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How Do I Redirect A Certain Domain To A Certain Folder? Yes... I bought the scamproof domain.... not I just need to redirect.

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Heya people....This will be a quick question. I have bought my scamproof domain (yeah, I ended up with that because it sounds better and relates to my site more.... :), and there weren't any new suggestions). But anyway... I will be hosting the website on the same cPanel as my Drupal blog website, that is, until I get a new hosting account, so it will be on the second level of folders (it doesn't really matter, I just need to show it out to other people. :o)I just need to figure out how to redirect this extra domain on my cPanel to the folder. Once that's done, then I should be able to show this site to everyone.... :D Thanks for all your help.... :DCheers and thanks!!! :DB):((By the way, I've already done the nameservers. It's just the folder that I need help with. The redirection thing, I mean. :()

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As baniboy suggested, add your new domain as Addon Domain in your CPanel ( Addon Domains option is in domains section). After adding your domain as an Addon Domain, a folder with your domain name will be available in your public_html folder. Put your website there. It works just like new website with a different hosting account (but shares everything with other domain, like bandwidth, space etc...).

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congrats on making the move - it's a good name after all :)After you add scamproof as an add-on domain in your cPanel (takes only a minute to do so), it will get it's own folder and if I'm not wrong, you can access it in multiple ways:



that's convenient :o

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Hmm... well, unlike what you people said, I don't think it has automatically redirected to my site. But maybe because it doesn't have the same name as the folder. So when I click on it it goes to the folder instead.... but anyway, I mean, as long as it works.... yeah, it should be alright. Anyway, it is now up online!!! You can visit the site here... :) Might do a proper showcase when I have time but for now I am just interested in showing a small number of people.

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ok. i just went to your site and it seems as though you are redirecting the domain, to a folder. WHY?!?!?!?!?!?stop with the redirects. get redirects out of your head. whoever put redirects in your head is 100% wrong and you are thinking about them too loosely..com's are the best domains you can get for any country. they are also the easiest to type and remember. either host the site on your main domain without redirecting it, or put it on a subdomain of the site you just created, or spring for another $10 a year for another domain....but "thisisnotascam.com" is already taken. it would also be the wrong domain as it's too general for the information you are trying to host.nad please...after you find an answer to you this is not a scam site, concentrate on your blog. you have come a long way in a long period of time, but i would like to see you come a long way in a shorter period of time....

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stop with the redirects. get redirects out of your head. whoever put redirects in your head is 100% wrong and you are thinking about them too loosely.

well in some cases redirects are essential, aren't they? Maybe those cases don't apply here but if properly used redirects are really helpful.


@Nameless_ I thought you were just adding the scamproof domain as your add-on domain - didn't realize you were trying to redirect it to a particular folder again. (it says so in the title but maybe I'm blind :)) well it does seem to work now - I haven't seen the site in detail yet - just visited the home page - will do so in the morning. Keep up the good work!

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yea, they are neccesary when you no longer want to host something somewhere or want to hide where something is hosted, etc... but this doesn't apply here so don't confuse nameless. you're right. this isn't his issue and he is confusing his own self because of what other people are telling him. it's not usefull in his situation PERIOD. that was my whole point....not that it was usefull in other issues....


well in some cases redirects are essential, aren't they? Maybe those cases don't apply here but if properly used redirects are really helpful.


@Nameless_ I thought you were just adding the scamproof domain as your add-on domain - didn't realize you were trying to redirect it to a particular folder again. (it says so in the title but maybe I'm blind :)) well it does seem to work now - I haven't seen the site in detail yet - just visited the home page - will do so in the morning. Keep up the good work!

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Dear friend If I am not wrong then you can add the domain as an add on domain to your cpanel, and if done so it automatically uses the sub folder specified as its base folder or in other words root for it. In that condition there is no need for redirection.

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as baniboy and xpress has expressed this same fact to nameless. and btw- you are not wrong :)

Dear friend If I am not wrong then you can add the domain as an add on domain to your cpanel, and if done so it automatically uses the sub folder specified as its base folder or in other words root for it. In that condition there is no need for redirection.

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yea, they are neccesary when you no longer want to host something somewhere or want to hide where something is hosted, etc... but this doesn't apply here so don't confuse nameless. you're right. this isn't his issue and he is confusing his own self because of what other people are telling him. it's not usefull in his situation PERIOD. that was my whole point....not that it was usefull in other issues....

Lol yeah - too many cooks spoil the redirection (or broth? :)) - I think all of us together have succeeded in confusing Nameless_ and ourselves on this issue!

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Argh!!! Argh!!! Argh!!!


Anyway, OK, now I understand what Baniboy was saying... I didn't get it before. But ANYWAY... OK, I'll do what Baniboy and xpress "expressed". :o I'm sorry for not getting it earlier!!! I'll try and do that and see if it works. That's because I really can't get my head around to think of any new alternatives. :D


At anwii: I'm not taking my blog down, you dumb dumb!!! I still have my blog up there and I am not going to take that down ever! It's just that I've got a project page that I am meant to put my "creative projects" on, and currently I made a website that many people around me in real life wanted to see. But I had to share it with the same cPanel and the same hosting package that I am using for my blog. So I didn't know what to do. And well, I mean, it's different when I put my blog up because my cPanel was empty, but it's different when I want to put my scamproof site up instead. Gosh, this site might even be temporary. It's just that I can show you people my work without having to meet your people in real life and I can also show everyone else without so much bother. I just give them the link. :)


But I didn't know any other way than redirection. :D But anyway... I'll see if it works now.

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