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Microsoft Puts Another Bid For Yahoo ($42 Bn)

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First off I am shocked that no one posted this already because the tech world is screaming all over the place about this. Microsoft has put out a huge bid to purchase Yahoo and of course everyone is looking at possibly the biggest merger since peanut butter and chocolate. Of course the United States and the European Union is looking at all the angels just to say what could happen if Yahoo accepts this offer, and that being the google threat that has taken nearly everything from Microsoft and Yahoo. Of course one of the big things is that Yahoo is losing its steam, and so that could be the factor that makes this deal start the possible 1-2 year process of what to get rid of and what to keep. Well as a loyal yahoo fan of the email service, news, games, movies, and yahoo answers, I would say just ingrate the systems into each other and make slight changes to both websites.Just get rid of the msn website and keep yahoo :o, but I would say just keep the websites as is, and just work on the search engines. However, the problem is though that they have to change it to that Page Rank system which means they would have to create one by scratch in order to match google's system to get better results and all that. Of course the other problem is business applications as well which is what really hurting both Microsoft and Yahoo especially since most of the applications google has made are free to us users, and are most likely making some huge money off government contracts and stuff.I would say though that would be the only way yahoo could survive would be this merger or yahoo could be gone by at least 2010 give or take.

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I heard about this on the news last night.I kind of shrugged it off though. I have no stock in either company, and in my eyes, Microsoft is simply offering to buy Yahoo out to get another cashflow coming in.If they plan on making a search engine and/or features that better what Google has to offer already, they'll have to work quite a bit to top the Google giant.Heck, if a company successfully puts itself into our culture, I think it's going to be hard to knock off. (How many times have you told or heard someone say, "Just Google it?")

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i agree with rayzoredge, even with Microsoft's acquisition of yahoo, which will most likely happen in the next three years or so, it will be impossible for them to topple google.

i actually think that microsoft will attempt to use this opportunity (acquiring yahoo) to try to spread their failed attempt at a new msn search (live search). i personally hate all the windows live 'innovations', and refrain from using hotmial at all nowadays. google offers perfect solutions in all areas: mail, search, google maps...

no-one uses live search because it is terrible. so, if microsoft attempt to incorporate live search into yahoo, wont that make people even more eager to get back to google?

besides, who does use yahoo? the only thing yahoo has that google doesn't is yahoo answers (which i must admit, i use quite often, and it is a genius idea, however i'm sure that google will catch up on that one as well). and, as rayzoredge said:

How many times have you told or heard someone say, "Just Google it?"

well, how many times have you heard someone say 'yahoo it'. im afraid the yahoo search engine will never be able to catch up to google.

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i heard about this along while ago i think it's not has bad as others has made it but i microsoft would never be stupid eanough to get rid of yahoo. webware made an analisit on what might get lost or which yohoo product or microsoft products would stay and most of yahoo stayed so that makes since most of the web stuff yahoo has beats anything microsoft has so it would be stupid to get rid of yahoo completely. merging might be a good idea but sometimems along the way it might loose some special qualities.
as for beating google at anything they will never beat the seach and i mean ever the name is seriously too cathy and they will kill Gmail it's not that great. :fart:


Just get rid of the msn website and keep yahoo

hey what's wrong with MSN i love it :o

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Yahoo! has apparently refused the original Bid, and Microsoft plans to continue the pursuit.Stay tuned, folks...

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My goodness! I thought that News is not real. But since, it's here, I should believe now. Yahoo! is a very popular site here in our country, most of our homepage here are Yahoo! but except me, I'm using Google. Yahoo! is a very great company, I cannot believe Microsoft wants Yahoo! And I think, Yahoo! should not end the fight, even if it is loosing it's team, they should keep it up nicely. But if they dont have any choice, then they should go for it.-Amiel

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i believed that yahoo had put down the offer a while ago i think they should have taken it i dont know why but i think it would have been very interesting if they did

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Yes, yahoo steam is going down. People are all going to Google or other places. If Yahoo and Microsoft were the same company, there would be no compeition at all. Microsoft-yahoo would win everything. I disagree with Microsoft buying Yahoo, Microsoft have enough as it is, they should just leave it at that.

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I'd like to see the government step in and stop this one, personally. Microsoft, the Evil Empire, has a bad tendency to build up monopolies and use Wal-Mart like tactics to destroy competition. What's more, the company is cheating the U.S. economy out of millions if not billions of dollars a year after they moved their company financial headquarters to Ireland, taking advantage of a financial loophole that allows them to get taxed according to Ireland's rates instead of the U.S.'s, which cheats the American economy big time. Gaining Yahoo would give them an even bigger monopoly over the computer/internet world then they have already. Yahoo still has a lot Google can't offer at the same level, though Google wins on Mail and Search Engines. Yahoo is better known for its Instant Messenger, for example, for its homepage (MyYahoo), for its games section, and for its groups. If anything, Yahoo might just be struggling because of all the features they have which need a lot of maintenance, and might do better if cutting out some of the less popular ones. It might also be a case of their CEO/administrators getting paid too much.It's been pointed out that American companies tend to overpay their CEO and top officers while Japanese companies use that money on workers, as evidenced by the struggling of American companies Ford and GM who've tried to solve the problem by firing workers and moving to other countries where labor is cheaper, even as Japanese company Toyota has created many factories in the U.S. and is prospering due to their better spending which is less management-directed.Perhaps one of the best things we could do to make companies like Yahoo more competitive would be to place caps on what companies could pay their management/CEO's, perhaps no more than 10 times that of the average worker. For one thing, it doesn't make sense for CEO's to make so much more than the President. :P

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That is a bid, that is a very huge bid, and that is hat i call of bid, a serious investment in something that you beleave that is going to work just because you know and feel, or in this case, microsoft just bids this much because bill gates has the money to besides the fact that he is very interested in the yahoo company, that is obvious and evident, of course.Not that i care but, if microsoft buys yahoo, google has to take care a lot more with their future, at least concerning the future of their enormous and organized projects for the web and outside the web too, obviously they are connected, that is why google has projects for both sides, both for the virtual and real worlds, if you know what i mean.I am bidding too, i bid1 billion that microsoft is goign to achive is goal, and yahoo is going to be owned by bill gates.Who bids not?

Edited by Lyon2 (see edit history)

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Well Yahoo and Microsoft has always made their two im services have the ability to talk to other people who has a yahoo account and they dont own a msn account. When i first saw that i believed that it was the first steps on microsoft and yahoo becoming a whole company. I think Yahoo should accept the bid i dont think microsoft will shutdown the whole yahoo site and force everyone to come to hotmail. Cause if they did that the whole purpose on buying yahoo will be a waste.

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I thought Microsoft was entirely self-sufficient. Why does it need to buy out Yahoo anyway? To eliminate 90% of the (small, anyway) competition?If Microsoft tries to assimilate Yahoo into Hotmail, their databases will crash because there are a lot of duplicate names. You can't just force half the Yahoo account people to change their names to add a "_2" at the end. That's both illegal and undemocratic. If Microsoft does that, a lot of Yahoo mail people will switch to Gmail... mainly because it's much less clogged and there is no such thing as incompatibility issues when it comes to email. Well, then again, maybe Microsoft will make its own protocol for sending email, thereby shuuting the non-Hotmail people out from Hotmail... maybe they'll call it MMTP (Microsoft Mail Transfer Protocol) or WLMTP (Windows Live Mail Transfer Protocol)... I wonder how unpopular it will be by then...

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