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Please No Links In The Shoutbox, Find Out Why With a few execptions.....

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AstaHost does not allow links to be posted in the shoutbox. This is part of the forum and shoutbox rules. Staff will delete any shout that they find a link it.


So, why is this you ask!


If we let everyone post links in the shoutbox, then the shoutbox will always be filled with shouts like the following:

Check out my tutorial about nothing important but still got me too many hosting credits!

I just found this new referal link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Why won't anyone reply to my topic: Some meaningless babel about a video game that has 100 topics about it.

Come see my website: free

We have a list of recent topics and recent posts at the bottom of every page. People know that your post is there, they just either don't have anything to add to it or do want to read it!


The other reason for this is that we want discussions in the forums. If you have a new link, please make a new topic about it. The shoutbox is limited inthe amount of time a shout will be seen but a topic will last forever! Just don't post spam, referl links, or other unsolicited links in the forums! Basically, no free advertising!


Now, from time to time, you'll see a staff member post a link to assist a memebr. This is perfectly acceptable. Most of the time, these are internal links to help topics, rules, or sometimes topics that will otherwise answer the members question. This is because it is our job to assist the members and keep the forum orderly. pointing a member to an existing topic instead of letting them start a new one about the same thing keeps the forum tidy!


On occasion, you even see a link to another website. Again, this is usually to answer a question for a member. It is easier and quicker than sending PM's back and forth.


The real difference is the manner in which the link is posted! Was the link solicited or unsolicited (Was the link asked for or not)? If someone says, "Hey, anyone know the link for Google AdSense?" and someone posted it without referal data, it would be acceptable usually.


So, it is easier to just say no links in the shoutbox and then allow the staff to determine the proper exceptions.


If you are unsure, please don't post links inthe shoutbox.


If you have any questions, post them here.



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That makes sence. It is anoying in my opinion to have people try and link you to a topic. Most the time I use the "Last topic" and the "Last post" at the bottom of the page, because the topic is still active and more likly to get a reply. After a topic slips of the top 30 odds are the author isn't going to reply either. Sometimes however I find it nice to be able to get a link from the shout box, but I understand how anoying it is to filter the links. In most cases I would have to agree with the staff. Links are anoying and give people a way to spam. One quick question though, I got confused when you said no links but if someone asks for it you could give it to them in most cases (I took it a little out of context but don't think that matters). Would this be ok?Example:John: I am looking for a good search engineMike: You could use google comIt doesn't create a link but also gives the asker an answer without them needing to make a pointless post somewhere on the forums.That's my input,Sparkx

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I have to say that I agree with the rule, but maybe a stricter system should be in place for enforcing it?Maybe a warning system on the forums, where users can get warned for things (posts violating rules, shouts violating rules, etc.)...and if a user's warning level gets to high, they get suspended for a little while. Or maybe the higher somebodies warning level, the harder they have to work to get points?Just some Ideas i was throwing around (sorry that this is a little off topic)Getting back on topic, it seems to me like I have been to numerous forums where the shoutbox is filled with links, just as described, and that is the only purpose for the shoutbox (or at least the only thing it gets used for)....which pretty much makes it pointless, since it is just advertising...

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It's all true. Even though I haven't been on this forum long enough to find members that put links in posts, it would be very annoying since everyone would have posted their site like OMG L00K MY KEWL SITE (url) OMG HAXXORZZ!!!! Heh, well that is exaggerated I think. But it could occur.By the way, IF someone posts a topic about his website it should have some useful and relevant content as it is described by the author of the topic.

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Exactly, posting a topic in the reviews section or wherever is fine, for sure. We aren't going to be linkaphobes all over the board as long as they are handled in a respectable manner. We just keep the shoutbox clean of them for the various reasons depicted. The shoutbox is too easily accessed and seen to clutter with that junk.

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Good idea to stop posting link is shoutbox!

Lol thats all u wrote? Seems to me that you just wanted some extra credits!!! If you want to get easy credits then at least seem to care about what someone posts! Maybe more than 8 words??? Especially if the topic is "no links in the shoutbox ,find out why" and your reply is "good idea to stop posting links in the shoutbox!". I wonder if you got any credits for that? Because if you did, I should get triple that just for pretending to care about this topic!

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I wonder if you got any credits for that?

He will get a neglectible amount of credits due to very few words. Moreover, if a moderator happens to see that, his post could be estimated as pure spamming, and he will be strongly penalized.

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lol good post i was wondering y there was no links in there cause on my site our shout box is over loaded with links so we deleted the shout box any way good post cause i wanted to post a link in it but now i wount <_<

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I am not a huge link spammer, but I used to use links as resourceful shortcuts. Only going to throw myspace here as a quick example... There are the areas for bulletins, and I try to throw in a link so that way the users don't have to go from one page, to another, and another and so on just to get to what was advertised... But that is probably one of many important ways, and it doesn't scroll through like the shoutout box.... So I too believe that keeping the shoutbox clean and presentable will not just block spammers or not, but also make it easier for new users to be able to get a good grasp, without the clutter. I am still new and haven't really overused the box... but things could change... and I don't really know if there is a certain cut-off point to how many messages can be listed, but if there were a lot of links and spam, then how could someone follow anything!!??It's like cleaning up your room, only with text... ok, I will stop now!

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Yeah I think keeping them out is probably for the best.There is always the forum, of course to let people know about those kinds of things, and it's better served here for everyone, so it works out best :blink:.

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