to catch up on your school but not stupid. Through th einternet i have learned new words, get news quicker and not have to wait to watch news at whatever time or buy a newspaper. Any information at my fingertips. I think sometimes you learn more when your using a computer. but teaching should be left to your teachers. anyways i love the internet.
  9. you could always ask on forums that you participate at. I had a penpal service membership once. it realyl didn't work. there were lots of people but they weren't mostly daily emailers. all i got was like one reply and i replied and that was it. they were gone. lol.
  10. Cable internet is the best. its not only cool but cool. lol. You really don't need to hook it up to phones and get these different adapters for it. Of course dsl is cheaper but i prefer cable. they usually have much faster speeds. that's what i think.
  11. my favorite pet would be a dachshund. You know those hot dog dogs. lol or wieners if you prefer that one. they're just so cute in a hot dog bun suit. lol. well dogs are the most affectionate animals i've known of. Imaybe cats but i do'nt find the fingernails and nasty looks cute. I rather hear a dog bark at me than a cat. lol. screechy voice. noooo!!
  12. that would be a nice thing for companies but i don't think its a good idea. It will be like driving distractions maybe. iono. I think the only advertising should be from the government making warning messages or some kind of alert thingy. just informational stuff.
  13. it seams more stable than netbux but the old time question is can we trust it. I would like people to use it first and get clarification then i'll use it.
  14. I love the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. Its a good book. It tells about Chinese people and their struggles in China and America. They have different people telling their own story and each one is interesting. I haven't read the DaVinci Code but i think its a good book. Everybody around me is raving about it and stuff. So you might wanna check that out. Harry potter is ok.
  15. i use to have 56 k or dial up internet and hated it. I had AOL and it kept turning off like when people call. its just so annoying. You can tell when like the little computer icon in your right bottom corner doesn't blink anymore. lol. So since then i got cable and its been smooth riding.
  16. is there a service that creates short urls for ip adresssed like the ip address for your server on the computer? i saw it once but i forgot the site.
  17. My school use to be bad but now we got a new sheriff intown (the principal). He's strict and all that. The last principal got promoted to Superintendent or something high in office in the school system. I don't know how she got it but while she was running the school there were fights everyday, firecrackers, and just total chaos. Fart bombs in the hallway, trash cans being light, people lighting up hall decorations and we had to evacuate the school, people smoking weed in the bathroom, and other stuff.
  18. my dad tried to hook me up at this Cheese Cake factory store that sells yummy cheesecake and i'm supposed to work as cashier part time. If I do it will be my first job ever. I feel nervous and the whole new job worries. I wonder if its going to be hard, hot, annoying, or really embarassing. What if i like mess up or would i get yelled at or fired ion the first day. so many variables.
  19. I think Spongebob is cool and those people who said Spongebob is gay is stupid. Mr. Bob (spongebob) is a little weird sometimes but is not gay. Kids don't even know the difference. anyways. I like spongebob, he's funny, crazy, and entertaining. Even though i'm like 8-10 years old than i should be watching.
  20. Netbux use to have it where i could open multiple pages and then search with each one. but now they put like an annoying timer on it. its just annoying. making money is harder now. especially on there. and it takes about two months if your strict searching everyday.I'm not doing that everyday. i'm not even using that netbux site anymore. to much hassle.
  21. that is scary but very nice in a like talented way. that's very cool. i could never do anything like that. i'm graphically challenged
  22. that is scary but very nice in a like talented way. that's very cool. i could never do anything like that. i'm graphically challenged
  23. The problems with forums is getting people to stay active. You need programs and incentives like Trap to get it going. Like the credits thingy that Xisto has. I think its great. Only if they would open a shop then i would even like it more. but anyways just wanted to say that.
  24. my favorite subjects would be Biology and that's it. lol. I really don't like Mathematics that much. I had good teachers its just that I do'nt like solving problems. I can't believe i have to take it in college too. lol. I also like History. I think its intresting learning about cultures and wars. Especially the wars. All the generals and their war stories. I like Anatomy too. I'm taking that next year. So as you can see i'm a science geeky person. I like Chemistry too. But I despise PHYSIcs.
  25. Another scary place i wouldn't like to be is where Iraq is. I don't want some people slitting my throat and electrocuting me. that's retarded. lol. The next place i would like to be wouldn't be in the hands of terrorist especially with the Taliban or whatever terror organization that like Al Qaeda. I would also say the sewers. Its stinky down there and bunch of caca roaches and fat nasty rats. I'm either gonna die from the viral things down there or rats will eat me alive like in that movie. lol. Then what about the myth of the sewer crocodile or aligator. lol.
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