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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. You need dedicated game servers for running games which are heavily tweaked for gaming. The regular server wont give good performance with high traffic. Besides, the ports might be blocked for security reasons.
  2. In India, you can get good PHP programmers for $1000 / Mo. Working 8 hours a day. (except sundays.) Cheap huh ? ;-)
  3. ginginca, When you contact support, please be clear with your issue. There are more than a thousand reasons because of which mail stops responding. Please provide us with the error that you get, when you try to access your mail.
  4. This is REALLY SHOCKING! I played with them at MSE's place and I can't believe.. those lovely puppies are no more. I hope your Gf is alright. She was very much attached to them.
  5. Hello Members, We are proud to announce Xisto's Health site, WellnessPositive.com. Here you will find detailed information to help you on the road towards a healthier and happier life. Topics on this site range from Physical Fitness to Weight Loss; from Body-Building to effective Self-Defense; from Meditations that calm the mind, to ancient eastern Philosophies that will help you walk the paths of this life with courage and contentment!! The aim of this site is simple - it is to help people to be healthy and happy, calm and content. Here on these pages you will find, among other things, meditations to calm the mind, to reduce stress and to improve focus. Here you will also find exercises to maintain health and fitness in a MINIMUM of time per day. There are also pages of easy, effective and efficient ways to control and reduce one's weight. And as you exercise and practice meditation, you will find that you feel good, and that your mind is calmer and more at peace as well - 'A healthy mind in a healthy body.' There are also sections on practical Self Defense, to help keep you and those you love safe.. always. Lastly, and perhaps most important of all, you will find ancient philosophies and teachings from the east on these pages that will help you on the path to contentment, peace, happiness.. and all else that makes a life TRULY worth LIVING. These teachings are completely non-religious. They are merely here to help show a way to happiness - for yourself, for those you love. "Health of mind, and body and spirit. This is the core purpose of this site, the essence of Wellness Positive." Chief Director of WellnessPositive : Alexander Pheonix Thank You, Shree
  6. Hello Members, We are proud to announce Xisto's Health site, WellnessPositive.com. Here you will find detailed information to help you on the road towards a healthier and happier life. Topics on this site range from Physical Fitness to Weight Loss; from Body-Building to effective Self-Defense; from Meditations that calm the mind, to ancient eastern Philosophies that will help you walk the paths of this life with courage and contentment!! The aim of this site is simple - it is to help people to be healthy and happy, calm and content. Here on these pages you will find, among other things, meditations to calm the mind, to reduce stress and to improve focus. Here you will also find exercises to maintain health and fitness in a MINIMUM of time per day. There are also pages of easy, effective and efficient ways to control and reduce one's weight. And as you exercise and practice meditation, you will find that you feel good, and that your mind is calmer and more at peace as well - 'A healthy mind in a healthy body.' There are also sections on practical Self Defense, to help keep you and those you love safe.. always. Lastly, and perhaps most important of all, you will find ancient philosophies and teachings from the east on these pages that will help you on the path to contentment, peace, happiness.. and all else that makes a life TRULY worth LIVING. These teachings are completely non-religious. They are merely here to help show a way to happiness - for yourself, for those you love. "Health of mind, and body and spirit. This is the core purpose of this site, the essence of Wellness Positive." Chief Director of WellnessPositive : Alexander Pheonix Thank You, Shree
  7. Time is your Frame of reference.100 years to you is your lifetime.40 days is for a bee.A Bee is said to be hundred times faster than a human. Well, so If you were a bee and I told you, you would live for 100 years. You can as well call yourself immortal in the bee kingdom. So, time which is basically supposed to be constant is perceived by 2 species very differently. For one its fast, for other its slow.
  8. No, Hosting of other members on your site is strictly prohibited. Our resources are expensive and limited.
  9. Before understanding true religion, people who constantly debate over these topics must understand that they must realize the purpose of the religion. Every religion has 1 purpose, to get the follower on the path of inner peace. It might instruct people differently .. however, if all religions are to be studied properly, they all have something in common.Understanding a religion is easy.. but realizing the core meaning of the purpose of any religion is the goal of the religion. Once you realize it, no matter what religion you follow.. its all the same. Since your goal is one. :-)Just my 2 cents.
  10. Ask the support people, What functions on Server are required and what they feel we should do. We are ready to tweak settings to make your site work.Thanks,Shree
  11. ALL MEMBERS. PLEASE TAKE A NOTE OF THIS. 1. Fantastico is a software from Netenberg Inc. 2. CPanel X is FREE. 3. RvSkin is Paid and Expensive. 4. Cpanel X or RvSkin have no connection to the version of the softwares you are talking about. 5. Fantastico scripts are in no way connected to the skin CPanel is using. 6. All scripts are upgraded from the servers of the respective companies. 7. Members who have problems --- > MUST SEND A SUPPORT TICKET TO SUPPORT {at} Xisto [.] com. NO more complaints on the forums would be entertained.
  12. Try to analyze this. Humans : Noobs trying to solve their existence through their basic science based on number of assumptions. Their Science is entirely based on their *OWN* senses. (eyes, nose, ears etc.) Smallest particle matter : You go on zooming over any particle. You finally land up with Atoms which contain nucleus and electrons revolving around it. You zoom in even further, you find that that the sub-atomic particles can be further classified. You see mesons rotating inside the nucleus and I don't think in present day, Humans have the technology to go past this limit. Anyways, my point is, you go in deeper inside matter and you see particles getting differentiated into even more fundamental objects. Lets Zoom Out now : In early days, humans discovered that moon rotates around Earth. Then, Earth around sun with other planets. Then Solar system itself rotating inside the galaxy and the galaxy iteself is also rotating. Even after defining the largest possible body (Universe), they still say its ever expanding, moving and rotating. I hope, you get what I have to say. Its a never ending loop until you find nothing zooming in further, or you will become infinitesimally small zooming out. I even don't agree with the CONCEPT of life which is defined by Humans saying that it requires X chemicals to be active. When life itself is a mystery beyond science, how can they define it and prove its existence on other planets. Life is something I define as a light which brings life in non-living (defined by us) things. In this case, Life is possible on moon, mars, sun or anything. If I bring every chemical present in a human cell and somehow manage to re-construct it. Where is the guarantee that it will become alive and start growing ? The only thing possible till date is cloning in which, everything starts with a living cell. :-)
  13. We have dedicated MySQL servers who handle thousands of queries per second and we also have dedicated HTTP servers which can handle similar amount of http connections every second.My point is : Servers are basically computers and every hosting needs to be optimized depending upon its primary use. Now, what you are talking about is REMOTE MYSQL connections.And our clients have LOCAL Connections.WAIT TIMEOUT and CONNECTION ERRORS are variables in MySQL which affect remote connections but not LOCAL Connections. You might be facing some problems even though other customers on the same server are hosting peacefully.I will check out the server variables and try optimizing them for remote connections.
  14. I am closing this thread. I hate reading downtime topics.. LOL!Other members who still need help, kindly send a mail to support.And do not worry about rvskin and fantastico, I will get it re-issued within a day or two.Thanks,Shree
  15. All members who posted complaints here saying they could not view their data, I have restored their data back.Please send an email to support if you have further problems.// Closing Topic.
  16. Yes, But we expect members to use them only if they really need it ;)Resources are expensive and the no. of members applying for hosting is increasing day by day.
  17. Do you listen to psychedelic trance ? Who is your favourite Dj? psychedelic music
  18. And what would I be doing there ? Give free hosting to people in hell .. I guess. umm... Seriously not a good idea. :-)
  19. Database Connection Errors. => Fixed. [please check your script compatibility with MySQL 5] phpMyAdmin -> Fixed. Fantastico -> License being re-issued and re-installed. Email errors -> n/a Site suspension -> n/a RvSkin -> License being re-issued and re-installed.
  20. Final touches Done. Update me if you guyz have any problem :-)
  21. Its been fixed. It is recommended that members do not activate their hosting now. The server's hdd is being changed. Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.
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