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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Acck! my back is cracking to peices.. begging for mercy. Just finished coding for trap and installed cool menu links. and yeah, !@#% (kindly substitute a HEAVY powERful 4 letter word according to your understanding, capacity and yes .. age ofcourse) Invision for releasing mods / updates/ patches / fixes every now and then.Pending : upgrading asta and installing mods. :-) will do it soon...
  2. Give us the details of the requirements.We will check and let you know. Also, ADOdb sounds something related to Windows Hosting. If you are on our windows Hosting plan, then I dont think you will have any problems.
  3. They are good.. but not professional :-)
  4. Domains @ $7.99 -> https://xisto.com/ Don't forget this link :-)
  5. The process is valid and will work. But here is an alternative. Register with your domain name directly. Do not make nameserver changes to your domain yet. Get the settings. You can access your site by http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can test your site there directly. And once the work is complete, just change the nameserver settings. Everything will be online.
  6. MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO EDIT OFF the information. The member applications are visible to guests and search engine spiders. You can remove any objectionable material from your application once it is approved like your email address and your name. Thanks
  7. Hi, Please sort out this issue online using our LIVEHELP support.thanks
  8. I was a bit nervous... but I heaved a big sigh of relief when I heard that my kiss was sweet :-) then, we continued... LOL
  9. PHP.INI is maintained on the server and its settings affect all the users on the server. Hence, editing anything in PHP.ini file in not possible in many cases..htacess is a file you have it in your www folder or any directory where you want the rules in .htaccess to apply :-) Hence, if that setting can be changed by putting entries in .htaccess file, feel free to create one and add the code :-)
  10. Obviously, there are glitches. I didn't mean all of them to become investors. I just sought out a solution to manage life in a better way and to gain mental peace by being closer to family and health :-) Humanity has a balance. One rises, other falls. One moves to the top position by overtaking the person over there already, thus pushing him down. Life has opportunities in every direction and you make choices. But If we step back and look upon people.. we see, millions of them bounded by their routine schedule. Wake up, get fresh, go to work, come back and spend a little time with family or manage other routine out of office work. In most of the cases, we don't think where do we go next ? There are even people who are least bothered about growing further in life once they fall in this fixed routine. The above mentioned theory... is what many of us do. We work till we retire. By that time, we fix up pension plans, mutual funds, fixed deposits, provided funds etc and then quit worrying about the financial part of us. Retired people have more time, they can now look after their interests, play with kids and take better care of their health. :-) Instead of pushing this stage till the date retirement, why not make it happen when your still young :-) We are unable to give proper time to express our voice to society because we are soo occupied with our own routine. With more time, people can think openly for others, work for others and help others :-)
  11. I would also add in factors like stress, physical fitness etx.
  12. Just thought about sharing this.. I had this in my mind since a long time (heard it somewhere on radio, tv…)3 Bloody things in our life always balance themselves out (in most of the cases I guess)1. Health2. Wealth3. Family (or any close relationships).A person who has lots of wealth seldom manages time for his personal health, fitness or diet and often goes through mental stress On the other hand, A person managing health and wealth equally will seldom have problems giving time to his family..A person, who spends a good time with his family, kids, friends etc, will often find it hard to keep up with his work and often end up in cutting down his income. Or at least his financial growth is hindered rigorously.(Applicable to people who are doing business, self-employed or employed)May be the secret of living a successful life in harmony is to cut out one part of the three which ever is practically possible and manage the other two in harmony. Alright, now you might be wondering, this is impossible. All the three are the basic elements of our society’s lifestyle of living. The answer is, we have to shift from the category of either:-1. Employed Individual2. Self-Employed Individual3. Business TO INVESTORS. Investors are people who have enough money whose returns enable them to lead an upper-class life. It takes a good deal of hard work to shift to this category. Often, trying to reach here, you might have to cut down on other two elements (family and health) for some time. Reaching this goal will give man the smooth path to a successful life -OpaQue(Please share your opinion)
  13. JSP had to be suspended because of the issues with Cpanel support. After every Cpanel update, we had to attent 100s of support requests for tomcat / jsp.. It was therefore decided that the service would be suspended to improve performance and relibility.
  14. Thanks a bunch BH for answering :-)
  15. Do you know the effect of Gels, Shampoos etx on hair ? And can you guide us further in how to take good care of hair ?
  16. CRAP! this indirectly means a lot of loss for the entire project :-(
  17. OpaQue

    Md5 Decryption

    Not possible. A 1000 page info is encrypted with md5 to generate a small key of around X characters. Decoding back is not possible.
  18. My GMAIL Spam stat : Spam (35721)as on,Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Sunday, 9 July 200623:36:33 / 11:36:33 p.m.My point : Thank you Google for delete-all spam feature
  19. i guess you got the help you needed, your profile group shows HOSTEd :-) welcome to Trap ...
  20. I have disabled it. Consider members opening 10 windows simultaneously to answer to topics. They forget to close them later and the shoutbox keeps refreshing in all of them :-)
  21. Ahh crap! I just forgot to update here..2 days back, I screwed up doing 180 with my car. It was dark, there was water and my judgement went a bit wrong.. my car is wrecked!!I got to fix it now...
  22. I am from India, Hindu myself :-) My friends here are Indians and Hindu's again. The group was started and I invited my pals to join in :-) So, with a fresh community, obviously the Hindu population would be large. Let the Trap members join in slowly, They will beat this score :-) You can have a better group there .. hehe
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