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Suggestions And Mostly Complaints err...

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You know what this thread is about, so let's just go right to business.


1. The shoutbox sucks. Today I was talking to a member and all of a sudden all my shouts appeared on the top and it seemed like I had gone crazy and was talking to myself. So, please, it's annoying. Use a new shoutbox or at least try to fix the current one!


2. The main page is weird. Really. Look at the left side on below the link "Earn AD-REVENUE for writing here!" there is one empty grey box. Is it supposed to be there? Or is it just my adblock blocking an ad which is supposed to be there? And what the heck is "TRRAAPPP - Main"? You call that a category name? Does that even mean anything?


3. Too many categories. Why there has to be a guest forum and Xisto answers forum separately? Couldn't you just blend them together? Why there is a separate sub-forum for plumbing, power tools etc when it only contains 3 threads? I REPEAT: 3 THREADS. The same thing for the whole home & garden forum. It's really annoying to search through all this crap to find something that I was actually looking for. Why waste space for all these categories? Why there is a totally empty "Society" forum with more than half a dozen sub-forums? A lot of useless categories. Like "spirituality and beliefs" then comes "spirituality and religion", oh for god sake couldn't it be blended to one "spirituality"-forum? It has only 240 threads in it! And no, this is just me warming up!


4. URLs that don't exist? Why there are website names in category names when those websites don't exist? It's just stupid. Like "trappedinshit.com *NEW*", what th...? It's not even new anymore. Same thing with wellnesspositive.com and livebusinesstalk.com + other that I may have missed.


5. The footer links to: http://www.guide2host.com I didn't check if that page is even up to date, but it looks dull. Do something about it.


6. What happened to "design Xisto contest"? Will the information in site index EVER GET UPDATED? Please, I beg you, if you can't do that, let someone else(trusted member, like me :P) do that for you.


7. How I'm member number 71,342 but the site index but the site index tells that the forum has 60,868 registered members, something fishy is going on.


More to come.


Continues with the complaints:

8. Why the comma in the thread name is like that? It should be in the same line as the word before it, not in the description line. The comma isn't even needed, the description line is styled in a different way and people can't be that stupid that they don't notice it's the description.

Edited by Baniboy (see edit history)

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Yup! i saw this site like 2-3 years ago and i thought it was fake (Xisto.com) it was like template edited and it looked like a fraud! I think Xisto.com should directly go the forums, so it looks better!

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1. The shoutbox sucks. Today I was talking to a member and all of a sudden all my shouts appeared on the top and it seemed like I had gone crazy and was talking to myself. So, please, it's annoying. Use a new shoutbox or at least try to fix the current one!

I know but it's what the IPB developers have put out. And to save the server resources auto refresh intervals have been set to optimal level. So instead of being "chatbox" it's a "shoutbox" ... the difference is, as you can see, meant for a quick shout and not the other one.


2. The main page is weird. Really. Look at the left side on below the link "Earn AD-REVENUE for writing here!" there is one empty grey box. Is it supposed to be there? Or is it just my adblock blocking an ad which is supposed to be there? And what the heck is "TRRAAPPP - Main"? You call that a category name? Does that even mean anything?

It's meant to be a spacer. After forum's upgrade and new skin, that's what OpaQue decided to do. Is it a final? Perhaps not. But it's been like that since the new forum skin. And IPB 3 is out. You know we will be updating to that version soon. So is it going to be fixed? I doubt it.


3. Too many categories. Why there has to be a guest forum and Xisto answers forum separately? Couldn't you just blend them together? Why there is a separate sub-forum for plumbing, power tools etc when it only contains 3 threads? I REPEAT: 3 THREADS. The same thing for the whole home & garden forum. It's really annoying to search through all this crap to find something that I was actually looking for. Why waste space for all these categories? Why there is a totally empty "Society" forum with more than half a dozen sub-forums? A lot of useless categories. Like "spirituality and beliefs" then comes "spirituality and religion", oh for god sake couldn't it be blended to one "spirituality"-forum? It has only 240 threads in it! And no, this is just me warming up!

Actually, we had so many requests saying we didn't have enough categories for this and that. So the end result was increasing categories by suggestions submitted by members.


4. URLs that don't exist? Why there are website names in category names when those websites don't exist? It's just stupid. Like "trappedinshit.com *NEW*", what th...? It's not even new anymore. Same thing with wellnesspositive.com and livebusinesstalk.com + other that I may have missed.

Perhaps plans were made and things were started but never came to a conclusion. The main point of this forum is SEO, SEO, and SEO. Once OpaQue thought out and made changes, the changes were SEO relative "terms." Therefore, once created it will stay put until the next big cycle of moving things around.


5. The footer links to: http://www.guide2host.com I didn't check if that page is even up to date, but it looks dull. Do something about it.

Basically, it's for SEO. Not many people will get it, however, Having a simple, keyword specific and density for a simple page helps and I mean really helps for SEO. When you look through the page you'll see the hard work done by OpaQue to make Xisto the ranking in search engines.


6. What happened to "design Xisto contest"? Will the information in site index EVER GET UPDATED? Please, I beg you, if you can't do that, let someone else(trusted member, like me :P) do that for you.

Sure, by all means. You can contact OpaQue directly. :P


7. How I'm member number 71,342 but the site index but the site index tells that the forum has 60,868 registered members, something fishy is going on.

Member number and registered numbers will always be different. This is due to ban members, members that are no longer registered with Xisto etc. And OpaQue does not bother with excess SQL synchronization of changing member numbers with registered numbers.


8. Why the comma in the thread name is like that? It should be in the same line as the word before it, not in the description line. The comma isn't even needed, the description line is styled in a different way and people can't be that stupid that they don't notice it's the description.

The forum database inserts comma after the title. However, the forum skin does not relate to that. The designer of the skin didn't take that into the consideration and designed it so that Title and Description appear as two separate lines. If they were in one single line it would make sense.

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I am not satisfied with the DESIGN Xisto Contest, so I have left it as it is. When I had made a similar request in the past, a member called "Lurk" gave me the main home page template as a Gift. Its because of that, I haven't bothered changing the main theme.

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I agree shoutbox is giving some trouble these days. So i guess it needs to be fixed. Most of the shouts are either lost or the person who is talking with you on shoutbox is lost with his shouts. So it gets annoying on both sides. Looks more like talking alone to 3rd person sometimes. And many good conversations lost in between. So i vote for this fix.

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Shoutbox problem is really annoying for me too... I had lost many shouts.. sometimes when I put something in the shoutbox and press ENTER.. simply nothing happens.. my shout disappears.. and after sometime everything is normal... very irritating.And another problem with shoutbox is the timezone issue.. This is also a recent problem. Need to be fixed.. I completely left shoutbox recently for that reason.

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Member number and registered numbers will always be different. This is due to ban members, members that are no longer registered with Xisto etc. And OpaQue does not bother with excess SQL synchronization of changing member numbers with registered numbers.

Oh, okay. But it seems a bit extreme that you have banned over 30 000 members? 1/3 of registered members are banned?

I know but it's what the IPB developers have put out. And to save the server resources auto refresh intervals have been set to optimal level. So instead of being "chatbox" it's a "shoutbox" ... the difference is, as you can see, meant for a quick shout and not the other one.

Yes, but doesn't IPB let you customize the templates so you could use another shoutbox? If not, then IPB sucks, too. :P

Sure, by all means. You can contact OpaQue directly. smile.gif

Great, I'll contact him as soon as I have my site up. What seems a bit confusing is how the information about the hosting services are a bit everywhere. Why not just make one page where you introduce the services(maybe SEO, maybe not). Because now the main page is linking to forum threads as well as a page that has the 500 mb space outdated info and others. And the home link is at the bottom of the side navigation?

I am not satisfied with the DESIGN Xisto Contest, so I have left it as it is. When I had made a similar request in the past, a member called "Lurk" gave me the main home page template as a Gift. Its because of that, I haven't bothered changing the main theme.

I wasn't exactly talking about the theme, but the outdated info. If the pages are static(I know they are php, but...), then can you let me or someone else modify the source so there could be valid information in those "boxes" in the index? Edited by Baniboy (see edit history)

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Wow! I just noticed that annoying comma is gone. That bothered me for a long time, but I didn't feel picky enough to complain about it. I also assumed someone must have noticed before that it looked strange there, but it wasn't easily fixable. I'm quite pleased it's gone though. I'm surprised that after all this time, all it took was your complaint, so good job! I'm also impressed that Opaque (or whoever did it) is taking the time to listen to and implement these suggestions.

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I noticed that Shoutbox is back to normal. Didn't noticed any shout loss as of now. Also no-one is complaining about it means it is working quite well. It is from top-bottom this time. Earlier it was bottom-top.It took me some time to get adjusted to it. But now i got adjusted with it. Just have to keep eye on that timestamp if get confused.Thanks for shoutbox fix. I think most of the shoutboxers will be back in business now.

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Thanks to OpaQue or anyone else who listened to me and others. The timing problem in the shoutbox is still present tho, if you haven't fixed it when I was asleep...It's good that you listen to us and fix things, so thanks.

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Bani, there IS a way (possibly) to fix the registered members total, but OpaQue and Buffalo would need some time to do it. It's easy by going into the ACP, Tools & Settings > Recount & Rebuild, select "YES" on "Reset last registered member" and "Recount Members".

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I noticed that Shoutbox is back to normal. Didn't noticed any shout loss as of now. Also no-one is complaining about it means it is working quite well. It is from top-bottom this time. Earlier it was bottom-top.It took me some time to get adjusted to it. But now i got adjusted with it. Just have to keep eye on that timestamp if get confused.
Thanks for shoutbox fix. I think most of the shoutboxers will be back in business now.

It took the timestamps to get me out of confusion, too. However, it appears to be bottom-to-top now. At first i was like, "Why is the scroll bar at the bottom? It should be at the top." But it is because the shouts are displaying from bottom to top.

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:P I just found out that shouts are out of order. They are not missing though. But one or two shouts likely to get out of order. This will make this shoutbox status as not Fixed.

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Shoutbox is in reverse order than what we are used to. And it seems like it's 12 minutes faster than my local time. Not 1 hour or 30 minutes fast, but just simple easy number 12 minutes fast.So, the latest shout is displayed at the bottom and not at top like we were used to. I'm not sure if this is going to be the way from now on.

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Yes.. shoutbox problem is still there.. nothing fixed. Only the change we can see is the reverse order of our shouts... :P

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