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Little Asterisk

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Everything posted by Little Asterisk

  1. I play my guitar. :PAnd sing, but I sing so terrible that I get depressed again. So then I go and learn something online or visit some site to read the news. Maybe then I'll watch some funny video on YouTube (not in terms of cats falling down, but rather some "Jim Carrey-like" comedy). And that's it, the depression is gone! But overall, I don't feel depressed that much when my life is so perfect. (Okay, not soooo perfect, but pretty perfect, I'd say... ) That's my way of relaxing/de-stressation/un-depressing...EDIT: Whoops, almost forgot - I also like to listen to music when I'm down (and when I'm not down ), that tends to make me feel better.
  2. The title of my post might be a bit confusing, but I'll try to explain my dilemma the best I can. I'm currently trying to test Wordpress on a testing-website to get familiar with its functions and prepare myself for setting up the "real thing". Basically, what I want to do is link my Wordpress page with the same category I'm using. In other words It'd be great if a particular category's posts would show up when I click on a page in my header menu. I've already tried this plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/page2cat/), but I really don't have the time right now to "play" with its features so I decided to take the "easy" way out (or so it seemed to be...). http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tip #1 explains how to do the desired post/category/page linkage. However, after doing everything explained there, I don't really see the difference (i.e. the tip didn't work). If it's any help, the theme I'm using can be found here: http://equilibrium.madebyon.com/ Is it possible (although I'm afraid of thinking about it) that I did something wrong?! Please, mighty community of Xisto, enlighten me! P.S. I wasn't sure where to put this question, so someone please redirect me if I asked it on the wrong place so I don't make the mistake again.
  3. Are you sure about Spybot? Because I'm pretty certain that Spybot (nor Avira Antivirus, for that matter) didn't do the trick in my case - I had to Google for the answer. P.S. While talking about Googling for these answers, I suggest that to everyone who isn't sure which program to use when in need of removing some spyware. Just type in the name of your undesired guest, or the description (you can even put it in quotation marks) and you should get your answer. Little Asterisk, over and out.
  4. Hey, look! I can access my posts through my profile! (:jumping through the roof:) Now, if they only implemented the ability to check answers since last visit, that'd be great (I understand you can enable mail notification, but that's simply not it...). Thanks, nitin! About the site: I like flash websites, too, but their site simply isn't "my thing", I dislike the loading period and the fact that space isn't used equally... I don't know, I like the Leo Burnett site, for example, much better, it has a more minimalistic design and much shorter loading period... But I agree that their page isn't bad, it just needs some tweaking. And, as far as site indexing goes, I think that Adobe has made an agreement with Google about Flash site indexing recently. However, I don't know much about it so I won't draw any conclusions just yet - I still think HTML sites have a much better ranking with search engines.
  5. Well, IM is better in only so much terms than e-mail. I know I use it when programming with someone else and in need of some quick information. However, IM is quite unusable when receiving multiple messages from other people, weather business or personal.Why? For one, you can't format the message so good. For personal mails, that would be OK (and IM is great as far as personal goes), but business mails should never be badly formatted (because you won't get the job ). Secondly, browsing through old IM's would be a pain, you'd have to scroll back through tens of "Yes, that's right" or "Cool..." messages to find what you're looking for. I'm over-dramatising, but you get the point. ;)IM is the next generation, but I'm not sure will it ever replace e-mail. But then again, neither was Bill Gates sure about the internet... Or 64 kilobytes of memory (for the ones who don't know, he once said 64 (or so) kb of memory is more than anyone will ever need ). So... Yes, maybe we'll be using IM somewhere in the future instead of e-mails or SMS messages. Maybe we won't use neither of those three, but some mixture between them. You never know.
  6. Hi nitin, I'm aware that those sites exist, but I somehow prefer using Yahoo mail since I never know when that kind of info might be useful to me. However, if anyone else prefers disposable mails, that's OK, too. Not much difference between these two types.
  7. I think jealousy is presented in different ways with different people. It then depends upon the people how will they deal with this emotion. To take abazi's example, if someone at school is jealous at a classmate who has good grades, he can respond in a number of totally different ways, which all have consequences... For one, he really can feel driven to accomplish something because his friend is achieving great results. He can strive to become better in these subjects he isn't so good at and eventually stop feeling jealousy because his classmate won't be so better than him. However, he can also feel like an underachiever and jealousy might lead to some more serious consequences. For instance, he could insult his friend time and time again so he doesn't feel so bad about himself. Eventually, his friend might get depressed and then we get to the awful situations that happen in schools around the world... So, jealousy really can depend upon the people. It can lead to something good, or it can lead to something bad. Overall, I think it really isn't good to feel jealousy very often since it might lead to some other unwanted feelings.
  8. I wasn't sure where to post this topic, so in the end I decided to go for the "tutorials" section. And in a way, this actually is a tutorial. It's not involved around removing "normal" malware and viruses, but around just one particular virus. It's a nasty little bugger that claims to be an antivirus software (AntiVirus 2009, I think) which has found a possibly lethal threat to your computer that needs to be removed. However, to remove the threat you must visit their site and buy their software... Of course, don't do that because it won't solve anything. But scanning the PC with "classic" antivirus/antispyware programs also won't do the trick. You need to download Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware (there are other apps, but I like this one the most). If you'd like, you can buy the full version, but the free one will also remove your AntiVirus 2009. After installation of Malwarebyte's Anti Malware, simply run the scan and remove AV 2009. If you get into trouble with scanning (which you shouldn't), here's a video that explains how to do a quick scan. And it's as easy as that! Give yourself a good ol' pat on the back, because you deserve it! (Sorry for the cheesy outro, I just remembered Ned Flanders from The Simpsons )
  9. Might be that way, but I know that Spybot Search&Destroy finds cookies as "possible threats to the PC" since I'm using it. Following the logic that, to people who don't know much about PC's, a cookie is the same thing as a virus, they probably erase it. I remember reading an article on that matter some time ago, so it should be pretty correct (though, I don't say I'm definitely correct). @web_designer: Well, I know that some sites offer eBooks or Wordpress themes they designed as a "reward" for subscribing. I suggest that you simply write something in the lines of "Subscribe... And recieve a gift". Since I see you write tutorials about Wordpress, you could make a nice theme and offer that after they confirm their registration... EDIT: Blogging tips have that kind of "reward system", it's in the right sidebar...
  10. I would say no, because usually the kind of websites that have these pop-ups are these "I earn $1 000 000 yearly due to them!" (90%) scams. I'm not saying everyone will respond to the pop-up negatively, but usually people visit sites to read the content, not react to some pop-up windows. If the content is good, they'll subscribe. And if you offer them something free after subscription, they'll do it gladly. Also, someone browsing a website will usually just close the window without even bothering to read the content. Again, not everyone responds like that, but majority of them do. Thirdly, people that don't know much about PC's tend to delete their cookies. Better to be safe than sorry policy, i think. So, adding tracking cookies isn't a bulletproof solution to the newsletter pop-up. And lastly, if you'd like a window to pop-up after the user clicks on a "subscribe" button, please remember that not everyone has Javascript enabled. Don't lose readers due to that fact!
  11. So, what do you think of Creative suite 5? I've watched some videos and first impressions are great, as always... However, I don't feel like spending hundreds of dollars on a bad product, so I'd like to hear what do you think about it. If you have tried it, what's really worth mentioning and what isn't? Is the loading period shorter? Memory usage? I'd like to download the whole collection trial, but they don't offer it yet so I'm destined to a couple of sneak-peek videos... P.S. The pages look really nice, and load extremely fast, too... That just makes me want to upgrade to the master collection CS5!
  12. The site, overall, looks nice to me, but has a "dull" effect due to the greyish-blue colours that overcome its layout. You might think about changing that, maybe using Adobe's Kuler, which has some nice color schemes online. The first thing I noticed is that the header stands out with the not-so-appropriate blue colour. Secondly, the forum is a bit hard to look at since the threads aren't anything like "classic forumers" are used to. You might think of introducing the "normal" thread posting with a simple registration (username, password, mail). A plus for that type is, you don't have to worry about spammers that'll just use up your bandwith. The third thing I noticed is that the categories on the left side aren't clearly indicated (Agrumentalist, Audio treat etc.) because Home and About makes it seem like you put the sitemap there. You might set the title of the left sidebar to something like categories and remove these two unrelated pages from it. And lastly, maybe set the home page to a static About page. That way, people will see your page's purpose in this world and decide if they like it right away. Also, add a couple of words about "Unycyclopedia" there so people understand your hard fight (don't give up! ) against it. The site has potential, just that these small mistakes set it off from its mission. Hope you use my wisdom wisely!
  13. HTML 5 also uses (in addition to all the new tags Grammae and Rigaudon wrote) some shorter declarations. For instance, <!DOCTYPE html public and a bunch of other declarations> in HTML 5 becomes <!DOCTYPE html> And <style type="text/css"> // Bunch of CSS code</style><script type="text/javascript" src="your source"></script> Now is only <style> // Bunch of CSS code</style><script src="your source"></script> And I think it's pretty safe to use these since even Google uses the new type of declarations...
  14. Also, a good place to search for free sounds is Public domain sounds. They have everything, from search by typical sound (like "bash") to the regular search (like "rock").
  15. Do you know any affiliate programs that pay more than that? (it might sound like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm asking for real ) Because most of these affiliate programs (or at least the ones I looked at) work on commission (i.e. "We'll give you 10% if the user registers and buys one of our products"). One of these would be the Code canyon from Envato, for instance. And, since I started about affiliate programs, I think Amazon offers a pretty good one. Here is a good article that says why. In a nutshell, they increase commission depending on the number of products you helped them sell. And they give you money even if a user doesn't buy exactly the product you referenced. It's only important that you referenced.
  16. Well, your dream might be possible to realise somewhere in the future, with much coding and brain and everything. However, I don't really see the practical use of this programming language. Why? Quite simply, it would be impossible at debugging. Let's say I wrote this sentence: Print out user's input and then enable drag&drop. It could also be written like this: Return what user wrote in TextBox1 and enable drag and drop afterwards. It's a stupid example, but it indicates the possible issues here. Also, the computer would need to understand which blocks of code relate to each other. So, for instance, it should understand that "Return" should equal "what user wrote" and not "TextBox1". That is not yet quite possible. However, there are a lot of simple languages out there that are very similar to plain English. SQL, for instance, would look like this: SELECT * FROM Artists WHERE id=1 AND Name=John (the star means "everything") Microsoft's Visual Basic is also very understandable: if myMothersAge = 15 then MsgBox("Your momma's young!")end if (excuse me for any possible mistakes, it's been a while since I used Basic last time ) So... Most beginners would probably have an easy time dealing with these two languages. I know Basic was my first language at around 9 years old (and I'm no evil genius )... But your dream is nice, I hope you succeed one day and prove us all wrong. Then you can show Microsoft and Apple what real programming means.
  17. It probably wouldn't be possible through IM, but it'd also be very complex to create an application which could support that type of stuff. Why not just simply use one spam e-mail adress (i.e. chuck.noriss@yahoo.com) for registering on suspicious sites? Then you could install a free mail client, like Mozzila Thunderbird and manage all your accounts from there. Or, you could buy Microsoft Office Outlook and manage all your accounts from there. You get the picture, I think... It's much less complications for everyone
  18. I've already posted some of this in my introduction topic, but I thought it'd be good to repeat it here. I have just a couple advices for your site that you can accept or dismiss, however you want. Just don't shoot the messenger. ;)Firstly, I like your policy of free domains you sustain posting on these forums. Because people who are searching for free hosting will probably choose your site over some other hosting that has advertisements all over the place, and the ones looking for paid hosting will just go to your paid hosting. In that spirit, you could maybe try to add some feature so a user can check answers to their posts since last visit. I understand there is a "View new posts" category, but it's not directly related to answers to user's topics/posts. And we can't really remember all topics where we posted all the time.Also, maybe it would be useful to put the left sidebar at the bottom or accessible through a menu since I know it bothers me a bit that the forums aren't full-lenght throughout the site...The last remark concerns your flash site, which doesn't really fit in the whole "Xisto" picture. I think more people would be able to access your site if it were in HTML, and if the letters were a bit readable. Not all people can see that good and are that interested to research, some just want to see results right away... And that's pretty much it, maybe you could categorise the topics in a little less subforums so more people would stumble upon content they're interested in...Hope you implement my advices to the site!
  19. OK, than I'm probably going to go with the Logic package from the beginning (I don't want to have a bandwith or diskspace shortening). Thanks for the answers!
  20. Sorry for double posting, but I just remembered another quite useful technique in CSS3 I learned a couple of months ago. It is involved around gradients, which you absolutely couldn't make in pure CSS up until now. Again, the procedure is a bit different for Mozzilla than for webkit browsers, but you'll get the hang of it... Let's see the properties and values for Firefox first: someProperty: -moz-linear-gradient( WHEREtoSTART, color1, color2) As you can see, it's not at all complicated and it's quite simple to understand. You first type in a property you'd like to assign the gradient to, and then enter the values of the gradient. For Mozzilla, you can choose from where you want the gradient to start (top, bottom, left, right), and the color code (i.e. #ffffff). For webkit browsers, however, the procedure is a bit different: someProperty: -webkit-gradient ( typeOfGradient, startPosition, endPosition, from(color1), to(color2)); As you can see, there are some differences visible. After the parentheses you pick the type of your gradient (i.e. linear), the starting position (i.e. left top, right top, top,...), ending position (i.e. right bottom, left bottom, bottom,...) and the two colours which will make the gradient. In essence, this type of declaration has some more options over Mozzilla's, but in the end it's not that much different. When coding, you would probably use it like this (just an example): body {height: 500px;background: #CCC;background: -moz-linear-gradient( top, #CCC, #FFF) no-repeat;background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#CCC), to(#FFF)) no-repeat;} I've set a fixed height for the body because otherwise I'd get a "blinds" effect, which is not an option in my case. You can test it to see what I mean. Also, the background of #CCC is here for non-supporting browsers to have a background (i.e. IE6 ). It's important to have the solid background rendered first because otherwise it would cover up the gradient even if the browser supported CSS3. I set the value of my gradients to no-repeat so that the #CCC background wouldn't be visible under the 500 px of my gradient. If you'd like, test it out without the no-repeat and see what happens... And that's my two cents (is that the expression?) to the community!
  21. Thanks, man Running With Scissors. I hope you don't hurt yourself. ;)I wanted to ask one last newbie question, so I don't seem a slow learner: :PI can see my earnings under my avatar, but it seems like no one else has that written. Is that something only the user can see, or? Because I'd like to turn it off if possible (so I don't have to be special ). Thanks for everyone who helped me with my beginning steps. Cheers!
  22. Yes, it figures that (stupid) IE6 doesn't render the selection tag. I can't wait for IE9, they say it should be much better than its older brothers in terms of compatibility... Also, Microsoft got penalised in Europe due to the monopoly they had on the market, so the new Windows 7 in Europe have to offer you to choose from (I think) dozen web browsers you'd like to use other than IE. That could be the sign we were waiting for! P.S. I didn't even know so many browsers are out there. P.P.S. No problem about sharing, why are we here than to help each other out?
  23. Hi, I'm just trying to get an idea of how many people would like to collaborate on creating a Flash game. It isn't yet decided which type of game would it be or its size, but think of this as an experiment: just post your abilities here if you are willing to work. As I see it, in 10 years we will have a greedy company like Microsoft that makes us money and another one that gives away free games with an Open source license so everyone likes us an thinks we are the best. ;)Why I'm asking? Well, it's hard to find a good coding team nowadays unless a couple of young programmers really meet at the right place and time with the right skills and enthusiasm to work in Flash. And I would like to see if it's possible to do that.The exception, of course, to finding programmers would be if you have a lot of money to start with. Which nobody really has in these (still) tough economic times.So, if you would like to try just PM me or post here
  24. I don't have much to say: There are a lot of portfolios out there. There are a lot of photographers that need to have some pictures online to show off their work. And web designers need to have appealing websites to sell their work. It seems to me that since Google introduced Buzz their popularity is like: | Apple | | Microsoft | \/ ---------------------- Ouch!
  25. I've done some research again - Google was planning to accept only US, Canada and Japan publishers for a while in 2008., and adsense publishers got that message from a noreply adress at that time. However, after a lot of letters they rethinked the decision and now you can get money only if users from USA, Canada or Japan click on your ads. It was all written on their blog some time ago. Sorry for the wrong info, because they were only thinking of banning non-USA users from the program. I had that info in my head somewhere, but couldn't exactly remember all of it. The other stuff, as much as I know, is true since I haven't found any other info that would indicate otherwise. You might be right about the 6 month wait, but I still think that they should at least cut the time to 3 months (I don't think anyone would wait even a month or two to make an adsense-content only site). Anyhow, I think they're just trying to cut down their costs because nowadays a lot of people have websites (an true, some of them are specially for adsense) and they started to feel the consequences during the economy crisis.
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