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Christmas Before Halloween Jumping the gun a little.

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It really galls me when stores start putting out the Christmas stuff before Halloween. What about Thanksgiving? It is a forgotten holiday. I guess because people don't give gifts on Thanksgiving. The reason for each holiday has been lost in the fanaticism of sales. For goodness sake, as soon as Christmas is over the Valentines and Easter products will hit the shelves.


In our travels we have already seen Christmas trees in peoples windows. I love Christmas, but it is a season, not the last quarter of the year. Some people seem to leave their Christmas lights up year round and only light them during the season. Seems as if holidays, like sports, have all run together. There is no delineation between them anymore.

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You refer to Hallowe'en as a holiday? Explain. No-one gets the day off on Hallowe'en, it's not a nationally recognised event. It's mid-November so of course shops are advertising for Christmas. It's the time when people begin to think about what to buy so and so for it and they need some help deciding.No-one's put up any decorations around here yet and there is a gap between them. Just because shops are advertising Christmas, it doesn't mean it IS Christmas.

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You refer to Hallowe'en as a holiday? Explain. No-one gets the day off on Hallowe'en, it's not a nationally recognised event.
It's mid-November so of course shops are advertising for Christmas. It's the time when people begin to think about what to buy so and so for it and they need some help deciding.

No-one's put up any decorations around here yet and there is a gap between them. Just because shops are advertising Christmas, it doesn't mean it IS Christmas.

We don't get valentines off either, and people concider that a holiday....Halloween is a holiday.

I don't mind the whole christmas before halloween thing. It reminds me that christmas/halloween/thanksgiving season is here, and its my favourite season/time of the year. [Mostly due to the fact that its the only time in cali where its sort of cold]. Actually for the past few years it seems christmas has been kind of forgotten, it just doesn't have the same feeling as it once did. All the christmas props, halloween props, and thanksgiving pops make me actually happy, i don't really look at them as sales, i look at them more of a statement, and a feeling...I don't know how to explain it really.

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I don't see the point of putting up all the decorations and what not before Thanksgiving because that's still a Holiday. I put mine off a few days or even a few weeks after Thanksgiving is over. Stores I don't know, stores are stores there is nothing you can do about that. They want to try and make as much money as they can off their business so go ahead and sell what you can. I don't see what the point is at Wal-Mart though with the 50 some odd days til Christmas. I think it's funny though how when I went to pick some stuff up at the garden part of the store inside there was nothing there but Christmas stuff.

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I couldn't agree with you more Mich. My neighbor usually puts up his Christmas lights before Halloween. People are just so excited for Christmas that they have to celebrate earlier. But why celebrate 2 months before it. It's like me saying I'm going to buy a pumpkin for Halloween in August. Christmas is so popular it has just come to this. We haven't totally lost Thanksgiving though, people still go out and buy turkeys. The stores will do whatever they can to sell more stuff, that's why they are already stocking Christmas stuff. People go 50 days early Pleno so they can beat the crowd. Plus, the are trying to get things before the price is jacked up for Christmas. 50 is a little extreme though, maybe 30 days before would be better.

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Hah, that's nothing... I've got annoying people downstairs playing with firecrackers BEFORE Halloween! :blink: Obviously they like New Year and all, but I wish they'd use it during the right ocassion. It's really annoying having them go off when you least expect it. Then you go and jump in surprise... It's not fun. Really... it's not.

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You refer to Hallowe'en as a holiday? Explain. No-one gets the day off on Hallowe'en, it's not a nationally recognised event.

I assumed Mich was referring more to the date and month than to Hallowe'en as a holiday. The argument being that putting advertisements and decorations up in October, two months before the actual event, is extreme.

Try being in Canada. Some places get stuff up before Thanksgiving - and that's the third week of October here! Talk about skipping a holiday that doesn't celebrate buying things (other than food)....

I guess you can also argue the meaning of "holiday" - it doesn't mean "Holy Day" anymore, does it? Does it mean a day you get off, though, or a day that refers to a special event? Is it anything a group of people celebrate, or anything the card companies think they can get money off of?

Man, tonnes of cynicism in this topic. ^-^

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It's pretty much a given that Christmas is over commercialised these days. The Christmas stuff is out many months before hand, and slowly works its way into shops until come a month or so before and bang ~ Christmas department arrives. I have to agree with Mich; once one holiday is over, the next one starts essentially, with stores stocking up and promoting well before hand. Easter Eggs start appearing in January/February. It's crazy. (Does anyone actually buy that far ahead? Especially as prices are inflated)...

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