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Do You Want To Know When You'll Be Dead? If you had the chance to find out, would you take it?

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I would want to know when I died.There are a lot of things I want to do with my life but I don't want to spend extravagant amounts of money on something if I had 20 more years to support my family and myself.I wouldn't take days off of work to do things in life if I knew I'd be there next week and the week after and after.

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No, I wouldn't. That has to be the most scariest thought ever to be scared about. I am sure some people would, however alot of them won't. Please don't even provide a site link for this as it is not a nice thing to look at. I hear a site called Death clock...I hate that. I will find some why of hacking and taking that site down. They should never have made that site.

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I would hate knowing when i were to die, even more so if it was a slow and painful process. Even if it was smooth and in my sleep, i would not want to know, 'cause then i'd be troubled by such a fact, unless i somehow forget. But it may not be easy forgetting such a thing. But i don't see the sense in causing trouble just because you'd die early. For wouldn't you then be placing yourself in a philosophical dilemma? That is, the reason why you died early is because you thought you were going to die early, therefore you did foolish things? Even if we assume that you were told you were going to die at war and therefore chose to avoid war, yet avoiding war didn't prevent you from dying early. Wouldn't that just mean that you weren't really supposed to die at war but just some time after being told that? Perhaps "war" was metaphorical, where you were at "war" with the police all because you thought you were going to die young and therefore took it upon yourself to do foolish things. For this reason, i don't see it wise to do foolish things just because you somehow managed to convince yourself that you'd be on some level justified in doing such.

The end of your life can be predicted by the one who has your life in their hands.

100% Agreed!
I won't want to know when I die... or why...

There will always be the clock ticking away in your head, counting the seconds you have left. And you will get obsessed when your time is up, looking at the clock... staring... staring... staring...

Wasting your time when you can be enjoying life. I just want to go with the flow in life. It's weird, you know. You feel like you will never grow old, never die... but you will. It happens to everyone. Life is just a contract with death. If there is death, there is life. If there is life, there is death. They go hand in hand together.

What will you do when you know when you'll die? Count the days off? Tick and cross out the dates? Have a celebration like: 100 days till death!?
I think not. It's just too hard. I want to think I'll live forever even if I know I won't. But I will have all the years ahead of me to pretend I will, while you can't because you know that it is coming for you definitely, and you can't escape because you will have the knowledge of when you die.

One little piece of knowledge that can be written in a line can change your life forever.
And I totally agree with the paradox thing. It works...

And haven't you heard the expression?
Ignorance is bliss. (Or something like that)

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And better yet why not free of debts now we can all presume we will eventually die. Still I would not want to know when I will die. I would rather not have it haunting me. Wanting to know when I will die would heavily distract me from my daily life. Will I die around that corner? What about this corner? Will that manhole cave in? Will that tree wait until I'm under it to fall?

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It would be good to know when you are going to die. You can prepare for it. Do all the things that you always wanted to do.But its will be pretty sad when the dying time comes, especially if you haven't told anyone. To think they don't know they won't see you again...sad.

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It would be good to know when you are going to die. You can prepare for it. Do all the things that you always wanted to do.But its will be pretty sad when the dying time comes, especially if you haven't told anyone. To think they don't know they won't see you again...sad.

I feel the complete opposite. To me knowing is like being told you have cancer and will die in 6 months. You no longer live life -- you start to view things as being a waste of time since it's going to end "soon" anyways. It changes peoples' entire outlooks on life from that day forward, for the worst.

There are a few people who are not affected the same way but generally most people are.

I know for a fact that information would be something I would have a hard time handling. I'd rather keep going and hoping I can achieve what I want, rather than thinking "well, that's going to take 8 years to do and I'll die in 7 so why even start?"

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I don't think anyone really wants to know when they dead. The only way someone could possibly live knowing when their death is going to come is if they live in a culture that completely glorify death to the extent that people can't wait for it to come. People have tried to glorify death in the past. For example, Haven upon death sounds glorified. After you die, you live a happy life and walk on street paved in gold. That sounds like somewhere that I would like to go. However, in the subconscious people really understand that death is surrounded by mystery and men fear what they don't know. Therefore, its probably not wise to know (paradox) the date of an event that is surrounded by mystery. Then if you know how you die, that would be equally terrible. This would mean that not only do you know what day and time you're going to die, but you also know that the truck on side of you is about to run over your face. In a way though, I think that some of us may have to deal with knowing that death is on the way. It seems like some people know when death is near. They go to their family house and give hints without saying it directly, and tell their family that they love them and bye. Lets face it, most people would rather not tell their family directly that they think that death is near. The reaction of your family, if they believe you, would not be a happy one. The second biggest fear of death (for me at least), aside from not knowing, is leaving family and friends behind to mourn. I will have to briefly contradict myself because there are exceptions. If I was going to die tomorrow, I may want to know so that I can spend the time I have left with my family. However, I don't think I would want to know a year ahead of time or even a month. Of course this is all "I think" because I really don't know if I would even want to know about death a day before. Its a very complicated issues and I believe the best thing that we can do is live life to the fullest and do what we think is right deep inside (not what others think is right). If you live life in a way that it could not have been any different in the sense of being true to yourself, then there are no regrets at death no matter when it occurs. You don't have to wonder if you are going to cease to exist, go to heaven, go to hell, reincarnate, or whatever, because whatever happens was meant to be.

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I will have to briefly contradict myself because there are exceptions. If I was going to die tomorrow, I may want to know so that I can spend the time I have left with my family. However, I don't think I would want to know a year ahead of time or even a month. Of course this is all "I think" because I really don't know if I would even want to know about death a day before. Its a very complicated issues and I believe the best thing that we can do is live life to the fullest and do what we think is right deep inside (not what others think is right). If you live life in a way that it could not have been any different in the sense of being true to yourself, then there are no regrets at death no matter when it occurs. You don't have to wonder if you are going to cease to exist, go to heaven, go to hell, reincarnate, or whatever, because whatever happens was meant to be.

This is a problem people always bring up when questioned about how they would feel. It's the fact that until you are faced with the information it's real hard to make the decision.

It's just like with euthanasia -- a lot of people say they would say yes to it, yet if they were really faced with the choice I doubt it would be so clear-cut to them.

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I agree with most people in this thread. I wouldn't want to know when I will die or how, from what and etc. It would be hard to live, even though it's also hard to live when you don't know? Maybe tomorrow, maybe after 60 years.So I would like to know when I would die, but also would like to forget it after a minute and that everyone would forget who heard it :D

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I really don't want to know when I will die. Because it is the unpredictable thing that can happen anytime in our life. And no body can predict when other person will die. So whichever good thing is possible from your side, you do it. By doing this there may be possibility that God becomes impress with you, and give you a longer life. So the best thing is to remember is that Always Do good deed, you will live longer life.

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Nah... that would make everything too simple. I mean you can say it would be easier to know, but then you wouldn't form relationships, experience things, live life as it were. I would rather live my life, love, and lost, have friends and life experiences and then just die.

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I think it would take some of the fun out of life for me if I knew when I was going to die. Part of what I enjoy is being surprised by what life throws in my direction on a daily basis. Some days it's not especially interesting but other days ......

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Hi!It's all part of the grand plan. If you cheat death, it skips you and it's the turn of the next person in the order of death's plan. (Final Destination)What if we all knew when we were going to die, but it were possible to change things. Let's say there was a coal miner and he knew that he was going to die because of a cave-in of the mine he was working at. He would probably change to something like being a florist, and instead of dying in a cave-in, which he would be watching on a television set from a green house, he would die from a bite by a poisonous spider. Or perhaps he would be looking the wrong way on a one-way street and would get hit by a bus. Or perhaps he would live for another year before dying of cancer.If you did know how it was going to happen? Would you want to change things to get anywhere from a couple of hours to several years to extend what was previously set as the expiry date?Final destination features the emotions of some of the folks who were in denial and the things they did out of fear that they were going to be next. The ones who did believe in the order of death and the grand plan did what they could to prevent it, but it would only go on to the next person and would loop around and come back for them.

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I don't get why you would say you could cheat death.First of all, we're assuming this "death" is something that you see as a part of our future, right?And if it's a part of the future, this means that this is what will happen due to all of the leading events up till that moment, right? Then what makes you think you can change the future? The future, by definition, is what is to come. What is to come, AFTER what we do now. This means no matter what we do now in an attempt to change that future we "saw," all of our actions are exactly what MADE that future happen in the first place. But that's just my short rant on all these sci fi schools of thought thinking that they could change the future/past when I think that everything remains relative, we're not capable of "changing" anything because everything we do is what makes things the way they are to begin with! Grr.But! If I could see when I died...Hm. I'd say no. Well firstly, it would scare the hell out of anyone to know that they're going to die in 10 days, 10 months, or 10 years. It's like a big red flag that tells them where the book ends. How? Cancer? Murder? Suicide? Accident? It would lead to too much speculation, worry, plotting, pseudo-faith, and all kinds of nervous upheavals that wouldn't have been there to begin with. And what makes it worse is that there's only NOTHING anyone can do to change the future (refer to previous rant) so what's the point in knowing it? Well that and, hasn't anyone else heard of that "life flashing before your eyes" mumbo jumbo? Well if I knew when I was going to die, it couldn't possibly be touching enough to encourage something so awesome.

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