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According to the company StatCounter, Bing search engines during the month of June Microsoftit has managed to increase its participation in the market by 7.81% to 8:23%. In the early days of the submission has been increasing significantly greater, but since the situation has stabilized the company StatCounter data show that during June Bing has itself 8:23% of the American car market research, in contrast with 7.81% in May, and 7:21% in April. Google's main competitor at the same time has reduced its participation from 78.72% in May, at 78.48% in June, while Yahoo has reached a very minimal participation from 10.99% at 11:04. Representatives of Stat-Counter stress that even though Bing has made itself a relatively small market, it is important trend that after a long time is positive for Microsoftin.

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I hate Bing. I mean if you get a website link wrong, it redirects you to Bing. Microsoft is now controlling the internets. Still, it's great to search for products.

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I knew that Microsoft will menace Google with the Bing Search Engine. Bing is very good looking search engine and give you the impression that you are in the best search engine, Bing is only the best design in the internet but maybe there is something else that makes Bing a good search engine and a serious Google?s competitor. Bing will destroy to Yahoo search engine because Yahoo search engine isn?t good looking and it doesn?t have a good search code. In the market Bing wil grow against Google and Yahoo because a lot of people is putting Bing.com like Homepage in their browsers.Microsoft is very intelligent because Google looked undefeatable but now the reality is other. In one year Bing will be a closer Google?s competitor.Start using Bing and Google. Go to the crash with Yahoo.Bing is the best now.Regards.

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Google still rules supreme in the search engine wars because it has one of the largest search indexes and is simple and easy to use. In today's world, it is unlikely for someone already using Google as their default search engine to change their search provider unless there is something strikely unique to that search engine that attracts them over.I suppose I am one of those people, since if I cannot find the right information from searching on Google, I just cannot be bothered to use other search engines. Also, I don't see anything fascinating about Bing, the new search engine, that would attract me over to becoming a Bing user.

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Erm, what the hell is Bing? Am I the only one who chuckles at the name and is reminded of Friends? >> Seriously. It's just another search engine pissing in the wind. If it becomes a problem for google, they'll just buy it. Right? And the fact I never heard of it before gives it little credit to myself.

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Bing is good looking. But that's what it really is. It's nothing else! Good looks aren't enough to snatch the top spot from Google. A lot of people are using Bing now-a-days only because they're curious about it. After a while they will surely realise that they were better off using google, so they'll go back there. This is just one of the bubbles that is waiting to burst. Microsoft has had experiences like this before and they can surely expect that this search engine is going to be another promising failure ;)Seriously though, is there anything new that bing offers? It is definitely not better than google, and so it must be somewhere near or below google in terms of search indices. So is there any strong reason for us to shift to bing now? NO! So why should we be taken in by the hype and waste our time? I wouldn't use bing any time. I've gotten used to google and even if it's plain, boring and old, it works just fine for now.

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No way! Bing is really poor. I just hate it. ;) In no circumstances it will be able to replace search engine giant Google. Google is the best search engine that is available and to prove this I don't think I need to give a proof. We all know about it. Now talking about bing I don't think I will use it. One of the most important reason behind this is that I am now become used to Google.

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Some of my observations with bing. If you unable to make forward from link then it will redirect you back to them. So if in explorer, you'll only loop around their services. And if you by some chance searched for anti-microsoft search queries. Then chances are those search results are barred from their index. again wth ? self-promotion is good but hiding criticism ? even if it is negative why hide it from customers ? i mean searchers are their customers in one way or the other. For webmasters, there is no advantage of managing SEO for bing. how much traffic bing fetch anyway. the traffic that is fetched by bing is either newbie to computers using windows and microsoft products or some pro-ms users. other than that most of the people rely on either yahoo/google. Quality of search results ? very poor. Warez stuff is filtered ;). now they can't get visitors who search for only warez, free pdf and softwares stuff. :P. And if somehow they got the link to such stuff from bing, chances are there that bing will bar that too. as they're paying attention to those stuff. afterall those warez stuff is hurting their OS & software business.What new bing offers than yahoo and google ? Nothing new. just some fancy stuff packed with organized search results. that's all.

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Bing is in no way next to Google, in my opinion. This is because most people have never ever heard about Bing before, and Google is the number one search engine used in the whole wide world. But Google is just cautious and tries to prevent any competitors in their way.The latest news from Google is that they are trying to compile the world's biggest digital book library, and it seems like all teh other search sites are jealous and are trying to attempt to change Googles plans and trying to find ways to delay this. I don't think it'll work though. Google is big and strong... and it will have to require some tough search engine parties to stop Google in its tracks.Anyhow, happy searching (whether you google or bing it!)

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I read in a paper today some people have given bing a name: BING (But It's Not Google!) This shows that once you have got used to something, it's hard to let go. We've been using google for so long, that if something new, and especially something new by Microsoft comes along, we just don't feel like switching to it.


I may be an inconsiderate speck but I'm sure there are a lot of other people like me who believe that anything that comes out of Microsoft isn't 100% useful and there's surely a better alternative somewhere :P;)


according to reports bing is effective in some cases but that applies only to the US version. For all other countries it's just the same old boring thing! so for now, we're better off sticking with google

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Well Microsoft still doesn't understand the basics of internet search.... Speaking for myself (not sure how others feel) I do not want pretty images and longer load times. I want simple and easy to use without distracting things all over the place. Simplicity is beautiful. And Microsoft's biggest problem is their choice of names. They will never bring down Google because it is integrated into our vocabulary. You don't search for things online, you Google it. How weird would it sound to bing something? Such as "I Binged myself today". Enough said.

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Yes that's another good point - just putting attractive images in the background doesn't necessarily make it a good search engine! Only people with fast net connections wouldn't notice it, but a lot of people around the world still use slow connections and they would definitely notice the loading times bing takes. They could of course disable images, but google is super-fast with images!


And I have to meet the person who thought of the name "Bing!" What's in there?! I mean, at least Google had some meaning, like in Googolplex or something like that, but what does bing signify? Absolutely nothing! Well let's just wait for bing to fail too then we'll talk ;)

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