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Cocaine Energy Drink

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If you all haven't heard, there's a new energy drink on the market called Cocaine. It's been all over the news recently because of it's high levels of caffeine (I think it was 285 milligrams per can, which is like 3 times as much as Monster and Red Bull.) And since that rapidly increases heart rate, there's concern that it may cause numerous heart attacks. More off-topic though, 711 just told its franchises to take it off the shelves because they thought the name Cocaine was objectable, and since this stuff is only sold in 6 states, it's all over eBay as expected. Anybody had this stuff yet?

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Well to add on to that bit of news their are supposed to be 500 new energy drinks coming out next year alone. I'm surprise no one has died from these yet. I know a guy who went through 6 cans a day and I was damn.

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you know, in the UK some guy got arrested for driving under the influence after drinking 23 red-bullsand another person died from heart failure because of the amount of caffeine injested.these things can be dangerous, but god are they wonderful :lol:i wouldnt be able to live without energy drinks, i have a very very busy schedule

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these types of things can be totally avoided if people in today's age took care of themselves. I'm not saying i take perfect care of myself. But i am saying that there wouldn't be a need for Energy Drinks if people got the amount of sleep their body needs each night, and that varies throughout people, because i know i feel well rested and energized after about 4 hours of sleep, but if i get more than 6 i will feel lazy and grogey all day long. So sleep is essental, but so is a well balanced diet. If people didn't eat so much sugars that burn in your body like *snap* that... then they wouldn't be out of energy so much, If they ate things like their vegetables, which has the actual energy that your body needs (See Photosynthesis) then, they would be set for a while. But people of today dont take care of their body, they eat all the sugars they can because they think it gives them the energy that someone needs but it doesn't... it just gives them a quick fix on feeling energized.

Cellular resperation; sugar is not the essental need for energy in your body.

Check this out, it is an example of why sugar is not good for the energy in your body.

If your body has to work (use energy) to burn off the sugar from the gummy bear's its no wonder your body is not energized, its because it is using all of its energy to do what the Potassium Chloride is doing.

the point is, people are going to end up killing themselves with drinks like these because their body is not trained well enough to handle them. Maybe the youngsters (im 16 haha) body can withstand it while their a kid because their body is healthier than that of an adult's is, but just imagine them doing it as an adult.

Edited by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history)

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Haha, when I saw the title I thought someone (a few people, not a company) had made a drink with cocaine in it or something :lol:But to be honest, alot of people drink lots of coffee, and it usually ends up to around that amount, so if they drink one every now again I doubt it will be deadly...but still, you'll get the idiots who drink loads...their fault, really

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Their is sommet alternitve to energy drinks - its called coffee or tea, i personally hate coffee but a good strong mug of English Tea always helps. I hate Redbull anyway its tastes horrible and has a huge taste of chemicly added rasberry. Lucosaze i suppose is acceptable as an energy drink buit enything else you might as well drink alcahol

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The only time I have ever found use for energy drinks is coming up to exams and getting coursework finished. I don't really drink it any other time because I have seen how much coffee dad needs to drink to just feel alive in the morning, and drinking like that is something I want to avoid.

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I don?t consume energy drinks, they?re no good. The "cocaine" is appropiated because, although it doesn?t have any amount of that drug... are the results of energy drinks so different from real drugs? I don?t think so. In fact they?re like a new kind of light drugs more socially accepted. Just chemicals after all, that people have and then make sort of apologizes like "I am very busy", "I?m too stressed", "I need to sleep few hours"... well, if we didn?t live this way (for example leaving the exams to the last night) we wouldn?t have to force our organism to such extents. They?re no good, doctors don?t recommend energy drinks, they recommedn vitamins or something else but not these drinks.Anyway, If I would like some "cocaine", I?ll definitely go for the original. :lol:

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Yeah i have heard about this cocaine energy drink but its not in my state (michigan) or else i would try it. I have had the monster and red bull rarely but they are both pretty good. I like how on the side of a can of monster theres something that says like warning drink responsibility limit of 3 can a day. I find that to be pretty amusing.

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The only time I have ever found use for energy drinks is coming up to exams and getting coursework finished. I don't really drink it any other time because I have seen how much coffee dad needs to drink to just feel alive in the morning, and drinking like that is something I want to avoid.

I would not suggest drinking energy drinks before any exams. Caffiene is NOT good for you, no-matter how much people say it is. It's a quick burst of energy that will leave you burned out and tired a couple hours later.

Then there's the addiction factor - when you start drinking them regularly, your going to have a hard time without them, and they cost a LOT. I generally try to stay away from caffeine altogether. As Albus said, if you'd eat your veggies, and especially fruits, you won't need energy drinks. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate, it burns quick and hot, leaving you worn out. Complex carbohydrates, found in many vegetables and fruits keep your body going ALL day.

I personally am quite against energy drinks. It give people just another way to head down the easy path. It IS you choice. But may I just say, make it wisely and stay away from them?

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Imagine what the Shoutbox woud be like if Pleno, AD, SM and the crowd of crazies got wired up on this junk?SCARY concept.

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Interesting. I've never had an energy drink. Just never really bothered. I used to drink Surge, well that was good LOL. Some of my friends drink Rockstar and Monster all the time. I will have to try one soon. Since I am not a morning person and I have to get up at 5:30. Sooner or later somebody will probably sue over a problem with it.

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Energy drinks are just a waste. They are really expensive (Cocaine looks really expensive) and wear you down. If have never had an energy drink and probably never will. After people drink them they just go wacko and aren't themselves, then have those bad setbacks where they are depressed and worn down. It doesn't do any good, and I don't think Cocaine will be any different, although it might attract some druggies with it's name lol

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