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Trap17 And Server Bill? How do you guys manage...

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Since guys on T17 dont put forced ads on members sites i need to ask one question. How do you manage to pay bills for server if you dont make money through our sites? I see you got ads on forum but is it enough to cover expenses? I really want to know how do you do this.

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Well i belive T17 is part of a bigger corporation called xisto or something, im just going on what ive seen on the bottom of the forums! So i assume they get some finance from there maybe? but i think most if not all finance cmes from the ads and possibly from Xisto - Web Hosting partnership.

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I think that this is why you have to post here in this forums if you want an account...Most of today's advertising measures the amount of trafic on ones site and pay acorrdingly...So this is how Xisto is financed - you post -> they have a lot of traffice --> advertising companies pay for it...Plus I think that xisto has other sources of income...like paid hosting and stuff...Hope it explains..

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This is something I never really gave a thought to. I just thought it was because of the posts and the traffic, but what if its not the only way they make money to pay the bills? I guess thats when xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting come along.

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Trap's parent company has several web sites and web hosting services and also free ad based hosting services. And having 26231 users registered in a website is not a easy task, so definitely advertising here in Xisto will be very expensive.

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Like the others have said, Xisto makes money from google ads and other companies. They also make a majority of their money from Computin Host Sometimes in the begining and I think every once and a while now OpaQue might have to pay the difference but I'm not sure. That's why they have the posting for credits, to keep you on the forums.

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That is pretty Much how it is done. The money is coming from all the xisto sites, most from paid hosting from computing and ad's from Xisto.net

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I get it. That is todays situation, but how was it in start? When T17 didnt have so much members and reputation. example: i started my free web hosting service and payout for server is $200 monthly. I want to offer great service to my members but i need to get money somehow to keep up servers running. How can i do this? What are the ways to get money so i can keep my host running.i hope you now understand what am i talking about. and no i didnt started my hosting service, i am just asking.

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I want to offer great service to my members but i need to get money somehow to keep up servers running. How can i do this? What are the ways to get money so i can keep my host running.

The major part of finance comes from Xisto - Web Hosting. Advertisements on Xisto and other sites bring in just enough to cover other small fees, such as over usage of bandwidth, license fees and some support but not enough to fund the entire free hosting services.

The key is having lots of paid hosting services. Many members have gone from Xisto free web hosting to paid Xisto - Web Hosting service. In a way, Xisto was a just a stopping place to get a little taste of what Xisto - Web Hosting can provide.

Second would be having other reliable service other than web hosting. Xysis is the advertising media service for all Xisto Corporation. This is very similar to Adsense but it's OpaQue's own company. Driving sales and advertisement within Xisto Corp is better than giving Adsense the entire business. But, it doesn't hurt to profit from using Adsense :lol:

So think of another medium where you can offer to your customers and still profit from it. That would be your second source of income.

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Try looking at https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw. Its a service where google places ads realvent to your page on your page and pays you for it. You need to be over 18 to use it.

Good one

If you guys want to know how Xisto became so big,
Here is the Xisto Story given by our admin OpaQue

thanks for this.

Thanks to BufalloHelp i now understand.

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