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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Hello All, We are planning to change name of Xisto to newSutra. Please tell me, what do you think of this new name - newSutra.com knowledgeSutra.com This new site will be completely geared for forum discussion. Thank you, shree
  2. OpaQue


    I think death is a part of "self-realization." process and so its ok to continue the thread here. I have no idea since I was roughly 1.5 years. Honestly, Thats the faintest memory I could ever dive back in my history of self. I would say, The only purpose to life is to realize the truth about yourself. Forget atoms, molecules, cells, energy etc., but your very connection to the earth from which we were born. We know that the flesh and blood is made up of organic matter and those atoms/molecules/compounds can be re-produced in lab from stem cells. The word stem itself yells out nature. my point is, life has a greater/deeper connection within us and much more than the finest scientifically researched point anywhere within your physical body. Being science students we know, whats in my body is in my reach and is changable. Thats what I define myself as "I" scientifically. Within this same body of ours (which I believe is a temple), I can realize "The Truth" if anywhere, thats within me and I am a part of it eternally. The purpose of life should be something like being free of the dimention called "Time", life and death is a part and parcel of a game/virtual3D like, only that "some say" its an eternal game with infinite lives (or cycles like anwii said), until you realize yourself, you will live for the game. After you realize this (say, you now got "special connection" (i call it God Mode) in you life - basically... you are simply happy), probably you will live for everyone around you. Because you are free of the cycles and you know the cycles, you are just happy to see the cycles. We dont count the ripples on ocean shore - we just sway with the never-ending countless waves and enjoy them being one with it). Now may I can relate a bit of what you say and I experience it closely when I go to bed everyday. After a tiring never-ending day, its those last few seconds you know that your back is gonna hit the comfort zone of your precious earned "sleep". For me, I die before I know and when I wake up.... WHOA!!! what time is it. What day is it today. whats the plan of action. :angel:
  3. I am a person who still lives in the world who like to admire butterflies. Forum moderation, hosting, advertising, server hardware, sales, operating systems, control panels, html, php, javascript, ajax, websites, yada..yada..yada and the world outside computers is being discovered by me slowly over the years and I m still learning. Honestly speaking, this place, just the way it is .... is doing its job, just fine. If there is something new I learn, I share it to my close friends, you good people and sometimes facebook "currently". Who knows what might happen tomorrow, may be I spark up an interest in photoshop and you will see some little logo changes or menus will start popping over the place. If someone suggests a good service on the forum and if I feel I can use it for all, I won't step back to implement it... something like kontera text links or wibiya footer bar on qupis n sites.Unless something really needs an urgent attention like server issue or abuse, I usually don't bother. Patience is one thing I feel God tries to teach me a lot and no matter how much I learn, I still feel its not enough. Good members.. i.e. everyone with post count over 999 :angel: will be with me prolly till internet lasts long, I hope that THE SIXTH SENSE technology does not take over. even if it does, I wish all Trappers will get even closer .. haha.Anyway, I understand that this forum needs newer versions, changing web templates, mycent-to-paypal s==3jr sorry.. but, sorry. If it happens, it will happen.BRB!
  4. Dear All, We have created a page on facebook and hereby invite everyone linked to xisto to connect with us on facebook. We hope this step helps us to know each other better. I personally invite, all the members who came to us for website hosting and now have become a part of our little community.. where we learn/discuss by sharing our unique ideas, trong opinions and honest experiences. In this 7 years of online website service journey, we have now come across a new platform of communication - Facebook, where we can safely meet, communicate & even collaborate - more correctly - stay in touch. :-) Xisto Network's Page on Facebook: xisto.com/fb Thank you, shree
  5. Hi Networker,The domain name transfer process involves a step where you approve the Transfer. To do this, an email is sent to your Registrant email in your whois account. The approval is done from your-end.If you can give me your ticket ID, I will investigate further.
  6. SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. Read More : http://www.pranavmistry.com/projects/sixthsense/
  7. I just read in Newspaper about this Australian Chick (batswomen) who beat this record in 1990's by making 240+ runs (not out). However, it was not a match that was aired worldwide. She played against Denmark.
  8. A forum like invision and phpbb is easy to to install. All you gotta do is, put a link on your homepage to your forum.But in Joomla, you integrate the forum in your CMS.. well, that is how it should be. :-)
  9. Sales is completely closed on Sundays. Sorry mate..
  10. Go for phpBB or SMF, if you are learning to make a static website. (i.e. simple html pages) :-) If you are using Joomla to run your website, you might wanna consider other options like :- Kunena 1.5 - kunena.com ccBoard - A True Joomla 1.5 Native Simple and Good Looking Forum
  11. Before you _even_ think about learning PHP, you must know what HTML is. If you dont know html, Start here. http://www.pagetutor.com/html_tutor/index.html - This is where exactly I started from 10-15 years back. Now, PHP. The best way to learn php is to :- 1. Setup a test website with PHP enabled. 2. Learn how to put your files on PC to a Server. *uploading* (connecting to ftp and drag/drop files) 3. Type and upload your first HELLO WORLD script. Basically, Making a text file with php code in it and saving it as *.php and uploading it. e.g. Hello World Script Save the above code in a text file but put the extension as .php. Simply, upload this file to your Server and run it by typing the URL.If you upload anything.php at your site say ... mytestsite.qupis.com, then you access it by typing : http://anything.qupis.com/anything.php PHP Manual for Quick Help (the best and most important resource to have) : http://php.net/manual/en/
  12. if you are a osho fan and don't mind his ways of spiritual fun, give me a buzz when you are in bombay. :angel:
  13. I feel this is nice idea. But like buffalohelp said, a member can make a topic about his vaccation anytime and anywhere. Other members interested in him can check his posts and find his vaccation post at the top as that would be the most recent post.This is a good suggestion. I will wait for others response.
  14. Send a ticket to support and please have patience.
  15. For starter, its best to have VPS with CPanel. If you have just sign-ed up, its better you ask for a refund. Buy a VPS with CPanel if you really wanna understand and enjoy it OR buy a reseller plan. It has most of the features of a VPS with CPanel.
  16. This hosting is best for my members who are interested in giving a lot of data, graphics, music and videos for download. Who wants to create unlimited email accounts and distribute it to his users or clients.. etc. Not allowing Addon-domain and Shell access feature prevents abuse.Allowing this package for monthly term is again asking for abuse. I have members who buy a package to upload massive data and choke the servers. After their job is done, they leave. :-)We have this new package which is even more reliable and we even backup your data on daily basis. Due to the risks, I prefer it to be mainly available for good contributing members and precious clients with credit card.
  17. I feel, Self Realization, if possible, would be only possible by human beings. Therefore, Self Realization has been a primordial goal for most humans. Praying is a very powerful tool in spiritual evolution. “Be not a traitor in your thoughts. Be sincere; act according to your thoughts; and you shall surely succeed. Pray with a sincere and simple heart, and your prayers will be heard.”Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
  18. Dear Members, We are pleased to introduce "The Ultimate Plan". This package is available in both Windows and Linux Platform. The prices are yearly and hence only members with a lot of credits can buy this package. However, its a yearly plan and once purchased, you have a whole year to again make up for your mycents. Ultimate Linux Plan - $97.80 / year - Free Setup - The Ultimate Hosting Plan You will never have to upgrade to another plan for life! Unlimited Space Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited e-Mails Unlimited sub-Domains Unlimited Ftp users Unlimited Parked/Domain Aliases Unlimited Cron Jobs CGI Support: PHP5, MySQL, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails and Powerful Round Robin DNS Control Panel Demo : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Xisto - Support Order Link : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Package Details : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ultimate Windows Plan - $97.80 / year - Free Setup - The Ultimate Hosting Plan You will never have to upgrade to another plan for life! Unlimited Space Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited e-Mails Unlimited sub-Domains Unlimited Ftp users Unlimited Parked/Domain Aliases .NET, MSSQL, ASP Support and Powerful Round Robin DNS Control Panel Demo : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Xisto - Support Order Link : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Package Details : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Know more about:- Data Protection & Disaster Recovery Plan Security What is the Catch? You do not have ADDON domains. Which means, you cannot use this account to host 100 different websites. No Shell Access.
  19. Dear Members, We are pleased to introduce "The Ultimate Plan". This package is available in both Windows and Linux Platform. The prices are yearly and hence only members with a lot of credits can buy this package. However, its a yearly plan and once purchased, you have a whole year to again make up for your mycents. Ultimate Linux Plan - $97.80 / year - Free Setup - The Ultimate Hosting Plan You will never have to upgrade to another plan for life! Unlimited Space Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited e-Mails Unlimited sub-Domains Unlimited Ftp users Unlimited Parked/Domain Aliases Unlimited Cron Jobs CGI Support: PHP5, MySQL, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails and Powerful Round Robin DNS Xisto - Support Order Link : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Package Details : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Ultimate Windows Plan - $97.80 / year - Free Setup - The Ultimate Hosting Plan You will never have to upgrade to another plan for life! Unlimited Space Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited e-Mails Unlimited sub-Domains Unlimited Ftp users Unlimited Parked/Domain Aliases .NET, MSSQL, ASP Support and Powerful Round Robin DNS Xisto - Support Order Link : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Package Details : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Know more about:- Data Protection & Disaster Recovery Plan Security
  20. Please copy-paste the first 10 lines of your code and show us. It will be much easier to debug your app. rather than jumping to conclusions.
  21. I read ecstasy pills damage your brain. So, we now have a new drug for making people spiritual. Party and Spirituality... hmm... Sounds Rocking to me.
  22. @nirmaldaniel: yaa right, just a week back I put the chat feature to enable everyone to chat with anyone online and I was blasted here. I barely felt anyone was taking any effort to put down some constructive criticisms. Comments like ugly, intrusive, useless etc. were posted on the forum. I am slowly learning about what my members want. Thank you for the suggestion though. @truefusion: You are right, If anyone prefers text-to-speech rather than reading, then I m darned sure they have a little icon flashing in their taskbar which is waiting to read any text that the user selects. The software used by the user will have the voice tone and the reading speed configured which is important to understand lengthy text read by txt-2-speech engines.
  23. webishqiptar is correct, it is only a matter of appearance. To redirect requests to your sub-folder to sub-domain, use the following code in your .htaccess file inside your sub-folder. Redirect only causes requests coming to your sub-FOLDER to be forwarded to sub-Domain. If your links on homepage point to sub-domain, google will index your sub-domain website (blog) as a sub-domain. Google spiders/crawls/indexes what looks straight. It respects your decision of having a sub-domain or sub-folder. If your links says domain.com/blog, it will work that way. (if there is a redirect setup, it will go to your sub-domain automatically)if your link says blog.domain.com, it will work that way. If you install wordpress on blog.domain.com, then all links generated by wordpress should be in format of blog.domain.com. To manage files, login to ftp or your CMS admin panel..htaccess changes forces accessing your files through sub-domain. You are the first person in my 7 year career to complain about this. subdomains are considered as Seperate Domains by Search Engines. This is all there is to it. This is how CPanel has been coded. I have already answered this question. To make your website SEO friendly, install SEO modules like URL rewriting, tags etc. Our server supports these features.
  24. You can forward all requests to your domain.com/subdomain to subdomain.domain.com using .htaccess file. However, I seriously do not see any problems accessing your sub-domain either way. 99% of your users would be following the hyperlinks on your website. If you want your sub-domain to be a completely new CPanel Account, this is also possible but we need to create a new account for you. And for that, you will have to place a new order.Addon domains are also handled pretty much the same way and yes, you will have a folder called addon_domain.com in your public_html folder.What we are talking about is the website data which is separated from each other using folders. But this data is nothing more than files on our server. Having them organized under your www folder is ok. Even though your website data-files are hosted together under a single folder, your databases are not. You have separate database for your different applications.If you worried about CONTROL over editing and managing your files in the back-end, then please use FTP accounts. You can create ftp accounts for each folder or sub-folder in your account.
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