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Addicted To Sex

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Sex addiction is very serious and real. This one has been around for years. Am I a sex addict? If I am suppose to answer like an alcoholic, then the answer is yes. I really do feel like a different person now that I'm not though, its like I snapped out of it. Like alcoholism though, one could slip and be right back at it. Any one else out there?

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How would you define sex addiction? The act of engaging in sexual interaction once a day? twice a day? whenever humanly possible?

al⋅co⋅hol⋅ism[al-kuh-haw-liz-uhm, -ho-]
noun Pathology.
a chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol, repeated excessive use of alcoholic beverages, the development of withdrawal symptoms on reducing or ceasing intake, morbidity that may include cirrhosis of the liver, and decreased ability to function socially and vocationally.

so from that, i think we can conclude that addiction to sex can be something along the lines of..

(not official) a chronic disorder characterized by dependence on sex, repeated excessive engagement of sexual intercourse, the development of withdraw symptoms on reducing or ceasing engagement.

Sex addiction is a very serious and real problem just as alcoholism is a very real and serious problem. It can have mental effects on all genders, but on certain genders it can also have physical effects.

Mental effects that come with addiction to sex are very similar to the effects of alcoholism, you become addicted and crave it all day long, mentally making you avid to get your next fix (of alcohol or sex), this can cause changes in your mood making you cranky, and not very friendly in a social environment.

Physical effects related to sex addiction aren't really life threatening as much as pride-threatening, for women, the physical effects are a gluteus maxims and thighs and occasional a bruised or damaged cervix, for males, depending on how bad their addiction is (variables include that of age and how many times a day they engage in sexual interaction), having a constant erection isn't good for the health of a males privates, when there is blood in a males penis, it isn't constantly flowing, it is there, and stays there for the duration of the erection, so a constant flow of oxygen isn't reaching it like most extremities are and need to be. So the lack of oxygen to the muscles and tissue in the penis can cause erectile dysfunctions and sometimes loss of feeling/control.

Don't mean to take over your topic or admit to being a sex addict, just providing more information

There is even a sex addiction group out there like Alcoholics anonymous (https://saa-recovery.org/) So you're not alone out there.

Just as someone can reform from being an alcoholic, you have reformed from being a sex addict, i applaud you, you have probably saved yourself the negative side effects of sexual addiction :P.

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Sex addiction, also called sex dependency, sexual compulsivity is a condition where you are not able to manage your sexual behaviour. Though this condition is a relative one, very debated because it is not accepted by sexologists. Skeptics think that this condition must not be classified as a disease, but mostly as a kind of cultural product or cultural influence. Experts believe that this condition is like other addictions to drugs and alcohol. It is thought that the concept have described sickers as repeatedly and compulsively attempting to escape emotional or physical discomfort by using sexual behaviors such as masturbation, pornography, and thoughts about sex. Some other behaviours seem to be : empty affairs, frequent visits to prostitutes, cybersex, and similar to the above mentioned. This condition can also be classified as pornography addiction, or overuse of pornography, which is a state where people or persons have constant contact with pornographic material during the day, or where the person transforms pornography as a daily physiological need to be absorbed. Sex addicts do not necessarily become offenders. Moreover, not all sex offenders are sexually addicted. Studies show that sex offenders act not for sexual benefits, but rather out of a disturbed need for power, dominance, control or revenge, or anger. But recently we have come to understand that there are also strong sexual trictions that motivate sex offense. Increasing problems with sexual addiction has created new forms of sexual life, such as phone sex, computer pornography. To conclude I must say that the behaviour characterizing other addictions such as drug or gambling is fairly the same. But concept is different. How? We can live free of gambling, drugs, or alocohol and be strong and healthy, but if we are helathy this means we have a strong desire to sex relationships. We can consider sex like aeting rather tha like gambling, so sex addiction is some kind of psychiatric illness related to mind rather than body or organism.

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Wow... people... stop all the scientific slangs and all that... well, I must say that I haven't exactly been there before, because I haven't had sex before!!!

It's just that simple. To me, however, blogging on my new blog and posting on Xisto and other forums that I like is more of an addiction to sex... though I also think that sex addiction is mostly in males and females, because they're just so sex-crazed and all that. :lol:

And this is why rape occurs so frequently, and most often than not, it's the males raping females.

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My husband got so sick in Irak about porn addiction that he prefers the masturbation on line instead of being with me. When I touch his...P.. Nothing does not gets erection. He needs to touch himself and concentrate so he can have an erection, otherwise nothing. He might see me nude, sexy...I try to excite him and he says do not touch me, I'm tired-reply by Ibeth

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My husband got so sick in Irak about porn addiction that he prefers the masturbation on line instead of being with me. When I touch his...P.. Nothing does not gets erection. He needs to touch himself and concentrate so he can have an erection, otherwise nothing. He might see me nude, sexy...I try to excite him and he says do not touch me, I'm tired -reply by Ibeth

i feel sorry for you, thats terrible!


It has really destroyed him, i didn't porn could destroy someone like that, but i don't get it though...once its such a serious addiction you just start wanting pornstars and no-one else?


its funny he says you shouldn't him, or maybe he's into teen porn and just wants a teen, thats the other thing i can make of this and he needs to go see a therapist..

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