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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. WOW! I just dropped in this forum.. more than 2250 REPLIES.. ALL SIGS!! Seriously, I am a noob at graphics and now everywhere I see, its all SIGS! Man, I m going to have a new sickness.. umm.. sigsickness.Anyway, You guys seem to be having a lot of fun. Carry on Just a thought, Do you want me to dedicated a domain for this ? And make it a wider idea and also give a good name or something. Any suggestions, which can help to increase the awareness of this SIG MANIA .. most welcome
  2. I think there is this bit of mis-understanding.Hosting Credits system is generous. Well, I have made it so. I can understand the feeling you've been though when your 40 credits were taken away. But, this is also a fact that most members never wait so much. Credits system has 2 phases. One is before hosting account is granted. Where your credits are not reduced with respect to time. The second one is after you get your hosting. Where it starts tracking forum activity and gives you proportionate credits. Not only that, it has to reduce it slowly so that after they expire, your account is suspended. This system is complicated. So, once you activate your hosting, We have to reset it and the credits system is in phase 2.Here is the thing that happened.You asked for package 1. We gave you package 1. When we Approve accounts, We dont check your credits. They system does it automatically when you activate. There are members, who have lots of credits but opt for package 1 since they do not require higher package or large storage. However, in your case, you requested package 1. Now, you must have been active then and you managed to collect 40 credits. Then when you finally activated your account, your credits were reset and phase 2 started. This is how, things messed up. Usually, other members activate as soon as they get the credits. (thats what I have seen in 99% cases). Most of them, just wait till 10 credits and apply. They resume posting only after they are assured that Xisto is really a true host and it does offer what it says.I am sorry if you feel offended by any of my staff members and appologize for the credits that you have lost. But I am sure, our hosting features are worth it
  3. Ohh.. I hope the moderator who told you to post again was not me. I was a mod there
  4. Cool, Thanks for the information. Could you please give us the location and more information about the company and the place you are from. So others might have a more detailed idea about the service.
  5. hmm... something bad.. something that bugs me a lot! something that pisses me off. SimplE! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows
  6. I read an article about this in newspaper. Its quite disturbing. However, I don't know why he used to do it. Basically, what was his intention?Did he like it ?OR Did he believe that would help the student? Or He actually wanted to help ?Also, Did he force the students to get the wound licked .. There are many questions
  7. This Forum helps members to RAISE your voice against or with(supporting) anything! No matter where you live.. and who you want to talk about, you have no restrictions. INSTRUCTIONS MENTION THE COMPANY NAME IN THE TITLE Suppose you want to raise you voice for supporting Xisto, you can say If you wanted to raise against it, you can use, Well, I can't say bad bout my own stuff.. :-D Putting the company name will attract more people, that is the reason we want you to mention it. Place, Date,Time, Product No, Transaction No and more details. Give as much detail as possible about the place, day and time. If you know a person who contacted you or whom you spoke with, put it all here. People who read it must know that the matter you have said is Genuine. Mentioning things like your Product ID, Service No, Ticket No.. depending on the thing, service, product ... The options are unlimited. BE PROFESSIONAL There are chances that the company themselves might come over here and reply to your post giving you a clarification. So be PROFESSIONAL and see to it that you prove your point to the best possible way. Because, if their representive comes here and replies back ( and proves you wrong ) then you can make a fool of yourself. So think before you post. I will be adding more.. So check back later
  8. Ohh! That sounds really CrappY! So, you have just spent $100 for no good reason. I suggest, you contact the company and tell them about it and also give you the replacement charges back.
  9. WOW!! 7777. 7 is one of my lucky Number! I hope you prove one of the luckiest members
  10. Yes, We do have GD (whatever is the latest) its all updated automatically by Cpanel.
  11. Your Account is not properly setup. It will soon be automatically deleted. After successful activation, your group is shifted to "[HOSTED]"
  12. The TERMINATION script is called so because it terminated everything! Credits is a part of hosting. So we have to clear it. You should have asked this before. Even if you had 200 credits and you terminated. After creating a new account, they will be reset again. So, credits are maintained according to your site.
  13. This Forum helps members to RAISE your voice against or with(supporting) anything! No matter where you live.. and who you want to talk about, you have no restrictions. INSTRUCTIONS MENTION THE COMPANY NAME IN THE TITLE Suppose you want to raise you voice for supporting Xisto, you can say If you wanted to raise against it, you can use, Well, I can't say bad bout my own stuff.. :-D Putting the company name will attract more people, that is the reason we want you to mention it. Place, Date,Time, Product No, Transaction No and more details. Give as much detail as possible about the place, day and time. If you know a person who contacted you or whom you spoke with, put it all here. People who read it must know that the matter you have said is Genuine. Mentioning things like your Product ID, Service No, Ticket No.. depending on the thing, service, product ... The options are unlimited. BE PROFESSIONAL There are chances that the company themselves might come over here and reply to your post giving you a clarification. So be PROFESSIONAL and see to it that you prove your point to the best possible way. Because, if their representive comes here and replies back ( and proves you wrong ) then you can make a fool of yourself. So think before you post. I will be adding more.. So check back later
  14. ok, I don't have much time to go over the other people's suggestion. Here, All I can understand is that you are trying to get your site on google. Here are the things you should check before you begin to. 1 > Is your site neatly designed.? Does it show out the theme of your site ? Is it easily navigable THIS is something which you must keep in mind.. always ( https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35769 ) byheart it.. 2> Now, that you have made your site good n perfect, Go to DMOZ.org and find an appropriate category and submit your site. This is the reason I suggested your site to be neat and clean in point No.1. Since, real humans who hardly have any time to care for you... will check your site 3> Go to https://www.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsubmit-url&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsubmit-url and submit your site there. 4> If you have a fairly large site, Go to https://www.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2F&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2F and use the feature called sitemap which allows google to index your complete site. 5> Hunt for friends and pals on the net who have their websites already indexed in google and tell them to put a link to your site. 6> PAGERANK is a very important thing you have to consider. If you put your link on a site with pagerank 9, your site would be indexed within 2-3 days. but thats not possible.. LOL. So now you have to check that the pages who link to you have atleast a PR of 2. To check page rank go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Pagerank is a crappy technology from google which helps the rich to grow more rich and poor to rot in hell. Ahem.. Well, in other words, unless other sites don't link you, no matter how great your site is, Google will pay no heed for it. So, you have to impress google by improving your pagerank. It is a simple no, which determines the no. of people linking your site. The nos. are in logarithmic fasion. So getting PR6 is 10000 times difficult than getting PR5. And getting PR4 is 100 times difficult than getting PR3. I hope you get my point.
  15. Hi Shadow, Welcome to Xisto Team. Its wonderful to know that you have just completed your masters. It looks like you are from Singapore Please tell us more about you. Enjoy your stay here.
  16. There are somethings which go beyond science REACH.Some examples are Hypnotism (the things that one can perform in hypnotic stage), Bermuda triangle etx. There are 3 reasons because of which our knowledge on these things get limited :-1 > ITs something our science techonology is still not ready or its too native to understand such things.2> It is something which is not belonging to the world that we perceive. In other words, it can be something in the 4th dimension. Humans have the ability to look and think in 3 dimensions. People believed Einstien thinked in 4th dimension. 3> There are super natural forces and God's, Satan's etx. do exist BUT science is not yet ready to believe it.In anyway, The Evolution thing sounds sensible. However, the thing that bugs me is, how did Earth come into existence. Now, you would say, there was a HUGE BANG. The next question is, Where did this HUGE Ball come from? and why was there a BANG!
  17. Go to https://support.xisto.com/ and create your account.
  18. We don't use them. We had a bad experience. The CPM rate was ****. Besides, even after sending them filtered page impressions of an ADserver, we still had very low CPM rates.
  19. My choice FEATURE wise, its VB.So why did I opt for Invision you might ask, it is because of MODS and HACKS. I can create them easily, the code is more organised. Installation is simple. And its one of the most User Friendly board. I am just waiting for the people to release Invision Board 2.1.
  20. I HAVE tAKEN away your credits for this post. Please search well before you post tutorials to see if they already exist.
  21. Why don't you just post in your email address. OR Use Fantastico and setup TICKET system.
  22. WARN LEVEL has nothing to do with Hosting Credits.
  23. The Credits system is so designed that once the user activates his hosting account, the accounting system has to be changed. Now the credits that you earn track the "in-active" time. So the accounting has changed completely. Therefore, you have to earn these credits.Don't worry, the credits system is very friendly. It will give you more than 40 in time;). Just keep up your spellings and active participation.Good Luck. (Most people apply right after they have 10 credits, so they don't get such a huge blow.. your case was indeed a diffrent one)
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