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I Hate Parents. _

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yah hating them, is normal. It will make you stronger in spirit someday I mean't courage, but if you don't have that much trust in yourself I think you'll fall into something pretty bad. So my advice is trust yourself before another, you'll learn that things will work out and do a living.Well to tell the truth, we bond to do something that will help or not at all; and ofcourse in relation with other people and etc. Such as friends, foe, environment, tradition, religion; everything around us will affect our behavior, well try to live a peaceful life.

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Parents..I Hate Parents.

My parents divorced when I was young,so after that my mom started smoke a lot and being a bi***,2 years later she found a man and he is now living with us but I hate him and he is always drunking,lost money etc..He is always fighting with my mom bout this problem cuz he drunk and lost money and if I'm doing something or I'm telling them something to make them happy my mom is hiting me and he is telling her what to do to me or he insult me...My father don't come to see me,but I wish to come see me because I wanna go to live with him/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley13.Gifhow should I tell my mom to break up with her stupid bf?Because I'm enough with all what's happing arround.I'm trying everything but nothin,and I start fight with my friends and start be to lonely and bad/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley13.Gif.Did at someone it's happing the same problem?

-question by Nyxurf

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I hate my parentI Hate Parents.

My parents always blame me for some stupid reason. I mean, I forgot my piano lessons sometimes but does it worth being blame? A simple "Don't forget your piano lesson again, ok?" won't kill!? My parents even forgot something that is important to me. Last year, when I made it from the B class to the A class (I tried to make them happy by that and they were when I showed them the letter)...After the holiday, they forgot (and when I was in B class, they always saying that I have to make it to A class and now they forgot). Damn it, it's not like everyone is perfect. They forced me to go to some f****** math school without asking me. They sold my dog (and it's my b-day present) and took away my computer! I hate them!

-reply by Mischievera

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Anti ParentsI Hate Parents.

Damn I'm never thinking at me...I'm thinking only at the problems I have...My mom wish me die so why I shouldn't want her die too.I can't pass the problems/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley6.Gif..Am only 13 and I have to go work for myself/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley13.Gif

-reply by Nyxurf

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I understand what u mean..........parents are very stupid..argue with kids, just because they think they are right and always knows whats best and sometimes turn right around and yell at their husband or wife. I cant stand it neither... i hate when my mom does stupid studd like that.. most of the time she yells and grounds me just for something little like the dishes or something.. but when her boyfriends talks crazy to her....she just giggles and tells him to stop playing...idk whats up with parents now and days.

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Parents. What the hell is their problem? If it's not barking at the children, it's arguing at each other. I mean, come on.. I don't choose sides of either of my parents. Is that the big problem? I mean, I am literally going nuts. I'm not exagerating either, I can be found (after they fight) crying. Yea, I cry. Deal with it. :rolleyes:
Anyway, why do people always have to hurt each other, especially after they've been 'hurt'. I mean, damn, I can never find it in myself ot be mad at someone for over a day, unless they consitantly cause me problems.

I hate my parent's! They never let u do any thing, for EX: my brother is 17 and has no job because my parents wont let him do it, and he dont even have a cell pone..and u see 8 year olds running around with black berry's and tough screen *BLEEP*!...and i mean i dont even have one yet and im six teen. Your prob/ wondering why im writing this, because im mad because my parents were going to let me go to a friend's house named paul to go to a birth day party for the maybe 2 time in 16 years, besides my OWN!!.. and paul's mom was going to pick us up,,causei could not walk because my mom to worried im going to get hit by a car and all that crap, i have no idea waht they going to do when i move out. But anyways they got mad cause i walk to pauls grandmas house and i was in the back of the truck and pulling out fixing to leave and they tell me to go home!!..really make up your mind,,dont get my hopes up and then change your mind wtf! And i mean its my spring break and i have not been out the house ONCE but today Apr 13? thats it, my parents go out to eat like every day, and dont take us nowhere ...man...i just wish DHR! could come and get me because im tired of living here i wonder why some people SUICIDE and cut their wrist and crap,,live with my parents for 16 years u will go freaking insane!!:|

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i dislike mine, their traditional and believe in (sometimes very severe) corporal punishment even though i'm in my teens, it doesn't stop either of them from quietly leading my out of the room and smacking the s*** out of me if a drop a plate, i mean i got used to it and honestly stopped crying past age 9, but i don't understand why they had me if they were just going to do this. on top of that i've paid a lot for their mistakes, financially they buy whatever they want whenever because that somehow makes more sense than keeping your mortgage afloat, i've had to do a lot of their paper work and even helped (pretty much did) my moms community college degree (for which my high school grades slip which i also go in crap for), i do all my dads office paperwork and it's like they act like stupid 20 year olds on purpose not caring about me at all, constant moving, me having to help them pay off loans. i've honestly just grown a bit indifferent towards my parents. i know i most certainly do NOT love or even mildly like them, i tolerate their presence, probably because they've spent my entire life pointing out all they do is tolerate me and my childish stupidities like wanting toys or a haircut (no seriously i had to beg to get my first haircut in a actual salon when i was 12, on my knees because my mother kept giving me a boy cut at home once a year), they are constantly yelling at for the mistakes they made with my older siblings who honestly with the drinking and other illegal things really left me no chance at ever having parents who gave a *BLEEP*. now its a bit like i'm being for to live in their house, doing all the household chores and renovations for another 2 years until i'm legal and can leave. not sure of it's normal to dislike them this much but i kind of do and can't wait do conpletely cut myself off from their world. and the insane thing is all the family i liked that were nice to me died, after the last one, i just sat there and thought Christ and f*** what the hell is going on and what did i deserve to get these complete deadbeats. i'm not sure if i'm being rude but i feel as if my happiness lies in never acknowledging their existence beyond repressed memories that refused to stay in the safe.

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