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Why Some People Don't Believe In Free Domains?

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I am active in a forum on Macedonian, and it's name is badijala.com. It's mostly a warez forum but I don't visit it for the warez but for the activity of the forum. So I decided to open up a topic about how cool your free hosting and free domain offers are.


Now, they don't want to believe me, they don't even want to sign up and read the rules and other things, just because?I don't have a free domain w/ you folks. This is really nerving me and I want to make enough to 'buy' a free domain from you and shove it up to him so he won't be an unbeliever. I even took echo_of_thunder (sorry dude if I made the wrong approach, but you were fresh in my memory as the last one that I saw that 'bought' a domain from here) for an example and told them to whois the domain to show that the domain is bought from you and he's your member too. Nope, they?still don't believe me. :)


So, my question is, excpept this approach that I want to make, is there any other way to prove that this site offers?the best free hosting around and even gives out free domains?


Why are some people so bull headed? :)

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Quoting my girlfriend, and everyone else--"there's no such thing as free lunch."Having said that, they are right to doubt anything that is free on the net, especially regarding domain names. You see there were other offers before Xisto's free domain name. So it is natural for them to be skeptics. And I don't blame them. I too have been the victim of free domain scams. I had to put something like 500 posts to earn free domain. When the renewal came around and I couldn't meet the additional 500 post count I was locked out of the domain I got and I had no way of getting it back. What a waste of 1 year owning the domain name...So the idea started to float around--pay $10 a year and you'll never have to worry about someone holding it for a ransom.Let's dissect Xisto free domain offer. It's not technically free. You still need to contribute to our forum to earn enough myCENT to pay and renew it. So the time and effort it takes to earn enough myCENT does not constitutes as 'free' in ever sense of the word. Because if it's free, you should not have to do anything.The idea of free domain by Xisto is that you don't have to give your money upfront or not even a penny. You simply participate in our forum like you would do with any other forums for discussions. And as you participate you earn myCENT. And with enough myCENT you can trade it in for services provided by any hosting provider's services, including a domain name.If you don't have to shell out your money upfront or you don't have to pay from your pocket, and you are trading with efforts earned from contributing in this forum that would be a free service you're getting. Because after all, you're going to contribute to a forum one way or another to other millions of forums out there, why not here in Xisto and get something worth while in trade?I have noticed that people do not actively defy my opinion when I present it in the purest truth and allow them to judge for themselves. Then, I don't have to make claims that I have to guarantee and they don't have to expect any more than the actual face value. It's a win win situation in my opinion.

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It's mostly a warez forum

Whoa, whoa, whoa—don't send those people over here! :) Let them continue in their disbelief.
(Although, i do have to agree that providing a whois isn't prove within itself.)

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In 2000, i tried DomainZero service, in that i lost domain of my first name and last name. So after that offer expired cost of the domain was 45$ from that registrar. So from that lesson i learned that "There is no such thing as free".Besides, i want to earn whatever i want to keep, be it mycents or any free thing.

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Yes, I agree with all above....There are lots of scams in the name of free domain name. First they'll give you a domain name, but they register it on their names instead of yours, then after an year or so they'll stop the service and demand more from you to keep the domain name. They even don't allow to transfer your domain. Already many people are victims of these scams. So there is no wonder they don't believe in these free domain names. And just as Opaque said we're not getting free domains here. We're contributing to this forum. That means we're spending our Valuable Time, Energy and Knowldege to post here. In exchange we're getting hosting services and domains. So technically they are free, but actually we're buying them by sharing our knowledge(in my opinion).About those warez members you told, don't tell them they are free. Not only them, most people don't believe you if you said something is free. This is true everywhere. This is one of the reason why most freeware programs are still not getting the fame they worth. Because people blindly believe that paid softwares of same kind may have more features and stable. They believe that freeware programs are not powerful(of course,they are mistaken). Thats why most people are going for warez programs even if they are getting the same kind of freeware.So if want to tell them about our services, first let them know that they are not getting them free, but they're getting them in exchange to their time and knowledge. Tell them they have to post here. And finally tell them just give it a try. Tell them they lose nothing by just trying. This may work I think. :)

Edited by xpress (see edit history)

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I guess there are lots of scam sites, but for example I am using a free domain with Hostbidder for the third year now and it wasn't a scam, every year before expiration I need to pay for it with points, similar to credits or myCENTS system, you get something for posting and it works, even though I didn't believe it too, before I got it :)the only problem now is I'm using that domain and it belongs to me, but I'm fed up with posting there and I want to pay for it ~10$ somewhere and lets say not hostbidder, because as I know if I let it expire, I'll need to pay ~50$ to somebody or something that I could get it back, this is a question I never asked though and never really searched for an answer, but after 2009 I think I will consider this, because it's hard to post as you get older and especially when you have 10$ in your pocket.

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The idea of free domain by Xisto is that you don't have to give your money upfront or not even a penny. You simply participate in our forum like you would do with any other forums for discussions. And as you participate you earn myCENT. And with enough myCENT you can trade it in for services provided by any hosting provider's services, including a domain name.


And just as Opaque said we're not getting free domains here. We're contributing to this forum. That means we're spending our Valuable Time, Energy and Knowldege to post here. In exchange we're getting hosting services and domains. So technically they are free, but actually we're buying them by sharing our knowledge(in my opinion).


So if want to tell them about our services, first let them know that they are not getting them free, but they're getting them in exchange to their time and knowledge. Tell them they have to post here. And finally tell them just give it a try. Tell them they lose nothing by just trying. This may work I think.

Look, I think you all misunderstood me (or I didn't express myself as I should), what I was trying to say that I told them the first minute I opened the thread that you need to have high quality no warez posts around here which must be properly punctuated and have proper grammar if you want to have a good reputation, and by this knowledge of the English language is a top priority. Also I told them that they shouldn't post many one or two liners because they are considered spam. I got questions about are they really domains or just sub-domains, do they offer hosting too and other questions. I answered them all as best as I could but still didn't got consideration from them. Yes, I understand them that they can't believe me too much because I don't have a free domain w/ you, but if you only look for experiences from people you 'know' you can trust nothing would have existed by now, right? The thing that I don't like is that I showed them a proof and also told him to investigate if he really likes the offer (because I don't get anything from it, I just recommend a terrific site to a broader audience) but he obviously didn't do that.

I know that there are lots and lots of scams that try to say that they offer a free domain, but I usually Google for the offer to see personal experiences from real people w/ the domain 'offerer' to see if it's a scam or it's not.

BTW, thanks for your sincere replies :)

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To make it clear for such warez & SPAM users, Xisto needs to be clear how participation earns benefit for their business model. This way, it will be clear for such users that they're not welcome if they're having such intentions in mind.

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To make it clear for such warez & SPAM users, Xisto needs to be clear how participation earns benefit for their business model. This way, it will be clear for such users that they're not welcome if they're having such intentions in mind.

Absolutely! As you can read in my previous posts I made that perfectly clear to them, and they know the consequences if they start to spam or post illegal content :)

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First, kudos to miladinoski for spreading the word about Xisto! :)


To make it clear for such warez & SPAM users, Xisto needs to be clear how participation earns benefit for their business model. This way, it will be clear for such users that they're not welcome if they're having such intentions in mind.

Warez, and all other illegal activities, are barred from discussion at Xisto for one simple reason: they're illegal! Hence, to avoid legal issues, Xisto has a zero tolerance policy. In many countries it is not the person who posts the content, but the person who hosts it that becomes responsible for it. This is why any reputable web host will not allow illegal software, or anything close to it, to be hosted on their servers. For Xisto, that includes the forums.


Spam reduces the quality of the forums and makes them harder to use. It also impacts on the position of Xisto in the search engines. If Xisto drops down the search engines, less people sign up and use the forums. Of course it is beneficial to have Xisto as busy as possible, so that is why spam is not allowed. The second, and rather more obvious reason is that it is unfair. Say someone signs an account up and just copies advertising into 100 posts. The system would still issue them with myCENTs for those posts, and so they could get free hosting for no work or content. Soon, everyone would do it rather than making helpful and meaningful posts.

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