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Global Warming Or Global Cooling Believe what you want its true

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Okay all here it is. Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of talk of Fake E mails and edited Wikipedia pages all concerning the Global Warming thing. Now I want you to think of this Global Cooling. Yes I said Cooling. Temperatures world wide have have been down this year. Hence the cold temps in the US UK and even in South America as well. Even snow in Spain. yes some of this does have to do with El Nino and the 10 to 15 year with patterns, that I will not go into here, do to it would take so long, and rather dull reading anyways. But with this pattern the temps have gotten colder each time. MYSELF I feel as we could be heading to another mini ice age as we had back in the late 1600's. Also too Sun spots have been in the decreasing side as well. this too will cause cooling of the earth. Less Solor Flars hitting the earth with there radiation will cool the earth surface too. Could it be too the Sun is about to die? is this all part of the 2012 thing?Its all guess work at this point and time. All these Fake E mails and Edited Wikipedia pages have made such a stir in the weather world we really are not sure any more of what is fact or a pack of edited to someone's liking or wish casting. Here is how I feel though. 1 we really do not know just how old The Earth really is. only a close guess. Same way with the Sun. 2 These lies that someone had cooked up of Global Warming Could have been true at the beginning but now have been changed to fit how other's may or may not see things.What it all really boils down to is this my friends. Believe what you want on Global Warming Or Global Cooling. Until all this is settled, and who knows when or if it ever will be. Nobody knows just for sure what is what. I myself had been a believer that it was only a phase that the earth was going through. I still do believe in that but it also has me thinking too. what if. I mean yea Global warming could very well lead to Global Cooling as well. But then again there is the lack of sunspots too. I have to take that into account as well. So you be the judge hereGlobal Warming or Global Cooling? Either way Mother Earth could be in a lot of Trouble as well as Man Kind

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Well, Global Warming explains why it's so damn hot in America.... :D The heat over at the United States is terrible..it's way too hot there. It's like a second degree or a copy of the damn sun lol. Even though I think the States is a little closer to the sun in some ways. I just cannot tolerate that much heat...going over 100'C is way too hot for me. :)

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Global Warming leads to global cooling/freezing (note the caps). Because, when the globe warms up the carbon dioxides trapped in glaciers are released when glaciers melt. These excess and abundant CO2 are trapped within the Earth's atmosphere which contributes to Sun's solar ray from escaping to the space. So, in addition to Sun's direct solar ray, Earth now is faced with bounced solar ray. And the cycle continues until the globe is "heated up."At some point, the CO2 will form such a thick layer that Sun's direct solar ray cannot penetrate the atmosphere. And when Sun cannot keep Earth warm and toasty, the globe will start to cool down even faster than warm up. That will be the beginning of the Ice Age, all over again.That is the report(s), anyway.There are those who say Global Warming is a hoax or false. Their two major objections are that the globe has natural cycle system that normally raises and drops to keep the nature in balance. The second is that the instruments which measured data 100 years ago were not sensitive as today's. Which meant that temperatures and figures we are comparing today may be off by +-10%. Therefore, today's temperature could be same as 100 or even 50 years ago.There are those who believe that Global Warming is just a way to balance excess CO2 by trapping it in ice. The way to trap it is quickly freeze the CO2 from the atmosphere, settle it back to Earth and let the nature resume the nature's course. And there are those who believe that Global Warming is the "sign" of something bigger, like armageddon or the end of the world as we know it.It could even be something out of conspiracy theorists' minds to keep the World distracted while the "brains" of power nations do something, rather somethings. However you see the view, if we, as the World, keep polluting our air and not consider what we dump into our oceans we are going to face eating those toxins one way or the other. All in the name of advancements and science we, as the World, have pumped too much crap into our backyards and hope that covering up with soil will make it go away. We need to wake up and think what we are doing. Running a coal burning plant 24 hours to meet that bonus date lead to pollutions that causes cancers to those to breathe. And so on, and so on. It's not that coal burning plant is a bad idea, but bypassing additional safety measures like filter process to save some money. Greed. We're not dying of Global Warming. We're dying because of greed. Global Warming is just a symptom of greed.

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I whole heartedly cocur with BH on this point.Global Climate Change is what it should be called. Man has impacted the natural systems of the Planet and the effect is to disturb the weather patterns, kill some plants and animals, poison our water sources and wreak havoc in general. Mudslides, drought, excessive temperatures, flooding, Hurricanes/tornados are being caused by our raping of the resources of the planet. We need to stop doing those things which are killing the world, its people, and its occupants. Plants and animal.

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I doubt that people have such a major impact on earth that we are killing it, the weather was always a problem on earth for millions of years, there were always tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, cold and hot weathers and etc. Active volcanoes pollute much more than people, different plants and animals also "pollute" and use resources.Non of the other animals are using coal, oil, iron except humans so why is it there in the first place? if there is a balance, I believe in it. For earth or even the sun those 50 years you remember is like 5 seconds to us I guess, we live here and are "destroying" earth for lets say 16 000 years, that is just several minutes to a Sun life, so we are just ants which basically are destroying our gardens?It got a little colder, and oh no, it's global cooling, it got a little hotter and everyone is like, oh no it's global warming, because we fart to much.I don't like pollution for one reason, that there are a lot of waste and trash near a lake when you go swimming, you can even see trash in a lake, sometimes I can see a washing machine in a lake, not that it's dangerous or something, but it's really annoying. The same as you go to Egypt for holidays, near the Hotel and around it it's really nice, but when you go deeper, it's nothing more than a dumpster for of trash in the desert and on the mountains.We people are the same mammals and etc. and we use the resource offered to us by Earth, we live, but could live better in a planet with less trash :DJust look on other planets, there are winds and thunders and weather is so hot or so cold that nothing could live there, but it's not a fault of humans or somebody who lived there, it's just the way it is, there are many factors a computer model can't show normally in which you would believe, but usually people believe by reading or hearing something without any evidence if it sounds a bit logical.I remember in 1998 I've read an article that in 10 years due to something the weather will cool a little, but nobody believed and by saying will be hotter, will be colder, I also can be a scientist and can tell that in 2012 it will rain somewhere due to there are clouds. :)

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Well I think global warming is something happening for real. I can see changes in the climate in my country. The winter is not being as cold as it used to be sometime ago. It becomes cold just for 2 or 3 days and then the temperatures go high again to 20 degrees, and so snow melts in the mountains and this is causing overflow in the lakes and rivers are taking over cities. I can feel climate has changed, I mean everyone feels it over there. I also believe that cooling is a part of global warming.

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I just read a report explaining the unusually cold winter faced by countries in the northern heimsphere. This is caused by what is known as "artic oscillation". What is mean is that, there is a high pressure of cold air around Greenland. This pressure repel the warmer air from southern hemisphere and at the same time, pushes the cold air down. What is worrying is that they have no understanding to the pattern of such phenomeum and why did it happen.

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Prof Latif, who leads a research team at the renowned Leibniz Institute at Germany's Kiel University, has developed new methods for measuring ocean temperatures 3,000ft beneath the surface, where the cooling and warming cycles start.
He and his colleagues predicted the new cooling trend in a paper published in 2008 and warned of it again at an IPCC conference in Geneva last September.

Last night he told The Mail on Sunday: 'A significant share of the warming we saw from 1980 to 2000 and at earlier periods in the 20th Century was due to these cycles - perhaps as much as 50 per cent.

'They have now gone into reverse, so winters like this one will become much more likely. Summers will also probably be cooler, and all this may well last two decades or longer.

'The extreme retreats that we have seen in glaciers and sea ice will come to a halt. For the time being, global warming has paused, and there may well be some cooling.'

I have a copy of a Newsweek article warning about ominous climate changes which could result in species extinction, starvation, food riots, etc. The article tells of NOAA scientists concerned that elected officials wont take any positive action to compensate for this change in Earths climate. The last sentence in the article warns, The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the grim results become reality. This article was published April 28, 1975 and was warning about global cooling and an impending ice age.
For a good giggle on this topic, read Fallen Angels by Niven, Pournelle, and Flynn. Although this was written a while back, the topic is interestingly relevant: the greens take power in the US, cut down air pollution and CO2 emissions and surprise, AGW turned out to be the only thing holding us back from the next ice age.

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I just read a report explaining the unusually cold winter faced by countries in the northern heimsphere. This is caused by what is known as "artic oscillation". What is mean is that, there is a high pressure of cold air around Greenland. This pressure repel the warmer air from southern hemisphere and at the same time, pushes the cold air down.
What is worrying is that they have no understanding to the pattern of such phenomeum and why did it happen.

This Link may or may not help you to understand the A/O http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/arctic-zone/detect/climate-ao.shtml

Yes as said by alot here there many factors with all this. But one thing is for sure. Something is happening, be it man made or earth made. things are changing

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I'd like to start by saying how frustrating it is hearing people use the argument "it was really hot this summer, global warming for you!" or "its been snowing all week, where's that global warming gone?". In talking about global warming, or global cooling for that matter, people need to remember that we are dealing with the idea of climate change, not one erratic summer or winter - it means nothing. Now while its true global temperatures peaked in 1998, there is still a critical issue at stake here. Here is my analysis of the situation;


1. Is there global warming?

2. To what extent is it being caused by CO2 concentrations?

3. To what extent is that change in CO2 concentration caused by man?

4. The Precautionary Principle

5. An Under-Development Mechanism?

6. Adaptation


1. Is there global warming?

Well, one of the most cited pieces of evidence with regards to this issue is the information gathered by the Hadley Centre at the UK Met Office, which show an increase in temperature from 1860 through to 1940, when a 30 year cooling period begins, before rising again to 0.4C above the 1961-1990 average. Now as I previously stated, the hottest year on record is 1998 and since then the earth has been cooling, this may be a another small cooling period similar to 1940-1970 or the start of a bigger trend that causes us to re evaluate what we think we know about the environment. It may surprise many people to learn that the most prevalent Greenhouse Gas in the environment is water vapour, accounting for approximately half of all GHGs. Solar radiation also has an extremely high correlation coefficient with temperature, indicating that solar radiation is another leading factor or global temperature. The environment is a series of inter-connecting systems, cycles and feedback loops, the most important of which is the Albedo effect, which determines the level of light that is reflected from the atmosphere, and trapped inside the atmosphere. For example though aerosols are accredited as a cause of global warming, the terrestrial layer they create can actually reflect more solar radiation away, causing cooling. This effect has been cited as a cause of the 1940-1970 global cooling period. So, there isn't necessarily global warming.


Hadley Centre graph available here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


2. To what extent is it being caused by CO2 concentrations?

The most compelling piece of evidence with regards to establishing a causal link between is Vostok's ice-core data. A graph plotting CO2 concentration, Temperature, Dust (PPM) at first sight appears to show a direct correlation between CO2 concentration and temperature however closer inspection shows that CO2 conc. lags approximately 800 years behind temperature changes, and therefore no causal link can possible exist in the direction assumed. Indeed, dust levels seem to be a more causal factor in global temperatures. Vostok's analysis shows something else though, it shows that the earth's natural carbon cycle is a 140, 000 year cycle with fluctuation with a carbon concentration fluctuating between 200 and 280 PPM (parts per million). This is why 280 PPM is seen as the ideal target, and brings me nicely on the the next question.


Vostok ice-core data: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


3. To what extent is that change in CO2 concentration caused by man?


(to be continued...)

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I believe that global whatever is just a cycle. There are many cycles in our world. It seems like everything is just going in a repeatable cycle. Well I think this is the same for Earth. I don't have great knowledge about the whole thing so I don't know if we'll see it but I believe we are in for another ice age. Then the cycle will repeat over and over again. Is it possible that our presence here is damaging our planet and putting holes in the ozone layer causing our planet to actually heat up? Well I ask the question is there any evidence against the fact that the holes could have been there all along?

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Is it possible that our presence here is damaging our planet and putting holes in the ozone layer causing our planet to actually heat up? Well I ask the question is there any evidence against the fact that the holes could have been there all along?

It is almost certain that our past actions have caused the ozone depletion that now means we have holes in the ozone layer, the extent to which ozone layer depreciation causes temperature change is unknown. And that is essentially the problem - there are too many variables and too many unknowns which generally make for bad forecasting!


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I'd like to start by saying how frustrating it is hearing people use the argument "it was really hot this summer, global warming for you!" or "its been snowing all week, where's that global warming gone?". In talking about global warming, or global cooling for that matter, people need to remember that we are dealing with the idea of climate change, not one erratic summer or winter - it means nothing. Now while its true global temperatures peaked in 1998, there is still a critical issue at stake here. Here is my analysis of the situation;
1. Is there global warming?
2. To what extent is it being caused by CO2 concentrations?
3. To what extent is that change in CO2 concentration caused by man?
4. Climate Change or Global Warming?
5. The Precautionary Principle
6. Adaptation
7. An Under-Development Mechanism?

1. Is there global warming?
Well, one of the most cited pieces of evidence with regards to this issue is the information gathered by the Hadley Centre at the UK Met Office, which show an increase in temperature from 1860 through to 1940, when a 30 year cooling period begins, before rising again to 0.4C above the 1961-1990 average. Now as I previously stated, the hottest year on record is 1998 and since then the earth has been cooling, this may be a another small cooling period similar to 1940-1970 or the start of a bigger trend that causes us to re evaluate what we think we know about the environment. It may surprise many people to learn that the most prevalent Greenhouse Gas in the environment is water vapour, accounting for approximately half of all GHGs. Solar radiation also has an extremely high correlation coefficient with temperature, indicating that solar radiation is another leading factor or global temperature. The environment is a series of inter-connecting systems, cycles and feedback loops, the most important of which is the Albedo effect, which determines the level of light that is reflected from the atmosphere, and trapped inside the atmosphere. For example though aerosols are accredited as a cause of global warming, the terrestrial layer they create can actually reflect more solar radiation away, causing cooling. This effect has been cited as a cause of the 1940-1970 global cooling period. So, there isn't necessarily global warming.

Hadley Centre graph available here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

2. To what extent is it being caused by CO2 concentrations?
The most compelling piece of evidence with regards to establishing a causal link between is Vostok's ice-core data. A graph plotting CO2 concentration, Temperature, Dust (PPM) at first sight appears to show a direct correlation between CO2 concentration and temperature however closer inspection shows that CO2 conc. lags approximately 800 years behind temperature changes, and therefore no causal link can possible exist in the direction assumed. Indeed, dust levels seem to be a more causal factor in global temperatures. Vostok's analysis shows something else though, it shows that the earth's natural carbon cycle is a 140, 000 year cycle with fluctuation with a carbon concentration fluctuating between 200 and 280 PPM (parts per million). This is why 280 PPM is seen as the ideal target, and brings me nicely on the the next question.

Vostok ice-core data: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

3. To what extent is that change in CO2 concentration caused by man?

(to be continued...)

3. To what extent is that change in CO2 concentration caused by man?


A comparison of the Vostok ice-core data shown above, with a natural cycle of 140, 000 years and fluctuation between 200 and 280 PPM and the CO2 concentration data taken from Mauna Loa, Hawaii (the location was chosen to avoid the problem of "urban heat" - the idea that cities generate heat, and thus as they expand closer to observation points there is a temperature increase) that shows a steady CO2 concentration increase to current levels of over 380 PPM. So the increase in CO2 concentration being a result of human activity is a fairly easy conclusion to draw.

4. Climate Change or Global Warming? Or Global Cooling...?

I feel that we need to separate this debate into climate change and global warming. All too often the two are seen as synonymous. My understanding is that given the dynamic nature of our climate that temperatures will always be increasing or decreasing - therefore there will always be global warming or global cooling and this is climate change. To deny global warming is simply to dispute the methodology and the data. To deny climate change is to deny nature itself.

5. The Precautionary Principle

A consideration that I firmly believe should be applied in this situation is the precautionary principle which states that, in line with the scaremongering from climate campaigners, the stakes of climate change could be potentially catastrophic and therefore the risk is too high. However, given the huge uncertainty with regards to climate science I think that adaptation is one of the only viable answers, which I'll come to next.

6. Adaptation

As I said, I believe that adaptation is the only viable answer to climate change. For example, at the moment scientists are predicting global warming, with rising sea levels being a major cause for concern, given the great numbers of people living fairly low above sea level. Adaptation also means, to me, that localized energy sources should be utilized as much as possible. In this I include REDD (reverse electro-dialysis), geothermal energy and other renewable energy sources where appropriate. However, on a bigger scale we need confidence in the data before we can start moving people out of flood plain regions or off low lying islands. I feel adaptation therefore is the only answer.

7. An Under-Development Mechanism?

There is however a danger of the over use of the precautionary principle to the extent that it simply slows down or stops the development and growth of the poorest countries in the world, by limiting, essentially, their energy consumption. This is the worry of doing too much to avert climate change were it is not necessary.

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