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Everything Is Dangerous!

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Is it me, or every time you open a Newspaper, turn on the News, or look on a News Website, there's another article on a food that was good for you last week, and now is supposedly bad for you. It seems everyday, something ELSE is bad for you. Is it all true though? I remember a few months ago, the news came up with something being bad; so, I kept off eating it for a while. Then, the next week, it apparently helps lower blood pressure or... something like that. :PSo what are your views on this? Do you go by everything in the newspapers? Or do you just ignore them, and eat what you think is healthy? Let us know!

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Well the way i look at it is this. if eating food is gonna give me cancer or something (which is the usual thing they say) Then i would naturally try to void it. Yet there's a reasonable chance ill get some form of cancer anyway so im not going to waste my life eating wheat and drinking water and nothing else just on the chance i might not get cancer, which in likelihood wont kill me anyway. It's just a waste of a life.Sure im all for extending my life but not at the cost of the enjoyment, theres no point in a long boring life if i can have a reasonably long fun life, its only going to be a few years anyway!Not only that but it seems the media and the human race in general is more obsessed with negative consequences than positive ones.

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the amount of things that 'cause' cancer is growing... but then again i remember there was a simmilar trend between cow flatulence and the hole in the o-zone layer...

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I don't really care about them. Sometimes, the research results conflict, like in one research article, it will say that coffee is good for you and you should drink more of it, but in another, it says coffee is bad and you should abstain from drinking it. So what do you do then?Basically I just use my common sense and basic knowledge to decide what's good for myself.

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It seems that every day the papers have a new 'superfood' and something else that will kill you by the end of the week. Personally I take no notice of them. I always use the DHMO controversy as a great example of not to believe everything you read :P Newspapers, magazines and websites all go for headlines that will grab your attention and make you read more. What is more attention grabbing than telling you they have found something that could lengthen your life, or is potentially taking years off it?

Everything in moderation is probably the simplest and the best advice when it comes to food.

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And that's all it probably is. A publicity stunt for new and current news media. They don't supply us with the good info'. It's generally just "THIS WILL KILL U. SO KEEP OFF IT" type headlines.

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Every now and then... a research team comes up with new stats about some food which increases the chance of cancer or heart attack by some percent ...but most of them are not worth giving notice....or at least following them in our routine...it is all media hype....just use your basic knowledge....there is no point taking all of them seriously.... as far as i am concerned i dont care about such things....

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Shocking discovery tonight - how living can kill you. Horrifying research shows that the vast majority of people who die were living.

[From a parody of the Australian current affairs show Today Tonight. Alright, so that wasn't the exact quote, but it was basically what it was trying to say.]


Almost everything's good in moderation.

Too much of anything can kill you.


A little bit of wine is supposedly good for you - and yet, you could easily die of alcohol poisoning by drinking too much. A bit of fat is good - fat is vital to survival - but you can always develop weight problems which delivers an plethora of health risks. rvalkass really touched on the point by bringing up dihydrogen monoxide. ^_^

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Our bodies are so complicated that it's difficult to determine what exactly is good for them and what is not. So much effort goes into trying to figure this out, but many different results are often obtained. Since we're all different, this makes sense to some extent. I think that as long as we keep biology in mind and remember that we evolved to survive and thrive in a natural enviorment, we can make smart food choices. That is, foods that were available to us millions of years ago, like fruit or nuts, are generally good for us, whereas things we've recently concoted such as Twinkies and Oreos generally aren't. Even supplements should be viewed with a skeptical eye. Our ancestors survived without them, so we shold be able to make it as well.No matter how much we try to defy nature, we cannot. Death, unfortunately, is inevitable, even if we want to optimize our nutrition to the fullest. We might as well be reasonable about it so that we can live life without spending every moment worrying if what we are eating is okay.

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One of the most dangerouse substances in our food today is aspartame, and i bet we all have it in some form or other. Aspartame is a sugar substitute that is used in most foods. i was reading about this only recently and aparently this stuff turn into fameldahide in your body (the stuff they embalm bodies with and is highly toxic) some countries have even banned it from there food industry, latest place to ban it i believe was Hawia, i think mexico has too. There is countless organization after banning this stuff, but as per usual the people who make this stuff is way too powerful to ever get beaten and admit they put poison in our food stuff. scarey stuff,,, i always check the labels these days to make sure it isnt in it. :)

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Yes it is ridiculous, all these conflicting news reports about "oh red wine is good for you" "wait its not" "oh its good for you again"Personally I don't pay much attention to these, I eat and drink what I want (in moderation of course).But for people who are very health conscious about what they eat these reports must be very confusing.Most of those reports are unrealistic numbers anyway like "oh eating this much of this will increase your risk by 1%". Pretty negligible in the big scheme of things.

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Dear friend it is just the matter of research and nothing else. It might be possible that while reserching a point a person may skip a point or two which in turn by some other scientist may point out. Thats it so sometimes a thing which is not healthy today may be healthy in some sense or the other tommorrow. Thats it. By the way I appreciate your approach due to which you were able to point such things out. Best of luck dear.?A very happy christmas to you dear friend.

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well, yeah, some people just like to exaggerate sometimesofcourse, some things contain too uch oil, some too much salt, whateverbut im not going to stay away from it the rest of my life ( except alcohol, which i nver hope to touch )Like they woul say Hamburgers would get you fat, but still ,once in a way, its ok :)

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