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What Happens After Death? a theory beyond death or life on this earth

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As I've been reading others posts, and contemplating the post I knew I would be making(am making now) it seemed only apropriate that these ruminations occured while listening to General Conference. For those who know or care to look up that reveals what religeon I belong too, but be warned what I am about to type is more analytical and definately not how it is written as doctrine of my faith.


To have an idea of where we are going we need to look at where we come from. The ascent of man in the scientific record is a thoery that has several broken links that while time has served to connect several disjunctions has not as yet been sufficient to fully link the chain. Also, when the latest knowledge of our genetic family tree is laid next to other succesful species it looks suspiciously pruned. I limit it to succesful species because there is no denying the human family is an evolutionary success. Other species with world spanning populations such as cats, dogs, rabbits and foxes (again I only reference species that have been successes without human caretaking, most have been influenced by humanity but have their successes without us) have many branches, many subspecies with significant differences reaching back to branchings tracable though the eons. Ours looks peculiarly linear, at each tracable branching it gets a pruning at that or a branching later, as if there was only one viable strain being preserved, again a pattern that fits a failing species not a vibrant one.


Darwinism says that natural selection will breed a species fit to rule the niche it tries to fill. Chaos theory as aplied to Darwinism says that the parts of a wind up watch put in a bag and shook will eventually result in an assembled working watch. That's a bit of an aproximation but essentially what it means; With all the right parts in the right place the result will be - eventually - order. The problem is that without something nudging things in the right way at the right time, a pile of parts will not make a watch, a bundle of amino acids will not make an animal. Yes, meet my reasoning for intelligent design. Something wanted this world to become the way it is, with green growth, crawly bitey things, running digging things and flying things. That 'something' took a species with marginal succesful survival traits and nurtured it through the ages to become the dominant species on the earth. Why would anyone, any intelligence, spend eons tending this garden? I see two possibilities, the cyinical view or the social view; either we are an experiment, a petri dish tended by a scientist, or a father has prepared a home for his family.


Now, we come to recorded history(and re-recorded, and re-recorded) even though most of it is religeous history. Though the tales told by the Bible follow one family's journey through the treacherous shoals of history it also communicates plainly that the 'chosen people' were not the only people, just the only ones that were guided by God and kept a record that survived to spread throughout the world. It is no surprise that all this happened in the region know as the cradle of civilization; it held a combination of ideal factors conducive to the survival of any social species. Yes, that view assumes that the intelligence guiding the development of the species of man is the 'God the Father' of the bible. It fits the profile of what can be deduced by the pattern seen developing in scientific history. There were many times in human history where the entirety seemed about to implode under it's own weight or explode itself into ity-bity bits, and several of those turning points were marked by someone stepping up and returning reason to the procedings or by a group picking up all they hold most dear and fleeing the impending destruction. So, understanding that any record is corrrupted from true by the bias inherent in the viewpoint of the authors and the subsequent translators/re-interpreters, we still extract from these and other records that there is a God, a Supreme Being, that established a place for the Human Family to dwell.


Now we come to why; why was such a place needed? Well, why does any father of any species create a space, feather a nest, organize an inhabitation? To propogate, to raise up the next generation, to bring about more running furry things and feathered flying things etc. But there is an apparent disconnect here. He acts like a father, yet our lineage is traceable back to the cro-magnon/neanderthal era. And to all apearances it ends when we return to the dust. Something is going on here that we can't see. Like the first glimpse through a microscope revealed bacteria, we need something to alter our ability to percieve in a way that can reveal more. But it doesn't exist, all that is left to us is our ability to reason and what few records remain. Why would an omnipotent being be protective and patient with such an obstinant group? The only possible social answer is that he is our Father in a way that is not quantifiable by scientific measure. No amount of scientific measuring has been able to confirm that there is a spirit that separates from the body at death though there are scientific measures to suggest it, and many a personal account to confirm it. Those of a Jungian psycological bent would say that Near Death Experiences and Out-of-Body flights are a manifestation of the collective unconscious in a dream-like state. It doesn't explain why, with many varied cultures and views of death and afterworlds, these experiences encompass the globe in their amazing similarities. So, with conjunctive evidences and a lack of contradictory evidence, let us base our further reasonings (though some would call them flights of fancy) upon this idea that is stated in the Bible, that God is the father of our spirits.


I wish to take a few moments to point out the diferences in maternal instincts and paternal instincts. The mother of a newborn, with a natural affection, has loved the child of her womb for months before she ever sees it's little scrunched face or wiggly arms and legs. The father posessed of natural affection, on the other hand, loves the mother. He has little personal affection for this baby as an individual, but as a part of his beloved, as someone she loves with all her heart, from that perspective the baby is precious. A personal attatchment will grow in the father as the baby grows into a distinct individual with whom he can then connect. Yes, there are blurring of those lines in individual examples, but in general this social order holds true. Bearing that in mind, the idea forms that there was experiences enough before we were born into mortal forms for God to get to know us as individuals. If it were a matter of spirit stuff being formed and stuffed straight into a mortal shell we would have a religeous history of a mother goddess getting to know us even as we get to know ourselves. So, knowing a father's care for the future of his offspring, we are here in a mortal shell learning what we do of Him and life because it is the best place for us to develop, like a child sent to school.


So, what does that say about our future, after this classroom called life? Our spirits will survive our mortal deaths. We will form new associations and renew old ones. We will help each other to cope with the new understanding of reality we will have having shed the liability of an imperfect body. And if we can grow and learn from that experience we will have a chance at being an adult member of our species. Like a pupa becomes a catepillar and a catepillar becomes a butterfly, there may be many seasons to our development but the butterfly is in our future.

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In the Hindu Mythology you have answer fot this. Read the book "Garuda Purana".But i warn you, read a your own risk. As in hindu it is belived that the book should be read only if u want to die and reach god.Coz after reading this you are sure to know the secret of life after deathso hence you will loose your eligiblity to live in this world and your soul will be pulled out from yopur bosy.So even i have not read.I Dont know its truth or false. But to warn before you read was my duty.

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What do you all think happens after death? I will post my theory after listening to you all.


Notice from BuffaloHELP:
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I got an interesting theory. This theory popped in my mind by watching a certain Anime


1. What is Death?

2. Why there is Death?


Ans. 1 >> Death can be said as when our body,cells stops working or moving since a person is not receiving a signal from the brain.


Ans. 2 >> This is Natural Cycle If one Dies other can survive.



Think according to legends, Holy books and different religions that long ago people can live for 100 of years right. But Now it seems that our Life is Shortened. It can be explained by saying that Natural cycle of Balancing. At Olden age there where less population so people lived longer to create a balance between the gate of two world or parallel worlds. (I'll explain about the gate and parallel worlds later on)...


Today there are more death but also there is a high population also....



Now Assume that there are two or more worlds like ours but there may be different scenario with similar person but different personalities or like in this world mechanic is much developed but at same time in other world chemistry , biology or something else...


Now think there is a SINGLE GATE in one world means there is only one passage from one world to travel where gate can be said as a straight line but got many many doors to open inside that passage.


Now in World no. 1 there is a person named 'A' and in the World no. 2 there is a person named 'B' like same person but different personalities.


Now Suppose, that 'A' is dying and at the same time 'B' got a strong feeling to do something like creating some thing. So, Once 'A' is dead then his/her LIFE changes in to Energy passes from 1 world to 2 like 'B' is attracting 'A'. So that he/she can fulfill his/her dream.


Now Let say there is 'n' number of worlds 'n' number of person 'n' number of personalities.

So, this cycle goes on.....

But what do you think about the energy of a person Life happens after this cycle. It means that Person 'A' is not Dead he is living with one of is his personality by evolving together with another personalities.


It seems that this process is created to create an Ultimate Being that can live with GOD or SUPERNATURAL POWER or MASTER or Heavenly Being what ever may be the name of this power.


According to this theory <<>THERE IS NOTHING CALLED AS DEATH WE ARE LIVING FOR SOME REASON> but some times we cannot tell apart the reason that whther we fulfilled or not


Thank you


There may be some mistakes But this is Just mine theory

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Nobody knows, and no one can really say for sure before they are dead. But then it is a bit too late... What you think happens after death, depends on your beliefs. You can say what you think.As I have said a million times before, I do not really believe in anything. Religion is not important for me, or for almost everyone else here. Most people do not care, they just live their life by the second. I have slitted thoughts about this topic.1. There is nothing more.You get this life, and that is it. When you are dead, you are dead. There is no further life, and there is no "heaven."2. There is something more...I do not know what it is, but something like a heaven is my closets though. Not a "Heaven full of angels singing and God welcomes you"-heaven, but a place where you meet those you met, knew and loved in your life. This is something many would prefer, but for me it would be quite boring living forever. It is like an unstoppable Sims game. Forever is a very long time, and that is not something I would prefer. Life is all you have got. If it is a heaven or not, it is important to live day by day, second by second. Because if there is nothing more, and you did not use your life good enough... well, to bad for you.

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Time is a relative thing.

What we come to believe and accept throughout our lives, essentially becomes our life after death.

If we're dying, who is to say in that last bit of brain activity, our last moments become an eternity inside our brains. Time is relative remember. Anyways, what you make of your life after death becomes what occurs as you die. What takes moments physically can take an eternity on a relative level that we can't comprehend. This is why people that are brought back from being dead momentarily, can account for a vision of life after death. It is their own thoughts being shaped by an eternity that we can't detect or comprehend. This is my scientific reasoning. This is a gift given to us.

On a different note... all you religious people. God loves everyone and everything. There is a place in heaven for EVERYONE. Hell does not exist, it is a made up place created by people (like the church) who sought to control people by creating divine human law. The bible was, after all, written by man. That is my religious belief.

I think tinin has seen jet li's movie, "The One" a few too many times. Yet he said it was an anime? I'm curious which one. PM me tinin 'n let me know ^_^

Edited by adrianator (see edit history)

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Being atheist and completely not believing in anything, i think that as soon as we die we get put in the earth in a big wooden box then chewed up by worms, I'd be happy feeding the worms, but I'd rather have my ashes sprinkled over Fox's glacier.

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What do you all think happens after death? I will post my theory after listening to you all.

Notice from BuffaloHELP:
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I really believe in ghosts.

Case from life :

My cousin made seance with her friends, and they brought up a spirit of I don't know who.

And.. One of her friend made the spirit angry, and the spirit told her that she will die in one year from today.

The days passed, And one year after came. The same girl was eating her luanch with her brother, and suddenly

Got strangled. She tried to ask her brother to help her and he thought she is tricking him so he said :"Oh stop it already, I don't buy it.."

She's dead now, and it was like the spirit promised.

Ghosts really cripping me out :S

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first maggots will start eating our body in till all our remains are yet again recycled in natures everlasting cycle. You where born from your mothers womb sustained by nutrients from the food she ate which then was siphoned to you through the umbilical cord, the same very thing that was used to create your life will be your fate when you die. From the maggots your remains may become fertilizer for a tree or Maybe even nutrients for a fetus still in the womb.This alone is proof to me that God does in fact exist, how would this ingenuous system be created from? The theory that we are all here by coincidence is the most naive idea a simple man can come up with to ease his mind.

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ok, i wont read all post here because i already know your opinions about death, afterlife, god, and such stupidi dont get it how ppl hang their "rope of life" after some old fairytales. humanity really need to wake up and open its eyes. PPL, theres not god, no hell, no heaven, no satan and no judgement day. there's only you and only you can make your way in life, not me, not god, not anyone else. its your life. dont let some non-sense wash your brain. just because some ancient freak priests wrote that 2012 is that last day of the world, people now think they have 4 years of life. IT SUCKS!!!to the topic: what happens after death?ARE YOU SERIOUS???!!! there is nothing after death. and if there is, there's no way we can know it. Tell me something: did anyone died and returned from the dead...and told us about life after death??? no??? OF COURSE NOT!!! those who die, die. there no way of coming back. get real now. :)

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ok, i wont read all post here because i already know your opinions about death, afterlife, god, and such stupidi dont get it how ppl hang their "rope of life" after some old fairytales. humanity really need to wake up and open its eyes. PPL, theres not god, no hell, no heaven, no satan and no judgement day. there's only you and only you can make your way in life, not me, not god, not anyone else. its your life. dont let some non-sense wash your brain. just because some ancient freak priests wrote that 2012 is that last day of the world, people now think they have 4 years of life. IT SUCKS!!!

Many assertions without taking time to prove your statements.

to the topic: what happens after death?ARE YOU SERIOUS???!!! there is nothing after death. and if there is, there's no way we can know it. Tell me something: did anyone died and returned from the dead...and told us about life after death??? no??? OF COURSE NOT!!! those who die, die. there no way of coming back. get real now.

Even if i showed you a video, say, this one, you'd still doubt. So there's no point for you to be arguing against life after death. You still have to prove that it's not possible to die and come back to tell about it.

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Now I do believe that when you are flat lined there is a window where you can be brought back to life, either its like 1 minute or something but it is possible. Now of course that is if it's not natural causes for the flat line/death. But in fact if you "die" for 5 seconds, do you have no memories of this. Because that is exactly what being dead is. Is it like a computer that is turned off, only to be turned on 5 seconds later? Almost like a black standby on life. I don't know if I am making any sense but this topic really brought a lot of attention to me today. Imagine your lose of consciousness and what life would be like. Are you reborn. It really makes you question the reason for any existence if it is going to be destroyed eventually but at the same time makes you take into account each life as a priceless piece of nature.

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Ok here is my explanation because of my religion and plus i strongly believe in it.After death you can see the whole world including the mysteries known to man. You are taken to a place no one knows and you will be questioned about your life. Depending on that you shall face what is awaiting until the day of judgement. Then you are questioned about your religion and your maker. Then hell and heaven is decided for you. In my religion everyone goes to heaven after they are punished for their bad deeds. You just have to pray 5 times and those bad deeds wash off so therefore if you pray you are clean.

There is no judgement - humans made that one up. As we are all quantum particles there's no such thing as death. We are just the Universe unfolding and conscious.
There will be no questioning - unless you question yourself. Science tells us that we are made of the same stuff as the rest of the universe. There is no separation between you, me, the stars, sewage lines, trees, maggots, lions, gold mines (can you think of anything else?). We are made of energy waves formed into a complex pattern as a result of the Big Bang.

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