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The End Of The World By December 21, 2012

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I would just like to point out to whoever even started this post that maybe they should actually read the bible before they say stupid stuff...Complete rubbish...The bible has no such date in it...In revelations its does talk about the end...And for all you non believers and science people that means dooms day for you...If you would only except that the reason you are even here on this earth is because of something greater. Then you wouldnt even be worrying about anything like this...All you people are doing is working for satan...He puts things like this out there to take away from the glory of God...And I would also like to point out that the Mayans were idol worshipers...And the bible talks about the damnation of civilizations who displeased Him...Ie Saddam and Gamorah...Plus there are many things that must happen before "the world ends"...Btw earth turns into hell so technically the world will not be "destroyed"...And if your really worried about the fate of the world than maybe you should think about what you do and how sick the world is...We are the reason this will happen because we are a sickening thing to even look at...So if you are really worried about it and it consumes you than maybe you should look at the life you live...-reply by humble

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is the end really going to end on december 21, 2012?The End Of The World By December 21, 2012

No, the end of the world will not end on december 21, 2012.  :)  So don't worry. It won't end . Nobody knows when it's going to end.

-reply by Eva

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The world will end like a thief in the night, and when everyone is merrying, eating & drinking  as the bible told us, even the Angels in heaven doesnt know the time, but God alone decides, the world could end everyday, But as I figured the signs are great wars famines, Pestilence, and natural disasters, as I had been for thousands of years, after the great flood,

Mankind is weak, in a way of flesh, wealth, and power, and that makes the world perverted from its natural begginings, who is right and who is assured of heaven is only known to God in heaven,

Whether you are into different sect, or creed, its your belief, as long as your religion teaches,  Respect and help & love others as if you are doing it to God. And not to hurt and cruelty to the poor and the weak.

So we might as well be ready everytime, follow Gods rules and love and help others, because one day it might be late for us to do good than all the bad things we have done to others,  Life might go on or not,

Theres a new heaven on earth right after the judgement day, If you are one of the lucky one who would inherit the new heaven, then its your lucky day with a life without end.

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I BELIEVEThe End Of The World By December 21, 2012IN QURAN says a time will come that all humans will not trust on God and then jesus crist will come back to earth and he will preach for 40 years to humans and make them believe onto God which we name it ALLAH..After 40 years preaching,earthquakes will occure alot,floodings will start.World will come under water again third time.And sun will lower itself onto earth.And every human will die then again on the will of God everyone will wake up again and judement day will start,that day will be that long as much as 70 hundred thousand years long one day..Then people will get thier good and bad results,bad ones in hell fires and good ones in Heaven.So my point of view is that anyone who believes in science please tell me this that can sicence make one drop of blood,can sicence make one small peice of human skin?and third thing is that can sicence tell us what spirits are?where they come from to human bodies and where they go?nobody can ever find this out.Cause God said in Quran nobody knows when judment day is or where from a human spirit comes from and where it goes..All these 2012 things are lies.Nothing is going to happen.Only have faith in God and pray for good and healthy life..And don't do sins..Be good everyone-reply by wais

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Human stupidityThe End Of The World By December 21, 2012

I completely agree, all this was brought up by people who claim to know the bible better than anyone else, and yet in the bible it says directly to never put a date on the end of the world. I personally think man-kind has been killing its self from stupidity, by bring stress onto itself, starting wars over petty things like oil or other resources, electing presidents or other leaders who deceive us all yet many believe their simpleton lies. The world as we know it might end in 2012 but will the world seize to exist, I don't think so. Because of all this talk about the end of the world though, many people with little to no brain will be scared and worry them selves to death, literally. I can see it now, just like when the book reading of war of the world happened, many idiots will kill themselves thinking that the world is over and there is no chance of living. We as a human race have made fools of ourselves time and time again. We need to forget the past completely, forget imagination for a little while, and let the human race get on even grounds. This way people can be more understanding, have a mind of their own, and before listening to some scholar who says he has predicted the end of the world by reading the bible, people will say "really I am going to read this also to see what I think" then realize that most of what comes out of religions mouth is nothing but lies and things they want the followers of that church to believe. That will be the day, the day when people can say huh, all this time I was just listening to what people were telling me, and I was an idiot for doing so.

-reply by Joey


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Why do you believe in myths?The End Of The World By December 21, 2012I think that people should just wait and see because in the bible it says NOBODY knows when the world will end also people of the world should think it also says that God says that people stop thinking about God and respecting him so by believing what these people are saying thats disrespecting him so just stop believing this crap and start thinking about the word of gog also don't listen to everything fake scientist because like we all know nobodies perfect and you have to perfect to know when the worlds going to end so don't believe the movie 2010 because they don't know they are being payed to scare the children of the world but I think they are just sick sick people that need to follow and read every last page of the bible not just what people direct you to read because by doin that you are mocking the word of God THINK SOMETIMES PEOPLE.-reply by Rayanna

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Actually the Bible does not say the world will end on that day the Mayan calendar does.
And actually the Mayan calendar does not say the world will end on that day but a significant event that will change the world will happen on that day.

The day that the Mayan calendar says the world will end is sometime around the year of 3620.

Who knows what will happen on this exact date though, we will just have to wait and see. The Mayans believed the same events occur again and again throughout time, that is that time is sort of 'revolving.' Some experts believe that the Mayans predicted certain world events that have happened so far, though the wording of these events is sketchy.

We may not be able to predict the end of the world but one thing is for sure, we can end this world.

I reallly* like this it made me feel alot better if you could email me more what you know i would love it!

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<a href=http://forums.xisto.com/topic/47161-the-end-of-the-world-by-december-21-2012/page-6#entry436170 to iGuest</a> The bible is not rubbish... And thw world will not end in 2012 beacsue there are 7 years before the end of the world when the anti-christ arives and none of the signs foretold in the bible hove been seen although (this is me I don't know about anyone else and I really don't care what you think of obama) I think that Obama might be either a demon helping the anti-christ, the anit-chirst himself, a human helping the anti-christ, a terroist, or just a person.<p> </p>

Okay so if you think this about Our President what the hell did you think about Jake *bottom* Prsident G.W Bush. You must be a very wealthy person and the laws that Obama is getting passed so every American can have a chance to provide for the families is what taking some money from you. What has Obama done that makes you feel he is a demon or anti chirst. I have not heard him say anything like this or do anything that makes him seem like that. I think the time has come for those who where first to becomelast & those whom where last to BeCOME first thats all. God said no one will know when the day hour comes for the end, but yes all that has been happenning in thw world is written in the bible they are signs of the world in the last book of the bible,

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http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This link has a HUGE AMOUNT OF 2012 THEORIES FROM EVERY ANGLE so you can DECIDE FOR YOURSELF what's going to happen. You can even join the 2012 membership zone and be updated on all new research,theories,movies, and documentaries that come out instead of having to spend all your time digging through useless sites on the net. If you are ready to get down to business with 2012 just click the link above. Have a good one, truth seekers.

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December 21, 2012..
The Bible says thats the day the world ends on 2012

The Mayan Calender (very accurate..) says thats the exact day the world will end.. the calender stops at that date

The Egyptians did too.

Everything says that the world will end on that date.. I saw a documentary about it on the History Channel.. It was really interesting..

What do you think? Will it happen or it's just another fake?

For me it will not happen .how can we say that the world will end in exact 21st of December 2012? God only knows our future..we have no right to say that because we just only an individual and we have no right to judge about world's end..so if u believe that the world will end and then believe it. no one stops you.. But for me, i don't believe that.because i know there has no end of the world......

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I don't think so, i think that 21 December of 2012 will be a normal day like the other days, actually it is close and we will soon find out that we are true or not :D . no one can say when the world ends and we even don't know when it has been started, i don't think that the world ends soon maybe thousands of years later it will but for now it will survive, maybe you think i don't want to accept that but i will say you something, we all don't know when we will die and it is very good because when you know it then you will not enjoy your life because you always worry about that you don't have enough time for something and this will make you disappointed and you will not do anything positive. so this is why i think that no one can say when the world ends because the GOD doesn't want us to know and by this we have to live like there is no tomorrow and never forget that maybe i never see the sunshine again so by being like this you will be on the road of progress and you will never do what you have to do late.Now i have seen many documentaries about this but all of them ended without any specific answer, in all documentaries you will end up with no answer so this shows that science can not prove that, i do not even think about that when there is no prove for it, i ca say 13 july 2210 is the end of the world, will you accept it ? so if i say that and my brother say that too and even thousands of people say that will you accept it ? if a thing mentioned in many books or being accepted by many peoples doesn't mean that thing is true. now look how countries has been planned their works they even have a plan for their next 100 years so wise peoples will never plan their works based on these things, they now that these are only things that are made to make peoples minds busy so they will not think about more important things and they will start to argue with each other about the things that they don't even know how it will happen. So my suggestion is to forget this thing, do your work and plan for your next years as you want.

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December 21, 2012..


The Bible says thats the day the world ends on 2012


The Mayan Calender (very accurate..) says thats the exact day the world will end.. the calender stops at that date


The Egyptians did too.


Everything says that the world will end on that date.. I saw a documentary about it on the History Channel.. It was really interesting..


What do you think? Will it happen or it's just another fake?






I really dont know if the world will end. I ask god to not have it end because i will only live to be 1o years old. God if you are watching me. "Don't let the world end. It will scare me." " All my friends will be scared too." "Iknow that it was going to end in 2000 or in 1999 and it never did" Dont let it end we will save the world

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The Bible says that 'when Jesus returns' there will be 7 years of tribulation. The there will be a one-thousand year reign of Christ before the earth will end with fire.Daniel 9:24-27 2 Peter 3:7-13Revelation 20:4

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there is only described that that a significant change and that couldbe a earth quake or 3rd world war for resources or anything but notend of time every religion has predicted somewhat end of time if youcan really synchronize then you can have your answer personally idon't thnk anyone has made a solid statement beside creating asensation to sell their books :angry:

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