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Little Asterisk

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Everything posted by Little Asterisk

  1. Hi again,Since I do not have the time to wait for my new topic to open up (it's been a while since I submitted), I hope it's OK if I post my question here:How can I show only post titles on category pages in my Wordpress installation?Let's say I have a category called "Football is popular nowadays". If someone's on this category page, I want to show only post titles and dates when they were published, as opposed to titles and excerpts. I also want to show more posts than it's designated somewhere in the settings page.Do you think that's possible without using a bunch of if...then commands (like -- check if this page's permalink is site.com/footbal-is-popular-nowadays, and if it is query posts from the category "Football is popular nowadays").Thanks for your help!
  2. Hi Ash-Bash, Although I'm not sure I understood your wish completely, I hope that this plugin that came up after a short Google search could help: https://wordpress.org/plugins/peters-login-redirect/ Actually, here's the whole search I did: A huge bunch of letters for a Google search Hope that helps.
  3. Hello everyone, As I am a sort-of beginner with Wordpress (well, actually - I understand the basics, but am never sure if there is an easier way to do something), I'd like to ask a question for someone more experienced than me. The problem is; I want to show one post from category X on the front page, one from category Y, one from category Z and so forth (well, actually only 4-5 categories). Now, I have a way to do that, but am wandering if there is some easier way to accomplish the same using, perhaps an easier technique. Here's what I have so far: <?php $news = new WP_Query('category_name=News&posts_per_page=1'); ?> <?php while ($news->have_posts()) : $news->the_post(); ?> <div class="news"> <h1 class="post-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h1> </div> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php $articles = new WP_Query('category_name=Articles&posts_per_page=1'); ?> <?php while ($articles->have_posts()) : $articles->the_post(); ?> <div class="articles"> <h1 class="post-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h1> </div> <?php endwhile; ?><!-- etcetera --> Now, as you can see, the principle is the same as can be seen on https://codex.wordpress.org/The_Loop%23Multiple_Loops_Example_1 (the middle example, where it says <!-- do special_cat stuff... -->). Since repeating that might be too hard on the bandwidth and PC, I believe there is an easier way of achieving this. And I hope I'm right (And if I'm not; well, you can probably see that I'm a beginner with Wordpress ) Thanks for your help!
  4. Well, thanks for your help, deadmad. With my newly learned wisdom, I just gave you one Wisdom flag (or Reputation point, whatever we shall call it) for teaching me. :DI hope you use it wisely!
  5. Hey everyone, So wisdom flags can be added by clicking on that little "plus" in the down-right corner of a post?Sorry if that's been already answered and thanks for the answer
  6. CS4 and CS5 don't have that feature implemented at all. I just guess the Adobe guys found them unnecessary, or they weren't used that much.EDIT: Whoa, just now I understand what you meant to say :)I guess these guys haven't upgraded because the software itself costs around 800$ (I think) ;)As for the ones who... Well, do not pay for their software - why, they're probably using Photoshop only for some basic stuff, so they probably don't have the need to upgrade. There is this guy who makes great drawings (I'll post a video and name if I remember who it is), and he's using Photoshop 4, 5 or 6 (not really sure) on his old Macintosh. So,... It's really not that much about the software now, is it?
  7. I was thinking of starting a new interesting topic here on Xisto. And, since my beloved area of interest is web development and design - that's what first came to mind. We (well, web designers and designers in general) might have trouble going to "that special place" and getting inspiration sometimes. Let's face it - even the best have these periods of unproductivity, it's nothing to be ashamed of. So, I wanted to present this topic as a sort of help in these times. You can post beautiful sites, screenshots of some particular elements in their design and tutorials how to achieve that effect. If you don't know how to achieve a particular effect, you can also post a questions and ask someone who might know that. I hope the moderators will put this topic in the sticky part of the forum, so we don't have to search for this topic in order to revive it from the dead. Without further ado, here's a list of some things I found inspirational while designing: Jason Santa Maria What I like about the site: magazine style, each post has its own styling, special attention to detail, beautiful images, good writingPay special attention to: Well, each individual article! He's using ExpressionEngine as his CMS of choice (ExpressionEngine - Publish Your Universe!). E Elliot Jay Stocks What I like about the site: Interesting background and logo, nice effect on pictures, blog has an interesting layoutPay special attention to: The blog, and the interesting About page. He's also using a new CMS called Harmony (http://get.harmonyapp.com/). You can read more about this CMS on his blog (Perfect Harmony » Blog » Elliot Jay Stocks)Elliott is also the developer of the popular free "naked" theme for Wordpress called Starkers (Starkers: The completely naked theme for WordPress). Veerle Pieters What I like about the site: Like on Jason's site, articles very much remind me of a magazine. You can also turn the "contrast filter" to change the background to white and text to black for better readability. Very nice imagery and illustration on the top.Pay special attention to: Her nicely styled articles, great (almost invisible, but still "clickable") integration of ads. DustinCurtis What I like about the site: As you already noticed, I'm a sucker for the "magazine-style" movement. That's what impresses me on this one, too. But also, the footer is a rather interesting piece of art - he actually counts the estimate percentage until his death! Maybe a dark thing, but I practically guarantee you it's individual.Pay special attention to: Use of imagery in his articles, the footer. Gregory Wood What I like about the site: Well, try to guess it That's it alright, beautiful articles. From the technical stuff, I'm ninety percent certain he uses Expression engine (like Jason Santa Maria, expressionengine.com) as a CMS.Pay special attention to: Top 5 Spielberg films article. Great background and almost magazine-like (what do you know) layout. Also, you might just find a new film to watch. Alrighty then, these were my five sites - no pictures today - for inspirational resources. As they're magazine-like, I can often visit them and see various different ideas for a website. Great stuff!
  8. People are stupid. Period. At least we can laugh about it.: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ A hilarious parody of how BP is trying to fix this oil spill problem. Must watch. There are to many sad news these days in the world, however. Well, look on the bright side of life, huh?
  9. Hey, Is this PS tennis like the popular one from [some site that I can't remember right now]?Can anyone participate? Can I participate?Is there a time frame (in that case, I don't like it ) or not? Why, if I find the time I'll be sure to try this little game out.Thanks for your answers
  10. Well, web_designer, it all depends up to you. For instance, Chris Spooner doesn't separate his blog from the site (and he also writes tutorials there, as you can see - Blog.SpoonGraphics). On the other hand, Jason Santa Maria keeps his blog at the same domain as his portfolio, and he's got a good reason for it - his articles are beautiful! (just check Jason Santa Maria) But, as I've noticed around the web, most designers like to keep their blog on the same domain where their portfolio is. I suppose that's got a lot to do with the fact that their blogs are actually a part of their personality. And they really put an effort in them, so potential customers see who they might be working with. Again, if I'm a regular customer searching for a good service - I would be blasted away with Jason Santa Maria's site, and he'd probably be my first choice if I'm looking for a first-class service. I don't think even the portfolio page would be necessary. But, as I said - in the end, it is all up to you. For instance, the guy from Rainfall-daffinson is first on Google search for "The Best Web designer Alive" (Žao nam je...), and he used to have a pretty specific about page (unfortunately, it seems that the site isn't functioning properly at the moment - Rainfall Daffinson - Web Design), and he got the attention of some of the most appreciated people in the web design industry. - It's all up to you
  11. @guest The extraction tool you are looking for, I believe, does not exist in the newer (CS4 and CS5) versions of Photoshop. However, as I recall, you can download a separate plug in set for free from Adobe's site and implement these in a newer version of Photoshop. If you need any help installing, this tutorial came up during my short Google search on your problem: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope that helps. @Saint_Michael Good job, you made a nice tutorial. The "Content aware fill" is a nice feature in CS5 but, as always, more of a hype was created over this feature than it was supposed to. It's all fun and games, but when comes to "real-life" work you'd still need to use the mighty "clone stamp". In my honest opinion, the tool works alright on "clean" backgrounds, but chokes often when some more complex stuff appears in the background.
  12. Since my site is currently not yet up, I don't make any money from Adsense at this moment But, I wanted to ask; isn't there something about not sharing your Adsense revenues in the Google Adsense Terms of Service? Finally, so this post isn't entirely useless for you; here's how much Darren Rowse (the guy behind Problogger) earns roughly per month from various sites (blogs) and advertisement methods: http://www.problogger.net/how-i-make-money-blogging-my-income-split-in-april-2010/ It's interesting to notice that around 20 percent of all his income is from Adsense. So, I guess, that all you guys interested in making some money blogging should really start thinking about Adsense... P.S. Actually, I'd like to ask another question - if that's OK... How much styling does Google allow for Adsense? I know about the "regular" style you can access from your adsense page, but how about anything beyond that, using CSS and similar stuff? Is that legal? Thanks for the answers
  13. Hi sukhi, I'll PM you somewhere next week for some details about the project. If everything works out fine, I'm sure we'll find a way to cooperate together.
  14. If I understood correctly, you want to have a domain name that isn't koolazngy94.trap17.com?I haven't registered yet, but I'm pretty sure that yourname.trap17.com means you can choose yourname for anything you'd like it to be. So, to answer your question; 90% sure that you can be jamesbond.trap17.com or something.trap17.com
  15. Yes, you do. Preferably, not short posts without meaning and spam. If you don't make constructive posts and break the forum rules, you'll most likely be expelled (kicked out, if you'd like). However, I must mention currently the forum is updating and it has some problems processing the myCENT requests, so you should be a little patient for everything to work out.In one of the introduction topics here, you can find all tips on posting and myCENTS. A post by web designer explains them very well, so you should check it out. As web_designer said earlier to me, this is a nice little community and you can find quality content here, but it's a shame not many people post...
  16. @web_designer I don't know if you've read this, but the wordpress codex (https://codex.wordpress.org/Combating_Comment_Spam) has some interesting ideas on stopping spam. Also, http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/top-10-ways-to-stop-spam-in-wordpress has some of the "classic" ideas that were already posted on this forum. Finally, five general tips n' tricks about the security of your WP webblog: https://wptavern.com/top-5-wordpress-security-tips-you-most-likely-dont-follow. Since I'm also (slowly) starting a site powered by Wordpress, it's a real heaven asking me for Wordpress links from anywhere. Hope that helps
  17. I don't know how much help you can get with that little information... So, you want your enemy to bounce off when hitting a wall, right? What exactly is sideSpeed? The movement of your stage, or something similar? Basically, if you want your enemy to bounce off in the opposite direction - you need to set its x and y values to increment for minus speed. So, for instance, you would go for this: this._x += -speed;this._y += -speed; As a basic rule of thumb.
  18. Post a screen shot.Shouldn't behave like that, really, since IE 8 is closer to 'standards-compliant' than its former versions. Also, Chrome shouldn't have trouble processing it since it's better than all of the Internet Explorers. So.. that means a mistake in coding. Again, post a screen shot.
  19. Thanks for your answer web_designer, but I wanted exactly the same effect you can see on the TED site... Otherwise it's not special. You can find image sliders like that everywhere. :)Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board for me. I'll try to find the time to reproduce that effect - although it certainly won't be easy, I suppose I could do it.
  20. Although not directly related to website design, I decided to put this topic here since it seemed most appropriate... http://www.ted.com/ I'm interested in the "image showcase" (or, image slideshow - call it whatever you want) right in the center of the site. How did they do that? I mean, I guess I could make it using jQuery and jQuery UI, but just after some thinking and huge code writing. And I don't have the time currently for my own "hobbies" (a busy world these days ), so... Have you seen a tutorial on this? I Googled "TED image slideshow" and anything that could be related to that, but the search engine doesn't know. Where is this world heading, I ask you, when Google doesn't know? But back to being serious - I'd like to find out how did they do the slideshow. P.S. The code is scrambled, couldn't find anything but the libraries they use from there
  21. @alam Try using Magento (https://magento.com/). Although I haven't tried it, seems like a great tool for eCommerce sites. Also, you can't have a category of "toys" and "sport" when they clearly don't have anything to do with the rest of your store(just my feeling). And, on top of that, the "toys" category is empty! As mahesh2k said, get a better design and don't fill the site with ads, give some breeding space to the products in the middle. Look at some of the other similar sites (NOT Amazon!) and see what they're doing right, then implement it to your site. As for the articles, people appreciate when you give out knowledge, wise thoughts, etc. If there is something you're good at, "exploit" that to advertise your blog. If there is a site that writes about eCommerce, you could write a guest post for them and advertise your site that way. There are plenty of means which could get you to your goal, you only need to do some more research.
  22. I use Firefox for development, only because it has Chris Pederick's Web Developer tools and allows all of its features. Chrome does have the extension available for download, but with some restrictions which I personally don't like (for instance, I can't use edit CSS!). Also, Chrome can't disable Javascript (at least the current stable build) without exiting, so that's another advantage for Firefox.However, I must mention:During the last few weeks I realised that the Developer tools Chrome has integrated also work great with modifying CSS on the short-term (like Firebug), so I highly recommend downloading it. Actually, the only reason Firefox is still nr. 1 is because I can change the CSS, preview the changes and then copy the entire code in my style.css file. Haven't figured out how to do that in Chrome yet... Finally, I also have Safari, Opera, IE tester (for IE 5 and IE 6) and IE 8 on my PC for testing purposes. I know, wow!
  23. If this is a "one-time only" thing, you could try downloading a 30-day trial of Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio, which features a vocal eraser plug-in that might help you. In my experience, it doesn't do a great job, but might be just fine if you play around a bit. Here's the link: /audiostudio
  24. Again, just a notice (I don't know if anyone reported this): I posted something in the "Google" subforum, and out of nowhere these [font tags come up at me... Not very pleasing, since I haven't done anything to change the font. Also, after editing that, the same tags showed up on another place in the post... On top of all that, my internet connection collapsed shortly after posting... (Not related to the forum, just to mention )
  25. Yesterday, a great thing just happened for web developers! Google, amongst other things, announced that they'll have a database of fonts available for web designers hosted on their servers. What that means for you (that is, a web developer/designer ) is that you'll have a huge benefit just because the fonts you link to are likely going to be cached by your users from other websites using the same service. Also, the most interesting thing here is that the fonts will be available for IE 6 and above, as well as for modern browsers! Yes, that's right! Even the users with the worst web browser (in history) will be able to see your site in its full glory! (You'll have to excuse me a bit, I'm very excited about this ) To show you how easy it is to implement the font, I've just pasted this in as an example: <head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=DESIRED_FAMILY"><style>some_selector { font-family: "DESIRED_FAMILY", backup, fallback_to;</style>And that's it! No worries about anything else! For more info on this, you can visit: https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/getting_started?csw=1 - The getting started guide https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq?csw=1 - Frequently asked questions http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - The fonts supported (I expect on more to come ) https://developers.google.com/fonts/?csw=1 - Font API So, what do you think about this? In my personal opinion, just another step closer to print design...
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